AN: Another day, another chapter. I wish that were true for everyday, but oh well. Enjoy this one.

Chapter Two: The Test

Izuku yawned as he woke up in pitch black darkness. Izuku forgot where he was for a moment and started panicking and then accidentally tripped out the door, where he saw Shigaraki eating a sandwich and Kurogiri poured himself a drink, Izuku could not tell if it was alcoholic or not though.

"Breakfast today's a sandwich. Eat, then Tomura Shigaraki will inform you of your test." Kurogiri informed, watching the news on the TV about a gigantification quirked villain attack near UA that was stopped by Midnight, Eraserhead and Present Mic.

"Uh, thanks." Izuku mumbled out awkwardly as he grabbed a prepared sandwich and munched on it slowly, feeling awkward as Shigaraki and Kurogiri kept one eye on him. Izuku quickly ate the sandwich and downed the water from in front of him.

"Good. Now Shigaraki will inform you of your task." Kurogiri informed as he turned off the TV.

"Yeah yeah. Give me a goddamn minute," Shigaraki said, having pulled out his DS in the time Izuku had started eating to now, "Just got to beat this sorry excuse for a miniboss." Shigaraki answered, keeping his focus on the game he was playing and a minute later put the system down.

"Fine. Now I figured out how I want you to prove your worth to us. Sensei says you're good at analysis and figuring things out. But I want you to prove you can do more than just be support. Because a white mage who can only heal and not assist is nearly useless." Shigaraki gave an evil smirk while referencing a video game, a combination that would always at least make Izuku wonder who he was talking to.

"I want you to go to the UA Sports Festival in two days I believe, get information on a person you believe could prove a threat to us, and then kidnap that UA student." Shigaraki snarled whenever he said UA, making Izuku slightly flinch.

"How can a nobody like me get into the Sports Festival? It costs thousands of dollars." Izuku questioned as Kurogiri handed Izuku a ticket for the Sports Festival.

"I purchased a ticket for you last night under the alias of Hiro Iri. I recommend you do something about your hair and face. Police are looking for you under a missing persons case." Kurogiri recommended and Izuku gulped. Now if he was caught, he'd be in big trouble.

"I'll do it. Do we have any money so we can buy hair dye or something to hide my identity?" Izuku wondered as the monitor flickered on and the voice from the previous day.

"Good morning. I heard your question Mr. Midoriya. If Kurogiri could bring you and Shigaraki to me, that would prove beneficial to us." The voice ordered in a tone that seemed calm, but held some meaning Izuku couldn't pick up on.

Kurogiri raised his hands and let the mist surrounding his body envelop the three who were in the room and suddenly Izuku found himself in some strange, damp underground lab with a man in a lab coat tending to a man who was strapped up to a strange device and said man was wearing some kind of mask that covered his entire face. The man in the machine raised a hand and beckoned the three to approach him.

"Hello Izuku Midoriya. And Tomura, you are doing well." The man said and Izuku recognized the voice as the one over the monitor. Izuku deduced this was why the man had been absent from the bar.

"I am All for One, former ruler of the entire underground of this world. I maintained the shadows of the world. I have been around since the dawn of the quirk age. Now, my duty is to prepare Shigaraki to retake what I had lost." The man, All for One, explained simply and Izuku's eyes widened as he restrained himself from asking questions.

"Sensei has deigned to give you a gift. Sensei has the power to take and give quirks." Shigaraki removed the hand from his face, allowing Izuku to finally see the deranged man face fully.

"My student speaks true. Tell me, what kind of quirk do you wish for? Increased intelligence, super strength, technology control. I have many at my disposal." All for One offered, his tone a bit soft with the hint of a smirk to Izuku. Izuku had always wondered what kind of quirk he would get.

"Why do you have a piece of wood?" Inko Midoriya asked her young son who came home with a piece of shield over his back.

"So I can protect you. I'll be your shield." Izuku's younger self smiled brightly and his mother giggled at her child for the response.

"Do you have a quirk better suited for defense?" Izuku asked and Shigaraki raised an eyebrow in slight anger at the prospect of a potential useless recruit.

"Defense. Any reason in particular?" All for One asked and Izuku nodded before answering.

