My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Runaway Crusaders

Author's note: This fanfic begins right after the scene where the entire town coldly shuns the CMC for their gossip column as "Gabby Gums". Everything else in this episode before that happend exactly as it did in the show.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo could only hang their heads in despair as all around them, the whole town slammed it's doors, and windows in their faces, with some ponies even pulling in their welcome mats. It was no use. How could they get another story to satisfy Diamond Tiara if nopony, not even their own friends and family would talk to them, or even give them a chance to explain? The simple anwser was, they couldn't.

Finally giving up, the Crusaders sadly headed back to their clubhouse, the only place that felt safe to them anymore in a neighborhood they seemed to be no longer welcome in. Entering their "sanctuary", and closing the door behind them, the three little fillies could do nothing but reflect on all that had happend, and wonder just how things had gotten so bad. When they'd joined their school newspaper, "The Foal Free Press", a week ago in attempt to get their cutie marks in journalism, they'd never imagined that things would end up like this.

"We just wanted our cutie marks...", a distraught Sweetie Belle said, "But instead, we've ruined all of our friendships!"

"This is th' worst day ever!", Applebloom wailed.

"Oh yeah?", Scootaloo said glumly, "Wait til tomorrow, our most embarrassing moments are about to be published for everypony to laugh at!"

The three fillies felt a shudder go through them, for it wasn't hard to picture what the next day would be like. After everything that had happend, everypony in town would probably be more than happy to ridicule them. For all Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo knew, they would be taken to town square to be publically humiliated by the entire town, with everypony pelting them with garbage as they all laughed and jeered at them. The thought was horrible.

"So what do we do?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I don't know, but we're not leaving this clubhouse until we think of something!", Sweetie Belle replied.

For a long time, they just sat there in deep thought, but a good idea simply would not come to mind. The three fillies just didn't know what to do. At last, Scootaloo spoke up.

"This is so unfair...", she moaned.

"Scoot?", Apple Bloom inquired.

"If those stories were so hurtful to everypony, then why did they like them so much in the first place?", Scootaloo bitterly asked, "I mean, I know that we joined the Foal Free Press to try and get our cutie marks. But that's not the only reason why we did it! We also wrote all those stories because everypony wanted to read them!"

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom both gave Scootaloo a sympathetic look; they had a hunch that it wasn't just the school newspaper that she was so upset about.

"You're talking about Rainbow Dash, aren't you?", Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo nodded slowly, her face a mixture of both bitterness, and sadness. Nothing in this whole mess had crushed her more than how Rainbow Dash had furiously taken a raincloud, and dumped rainwater all over the three fillies for that story they'd written about her getting a hooficure at the spa. And what made it worse was the fact that Rainbow Dash herself had said before that she'd love for a story to written about her in the paper.

Rainbow Dash had always been the one pony who Scootaloo had truly looked up to, and she'd always wished that the pegasus mare would be like her big sister. And the harsh, unfair way that she'd treated them had left Scootaloo feeling heartbroken.

"I know that we wrote that story about her...", the pegasus filly said miserably, "...but she didn't have to treat us that way. And besides, she wanted a story to be written about her!"

"I know...", Sweetie Belle replied, looking to change the subject, "But the truth is, 'Gabby Gums' really was our fault to begin with. We were the ones who started the gossip column in the first place. Nopony is wrong about that..."

"But it ain't all our fault!", Apple Bloom put in, "We wanted ta stop when we realized that we were hurtin' everypony's feelin's, but then Diamond Tiara threatened to print those embarrassin' pictures of us if we did!"

For a moment, Sweetie Belle felt a surge of hope. "We've got to tell somepony.", she began, "If everypony knew what was really going on..."

"Why bother?", Scootaloo whined, "Do you honestly think anypony is gonna believe us? They'll probably think that we're just trying to make up excuses!"

"Then what are we gonna do?", a desperate Sweetie Belle asked.

As Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo kept trying think of something, anything to get them out of this huge mess, Apple Bloom suddenly became very silent. The earth filly was thinking about the last thing her brother, Big Macintosh had said to them when they had approached him, and Applejack earlier to try to get a new story, and possibly ask for help.

Both of Apple Bloom's siblings had been too angry to listen, with Applejack refusing to even look at them, and had only responded with their big brother's usual "Eeyup", and "Nnnope" responses. Big Mac on the other hand, had been so angry that he did something he almost never did: he'd actually SPOKEN to express his feelings, and Apple Bloom just couldn't get what he'd said to them out of her mind:

"You should be ashamed of yourself, humilatin' yer sister an' me like that! We don't wanna talk ta any y'all right now, so take yer little gossip column an' yer embarrassing photographs an' just GO AWAY!"

"...just GO AWAY!"

"...GO AWAY!"

For a long moment, Apple Bloom remained silent, carefully pondering what she was about to say next. At last, she took a deep breath, and turned towards her friends.

"Girls...we might as well face it...", the earth filly said, "Everypony hates us now. Nopony'll listen ta us, and there ain't nopony we can go to fer help. So maybe...maybe mah brother's right..."

"What do you mean?", Sweetie Belle asked.

Apple Bloom paused as tears began to well in her eyes. "Mah brother told us ta go away. So maybe...Maybe we should just...go away..."

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo froze in disbelief as they realized just what their friend was suggesting.

"You...You mean we away..?", Scootaloo asked.

"Why not?", Apple Bloom sadly replied, "Nopony wants us around anymore. There's no point in stayin' someplace where we ain't wanted."

Tears began to stream down Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's cheeks as their friend's words fully sank in. Leave Ponyville, their home, and the only friends and family they'd ever known? It was unimaginable. And yet... They could think of nothing to argue against what Apple Bloom had said. If no one would listen to them or help them, if nopony wanted them around, then what was the point of staying?

Finally, Sweetie Belle found her voice. "So... That's it then..? We'll just away?"

"And...n-never return?", Scootaloo added.

For a moment, Apple Bloom hesitated, for the thought of leaving Ponyville was just as terrible to her as it was to her friends. But Ponyville no longer wanted them, so how could they stay here? How could they ever face the town again?

"Yes...", Apple Bloom said at last, hanging her head in resignation, "We will..."

After another long moment of silence, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo tearfully nodded, before the three fillies came together in a group hug. It was a terrible decision, one that they could never bear, but after everything that had happend, they were resigned to the fact that the damage had been done, and that they were no longer welcome in town. Their time in Ponyville was over...

Fortunately for Apple Bloom, neither of her siblings were home when she got back to Sweet Apple Acres. She had no idea where they were, but it didn't matter. Granny Smith however, was fast asleep in her rocking chair, taking her afternoon nap. However, it wasn't too hard for Apple Bloom to sneak past her, as her grandmother almost never woke up from her nap.

Reaching her bedroom, Apple Bloom packed a few of her favorite things into her backpack, before heading over to the night stand beside her bed, upon which sat a picture of her and her family, including her long gone parents. For a long moment, she hesitated, as she knew that the picture would serve as a reminder of all that had happend if she took it along. But ulitmately, she decided that there was simply no way she could leave without keeping at least one happy memory of her family.

Picking the picture up, Apple Bloom stared at it for a moment, with the figures of her parents standing out to her the most, because after everything that had happend that day, the earth filly couldn't help but wonder, if they were here right now, would they be mad at her to? Would they turn her away just as her siblings had? Apple Bloom didn't know, and didn't want to think about it either. Blinking back tears, she quickly stuffed the picture into her backpack, and headed back downstairs.

