Hey y'all! Here is the next chapter. This chapter is more of a filler, simply because I'm a bit blocked for this one. I promise the next chapter will be longer.

Disclaimer: I don't own the series. All I own are Amber and Charlie.

Amber walked into her mother's office after breakfast. Her mom had told her that she could come after breakfast to talk. Knocking on her mother's door she heard a quiet come in. Entering the room, she saw her mother sitting at her desk working on paperwork. Her mom put down her pen when she saw her daughter come in. Standing, she gestured towards the couch in the room and sat down next to her daughter. After both were sitting down Belle smiled at her daughter, "Now what did you want to talk about?"

Amber didn't know how to start the conversation, but she knew that mom would listen. She may not approve, but she would listen. Finally, she decided to just get it over with, "I think I love Jay." She squeezed her eyes, that way she didn't have to see her mother's reaction. She felt her mom's hand on hers and opened her eyes. Her mom looked at her with a small smile and kind eyes, "Why do you think that you love Jay?" She relaxed and slumped in her seat. She looked her mom in the eye, "Yesterday, we nearly lost Jay. I was so scared that we were going to lose him mom. After I packed a bag, I was walking to the front and I remember you telling me about how you felt when Gaston shot dad. I just remember thinking about how if the guards had taken Jay away, I would have died. Jay has quickly become my best friend. Don't get me wrong, the other three are my friends but it is different with Jay. I have only known him a couple of weeks, but it seems like I have known him for years. You know I don't make friends easily; it was always Ben who made friends and I tagged along, but with Jay it was different. When we first met, he barely spoke to Ben. For once I made the friend first and then Ben tagged along. It seems like Jay knows everything about me and I knew him. Jay never once judged me or treated me differently because I am a princess. He treated me like I was a normal person. He is an amazing person and is so sweet. He acts like he is all tough and hard, but in reality, he is a big softy. He is a big dork, one day we were hanging out and he decided to climb the tree we were leaning against. He ended goofing off as he climbed and lost his grip. When he got up, he tried acting all cool and that it didn't happen, I remember just laughing my head off. He makes the cheesiest jokes and he always tries to make people laugh and smile. He also is overprotective of us girls, though he knows we can take care of ourselves."

Belle smiled at her daughter as she spoke. The princess didn't realize it, but while she was speaking a smile bloomed on her face and she looked down at the table in front of the couch. After her daughter stopped speaking, she placed a hand on her shoulder and when she looked up Belle simply smiled at her, "It sounds to me that you already know the answer to whether it is love or not." The princess nodded and blushed. She looked shyly at her mom, "Is that alright with you?" Belle simply nodded. The princess gave a small sigh of relief. Belle decided to further reassure her, "Your dad and I just want you to be happy. Jay is a nice boy and we like him. If he makes you happy then that is great. Now why don't you go and hang out with your friends. It is a weekend for rest and relaxing." The princess simply nodded and rushed out the door and down the stairs to join her friends.

Hey y'all! Sorry for it being short. I hit a wall and can't think a bit. Don't forget to review and tell me what you think please!