"Even if it's not the best for combat, as people say, a good defense can be a good offense." Izuku answers, flinching slightly expecting lashing at him for being an idiot.

"I believe I have just a quirk. It is called… Elemental Shield. It allows the user to create a shield out of the air that can absorb any element or force, and turn it back into an elemental attack or a reflection of a physical attack… It is not too offensively capable as when I got it, the wielder had no training. Will that suffice?" All for One offered and Izuku's eyes shined.

"Perfectly." Izuku smiled brightly, so much that Shigaraki turned away.

"Then you will become the shield of the League of Villains. The one to protect them from all threats." All for One reached his hand out and touched Izuku's head, sending a small light through his hand and into Izuku. Izuku fell to his knees, gasping for breath.

"Couldn't you have given him a more useful quirk?" Shigaraki sounded annoyed like a child and All for One raised his hand.

"Trust my judgment now about Midoriya and in the future he'll trust your judgment." All for One responded and Izuku coughed.

"Th...thank you sir." Izuku bowed and All for One cough laughed.

"No need to call me sir. Just show respect to Tomura Shigaraki and you won't become an ant under my boot. Now, do you wish to still be called Izuku during business or something else?" All for One questioned and Izuku nodded.

"Call me… Aegis, the Shield of the League of Villains. Now, how can you help me with a disguise?" Izuku asked and the doctor who was tending to All for One upon their arrival handed the boy two capsules.

"One changes your appearance slightly into a black haired boy with a more feminine face than before, to throw people off. The other changes you back." The doctor explained and Izuku nodded as the doctor continued.

"The capsule should be consumed now and then Kurogiri will keep the other capsule for your return. Just be sure to do the kidnapping before returning." All for One brought up and Izuku nodded before tilting his head slightly.

"So is this like a pill that needs a drink with it or do it chew it first?" Izuku asked and All for One laughed slightly as the doctor looked annoyed.

"Chewable." The doctor scowled slightly at the question and Izuku put the capsule into his mouth and bit into it and swallowed. Izuku's hair then changed colors as well as his face changing shape, along with a slight gain in height. Only a few centimeters.

"I suppose testing on Nomu didn't give that result." The doctor smirked slightly as to the capsule's success.

"Now bring them back to the hideout. Remember your job. Know if you fail, Shigaraki has permission to kill you." All for One threatened, making Izuku/Aegis gulp in fear as Kurogiri brought them back to the hideout.

Two Days Later

Izuku had to force emotions down as he walked to his seat in the stadium for the second year's Sport Festival events. Kurogiri had never specified which event, but apparently All for One had recommended keeping an eye on the Second Year event for some reason. This raised some flags for Izuku as he knew the Second Year event was the least watched and had the lowest turnout, even though it was still very high.

Right now, Izuku was walking through a nearly empty hallway as most of the seats had been filled and his seat was being used for a man with an extra half of a body, how that worked Izuku for the first time didn't want to know.

"There's still about an hour until the event starts. Maybe I'll find a seat later, when some people have gone for food." Izuku told himself as he sat against a wall, being ignored as usual as miscellaneous people walked by. Izuku sat there for who knows how long when suddenly a face popped out from behind the wall.

"Hey are you a spectator? You look sad." A smiling face with blonde hair mentioned and Izuku backed away quickly when he saw the way poking from behind the wall.

"Mirio. Don't scare the fans." A blue haired girl with a bright smile and wearing the UA uniform hopped up to Izuku and helped him up.

"Nejire, Mirio. Why must you two act like this?" A black haired boy with a downtrodden look asked as he walked up and Izuku noticed he was also in a UA uniform. He supposed these must be second years.

"It's fun." Mirio and Nejire answered at the same time and started laughing as Mirio came out from the wall and Izuku noticed he looked very strong, with his muscles he could see on his arms and his body shape.

"Oh, oh. Can we drag him off and cheer him up?" Nejire bounced around Izuku happily, unknowingly rising into the air with her quirk.

"I don't think so. The event's soon and… I don't do well around people, remember." The black haired boy pointed out and Nejire looked a bit down but cheered right back up.