Silently moving to the back door, Apple Bloom stopped for a moment to spare a final look back at her sleeping grandmother.

"Goodbye, granny...", she whispered tearfully, before slipping out the door, and heading back to the clubhouse.

Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle made her way back to the Carousel Boutique, and was also fortunate not to run into her sister. Most likely, she was out buying materials for new dresses, or visiting friends. Or perhaps she'd locked herself inside her inspiration room so she could concentrate on her work and not have to see the little sister that had "betrayed" her by publishing her diary. Despondent, Sweetie Belle could only sigh in regret as she headed to the guest bedroom where she stayed to pack her things.

Then, she was just about to leave, when she suddenly remembered that there was something else she simply couldn't leave behind. Using her slowing developing magic, Sweetie Belle retrieved a small white unicorn filly doll from off the guest bed where she slept. The doll had been a gift from her and Rarity's parents, and Sweetie Belle treasured it more than anything.

Thinking of her parents made the unicorn filly wish that they were there so that she could say goodbye, and thank them for everything, or at least hug them one more time. But they weren't there, and so instead, Sweetie Belle hugged her doll, a token of their love for her, as tight as she could. It wasn't enough, but she supposed that it was better than nothing at all. It would have to be.

Placing the doll inside her backpack, Sweetie Belle quickly made her way back to the clubhouse.

Finally, Scootaloo arrived back home, and immediately headed to her room to pack up as well. Then suddenly, just as she was finishing up, something sitting on the nightstand beside the pegasus filly's bed caught her eye. It was the picture that she, and Rainbow Dash had taken together at Sugarcube Corner when Rainbow Dash had appeared to give a speech to the fan club that Scootaloo herself had started. Seeing the picture made Scootaloo stop, and think about her former idol.

She thought about how much she'd looked up to Rainbow Dash, and how much she wished that the sky blue pegasus would be like her big sister. Then, she thought about how Rainbow Dash had coldly shunned her and her friends when they'd approached her for a new story and for help, just like everypony else in town had. How Rainbow Dash had spitefully dumped rainwater on them without even giving them a chance to explain...after Rainbow Dash herself had prevously said that she'd love to have a story written about her...

In a sudden, and intense burst of anger, Scootaloo let out a scream, and lashed out with her hoof, knocking the picture off of the nightstand to shatter on the floor. However, the sound of the shattering frame snapped her back to the present, and for a long moment, the pegasus filly stared in shock at the broken picture, unable to believe that she'd actually done that. And it was in that moment that she suddenly remembered that Rainbow Dash hadn't poured the rainwater on them until after they, in fact Scootaloo herself, had asked her for another story.

Remembering that caused a new feeling of self-condemnation to fill Scootaloo's being, somewhat lessening her feelings of anger as she realized that that had not been the smartest thing of her to have asked the angry Rainbow Dash in that moment.

"She still didn't have to treat us that way...", Scootaloo muttered, her voice a mix of anger, and sadness.

The truth was, Scootaloo didn't know how she felt. While she was angry, and bitter about how Rainbow Dash had treated her and her friends, she was also angry at herself for being so stupid. But most of all, she was sad; sad that Rainbow Dash, her idol, hated her. Sad that it had really come to this. At last, the pegasus filly let out a depressed sigh. What did it matter? Either way, Rainbow Dash would never be like her big sister now. Nothing would ever happen between them...

For a brief moment, the pegasus filly considered taking down all of her Rainbow Dash memorabilia, but ultimately decided that there was no point. She was leaving and wouldn't be coming back.

Grabbing a pencil, and a piece of paper, Scootaloo wrote a goodbye letter to her family, before grabbing her scooter, and heading back to the clubhouse.

As the sun began to set over Ponyville, the Crusaders made their way to the outskirts of town. They had no idea where they were actually going to go, the only thing they knew was that could no longer stay where they were. For a moment, they paused at the top of a hill to give Ponyville, the only home they'd ever known, a final look.

"Goodbye Ponyville...", Sweetie Belle sniffled, "We'll never forget you..."

"Yeah... It was... It was fun while it lasted...", Scootaloo managed to say, trying very hard not to cry.

Apple Bloom choked up a bit as she gazed at the distant shape of her family's farmhouse at Sweet Apple Acres, but managed to hold herself together, for now anyways.

"Come on, girls...", she said, wiping away a tear with her hoof, "It's time ta go."

After a brief moment of hesitation, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo nodded, and at last, the three little fillies sorrowfully turned away from the town, before slowing, and silently heading off into the sunset...

The next morning, Celestia's sun rose high in the sky to start a brand new day. Inside the Apple Family farmhouse at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack, and Big Macintosh were just about to head out to begin their chores for the day. Granny Smith however, had a growing feeling that something wasn't right. Apple Bloom hadn't come down for breakfast, and Granny Smith had never known her granddaughter to miss out on apple cinnamon oatmeal in the morning. In fact, now that the elderly earth pony thought about it, she hadn't heard a word out of Apple Bloom all last night.

Somewhat concerned, Granny Smith promptly headed upstairs to her granddaughter's room.

"Apple Bloom?", she called, giving the door a few knocks. "It's time ta get up."

There was no anwser.

"Come on, Apple Bloom, move yer caboose.", Granny Smith said as she turned the knob, and opened the door, "Yer gonna be late fer-"

Granny Smith suddenly stopped in mid-sentence. Apple Bloom's room was empty; the yellow earth filly was nowhere to be seen.

"Hello? Apple Bloom? Are ya in here?"

Walking into the room, Granny Smith looked around for a moment before finally noticing that Apple Bloom's backpack was gone. Had Apple Bloom gotten up early, and left for school already? While it was by no means impossible, it was also very strange. Why would she leave without even letting her family know?

Puzzled, Granny Smith headed back downstairs, and stepped outside to where Applejack, and Big Mac were just about to get started on their chores.

"Did either of ya see Apple Bloom this morning?", Granny Smith asked her other two grandchildren.

"Nnnope.", answered Big Mac.

"We haven't seen her since yesterday, Granny." Applejack replied.

Granny Smith shook her head, "Ah just went up ta her room ta wake her up, but she wasn't there..."

"She must've left early fer school or somethin'...", Applejack shrugged

"That's what Ah was thinkin', but it ain't like her to just up an' leave without even sayin' goodbye.", the elderly earth pony said.

Applejack scowled, "She an' her friends probably got some important 'work' ta do on their school paper."

"Eeyup.", an annoyed Big Mac agreed.

Granny Smith was somewhat taken aback by their change in demeanor. She'd had a strong feeling since yesterday that her grandchildren had something on their minds. Actually, it seemed like nearly everypony in Ponyville had something on their minds, as she'd heard that there was some major controversy going on in town. Something about the school newspaper...

"Come ta think of it, what's that all about?", Granny Smith asked, "Ah heard that something's been goin' on in town about Apple Bloom's school paper print'n some controversial stuff, an' everypony in town's all worked up over it somethin' fierce."

"Ya heard right, Granny...", Applejack nodded, "Unfortunately, both Big Mac, and Ah got stories written 'bout us in that darned gossip column to."

Concerned, Granny Smith looked at her grandchildren intently, "An' did either of ya have a talk with Apple Bloom 'bout that?"

"No, not really...", Applejack said, "The Crusaders came by yesterday, but I didn't want ta talk ta them, though Big Mac sure gave 'em a piece o' his mind before tellin' them ta get lost."

