Fine Scars

A/N: Not gonna lie I haven't written straight up angst in a while, but I guess this is more Sandy-centric and would go in the SBSP archive instead of crossovers. One-shot continuation of my very old fic "Sick, twisted smile." Specifically chapters 3 and 4. Also, I guess this would be after Stay with Me and way before The conflict, wedding, and rebond (yikes young me and these titles lol).

Sandy waited until the door to her treehouse closed and SpongeBob left the dome to let out the dry heave she was holding back the entire time she told the lil square dude about her uncle. She went into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind her as she slid to the floor. Taking in gulps of air that felt like it wasn't enough, that felt like she was suffocating.

Tears blurred the washed-out blue pattern of the jeans she wore, feeling her stomach clench with another dry heave even as nothing came up. Some part of her still felt as small as she did in that courtroom, remembering all the threats against her and Randy her uncle had said. The not so subtle way he'd put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed the day he moved in.

It took years, years of therapy and telling herself she was fine now and had someone who would never force her into anything she didn't want to do. That thought lessened some of her panic, settling somewhere in her chest that they were dating and he wouldn't push her boundaries like that.

Sandy thought about Randy and her parents the day after court. She took in slow breaths as she remembered Momma cooking her favorite meal and Pa taking her to the Scobee Planetarium to make her feel somewhat normal again. Randy. Randy had just sat beside her that night and let her cry, saying how sorry he was even though it wasn't anyone's fault that this had happened. He just let her cry, no teasing or protests when she clenched his shirt between her hands and got it soggy.

Sandy took in a final slow breath, reaching for her phone and scrolling through her contacts list. She splashed her face with water and wiped it as the dial tone rang and then clicked.

She swallowed, hearing silence on the other line. "M-Ma," she started, unlocking the bathroom door. "can I put ya on a two-way call with my boyfriend? I wanna. . .I wanna tell him 'bout Uncle Don."

Jodi sighed, a bit of rustling on her end of the line as she went outside to sit on the porch. "Of course, sweetheart, I'll be right there ta help if ya need me to." She said, sitting down on in the old rocking chair Sandy used to love being in when she was younger.

"Okay," Sandy mumbled, fingers shaking from her panic attack as she called her boyfriend. She knew that he would understand, it was just the matter of hearing it for the first time and preparing herself to cry again. She was fine. She'd be fine.