"Ok Tamaki. Then I'll come meet you after to cheer you up. Dagobah Beach, 9:00 tonight. Got it?" Nejire said happily to Izuku as she descended from the air and Izuku nodded, not seeing any reason to argue. He would feel a bit bad if she turned out to be strong, then he had to kidnap her for the sake of the League of Villains.

"I better go to my seat." Izuku mumbled before walking off, stealing a glance backwards to see Mirio wrapping an arm around Tamaki and Nejire and laughing at something. Izuku drowned this out with his own jealousy over their relationship. Happiness and a strong bond was so palpable, it could be cut through.

"I wish I could one day have that kind of relationship." Izuku said bitterly as he sat in an empty seat to watch the Sports Festival.

Izuku watched closely as Class 2-B came out, as he saw Mirio carrying both Tamaki and Nejire in his arms, smiling brightly as Nejire giggled happily and Tamaki shivered at the attention. Izuku watched as Mirio Togata made his way to give his speech.

"Heya everyone. I'm Mirio Togata, hero name LeMillion. I chose that name because I'm going to save a million people one day. But today's not about me. It's about everyone else in my year as well. I'm not too good at speech, hahaha, so I'll be short. I want to tell everyone to push yourself to your limits, like our school motto tells us. It means more than just being the best, it means to prove why you can be the best. So I'll live up to that and always go PLUS ULTRA! POWER!" Mirio flexed at the end of his ill prepared speech and Nejire and Tamaki laughed slightly at his signature catchphrase as the referee, Cementoss, started the first event, the predetermined obstacle course.

At this point onwards, Izuku kept an eye out for any threatening quirks. However, his eyes kept lingering back to the three students from before. Mirio kept accidentally losing his uniform whenever he went through an obstacle. Wait, Izuku didn't understand how he wasn't nacked earlier. Izuku just decided not to question it, as perhaps his clothes could go with him when he was more focused than when competing. Still, passing through objects could prove a threat to the League. But Nejire and Tamaki seemed more of a threat. Even though they kept going back to help Mirio get dressed quicker, they still exhibited strong powers. Tamaki seemed to be able to change his body parts into those of other animals, which if used correctly could be an extremely versatile quirk. Izuku kept focusing on Nejire the most. Her quirk allowed her to walk on air with spirals from her feet, as well as shoot spirals from her hands. Aside from Tamaki, she seemed to have the second best control over her quirk at the moment compared to the other contestants.

Due to Mirio's falling behind, Nejire and Tamaki were forced to be unable to compete in the second round, but none of them seemed to take it too hard. After all, after climbing a trapped rock wall, crossing a chasm with spiders patrolling the entire thing and a rehash of the first year minefield, the three were exhausted.

Izuku may have watched the rest of the festival and taken some notes, but he just couldn't get into watching anyone else apart from the three already out from Class 2-B.

As the Sports Festival concluded, Izuku quickly made his way out early, as to avoid any crowds. He saw Nejire wave him goodbye from the top of the ticket booths and he flashed her a smile, one that temporarily caused his form to flicker as it hadn't counted on any form of positive emotion to occur when used. Nejire tilted her head and shrugged as Izuku kept walking.

Dagobah Beach

Izuku sighed as he sat on the junk of the beach, clenching the other capsule in hand. Earlier, he had decided to swap out a fake with Kurogiri's real one so Izuku could turn back when he might need to instead of when it was convenient for others.

"Hey!" Nejire waved as she used her quirk to walk over the sea and approach Izuku on top of the air, "What's that in your hand? Is it drugs? Are you an addict? Do I need to turn you into the police? Does it help your quirk?" Nejire asked quickly, nearly rivalling Izuku's own speed.

"Uh…" Izuku responded dumbly as Izuku noticed Nejire was not afraid of showing a bit of skin with her outfit. Actually, she had decided to wear a bikini since she said they were going to the beach.
"Oh yeah. What's your name?" Nejire asked as she got closer to Izuku, pushing her breasts close to his face, nearly causing Izuku to start nosebleeding.

"Hiro Ari." Izuku lied to her face and she tilted her head.

"That sounds so fake. So if I took a picture and asked Principal Nezu to look into you, then that's your name?" Nejire asked in mild suspicion and Izuku tensed up and sighed.