Granny Smith stared at her grandchildren, a look of shock etched on her face, which quickly morphed into a look of anger and disgust. "Why, Ah don't believe what Ah just heard! You two should be ashamed of yerselves, treatin' yer little sister like that!"

Applejack and Big Mac were stunned by their grandmother's angry words.

"What?", they both said in shock, before Applejack said, "Why are ya mad at us? Apple Bloom an' her friends are th' ones who..."

But Granny Smith wasn't having it. "Ah' know what she an' her friends did!", she snapped, "But there ain't nothin' right 'bout th' way you two acted! How could you be so harsh with yer sister? An' over somethin' as stupid as a gossip column?"

"But Granny...", Applejack protested.

"Look...", Granny Smith said, calming down some, "I know what they did was wrong, but do ya honestly think that Apple Bloom would hurt either of ya on purpose?"

That brought Applejack, and Big Mac up short, because deep down, despite how angry they'd been at Apple Bloom, they knew that their grandmother was right.

"Ya'll seem ta forget that Apple Bloom an' her friends are just little fillies.", Granny Smith continued, "All little fillies make mistakes. They don't know any better. And th' thing ta do when ya'll have a problem is ta talk things over with 'em so ya'll can get everythin' straightened out! Not yell at 'em and shut 'em out like you two did! Come ta think of it, that's probably why she left so early, she was probably afraid ta even look at ya!"

"We... We didn't mean...", Applejack stammered.

"Ah hate ta say this, darlin'...", Granny Smith sighed, "But Ah' fear that if yer Ma and Pa were here, they'd be mighty disappointed in th' two of ya just like Ah am right now. We always tried to teach ya that two wrongs don't make a right, an' what you two did ta yer little sister an' her friends was probably just as hurtful as anything written in that gossip column."

Applejack's ears began to droop at her grandmother's words, "But... But..."

"Enough. Ah've got some work ta do inside. In th' meantime, it seems ta me that ya'll have a lot ta think about..."

And with that, Granny Smith headed back inside farmhouse as Applejack and Big Mac looked on. For a long moment, the two siblings just stood there as their grandmother's words continued to resonate throughout their heads. And before long, they began to think back to that moment yesterday afternoon when Apple Bloom and her friends had approached them to try and reason with them and ask for help.

Looking back at how she'd shut out her little sister like that, as the little filly had pleaded with her siblings to listen to her, was enough to make Applejack's heart shrivel up in guilt. She knew how much Apple Bloom looked up to her, and the orange earth pony could only imagine how terrible her behavior had made her little sister feel.

At the same time, Big Mac recalled how he'd berated the Crusaders and told them to go away. He'd been just as angry as Applejack. Angry enough that he'd actually verbally expressed it, something very out of character for him. But now, after what Granny Smith had said, the only thing the earth stallion could think about was Apple Bloom sadly walking away with her friends, her little heart broken, having been coldly turned away by her own family.

At last, Applejack looked imploringly at her big brother, as if silently begging him to tell her that their grandmother was wrong, that they hadn't been too hard on their little sister. But after an agonizingly long moment, Big Mac only hung his head in shame, and said nothing.

Getting no reassurance from her brother, Applejack could only bury her face in her hat, overcome with remorse as Granny Smith's words fully sank in.

"Oh, Apple Bloom...", Applejack moaned.

After another long moment of reflection, Applejack finally let out a long sigh, and looked back up her brother, with the two siblings sharing a silent nod. They knew now what they needed to do. Granny Smith was right, they had to straighten things out with their little sister...

And so, some time later, Applejack, and Big Mac took a break from their chores, and headed back inside to talk to Granny Smith again.

"Granny...", Applejack said, "Big Mac, an' Ah were thinkin' about what ya said earlier and...well...if mah memory serves me right, it should soon be about time for recess ta begin at th' Ponyville Schoolhouse, so Big Mac an' Ah thought that maybe we could take this time ta go have a little talk with Apple Bloom..."

"Eeyup.", Big Mac agreed.

Granny Smith smiled, "Now that's th' Applejack, an' Big Mac Ah know an' love! Go, with mah blessin'. The rest of th' chores can wait fer a spell."

"Thanks, Granny. We won't be long.", Applejack said, before heading out the door with Big Mac.

Applejack and Big Mac arrived at the Ponyville Schoolhouse just in time for recess to start, and as they approached the front entrance, a large group of schoolponies came rushing out, with the two siblings barely managing to avoid being knocked over. But as they regained their bearings, they suddenly realized that they didn't see Apple Bloom anywhere in the group that had just exited.

Somewhat puzzled, Applejack and Big Mac headed inside, where they found Cheerlie busy at her desk grading papers.

"Oh, hello Applejack. Hello Big Mac.", Cheerlie greeted them with a smile, "Is there something I can do for you?"

"Cheerlie, is Apple Bloom here?", Applejack asked.

"No, she isn't.", Cheerlie replied, looking a bit confused. "She never came in this morning. Actually, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo didn't come in today either. I thought the three of them were out sick.".

It was true. Now that Cheerlie mentioned it, Applejack and Big Mac suddenly realized that they hadn't seen Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo outside either.

"That's strange.", Cheerlie continued, "They've never played hooky before. It's not like them."

As Applejack and Big Mac exited the schoolhouse, they began to grow rather concerned. Cheerlie was right; skipping school was not like Apple Bloom, or her friends at all. And Granny Smith had been sure that their little sister had left this morning.

Then, a thought came to the two siblings, and they promptly began to trek back towards Sweet Apple Acres, before heading in the direction of the Crusaders' clubhouse. Perhaps being exposed as Gabby Gums had upset Apple Bloom, and her friends so much that they were spending the day hiding out there. It'd make perfect sense. However, upon arriving at the clubhouse, Applejack and Big Mac found it to be completely empty, with no sign of Apple Bloom, or her friends.

Now, Applejack and Big Mac were really starting to get concerned. If Apple Bloom wasn't at home, hadn't gone to school, and wasn't at the Crusaders' clubhouse, then where was she? By the time they made it back to the farmhouse, the siblings had begun to worry for real.

"What do ya mean she ain't at school?!", a shocked Granny Smith asked, once her grandchildren explained the situation to her.

"Just what we said! She ain't at school!", Applejack said, "Cheerlie said she never even showed up today!"

"And then we went ta check th' Crusaders' clubhouse, but she wasn't there either!", Big Mac added.

"But she must've left this mornin'!", Granny Smith said, "She wasn't in her room when Ah went ta check on her, an' neither was her backpack..."

As Granny Smith trailed off, Applejack suddenly had a terrible thought... If Apple Bloom hadn't been planning on going to school, then why would she take her backpack with her? Unless...

"Oh no...", she breathed as the realization washed over her, "Ya don't think..."

Without another word, the orange earth pony ran right past Granny Smith, and into the farmhouse before sprinting upstairs. Upon reaching her little sister's room, Applejack's worst fears were soon realized when she saw that Apple Bloom wasn't the only thing that was missing.

"Oh no! No! Apple Bloom!" she screamed.

"Applejack! What is it?!", Big Mac asked as he and Granny Smith appeared at the door.

"All of her favorite things are missin'...", Applejack cried, her eyes flooding with tears, "Even her picture of Ma an' Pa! Granny, Big Mac, she-she's GONE!"

Big Mac stared at her in shock, "No..."

It was in that moment, that the two siblings suddenly understood the full weight of the situation. Apple Bloom was gone, and it was their fault. They had driven their little sister away.

Granny Smith however, though shocked, and worried, quickly forced her feelings of dread down. Panicking would only make things worse. They had to take action.

