Izuku was pretty lucky that he found a landlord that was willing to accept someone of his age, especially in the nicer part of Musutafu city. The house wasn't anything fancy it was a simple two story house with a garage, about 1100sqft in total. the top floor had the two bedrooms and a bathroom, the ground floor had a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and a small training room. The house itself sits on a small piece of land, it was located about five minutes walking distance from the nearest public transport.

Arriving at the house Izuku sets down his bags and a box of belongings, "Well i'm definitely need to go shopping for stuff," Izuku thought looking at the empty house. Checking his phone banking app Izuku is happy to see that he has a decent chunk of change saved up and that buying some stuff won't be too difficult.

Getting on the local transit he heads down town to make his first and most expensive perches of the day. An SUV. Arriving at his dissiered location Izuku gets off the bus, walking towards the dealership he is intercepted by a car salesman asking Izuku why such a young kid is their. Explaining to the man in writing that he is there to buy an SUV and showing the man his military I.D which allows Izuku to drive or ride legally. Once the salesman got over his shock he goes and shows Izuku around.

A couple hours later Izuku is driving away in a pre-owned matt green toyota 4runner, it's a few years older than the newer models but it came with all the niceties. Making his way to his next destination a furniture story Izuku starts thinking about what Karasuma said last night about becoming a pro hero and all. Izuku argument is that from all the pro's he met and dealt with they only care about fame and fortune. Heck All Might and Best Jeanist seem like the most decent ones out of the bunch.

Before he could get dragged to deep into his thoughts Izuku arrives at his destination, Ikea. After wandering around and getting lost multiple times in the maze and accidentally summoning some demons when he tried writing the names of items Izuku finally makes it to the checkout line. With him Izuku has the few pieces of furniture that he could fit in his cart; a bed, desk, end tables, lamps, and a bookcase. Izuku also had the bar code for the rest of his furniture that would be delivered to his house at a later date. Once everything was paid for and Izuku finished playing tetris in the back of his car, he went home set up his furniture that he brought with him and order some food.

The next day Izuku got up bright and early dressed in a pair of black sweatpants, green compression shirt with red stitching, and weighted clothing totaling a few hundred pounds to do his morning exercise routine which consisted of jogging ten miles to a park then pushing his limits by doing pushups, situps, squats and other such exercises till he was about ready to fall over. From there he would sprint/parkour the ten miles back to his home.

On his way back from the park Izuku is sprinting threw an underpass when a sewer grate in front of him starts to leek, "green shit," Izuku thinks.

"Nice a medium sized skin suit." The 'green sludge' says.

"Oh no a hentai monster whatever will I do." Izuku thinks sarcastically pulling out the side arm he has in his pants and shooting the thing in one of its only exposed parts. The things eye explode in a mess of liquid as it was destroyed by a bullet ripping through it. Causing the living liquid to liquify as it lost consciousness.

"Bitch" Izuku thinks tanking out his cellphone and going to the special app that contacts the police for the vocally disabled, but before he gets to far he hears something coming out of the sewer

"HAHAHA HAVE NO FEAR FOR I AM HERE!" A tall blonde heavily muscled man with two tufts of hair pointing up in a V shape yells out, jumping out of the sewer. This is the man better known as the number one hero in the world All Might, "OH I SEE YOU HAVE TAKEN CARE OF THIS VILLIAN YOUNG MAN WELL DONE BUT REMEMBER USING YOUR QUIRK IN PUBLIC IS ILLEGAL." All Might tells Izuku.

At this point Izuku shows All Might his gun as well as pulling out his weapons permit, but before Izuku could All Might tries to tackle him. Due to Izuku's quirk he is easily able to keep up with the blonde idiot allowing him to reappear behind the man with his license in hande.

"HUH. OH MY. MY SINCEREST APOLOGIES YOUNG MAN I THOUGHT YOU WERE ABOUT TO ATTACK." All Might says bowing. Izuku waves away the man's apologies as he goes back to his phone to call the police. As he was about to press the call button All Might spoke again.


"He would be a good person to ask about this." Izuku thinks moving to tap him on the shoulder. Not realising that someone was trying to get his attention All Might takes off at breakneck speeds. Unfortunately for Izuku he was surprised by this action and accidently grabbed onto the man's belt getting launched into the air with him.

After taking off All Might felt unbalanced wondering why that is he turns and looks behind himself to see Izuku there with the most 'done with this shit' face he seems on someone other than his coworker.

" H-HEY KID I LOVE MY FANS BUT THIS IS A LITTLE TO MUCH" All Might says trying to get Izuku off of him. The only response he gets from Izuku is him pointing down, " OH GOOD POINT. JUST HOLD ON WHY I FIND A PLACE TO LAND." All Might says coughing into his hand, "crap i'm out of time" All Might thinks landing on the roof of an apartment building.

" THAT WAS VERY FOOLISH OF YOU YOUNG MAN. IF YOU KNOCK ON THE DOOR SOMEONE SHOULD LET YOU IN." All Might said getting ready to leave when he saw Izuku pull out his phone typing something real quick.

On Izuku's phone was, "All Might I have a question that only you can answer."

"I'M SORRY MY BOY BUT I MUST GO" All Might said trying to walk away before he disappears into a cloud of white mist. While that was going on Izuku was busy typing his question on his phone.

