"Is this some kind of joke?" I asked, not sure if I should laugh, be mad, offended or embarrassed... I was sure as hell confused.

"Can you tell me, what sort of twisted logic, made you think that I am discarding you?" I asked Skarlet, who, despite my words, was still kneeling, with her hands on the ground and her forehead touching the floor.

I admit I did my best to instil loyalty in her as I adopted her... but that kind of misinterpretation of my intention was greatly embarrassing... and tad worrying.

"Tsk. So, I leave you in care of Master Kuai Jin for a few days, for recovery and training... and you start thinking that I decided to discard you, because of your failure? Because you were defeated?"

I narrowed my eyes as Skarlet stayed unmoving on the floor.

Wasn't she overreacting? It isn't like she...


I winced as I realised that yes, I was all she had in this world. All she had was given by me. All she knew was thaught by me... And if I decided to leave her, she would literally lose her whole world. From her standpoint, she wasn't overreacting.

The old me, from a different time, from a different realm, would be disturbed and disgusted with the way the situation developed. But for me right now, could only think of how to capitalize on the situation. I have learned long ago that good deeds come with a cost, compassion was paid back with betrayal and mercy was the fastest way to pain and death. These were the rules of Outworld.

"Master Kuai Jin." I turned to Cyromancer. "I apologize for the foolishness of my daughter. I will be taking her now – would you be willing to take her, in the future, for training?"

"Of course, Lady Izana." He raised his hands in salute and so did I.

I turned and started walking away... only to realize something and stop at the door. I sighed loudly. Has this one defeat shaken her so much?

"Are you coming?" I asked Skarlet, who still hasn't moved from her spot.

"Are you sure it's wise, my Lady? Shao Kahn might object. His orders were-"

"I will obey his orders, but I intend to bend them as much as possible." I silenced my advisor as I walked to the window, to look at the lands that were granted to me by the Emperor ages ago... Shao Kahn would not care about me bending the rules, as long as I won. Knowing the bastard, that little move would make him laugh.

"My decision stands. Spread the news - a tournament is organised in the domain of Sorceress Izana, the best warriors will be allowed to partake in Mortal Kombat. Only those who live in her domain can partake. Entire Outworld must know this. Also spread the news independently, that there are places in my domain to settle." I waited for my advisor to bow, acknowledging my order. "Skarlet will be the one taking care of the organisation of the tournament. You all will be assisting her. That is all." I declared, turned and started leaving.

I did enjoy the look on Skarlet's face. Suprise, confusion and horror were as clear as day. I managed to make my way out of the hall and make halfway to the courtyard before Skarlet caught up to me.

"Mother, you can't-"

I spun around and faced her.

"Oh, I can and I did." I hissed. Okay, so I might have been still pissed of for that idiotic challenge she issued to Kuai Jin. She backed off, surprised by the intensity of my statement. "I have thaught you and trained you, so you could become someone to whom I could trust with important tasks. Someone who would be my right hand. Do you think, I adopted you just for you to be a simple bodyguard?"



Her singlet word stopped my rant.

As I looked at her, it dawned on me. She... she did not resign from taking part in Mortal Kombat, yet, has she? Was a beating that she received not enough?

I sighed.

I give up.

"Then..." I started again, slowly. "After the tournament, you will train under Master Kuai Jin – he will teach you, what I can not. And if he declares, that you are ready, by the time the Mortal Kombat starts, I will allow your participation."

The redhead looked at me with eyes full of determination.

"I will not fail you, mother."

I smiled, despite myself. I put my hand on her head.

"I know."

I turned and started walking again.

"Where will you be?"

"Recruiting, thinning up the herd and hopefully, picking up a few things."

"These are your best?" I looked over three Saurians.

"Indeed my lady. As thou has commanded, these are the finest warriors from among our people." the female Saurian, taking a form of an older regal woman answered my question.

"Can they change into human forms?"

"Of course." She nodded and three Saurians altered their forms and in a moment three humans were standing in front of me.

"Females?" I looked at my companion.

"I know that you would be more at ease with them."

"Indeed." I nodded appreciatively. It was a small gesture, but I appreciated it. "Hmm... have you considered sending your best to Mortal Kombat?"

"Is that thy command?"

I paused. Was it?

"No. I will leave the choice to you. But I would like to have few of your people under my command for the duration of the tournament, to act as observers and spies."

"It shall be as you command."

"Also, I want your people to start regularly scouting my domain and area surrounding it. Double the patrols for when the Mortal Kombat tournament shall start."

"Do you except troubles?"

"...I just prefer to be prepared." I answered shortly. "In case Shao Kahn tries something."

"We swore vassalage to you. There are no rebellions in your domain, no rumours. The Emperor has no reason to doubt our loyalty."

I shake my head and state bitterly.

"Shao Kahn was always the suspecting type-" my eyes widen and stopped as if I was struck.

Was it that simple? He always was distrustful and most of the factions that I gave refuge in my domain, had earned his mistrust. I guess that my good deeds caught up to me...


More then them, he had a reason to distrust me...

Damn you, Shao Kahn! After all those years, have you finally decided to get rid of me? Or is it some elaborate test?

"I will give the orders to my other subjects, but I want you to be prepared to evacuate."

"You won't have us stay and fight?"

"Against Shao Kahn?" I almost laughed as I looked at her. She smiled back.

"Indeed. We shall make preparations."

"I thank thee, for your assistance, Queen Sytholin." put my hands in salute.

"Always, my liege." She responded with a salute of her own.

The portal closed behind us.

The three Saurians given me by Queen Sytholin and Sabe followed me, as I stopped on the edge and looked over the valley.

"So... this is Edenia."

AN: Have you noticed? During the invasions in Mortal Kombat, there are no logistics, no tactics – only simple charges...