"All right, she can't have gone too far..." the elderly earth pony said, "Ah'll contact th' relatives an' see if anypony's seen her! Big Mac, you search every nook an' cranny of Sweet Apple Acres! An' Applejack, you go an' see if there's any sign o' her in town!"

Everything flew past in a blur as Applejack raced downstairs and out of the farmhouse without even waiting for her brother or grandmother. Her mind raced as feelings of panic, guilt, and worry coursed through her.

But then, as she galloped towards Ponyville as fast as her hooves could carry her, the orange earth pony suddenly had another terrible thought...

Cheerlie had said that NONE of the Crusaders had shown up for school today. If Apple Bloom was gone then... Were Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo missing to? The thought made her run even faster...

Meanwhile, Rarity had just arrived back at the Carousel Boutique after a morning out shopping for some new fabric, and gems that she needed for a new dress design that she was working on. By now, it was afternoon, and she was eager to get to work.

"Rarity, this is going to be your greatest work yet!", the white unicorn said to herself. "When Sapphire Shores sees this new design, she'll have it put on display in every boutique in Equestria!"

Rarity quickly headed to her "Inspiration Room" to get started on her work. Laying her newly purchased materials on her work table, Rarity first went over to get some thread from one of the cabinet drawers, when suddenly, she stubbed her hoof on something on the floor. Picking up the offending object with her magic, Rarity scowled when she saw what it was.

It was her private diary, the very same private diary full of her personal thought and secrets that Sweetie Belle, and her friends had published in their gossip column on the school newspaper for everypony to read. While Rarity had been understandably furious when she'd found out, she'd initially tried to be somewhat reasonable with her little sister, and explain to her that what she, and her friends were doing was wrong.

However, when the CMC had later gone around trying to find more stories to print, apparently having learned nothing, Rarity had outright given the three fillies the silent treatment when they'd come to the Boutique to try to talk to her.

"I just can't believe that Sweetie Belle!", Rarity grumbled, "She should know better!"

"That's just it, Rarity...", the white unicorn's inner voice said, "Sweetie Belle is just a little filly. She doesn't know any better..."

The thought made Rarity pause for a moment, but she ultimately shook it away. After getting the thread she needed from the cabinet, she headed back over to the work table to get started on her new design. But as the work commenced, it quickly became obvious that Rarity was having trouble concentrating on the task at hand, for her inner voice was back.

"How can you be such a hypocrite about all this? Granted that it was indeed wrong of Sweetie Belle to snoop through your diary, and publish it, aren't you forgetting that you also snooped through her backpack so that you could read that stupid article in the first place?"

It was true; several days ago, Rarity had in fact snooped through Sweetie Belle's backpack to read a copy of the school paper, and couldn't help but laugh at the front page, which showed two young colts with gum stuck to their flanks. Sweetie Belle, however had at first been upset at her big sister's actions.

"If I remember right, you said that it was "so much fun" to snoop, and you weren't all that sorry about it either."

"Well, I guess that doesn't set a very good example now does it?", Rarity admitted to herself.

But after another brief moment of concience, the white unicorn stubbornly pushed the thoughts away again, and tried concentrate on her sewing. However, her inner voice just wouldn't let up.

"And after that, wasn't it you who told Sweetie Belle that everypony would love the stories in the Gabby Gums column better than anything in the Ponyville Express paper?"

It was true, Rarity remenbered. She DID tell her little sister that.

"And after that, I seem to recall that you enjoyed reading the Gabby Gums gossip column until you yourself were gossiped about..."

Rarity let out a groan of frustration. What was wrong with her? She hadn't been that hard on her little sister, had she?

"Besides...", she told herself, "You've got work to do here. Get moving!"

At last, she finished her sewing, but it had taken her twice as long as usual thanks to her stupid concience. Picking up the partially made dress with her magic, Rarity placed it on one of the mannequins, before heading back to the table to get the gems she needed. But then came the final blow...

"So let's get this straight. You scolded your little sister for something you shamelessly did yourself, gave her and her friends the idea of writing those stories, then you enjoyed all the hurtful gossip, and wanted to see more of it, but then, when you yourself were gossiped about, you suddenly turned around, and decided that the three little fillies were doing something bad! Tell me Rarity, what do you call that?!"

The gems fell from Rarity's grasp, and scattered all over the floor as her conscience finally broke through. She just couldn't take it anymore.

"Hypocrisy...", she said at last, holding her head in her hooves, "It was blatant hypocrisy..."

"Exactly! This whole mess is just as much your responsibility as it is Sweetie Belle's. And yet, you haven't taken any responsibility at all have you? You just dumped it all on your little sister, and didn't even lift a hoof to support her after everypony learned the truth, because apparently, your stupid diary was more important to you than your own family. For shame, Rarity, for shame... What do you think your parents would say about this if they were here right now?"

Rarity suddenly felt ashamed; her parents had entrusted her to watch over Sweetie Belle, and not only had she set a terrible example for her little sister, but also hadn't been there for her when she'd needed her.

But then, another thought occured to her. "But what about after that?", she asked herself, "After she printed my diary, I gave her a talking to about how hurtful gossip was, but she and her friends just went out to search for more stories to print!"

"But perhaps you don't have the whole story. Maybe there's more to this than meets the eye. Maybe you should have talked things over with her again, and figured out what was going on instead of just shutting her out."

Rarity sighed in regret. "Yes... Perhaps I was rather harsh with her..."

"Well it's good to see that you're finally starting to listen to reason. Now If I were you, I'd go straighten things out with Sweetie Belle before things get any worse!"

In the end, the white unicorn decided to do what her conscience told her. As enthusiastic as she was about this new dress design, it could wait for a little while. Right now, her little sister needed her more. Heading upstairs to the guest room where Sweetie Belle was staying, Rarity gave the door a few knocks.

"Sweetie Belle, dear...", Rarity called, "Are you in there?"

There was no anwser.

Sighing, Rarity turned the knob with her magic, and opened the door. "Sweetie Belle, I owe you an apology for earlier. The truth of the matter is-"

Rarity stopped in mid-sentence as she turned on the light switch, and found the room empty.

"Sweetie Belle? Where are you?"

For a moment, Rarity was confused, but then she noticed that Sweetie Belle's backpack was gone, and suddenly felt rather foolish.

"Ah. Of course.", Rarity mentally kicked herself, "She's at school."

No matter, Rarity thought, deciding right then and there that she would just go pick Sweetie Belle up when school let out. The sisters could have a heart to heart on the way home. In the meantime, it looked like she'd get to finish her new dress design after all.

But Rarity wouldn't get the chance, for no sooner had she reentered her "Inspiration Room", there came a knock at the front door. A rather rough knock.

"Who could that be?", the white unicorn wondered.

Then, as she headed towards the door to anwser it, the knocking came again, faster this time. In fact, it almost sounded...frantic.

"Coming! I'm coming!", Rarity called, wondering just what the urgency was all about.

But upon opening the door, the white unicorn was shocked to see Applejack standing there, completely out of breath, and looking more distressed than Rarity could ever remember seeing her.

"...R-Ra...Rarity...", the cowpony panted as tears streamed down her face.

"Applejack! Good Heavens!", Rarity exclaimed, "What's wrong?"

"Have-Have ya seen her?", Applejack asked frantically, "Pl-Please, tell me that you've seen her!"

Concerned and confused, Rarity could only ask, "What? Who?"

"Apple Bloom!"

