"Y-your what?" Bella choked out. Charlie had called Bella into their hotel living room and noticed the two police officers by his side. She had to confirm what he just said.

"I said… I'm sending you to get some help. I talk to your mother and she agrees with me. You tried to kill yourself Bella and not just once but twice. Nothing I do is helping and I can't have you bringing Jacob down either. He's a good kid and I thought you being around him would help but that obviously didn't work. And it wasn't right for me to put that responsibility on him. Nevertheless, you need help bells and this is the only way I could get through to you."

With a nod of his head the two officers walked towards Bella like a frightened animal. "Bella. I want you to go with these two officers. Please. Ill follow right behind you."

"Where are they going to take me?" she asked as tears formed in her eyes. "To the hospital. Your mother will join us."

Bella nodded numbly as the officers escorted her to the car. Charlie had betrayed her. He told her they were going on a vacation but instead he was sending her away. Her mother too. Why would they do this to her? Would Edward find her? What if he came back and she wasn't there? Bella began to panic and hyperventilate.

"miss swan, we need you to calm down or we will sedate you." One of the officers said

"le-let me ride with Charlie. Please. Let me ride with my dad."

The officers looked towards Charlie for confirmation. He nodded and they escorted her to his car.

The drive was quiet, with Bella quietly sniffling.

"I'm doing this for your own good Bella. This was the last resort. I tried giving you a chance to just I don't know cry it out. And then I sent you to Jacob, thinking having another friend not related to forks or the Cullen's would help but then it turns out you just stressed Jacob out. He Cut his hair, getting a tattoo and then not talking to you anymore. And you have to try to kill yourself Jumping off of cliffs, cutting your wrist. And all over that bastard Edward Cullen. I know he was your first boyfriend but this depression and suicidal action it's too much! It's not normal. You failed in all your classes, barely even going and getting on random motor bikes with strange men? I don't know what I would have done if Jessica Stanley's mother hadn't told me herself. I want to see you happy and healthy Bella. So, if putting you in a hospital will help you then so be it. And those Cullen's. I let you spend too much time with them. That was my fault. I should have pushed you to hang out with other people."

Bella didn't speak. The hole in her chest was ripping up with every word Charlie spoke. The pain was unbearable. She was being abandoned again. First her mother, finding Phil and not having time for Bella. not stopping her when she decided to leave for forks. Next It was HIM. He left her in the forest, alone by herself. He no longer loved her, and it would be like he never existed. Then it had been Jacob. She thought just for a minute, that things were changing. She was changing but then Jacob, her sun. after their movie night, he stopped all contact with her. not taking her calls, avoiding her when she went to visit. His father only made it worse, telling Bella to stop coming around. Jacob's last and only phone call to her was him telling her to stop calling and not to contact him again. That was the last straw for Bella. She had jumped off the cliffs of la push that same day. She didn't know how or who, but a very hot body pulled her out of the water, performed CPR but by the time she woke up she was in the hospital.

Why did people leave her? Was she not wanted? These thoughts only pushed Bella deeper into the dark abyss of her mind. Would she ever come back up?


"so, here are the keys. The mortgage is paid, and I'll pay the utilities until your eighteenth birthday. That's a year away. that gives you plenty of time to get a job and start saving up. You hear me boy?"

Paul nodded silently to his father's instruction.

"alright. Good, now get out of here. Sam uley called earlier said he needed you at his place."

Paul again nodded and with one last look at his father, he walked out the door. When he would return the house would be empty, quiet and he would be alone. Always alone and never fitting in. of course he pushed people away so he couldn't blame them.

Paul approached the uley residence with a scowl. He hated it and hated the pack but he had no choice.

