Author's Note as of February 28, 2020.

This is Non-Canon Compliant with a Female Harry Potter. As you read, keep in mind that what you are seeing is the iceberg floating in the ocean because not everything as it seems though I am sure people have figured some of it out. This fic was meant to be shorter than it was but the characters ran the show. This fic is still short, it'll be less than 50k words in total and it is near completion as is. It'll be getting a somewhat re-write in the future but it'll be an AU re-write which will be a much longer full length version.

There is a reason why I have marked on FF as "Angst" and "Tragedy" so don't go complaining about that. Lotus in this chapter is 14, in a dark spot and for all her intelligence, being back into a corner is an ugly thing...even if she has a plan, an inglorious plan. Also, suicide is never the answer.

Lotus followed Professor McGonagall through the halls of Hogwarts. It was time for the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament. What a farce. She could not get out of it. Lotus figured out she could have gotten away with the minimum, but she had a plan that would put a wrench into Voldemort's and Dumbledore's plans.

Every year it was the same and it was finally getting to Lotus. She had wished she had never gone to Hogwarts. Why couldn't Lotus have gone to Beauxbatons or Salem Witches Institute or Ilvermorny? Then again two were location based. Magic was great but the people were not. It would be better if she could be anyone, anyone at all, even a muggleborn. First year, well, after first year it never really stopped, did it? Lotus let the hat sort her into Slytherin and that was where everything went all wrong. Sure, the hat said she could be great, it is all here in her head, and it is. She beats Hermione at every score. But unlike Hermione she has no friends she can count on.

Lotus is an outcast as is and certainly could not afford to make enemies being friends with muggleborns. It became a catch 22 for her. In the end, the Slytherins are semi-polite to her in front of the other houses but behind closed doors. The only comfort is that they would never maim her or kill but Lotus knew from her time with the Dursleys that a lot can be done to a person that is short of maiming and killing. It was semi-polite because she was still the Girl-Who-Lived and had political pull. Slytherins were clearly the easiest to deal with so long as you were willing to make an exchange. They still disliked Lotus, and she knew this from her time spent under the invisibility cloak it was the repeated rhetoric of their parents. It was over something she did not do. No one year old baby did accidental magic, ever! Lotus always wondered how did anyone really know what happened that night?

The problem was the other houses hated Lotus too, especially Gryffindor. They took it as a personal offense that she was not one of them. Adults were cruel and Lotus had learned not to trust them but kids, they could be just as cruel. They whispered that Lotus was the next Dark Lady simply because she was in Slytherin. Then there was the whole end of the year disaster with the Voldemort possessed Professor kidnapping her from her bed. Second year she ended up in school late with no supplies...she did not want to go into that. It happened again in third year. Did the Professors finally get a hint that her home life was a far cry from Albus fucking Dumbledore claimed it to be? Oh, how she hated that old Headmaster. Part of why Lotus had clung so tightly to life was because she wanted to piss on his grave one day.

"Good luck Ms. Potter." Lotus entered the tent Professor McGonagall pointed too.

"Thanks," Lotus said and entered the tent. She glanced at the pale faced champions. The champions glanced at her but ignored her.

"Well, now we're all here - time to fill you in!" said Bagman brightly. When the audience has assembled, I'm going to be offering each of you this bad" - he held up a small sack of purple silk and shook it at them - "from which you will each select a small model of the thing you are about to face! There are different - er - varieties, you see. And I will have to tell you something else too...all, yes...your task is to collect the golden egg!"

And in no time at all, hundreds upon hundreds of pairs of feet could be heard passing the tent, their owners talking excitedly, laughing, joking... Lotus felt disconnected from it all. It was different from the loneliness and from the feeling of simply being separate. She was separate, the freak of the Dursleys and unwanted child. She was the kid who Dudley kept everyone away from. There was a gap between her and her fellow Slytherins let alone the space between her and the rest of the school. The quiet settled in quickly and Bagman was opening the sack.

"Ladies first," he said offering it to Fleur. She drew the Welsh Green. Then it was Krum and he drew the Chinese Fireball. Cedric drew the Swedish Short-Snout. Lotus pulled out the last one and it was a Hungarian Horntail. How droll. Bagman left them alone.

Lotus plopped down and closed her eyes. In another life she would have felt pity for Cedric because obviously he did not know the first tasks was dragons and the foreign champions did. Maybe in another life when others had been good and kind to her, and she had connections because you know, she was the Girl-Who-Lived and a beloved figure she would have helped out. But she didn't have the connections, not yet. She was fourteen who hadn't accomplished anything in the world. Lotus admitted privately for the first time that she was bitter about the world. She knew it was cruel, and she had hoped it would one day get better. But Lotus could see the writing on the wall. She was fourteen and not dumb as much as Dumbledore thought she didn't read between the lines or pick up the information from their short conversations after her encounter with Voldemort at Hogwarts.

Cedric was called first. Her racing and bitter thoughts began to slow. She counted forth first of memories. Lotus used these racing thoughts to calm down. Then Fleur went next. She remembered being excited about Hogwarts and how quickly the magic went up in flames. The clock had struck midnight before everyone else. Magic was blood, sweat, and tears. There was nothing pleasant here among the snot and upturned noses. Krum went next. Peace settled in her heart. This would be her inglorious moment of history.

"Take that Albus fucking Dumbledore." Saying it outloud somehow made Lotus feel better. She wanted to shout it out to the world. Maybe her letter to the Daily Prophet would be believed along with her medical history provided by one Goblin healer. Perhaps not. Maybe Britain and the wizarding world would never get its shit together. Lotus hoped it would.

Finally, it was her turn. She stood up as the whistle blew. Lotus uncorked the potion and swallowed it. She took three deep breaths and stepped out into the winter air. Hundreds of faces stared down at her and there was the Horntail. At the end of the enclosure, crouched low over her clutch of eggs, her wings half-furled, she thrashed her spiked tail back and forth, leaving thick gouge marks on the hard ground.

Lotus stretched her arms first and then her legs to give the potion time to set in. It was a fast acting pain killer. Soon her whole body felt like she was a marshmallow. Lotus skipped towards the dragon humming. She was ready to meet her parents. Why couldn't they have left a will? Why couldn't they have picked a better godparent for her, one who wouldn't have left her that night for revenge? Truthfully, Lotus wondered if her parents even loved her at this rate. Hope had been crushed from her heart when she learned her godfather had broken out of Azakaban not because Pettigrew was at school with her, just simply for Pettigrew. Her childhood had been torn to shreds caught between the magic hating Dursleys and a world that reviled her and loved her in turns. She was not the England Wizarding world's savior. But today, today she would be her own.

"I wonder, Mum, Dad? Can you see me now? What do you think of this shithole called life? I really got the short end of the stick, didn't it? Death by dragonfire. Quite inglorious, ain't it?"

"What is she doing?" The murmurs and confusion quickly turned into shouts and demands. Lotus smiled when she got to close and the Horntail erupted breathing fire upon her body. It didn't take long for Lotus' body to becomes a crispy barbecue. The crowed became silent and still. Albus Dumbledore himself froze even as the scent of burnt flesh hit his nose. The Horntail roared out in challenge.

Daily Prophet


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The Quibbler


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