"No, I haven't seen her...", Rarity replied, her concern growing, "Applejack, what's happend?"

Applejack tearfully explained everything to Rarity. How Apple Bloom hadn't been in her room this morning, and Granny Smith had thought she'd left early for school. How Applejack and Big Mac had gone to the Ponyville Schoolhouse during recess to talk to their little sister only to be told that she wasn't there. How they'd checked the Crusader's Clubhouse only to find it empty. And finally, how she discovered that Apple Bloom's favorite things were missing from her room...

Rarity was shocked. "You...You think she..."

"Oh, what did Ah do?!", Applejack sobbed, "Ah got mad at mah own little sister fer no good reason, an' drove her away like an unwanted pest! How could Ah be so stupid?!"

"There, there, Applejack.", Rarity assured, placing a hoof on the orange earth pony's shoulder, "I'm sure that we'll find her. Perhaps Sweetie Belle knows something. Did you talk to her when you visited the Schoohouse?"

At the mentioning of Sweetie Belle, Applejack suddenly went rigid, and she slowly looked back up at Rarity, her face swimming with unease. Taken aback by her friend's sudden change in demeanor, Rarity started to get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach...

"Applejack...?", the white unicorn breathed, "What's wrong...?"

"Rarity...", Applejack said slowly, "Sweetie Belle...wasn't at school either..."

Rarity stared at Applejack, feeling as though she'd just been slapped across the face, and trying to tell herself that she hadn't heard her friend right. But slowly, and surely, the reality of the situation dawned on her.

Sweetie Belle wasn't at school... Hadn't been at the Crusader's Clubhouse... And wasn't in her room... Just like Apple Bloom...

Rarity immediately about-faced, and ran back upstairs to the guest bedroom where Sweetie Belle had been staying without even waiting for Applejack. Upon reaching the bedroom, the white unicorn frantically looked around, and before long, she discovered the exact same thing that her friend had discovered then she'd searched her little sister's room: all of Sweetie Belle's favorite things were gone... Just like Apple Bloom...

And Rarity knew that it could only mean one thing...

Her little sister was missing to... And she had only herself to blame...

"Oh, Sweetie Belle!", Rarity wailed, collapsing to the floor in a sobbing heap, "My one and only sister! What have I done?! Oh, woe is me! My little Sweetie is gone!"

As Rarity and Applejack were discovering that their sisters had both disappeared, Rainbow Dash was flying through town, and just about to head back to her cloudominium in the sky. She had initially planned on staying home today, but the pegasus ponies had needed her help in getting a storm cloud that was going crazy back under control.

The sky blue pegasus scowled in annoyance, and wondered if Derpy would ever learn to be careful. You'd think she would've learned something after her wrecking of town hall fiasco. But apparently, that had been wishful thinking...

"Hey! Rainbow Dash!", a voice called out.

Turning in the direction of the voice, Rainbow Dash was surprised to see Rainbow Blaze, the pegasus stallion who had taken her under his wing as her "mentor" when she was a filly, flying towards her.

"Rainbow Blaze!", a delighted Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

Rainbow Blaze grinned, "Oh, I was just in the neighborhood, and thought I'd try to catch up with an old buddy of mine."

"Well, it's great to see you.", Rainbow Dash said, glad to see that the interruption of her day off hadn't been a total loss after all.

"Same here.", the pegasus stallion replied, "I heard about that tornado you, and the other pegasus ponies in Ponyville pulled off to save the rainy season."

Rainbow Dash beamed with pride, "Really?"

"I always knew that I'd taught you well." Rainbow Blaze smiled proudly.

"Well...I'm not sure I deserve all of the credit...", Rainbow Dash said somewhat bashfully, "We never would've pulled it off without Fluttershy."

"True...", her "mentor" said, "But she may not have been able to pull through without you by her side either."

"Yeah, you're probably right.", Rainbow Dash agreed.

"So what else have you been up to?", Rainbow Blaze asked, "I also saw that you got a story written about you in that newspaper, the Foal Free Press."

Rainbow Dash froze in horror as she was suddenly reminded of that edition of the Foal Free Press that featured her getting a hooficure at the spa on the front page. "What?! You mean you saw that story to?!"

"Well, yeah...", her "mentor" replied.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!", a mortified Rainbow Dash cried, unable to believe that even her "mentor", her inspiration, saw that embarrassing story of her. "Has my reputation been ruined with everypony?!"

"Whoa, take it easy, Dash.", Rainbow Blaze held up his hooves, "I didn't mean anything by-"

"Stop. Please. Just stop, Blaze." Rainbow Dash grumbled, "I don't want to talk about it. And I already gave Gabby Gums a piece of my mind for printing that stupid story!"

"Oh, come on, Dash...", Rainbow Blaze said, "Being in touch with your feminine side every now and again isn't all that bad. Besides, I heard that you once said that you'd love for a story to be printed about you!"

Her "mentor's" words made Rainbow Dash pause as she suddenly remembered that yes, she HAD in fact said that to her friends.

"Well, yeah but... I didn't mean that story!", she groaned, "It makes me look like great, big softy!"

"Be careful what you wish for, Dash.", Rainbow Blaze shrugged, "Cause you just might get it. Isn't that how the old saying goes?"

Ultimately, that left Rainbow Dash stumped, so she tried to steer the conversation in another direction.

"Well, in any case, that'll be the last story of me anypony will ever see.", the sky blue pegasus said. "Like I said, I already taught those responsible for Gabby Gums a lesson they'll never forget!"

"Really?", Rainbow Blaze asked.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash said rather proudly. "Those three little fillies came by trying to get another story out of me, so I grabbed a raincloud and dumped some rainwater on them."

To her surprise, Rainbow Blaze gasped.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA... You what?!", the shocked pegasus stallion said, " took your anger out on three little fillies?! How could... How could you do that?!"

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe what she'd just heard. Her "mentor", the same one who had always supported her, was now siding with the ones who humiliated her? "But... But Blaze, you saw what they did! They embarrassed me! They ruined my reputation!"

"They're fillies, Dash! They're...children!" said Rainbow Blaze, disgusted. "All fillies make mistakes; they don't know any better! And what you did... That...that sounds like something that a BULLY would do!"

Rainbow Dash's mouth fell open. She wanted to argue, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was, "Don't... Don't you think that sounds a little harsh?"

"No. What you did was harsh!", her "mentor" scolded, "And I even heard that one of those little fillies practically worships you, just like how you did with me! She must be absolutely crushed right now! I mean, how would you have felt if I'd dumped some rainwater on you for making a simple mistake?"

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to speak, but ultimately, nothing came out, because Rainbow Blaze was right, and she knew it. She WOULD have been crushed if he'd done something like that to her.

"Exactly!", Rainbow Blaze said, "All I can say is that I hope you're satisfied, because you've probably lost your number one fan as well as you're reputation!" He let out a sigh before continuing. "Maybe some of this is my responsibility to because perhaps... Perhaps I didn't teach you as well as I thought I did, but what you did... I know that I never taught you that..."

Rainbow Blaze turned to leave, but then turned back for one last thing.

"I just hope that it's not too late for you to make things right, Dash..."

And with that, Rainbow Blaze took off, leaving Rainbow Dash alone with her thoughts.

Stunned, Rainbow Dash just stood there for a moment as she watched her "mentor" leave. At last, the sky blue pegasus began to fly home as well, but as she headed towards her cloudominium in the sky, she began to think back to the events of the previous day. And now, because of what her "mentor" had said, Rainbow Dash began to see the situation in a completely different light.