Looking up from his phone at the sound of coughing Izuku is surprised to see All Might look so dead like. He knew that he got hurt but didnt know it was that bad.

At the look of surprise on Izuku's face All Might spoke up, "Yes I am All Might. This is really how I look. I got this wound five years ago," pulling up his shirt showing a blueish purple surgical wound he continued, "I ask you don't share this information with anybody. Ok. Now what was your question my boy?" 'Skele-Might' asked.

"I was wondering why should I become a Pro Hero? What's the advantage to it other then having the law on your side? Why shouldn't I become a Policeman or a Vigilante or something else? I ask because a friend of mine insisted that I should become a Pro Hero if I want to help people." Izuku typed on his phone screen.

"Hmm that's a bit difficult. You said you want to help people right?" 'Skele-Might' asked sitting down against the railing. Receiving a nod from Izuku he continued, "If you become a Pro there's the obvious advantages; you help people, your on the side of the law, money, fame, and quality equipment. The less obvious would be that you have back up, access to informational sources, protection for your loved ones, and access to doctors. While you also get paid, access to doctors and information, and are on the side of the law the police are a lot more restricted with what they can do. As for Vigilantes they get none of that or the exact opposite. You could also become a doctor or a teacher and help people that way. My guess is though you want to be on the front lines right?" 'Skele-Might' asked getting another nod from Izuku.

"Yeah some of those reasons do sound good and all but a few sound like drawbacks, mainly being the fame and restrictions. I don't necessarily care about money like it's nice and all but I just want to be able to help people and be there for them when needed." Izuku typed out.

"Then become a pro my boy, that last sentence you just typed is a good reason you should be a Pro. With Pro's we get to help people no matter what even if were off the clock, there's nothing to stop us from helping people except ourselves. You seem like a," 'Skele-Might' remembers how he met the kid after he shot a villian in the face, "nice kid. Go to you U.A try out the heroics program and if it doesn't work for you try something else. That's the wonderful thing about life my boy, you get to try many things and there's nothing holding you back from doing them except yourself. Now I must be going I need to get this villain to the police." 'Skele-Might' said getting up and walking through the door where after a few seconds he realizes that he no longer has the villain in the bottle.

Kaboom, an explosion goes off a few blocks away, "OH Crap." 'Skele-Might' says running the best he can down the stairs.

Back on the roof Izuku is thinking over what 'Skele-Might' had said to him about his want to save people. Kaboom an explosion goes off knocking Izuku out of his train of thought, "who the hell is blowin shit up without me" Izuku thinks looking towards the direction of the explosion. Seeing where it is Izuku teleports down to the ground below and starts sprinting towards the area.

Sprinting an entire block Izuku arrives at the back of the crowd blocking off his view of the situation. Making his way to the front of the crowd he hears bits and pieces of what's going on and that the heroes are standing on the sidelines waiting for the right person to show up.

Arriving at the front of the crowd Izuku lays eyes on a one eyed piece of shit that has taken hostage of an 'explosive pomeranian' but Izuku only has one thing on his mind, "I'll be the first to say this from the bottom of my heart, my bad." Izuku thinks before sneaking past the line of officers and sprinting towards the one eyed piece of shit.

"Huh. Its you! This is for my eye you little fuck!" The 'one eyed piece of shit' yells as Izuku runs towards him pulling out his gun again. Dodging under the things wide swing Izuku takes aim before he pulls the trigger he has to move forward to dodge the villain throwing an exploding fist at him. This gives Izuku the wonderful opportunity to shove the gun right in front of the sludge's last remaining eye.

"W-W-Wait hold on we can ta-" bang the gun goes off flinging a bullet through the eye of the villain "AHHHH" the villain screams as it liquifies and releases the hostage ending the whole situation.

"All done in a day's work." Izuku thinks feeling a little proud of himself. But good things must come to an end.

"What the hell were you thinking you Idiot you could have gotten yourself killed or worse got the kid killed." a tall muscular man of a wide build with short white hair, spiked out behind his head, Yells at Izuku, "And where the hell did you get a gun brat give it to me before you kill yourself," Another hero dressed in wood says making a grab for the gun.

Pulling away from the Pro, Izuku is given a look of shock and anger. Before either of the Pro's could say anything Izuku walks over to one of the many police officers while pulling out his weapons permit and gives both to the police officer who thanks him and tells him that after everything has been cleared up and he answers some questions he should get the gun back in a few weeks.

Walking away with the officer Izuku could feel the eyes of the Pro's lingering on his back for a few more feet before they turn away. Answering the questions of a detective and getting his permit back Izuku gets up readying to leave.

"Hey you." A voice calls out behind Izuku. Turning around Izuku is meet with the 'explosive pomeranian' jogging up to him, "I just wanted to say th-th-thanks for the h-help," the teen struggles to say.

Izuku's response is a quick typed out message, "No problem, just glad I could help." Izuku shows the teen before leaving and heading home after such a hectic start to the day. Almost to his home Izuku is interrupted again.

"I AM HERE" All Might says rounding a corner stopping in front of Izuku before turning into 'Skele-Might', "My boy I just wanted to tell you something." He says getting an arched brow from Izuku, "I wanted to tell you that I can't wait to see you at U.A my boy," 'Skele-Might' told the boy getting a smile out of him as Izuku started walking away he raised his hand and waved back to the man as he made his way back home to start preparing himself for U.A.