As soon as he entered everyone went quiet. The table was full of pancakes, muffins, scrambled eggs and bacon. The pack was seated around the table with Sam at the head of it. Sam uley. The bane of Paul's existence. Sam was seven foot, all muscle and no smiles. He ruled the pack with an iron fist. He refused to take anyone's crap. Excuses were not tolerated. No reason to be late. No reason to call off. Everyone had to be present at every meal and every Tribe function. To most people this might seem extreme and truthfully it was but, in the pack, every pack member's parent was a part of the tribal council. Sam himself held a seat while, everyone's else's fathers held the rest. The pack included Sam, Jared, Jacob, Seth, Embry, Collin, brady, Seth, quill and Paul himself. Ten wolves. Ten fathers on the council. Sam and embry were brothers. While Collin and brady were brothers as well. But now that Paul's father was abandoning his role, that left an open space on the council. and of course, that meant a new vote. The news of his dad leaving spread like wildfire which was why the pack had gone silent. None of them had had their father leave before or any family member for that matter.

"Paul if you're going to stand in the door then leave." A voice growled. Paul looked at Sam and sat down without a word. Another voice growled but not at Paul, at sam. Of course, Paul knew it was Emily. Sam's imprint. "stop being rude sam." She chided.

Emily was what the elder's called Sam's perfect half. She cooked, she cleaned, she stayed inside. The perfect little housewife. Whatever. More like perfect door mat. She let Sam walk all over her.

"Shut your mouth woman. Just serve the freakin muffins!" Sam growled. Emily shrank back in fear and did as told. It was sickening to watch but Sam was the chief and the alpha. What he said was law. Especially after what Sam did to Emily years back when he first phased. He had wanted to mark her, but she didn't want to and in the mist of the argument, Sam scarred her. phased right there in the bedroom. He was a wreck for months. It took Emily herself to come after him and get him back in order. Now they lived in a sick reality of dominate verbally abusive husband and his quiet little wife.

"Saaam!" a high pitch voice called. Paul resisted the urge to roll his eyes. If Sam saw, he would certainly hit him. no one disrespected the alpha's mate. you see with Sam being the alpha and the chief of the tribe by law , he could do whatever he wanted literally and whomever he wanted.

Leah clearwater was Sam's girlfriend before he phased. But then the day came where Sam met Emily and it was all over. Sam's wolf wanted Emily, but the man only wanted Leah and with his power the man and the wolf decided to compromise.

Leah was Sam's mate, but Emily was his imprint and to make it worse, they were cousins. How sick was that. Two cousins living in the same house and doing the same guy but once again, Sam was king, so no one tried to overrule him.

"Hey sexy." Sam purred as he grabbed Leah and proceeded to make out with her right there at the breakfast table.

"gross." A voice mumbled. In that moment everyone froze. Paul shook his head. Jacob black was in for it now. Jacob black. The blood born alpha and next in line to be chief. However, since Sam was the first to phase, he was reigning alpha and chief. Not even Jacob's father Billy black had power over Sam, even though by blood he was still chief. In this tribe blood was stronger than the law. Sam not wanting to deal with the council decided to compromise. Billy would be in charge of the council while Sam controlled everything else. Of course, no matter what, Sam got the last word. And that's where the annoying baby alpha came in. He didn't know how to shut his mouth and just accept things.

"you're in trouble now cousin." Quill sneered to Jacob as the all the wolves stood up from the table and took a step away.

That left Sam eyes yellow and foaming at the mouth sneering down at Jacob.

"you got something to say?" Sam growled

This wasn't going to end well. Sam and Jacob were both dominants which meant neither was going to submit willingly.

"yeah I do." Jacob growled back

"Alpha? If you're going to fight him, can you take it outside please?" Emily asked quietly pleading with the wolf not the man.

The wolf was more than happy to please his imprint as he grabbed Jacob by the neck and threw him outside. Not wanting to see the kid get his butt kicked, Paul turned away and sat back at the table, beginning to eat his breakfast. He could hear the pounding of flesh as Sam tore into Jacob. Paul could also hear the lingering cat fight going on between Leah and Emily in the kitchen.

"Why can't you just learn to behave! You know what the scent of arousal does to the rest of the males Leah!" he heard Emily hiss.

"They can get over it and why are you so pissy?" Leah asked

"because Leah you just come into my house and disrespect me! You know I never do that to you when you're with Sam. So don't do it to me!"

"Your just jealous" Leah sneered

"ha! Jealous. You may be his mate but I'm his imprint. that takes a higher rank and you know it. now get out of my kitchen!" Emily growled.