Remembering how harshly she'd treated the Crusaders yesterday, and over something she'd more or less brought on herself, made Rainbow Dash begin to feel really bad about herself. Rainbow Blaze was right, taking her anger out on three little fillies by dumping rainwater on them did sound pretty terrible. The thought of Scootaloo in particular, standing under the raincloud with tears of guilt and heartbreak streaming down her cheeks made the sky blue pegasus feel as though she'd been hit in the gut.

Upon reaching her cloudominium, Rainbow Dash headed up to the front door to let herself in, when suddenly, she stopped. For a long moment, she just stood there in deep thought, until finally, she turned around, and began to fly back in the direction of Ponyville, her conscience drawing her back to town like some giant invisible magnet. The sky blue pegasus wasn't entirely sure what time it was, but she thought that the Ponyville Schoolhouse had probably let out by now, and deep down, she knew that she had to make things right with Scootaloo.

Flying straight to the house where Scootaloo lived with her two aunts, Rainbow Dash landed in front of the door, and gave it a few brisk knocks. But there was no anwser.

"Hello? Holiday? Lofty?", the sky blue pegasus called.

Still no anwser. Rainbow Dash raised her hoof to knock again, when she suddenly happend to look up, and noticed that the window to Scootaloo's room was ajar. Rising back into the air, the sky blue pegasus hesitated for a brief moment, remembering how upset Scootaloo had to be, before flying up to the window, and looking inside the filly's room.

"Scootaloo?", Rainbow Dash called. "It's me, Rainbow Dash."

Receiving no response, the sky blue pegasus sighed, before opening, and climbing through the window.

"I just want to talk, squirt. I'm not gonna dump a raincloud on you again."

Looking around the room, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but feel a small sense of pride as she noticed all of Scootaloo's memorabilia of her. But at the same time, this reminder of just how much Scootaloo looked up to her only made Rainbow Dash feel even worse for how she'd treated the pegasus filly, and her friends.

Rainbow Dash sighed again, as it was obvious that Scootaloo wasn't here. She and her friends were most likely at the Crusaders' clubhouse, so Rainbow Dash decided that she'd head there next. But as the sky blue pegasus turned to leave, something on the nightstand beside Scootaloo's bed caught her eye, and Rainbow Dash was shocked when she saw what it was...

It was the picture of her and Scootaloo when she'd appeared at Sugarcube Corner for the filly's fan club. The entire photo had been scribbled over with marker. And then, Rainbow Dash noticed the letter that had been lying on the nightstand beside the photo. Concerned, she picked it up, and slowly began to read it:

Dear Mom, Dad, Aunt Holiday, and Auntie Lofty,

I can never thank you enough for these 7 years of love you've all given me, and I will always remember them as the best of my life. But now, my friends and I have decided that since we are longer wanted in Ponyville, there's just no way we can stay here anymore.

I'm sorry. I really, REALLY am. But this is the only thing left for us to do...

Don't bother to come looking for me, because by the time you read this, we'll be far, far, away. But please don't worry. We will be fine, and someday I'll come back to visit you. But for now, this is goodbye.


Your loving daughter and niece, Scootaloo.


If you see Rainbow Dash, please let her know that I'm officially turning in my membership to her fan club, and that she'll never hear from me again. But that's probably what she wants now anyways.

For a long moment, Rainbow Dash could only stand there, frozen in shock, and soul-crushing guilt as the full realization of just what she had done finally hit her. In her selfish, petty, egotistical anger, she had lost her temper at three innocent little fillies, and driven away Scootaloo, the one filly who'd truly looked up to her and wanted to be like her.

"...Scootaloo... ", she breathed as her eyes welled with tears.

Rainbow Dash didn't remember flying back outside, but the next thing she knew, she was soaring through Ponyville almost fast enough to preform a sonic rainboom. Her mind was racing, and the only thought she was fully able to grasp was that Scootaloo was gone... Because of her...

Rainbow Dash frantically tried to think through her panic. She had to tell the others. She had to find Scootaloo. She had to...

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash stopped in the middle of the air. Someone was calling her name. Turning her head to look in the direction of the call, the sky blue pegasus saw two ponies standing in the middle of the street trying to get her attention. It was Applejack and Rarity. Without really thinking, Rainbow Dash soared down toward them as fast as she could, and came very close to crashing into them. Thankfully, they stepped out of the way at the last moment, causing the sky blue pegasus to come crash landing onto the ground.

"AJ! Rarity!", Rainbow Dash shouted, scrambling back to her feet, "You have to help me! Scootaloo has run away!"

It was only then that Rainbow Dash finally realized that Applejack, and Rairty were both in tears, and on the verge of hysterics.

"We know, Rainbow Dash...", Applejack sniffed.

"Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom are gone to!", Rarity sobbed.

For a long moment, the three distraught mares could only look at one another, until finally, the three of them came together in a tight embrace. But there was little comfort that they could offer one another, for each of them blamed themselves for what happend. All three of them had driven away their little sisters (Or in Rainbow's case, her biggest fan who looked up to her as a sister.).

They had let them down in the worst possible way...

Featherweight stood on the bridge overlooking the river that ran through Ponyville. School had just let out, and normally, the pegasus colt would be spending this time playing video games with Button Mash, or doing one thing or another with his friends. But right now, he just wanted to be alone.

What had happend that morning in the school basement had been weighing heavily on his mind all day, and no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't stop thinking about it. Troubled, and lost in thought, Featherweight stared down at his reflection in the water below as the incident replayed in his head...

Earlier that day...

As Celestia's sun rose over Ponyville, Diamond Tiara, editor in chief of the Foal Free Press, stood in the basement of the Ponyville Schoolhouse, growing more impatient by the second. There was still no sign of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. In fact, nopony had seen them since they'd left yesterday after she'd threatened them to find her a new story.

"That's it. Gabby Gums is out of time." Diamond Tiara said before turning to Shady Daze, and handing him three photos. "Run these instead. I want this paper on every street corner in Ponyville!"

"Yes, ma'am!", said Shady Daze, before heading over to work the printing press.

Once he had finished, Diamond Tiara eagerly trotted over and picked up one of the newly made newspapers to give it a quick preview. Before long, the rich pink earth filly began to laugh.

Printed in the paper were the most embarrassing pictures of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The first photo was of Scootaloo struggling to get out of the mud as a group of birds gathered to mock her. The second showed a mortified Sweetie Belle wearing what had to be the most ridiculous outfit that made her look like a peacock. Finally, the last picture was of Apple Bloom being shown a picture of her as a foal with a diaper on her head by Granny Smith.

"Oh, this is gold!", Diamond Tiara laughed proudly, "I'm actually glad those three didn't show up! This is going to be our juiciest edition yet!"

As Diamond Tiara continued to laugh, she didn't notice Featherweight watching her from the other side of the room with an uncertain look on his face. As staff photographer, he took every picture that appeared in the paper, including those embarassing photos of the CMC, and while he had also laughed to himself earlier when Diamond Tiara had used them to blackmail the CMC into getting her another story, the pegasus colt was now starting to feel very uncomfortable about this.

Yesterday after school, Featherweight had gone around Ponyville, hoping to get a few more photos before heading home, but instead, he found himself following the CMC around as they tried to find a new story for Diamond Tiara. As a result, Featherweight had seen first hoof how everypony in town, angry at the hurtful gossip, had coldly shunned the CMC. And Featherweight had seen just how sad Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo had been when nopony, not even their friends and family, would talk to them.