"Yes." Izuku lied again with a straight face and Nejire frowned.

"Why are you lying to me? I'm good at telling lies because Tamaki always says he's fine when he's depressed." Nejire stated, some venom in her voice, surprising the boy.

"Fine." Izuku put the pill in his mouth, turning back to normal and Nejire squealed.

"You're so cute!" Nejire grabbed him and hugged him, squishing him into her breasts, making Izuku squirm.

"Let me go!" Izuku struggled as Nejire giggled and let him go and helped him down from the junk.

"So why are you so sad?" Nejire asked and Izuku sighed as he put his hands into his pockets.

"Will you promise to not react if I tell the truth?" Izuku asked honestly, knowing he couldn't lie well to a girl, let alone at all. Nejire nodded as she sat in the sand and Izuku raised his hand out of his pocket, surrounding Nejire by five shields, one in each cardinal direction as well as above, completely encompassing her in.

"I'm a villain." Izuku stated, fire coursing through his eyes as he stated that for the first time. Nejire gasped as she tried shooting off waves to try and break the shields, but they were absorbed and suddenly she was hit by lightning, causing her to scream and spasm.

"My quirk can take any attack and is able to use elements to attack. They do need outside forces, such as wind or fire to fuel it. But your waves aren't an element, but it took the next closest thing and shot it back at you." Izuku explained as Nejire tried to kick the shield, but she got knocked backwards and the two opposing shields kept shooting her back and forth, until she ran out of any force and fell to the ground. Nejire once again tried to shoot out a wave, but it sputtered and fell short as she was completely drained.

"Sorry about this." Izuku apologized as he grabbed a blunt piece of metal from the junk on the beach and dismissed his shields to hit Nejire in the head, knocking her out before she could react.

"Kurogiri." Izuku said the name and the mist villain appeared. Kurogiri told him that All for One had granted him increased hearing in order to better hear orders from far away. Apparently that stretched across cities.

"You're back to normal," Kurogiri commented and looked at Nejire, "I do believe this was one of those whom All for One informed me and Shigaraki was a threat." Kurogiri couldn't smile, but would have at least grinned at Izuku if he could.

"I'm sorry. But it was necessary." Izuku bent down to Nejire's unconscious form and picked her up over his shoulders as Kurogiri surrounded the two in mist.

Nejire groaned as she woke up. She tried to rub her aching head, but her hands were unable to move. Her eyes blinked open and she saw her hands in handcuffs. Nejire tried to use her quirk to get loose but could not. Then she realized these were probably quirk suppressant handcuffs, as Aizawa said police always had to use nowadays.

"I'm sorry about the beach." Nejire noticed Izuku sitting on a chair and Nejire noticed she was tied up to a pillar of a run down building, one no one probably used now.

"Stop apologizing to the hostage Aegis. She's a hostage NPC." Nejire saw a blue haired man order Izuku who just bit his tongue in response.

"Sensei says that you could have performed better. If this girl was smarter, she could have dug out through the sand." The blue haired man berated Izuku, who shrugged.

"I'm learning, Shigaraki. I'm lucky I was even able to use 5 shields at once." Izuku defended and Nejire looked at them curiously. Who were these two and why did they kidnap her?

"Kurogiri, the Trigger." Shigaraki ordered a mist man who handed a syringe full of the quirk enhancer and Nejire gulped. She had run into the drug many times on patrol with Ryukyu and seeing it now was no less terrifying, even more now that she might be the one it was being used on.

"Trigger is interesting when used on someone with their quirk being suppressed. It forces the quirk to enhance and be shut down at the same time. So as soon as I administer this, you become a ticking time bomb. Because as soon as those cuffs come off, you're gonna be killing people with your excess power stored inside of you." Shigaraki gave an evil laugh at Nejire and stuck the syringe right into Nejire's neck, causing her to start spasming. Izuku looked worriedly at her and Nejire looked at him with sad eyes. She couldn't help but wonder why such a cute boy was around and helping these villains?

AN: Yep, Izuku was forced to kidnap someone as his test. And it was Nejire Hado. I hope I did well with this chapter, especially with Nejire's character as well as All for One's. Besides that, I think this did as well as I wanted. Anyways, have a good day.