Maybe things really were going too far...

Diamond Tiara suddenly looked up to see Featherweight coming toward her. "Ah, my loyal staff photographer!", she said, "I really have to thank you, Featherweight. If it weren't for you getting us all these great pictures, I doubt that we'd ever have gotten this far!"

"Uh... Thanks, chief...", Featherweight said uncomfortably at her praise, "Actually... that's kinda want I want to talk to you about... You see, I've been thinking..."

"That's a dangerous pastime...", Diamond Tiara chuckled.

"Yeah... Well, anyways... I was thinking that... Well... The Gabby Gums column has been fun and all, but maybe...maybe we just scrap it, and print something else..."

For a long, tense moment, Diamond Tiara just stared at her staff photographer, and blinked. Then, she suddenly burst into almost hysterical laughter. But her laughter slowly came to a stop as she saw that Featherweight wasn't laughing as well, "You're SERIOUS?!"

Featherweight gulped. "Well, it's just that... I was following the Crusaders around town yesterday, and everypony in town was really mad at them. Maybe they were right, and these stories really are hurting everyponies' feelings. Maybe we really should stop before things get any worse."

Diamond Tiara fixed him with a cold, hard glare. "Something must be wrong with your hearing Feathers, because apparently, you didn't hear what I told the blank flanks yesterday. So let me make myself perfectly clear. I DO NOT give a single flying feather about FEELINGS! And what is it with everypony anyways? If they really hate Gabby Gums, then why did they like the stories so much in the first place?!"

"I don't know, but...", Featherweight shook his head, "But nothing like this ever happend when my sister Namby Pamby was running things..."

"Don't talk to me about Namby Pamby!", Diamond Tiara snapped, "Your sister doesn't run this paper anymore, I do! Miss Cheerlie put me in charge, and what I say goes! And I say that Gabby Gums is the key to our success, so we are sticking with it, and NOPONY is going to change my mind! If ponies didn't want their feelings to get hurt, then they should have thought of that before they let Gabby Gums get so popular!"

"L-look, chief...", Featherweight said hesitantly, "I... I just don't think that..."

"Excuse me?! You're not getting paid to THINK, Featherhead!"

Featherweight blinked. "Um, I'm not getting paid at all..."

"Whatever!", Diamond Tiara snarled, "Just remember this. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even BE our staff photographer! In fact, you would've been lucky if you were allowed to stay and work on the printing press with Shady Daze! So if I were you, I'd just be grateful, and get back to work!"

Featherweight was frightened, for he knew that he was walking on some very thin ice by getting on Diamond Tiara's bad side. But for a brief moment, he managed to muster up just enough bravery to stand his ground.

"And what if, just out of curiosity, I say no?"

It took all of Featherweight's restraint not to flinch after he'd said that, because he was so sure that Diamond Tiara was about to explode in his face. But to his surpise, she smiled...

"I'm so glad you asked...", the pink earth filly said sweetly before heading over to her desk, and pulling a folder out of one of the drawers, "If you'd just come over here for moment..."

The warning bells in Featherweight's head were ringing like crazy as he walked over to the desk. He had just stood his ground against Diamond Tiara, and she was smiling. That was NOT a good sign.

Then, Diamond Tiara took a single photo out of folder, and pushed it towards Featherweight. "Look familiar?", she asked, still smiling.

Featherweight felt his eyes go wide as he stared at the photo. No, it couldn't be. But he could see it with his own eyes, and he did indeed recognize the incident in question...

A few days ago, Featherweight had invited two of his friends, Rumble, and Button Mash over to his house to hang out. The colts had been busy playing a new video game that Button had brought over when Featherweight suddenly had to use the bathroom. But the pegasus colt had been winning the game and didn't want to leave, so he desperately tried to hold it in until it was over. Unfortunately, his bladder hadn't cooperated with him, and by the time the game was over, a puddle had formed where Featherweight was sitting. While his two friends had had a good laugh about it, they'd promised not to tell anypony else.

But somehow, somepony had taken a photograph of that embarrassing moment, the very same photograph that Featherweight was staring at right now. And the very same photograph that Diamond Tiara had in her possession.

"Where did you... How did you...", the mortified pegasus colt stammered.

"Let's just say that you're not the only around here who knows how to use a camera.", Diamond Tiara smirked, "You see, as boss around here, I have to make sure that all of those who work for me stay motivated to do their jobs. I'm sure that we understand each other, no?"

Featherweight's courage crumbled as he realized what she was implying. No, he could NOT let everypony see that picture. He'd be the laughing stock of Ponyville, and he'd never be able to show his face in town again, just like the CMC.

"...Yes, ma'am...", he said at last.

"Now that's a good boy!", Diamond Tiara said, "Now get out there, and get me some more juicy pictures. After all, it would be a shame if we had to use this one for the next Gabby Gums story..."

Dispirited, Featherweight nodded in defeat, and slowly made his way out of the basement as a smug Diamond Tiara looked on.

Back in the present...

Thinking back on that moment, Featherweight found that he didn't know what to do. On one hoof, he really didn't want to keep taking hurtful pictures for Diamond Tiara, but at the same time, he knew that if he didn't, he would be the next edition of Gabby Gums. He soon found himself wondering if this how the Crusaders felt yesterday after they had been threatened by Diamond Tiara?

Thinking about the Crusaders made Featherweight feel even worse, for he knew that this whole mess was just as much his fault as it was theirs. While they had been the ones who started the Gabby Gums column, it had been him, as staff photographer, who had taken all of the photos. And not only that, it had been Diamond Tiara, as editor in chief, who had approved all of the stories, and demanded that they get her more when they'd wanted to stop. And yet, it was the Crusaders, and the Crusaders alone who had recieved all of the blame for the hurtful gossip.

The whole town was mad at them, and nopony would even talk to them, not even their friends and family, which was almost certainly the reason why they failed to get Diamond Tiara another story. And now, their most embarrassing moments were about to be passed around town for everypony to see.

"Not fair... It's not fair...", Featherweight muttered.

For a brief moment, he considered maybe telling somepony what was really going on... No! If he blew the whistle on Diamond Tiara, she'd have that picture of him on the streets faster than he could blink, and he'd be lucky if that was the ONLY thing she did. And besides, he had seen how the angry townsponies had treated the CMC for the Gabby Gums gossip. What would they do if they found out that he was the one who had taken all of those embarassing photographs?

"Oh, what am I supposed to do?", Featherweight moaned. He wanted to do something. He did. But he was afraid. Afraid of what would happen if he told the truth...

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash raced as fast as they could towards the Golden Oak Library, when suddenly, Rainbow Dash, who was in the lead, flew right smack into the force field that Twilight Sparkle had put up around her home to keep the CMC out.

"Ow! Hey! What gives?!", the sky blue pegasus exclaimed, rubbing her head.

Running right past their friend, Applejack, and Rarity knocked frantically on the force field.

"Twilight!", Applejack hollered, "Open up!"

"Twilight! Help! Twilight!", Rarity screamed.

Suddenly, the front door to the library flew open, and Spike stormed out with an angry look on his face, and brandishing a broom.

"I thought I told you to get...!"

Spike stopped in mid-sentence, and looked again.

"Spike!", Rainbow Dash yelled, "Get Twilight!"

"I-I'm sorry, I thought you were...", the baby dragon started to say, before turning back into the library and calling, "Twilight, it's Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash!"

After a what felt like a very long moment to the three ponies standing outside, the force field was finally lowered, and they ran as fast as they could towards the open doorway...with Spike still standing in it...

Meanwhile, inside the library, Twilight Sparkle found herself smiling as she made her way downstairs. The lavender unicorn had not been in the best of moods ever since Gabby Gums had written that article about her being another Canterlot snob. For awhile, she'd just wanted some time alone, and had tried to keep busy in an effort to take her mind off of it. But now, she felt that some welcome company may do her some good. Besides, she knew that she could trust three of her closest friends.

But as she reached the first floor of the library, Twilight's newfound joy quickly turned to shock as her friends suddenly burst through the doorway in a complete panic, bowling Spike over in the process!

"Sweet Celestia, girls!", Twilight exclaimed, "What in the wide, wide world of..."

However, Twilight quickly trailed off as she took one look at her friends, and her shock at their explosive entrance was almost instantly replaced with genuine concern. Applejack, and Rarity were absolutely hysterical, crying uncontrollably, and hyperventilating. And Rainbow Dash, one of the toughest ponies she knew, looked like she was dangerously close to bursting into tears herself. Twilight was so stunned that she had no idea what to say. The only thing she knew in that moment, was that something had to be very wrong...

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all started talking at once. But between Applejack and Rarity's sobbing, and all three ponies frantically talking over one another, it was almost impossible to make out what was being said.

"Girls, slow down!", Twilight cried, "One at a time!"

It took some effort, but after a few moments, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash managed to calm down just enough to speak coherently.

"It's... It's Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo...", Applejack tearfully said,

"They've run away from home!", Rarity sniffed.

"They've WHAT?!", Twilight gasped in shock. "But are...Are you sure..?"

"Yes! We can't find them anywhere!", Applejack sobbed.

"It's true, Twilight...", Rainbow Dash choked out, "I...I went to Scootaloo's house earlier, and...and I found a goodbye letter that she left for her family... They're...They're really gone..."

Twilight couldn't believe it, and for the second time in only a few moments, she was too stunned to speak.

"Oh, wherever could they be?!", Rarity wailed, "What ever shall we do?!"

Rarity and Applejack collapsed to the floor in tears of despair, and finally, even Rainbow Dash, who had been trying to put on a brave face in front of her friends until now, began to cry.

For a moment, Twilight exchanged a grave look with Spike, as both of them felt a combination of great concern for their friends, and intense guilt as they remembered how they'd treated the CMC the day before.

At last, Twilight let out a heavy sigh, and stepped forward to try, and calm everypony down.

"Please, everypony calm down. We'll find them...", the lavender unicorn assured, "But first, we need to let the others know what's happend. Spike and I will head over to Sugarcube Corner to get Pinkie Pie. Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, you two head over to Fluttershy's cottage, and get her. And Applejack, you should probably bring Big Mac, and Granny Smith here to."

Everypony nodded, and promptly split up to get the others.

In the middle of a nearby forest, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo were resting underneath the shade of the trees.

They had walked for most of the previous night, trying to get as far as they could while following a trail that Apple Bloom knew from when Applejack had taken her hiking near Winsome Falls. However, it hadn't been as easy as they'd thought it would be in the dark, and they hadn't made very good time. Eventually, as dawn approached, they'd come to an area that looked like a good place to rest, and they decided to stop there for a while.

At first, the three fillies tried to take their mind off of the situation by pretending that this was just like a camping trip, but ultimately, they knew that it was useless. They couldn't kid themselves. This was no camping trip, because they wouldn't be going back. They hadn't spoken much about their predicament since they'd left town; there was really no point, as there wasn't anything else to say that hadn't already been said.

Instead, the three of them had mostly just taken turns sleeping. When they were asleep, they didn't have to think about what had happend, or what they were going to do. But eventually, they knew that they couldn't rest forever, and that they had to keep moving. At last, the three fillies got up, and gathered their things.

"Ya'll ready ta get movin' again?", Apple Bloom asked glumly.

"I guess...", Sweetie Belle sighed.

Scootaloo nodded sadly, "Yeah..."

Without another word, the three of them fell back into step, and began to head further into the forest. Once again, Apple Bloom led the way, but she didn't know for how much longer she'd actually know where they were going. However, there was a part of her that wondered how much that actually mattered, as long as they weren't heading back to Ponyville.

For awhile, the three fillies again traveled without really talking. But now, it felt as if the shadow that had been hanging over them since the previous day was growing bigger, and the silence was gradually growing more and more deafening.

At last, Scootaloo stopped walking, and despondently sat down in the dirt with tears welling in her eyes. "This stinks..."

Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom stopped in their tracks, and turned back toward their friend.

"Scootaloo?", Sweetie Belle asked.

"Why did we ever play Diamond Tiara's game?", the pegasus filly asked.

For a long moment, neither Sweetie Belle nor Apple Bloom said anything, for all three of them had been dreading a moment like this, a moment where they would face the reality of their situation. In fact, it was only now that they realized that that had been the real reason they hadn't talked much since they'd left town, so that they wouldn't have to. Scootaloo, however, just couldn't keep it bottled up inside anymore, and at last, Sweetie Belle, & Apple Bloom walked up to their friend, and sat next to her.

"Ah' don't know...", Apple Bloom said, swallowing hard as she fought back tears, "Ah guess we just didn't have th' nerve ta stand up ta her."

"And because we thought that getting our cutie marks was worth a little grief.", a somber Sweetie Belle added.

Scootaloo nodded bitterly, "Boy, were we stupid. No cutie mark is worth this. Right now, I'd give up ever getting my cutie mark if things could just go back to the way they were..."

"So would Ah'.", Apple Bloom agreed.

Sweetie Belle hung her head, "Me to...".

The unicorn filly paused as she suddenly remembered how Scootaloo had considered not even joining the Foal Free Press at first when they'd learned that Diamond Tiara was in charge.

"You were right from the start, Scootaloo...", Sweetie Belle sniffed, "It would've been better if we'd never joined the school newspaper. None of this would've happend... And we wouldn't have had to leave..."

"Yeah...", Apple Bloom said, her eyes downcast, "But we did. We messed up, an' it's too late now... W-We can n-never go back..."

Apple Bloom's voice trailed off as the lump in her throat got tighter, and she knew that both Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were feeling the same thing. For a long moment, the fillies just looked at one another, until at last, all three of them finally gave in to their pain, and let the tears come, throwing their hooves around one another in a tight embrace as their little bodies were wracked with heavy sobs. Ever since they'd left town, they'd tried to keep their emotions in check, but they just couldn't do it anymore. It just hurt too much.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo cried for awhile, and by the time they finally stopped, their eyes were bloodshot, their throats hurt, and the ground beneath them was wet with their tears. At last, the three fillies broke the embrace, and sat back, sniffling and wiping their eyes.

"C-Come on, g-girls...", the Apple Bloom said shakily, "W-We h-have ta keep m-moving..."

Sweetie Belle, & Scootaloo nodded, and the three fillies stood back up to continue their trek through the forest...

But they had only taken a few steps when Apple Bloom suddenly stopped in her tracks, and looked around at their surroundings, a sense of dread forming in the pit of her stomach as she suddenly realized that she had no idea where they were.

"W-What's wrong?", Sweetie Belle asked.

"Ah'... Ah' think... we might be lost...", Apple Bloom said at last.

Scootaloo began to look around. "What..."

It was then, as the three fillies fully took in their surroundings that they slowly realized where they were, and that at some point, probably while they'd been traveling in the dark, they must have taken a wrong trail and crossed over into the dark, and scary Everfree Forest.