And we are back with a new request fic from Powerman88 . This will be a Pokemon & Loud House crossover fic named PokeLoud : Clans hope youl like it and please be free to check it out . Also the pokemons in this story have been chosen by Powerman88 himself who will get who , if you have questions why he chosed these pokemons well you can ask him directly on his PM i only came up with some other ideas for this fic and well i hope you will like it or not that depends only on you . So with that being said The Storyteller993 wishes you all to be safe . See ya all next time . Peace . I'm out.

Chapter 1 : Prologue

Pokemons , nobody knows from what place these creatures came or what they wanted from us. Many years these creatures lived in harmony alongside humans. Until one day humans and pokemons started to work together.

Many type of pokemons exist in this world building a strong bond of friendship with us humans . Some humans treat them with respect some treat them like tools to fight with.

The story focuses many , many years ago between two types of pokemons that used to be friends until one day everything changed...

A race of fire type pokemons lead by a a draconic, bipedal Pokémon. It is primarily orange with a cream underside from the chest to the tip of its tail. It has a long neck, small blue eyes, slightly raised nostrils, and two horn-like structures protruding from the back of its rectangular head. There are two fangs visible in the upper jaw when its mouth is closed. Two large wings with blue-green undersides sprout from its back, and a horn-like appendage juts out from the third joint of each wing. A single wing-finger is visible through the center of each wing membrane. Charizard's arms are short and skinny compared to its robust belly, and each limb has three white claws. It has stocky legs with cream-colored soles on each of its plantigrande feet. The tip of its long, tapering tail burns with a sizable flame , the name of this Pokemon is Charizard .

Charizard always protected his kind against anybody who tried to harm his family against another pokemon type named Lucario . Lucario is a bipedal, canine-like Pokémon, with fur that is predominantly blue and black. It possesses a short, round spike on the back of each forepaw, in addition to a third on its chest. It has red eyes, a long snout and ears. When its mouth is open, two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower, can be seen. It possesses cream-colored fur on its torso, and blue fur on its thighs that resembles shorts. It has a medium length tail of the same blue color as well. It stands on its toes rather than on its entire foot. It has developed four black appendages that hang down from its head, which rise when Lucario reads or manipulates aura, a special energy that it senses. Lucario can study this energy to predict the movements of their opponents and track their quarry. They also have the power to manipulate this energy in an offensive manner, in the form of explosive spheres of energy. Lucario can understand human speech, and have been reported to communicate with humans through telepathy.

Nobody knows exactly why these two different types of pokemons started to hate each other . Generation after generations the Charizard pokemon became part of a family of humans believing they are the most suited pokemons for them and so the Charizard clan was made .

This clan of humans uses fire type pokemons with a Charizard leading them in hopes to become the most important pokemon in the world , the same thing that the Lucario pokemons did bringing to the world the Lucario tribe .

One man named Lynn became partners with a the leader of the Lucario tribe. When pokemons became a big hit , tournaments have appeared and over the course of many years Lynn has becomed a pokemon master .

Lynn marries a woman named Rita and together they are raising a family of ten girls and only one boy . The names of there kids are Lori , Leni , Luna , Luan , Lynn jr , Lucy , Lola , Lana Lisa , Lilly and Lincoln they are the Loud house family.

Lynn Sr. and his wife Rita learned there kids many things about pokemon especialy about the Lucario tribe . Each sibling can get a different type of pokemon , only if they will have a Lucario also rules made by the head of the family .

And so with the kids agreeing each one received a pokemon . The eldest sister Lori Loud chosed her pokemon to be a Gardevoir . A Gardevoir is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon whose body resembles a flowing gown. Most of its body is white, but its hair, arms, and the underside of its gown are green. Its hair curls over its face and down the sides of its head. Behind its red eyes are short spikes, resembling a masquerade mask. It has long arms with three fingers on each hand and slender white legs. A red, fin-like horn extends from its chest, and a shorter, more rounded horn extends from the back. A band of green on its chest extends to the center of the front horn and connects to its sleeve-like arms.

Leni Loud the second eldest sister chosed her pokemon to be a Pachirisu when she was traveling to the Sinon Region. Pachirisu is a small, white squirrel-like Pokémon with a faint blueish tint and a light blue stripe starting from its forehead and goes all the way down to the tip of the tail. A female Pachirisu's blue stripe is shorter than a male's. A large white tooth grows out of its mouth. It has deep gray eyes and a yellow circle on each cheek. Its tail is almost twice as big as its body, with three spikes at the top of the curl, which it can use to shoot charges. Though its arms and legs are very short, it can run incredibly fast, enabling it to tire pursuing Pokémon out quickly. It has a great amount of electricity flowing in its body. If it builds up enough charge, it may shock other Pokémon.

Luna Loud the third older sister chosed a Expoloud as her partner. Exploud is a blue, bipedal Pokémon with a large mouth. It has red eyes, a stubby nose, and two peg-like teeth in each jaw. It has protruding tubes with holes along its body: seven forming a crest on top of its head, one on each elbow and knee, two along its back, and one at the end of each of its two tails. The tubes along its head-crest and tails are tipped with yellow, while the ones along its back have yellow semicircular patterns on either sides. There are two yellow semicircle markings on its belly, but they are rarely seen due to its giant mouth. Its arms have three thin stripes below its elbow and three fingers. Each foot has four claws, three in the front and one in the back, and a yellow paw pad.

The jester sister of the Loud family Luan Loud choses her pokemon to be a Chatot . A Chatot is an avian Pokémon similar to a parakeet. Its head is black and resembles an eighth note, while its black tail resembles a metronome. It plumage is brightly colored with blue wings, a yellow chest and feet, a green stomach, and a pink, hooked beak and eyelids. Additionally, there is a ruff of white feathers around its neck.

Lynn Jr the talented sports girl of the family choses her pokemon partner to be a Medicham . Medicham is a humanoid, bipedal Pokémon that resembles a yoga practitioner. It has a gray body with red and yellow adornments. A red headpiece with three bulb-like extensions covers the upper portion of its head: one on top and one on either side. The bulb on top is short on a female Medicham. Its large, focused eyes are slightly covered by the headpiece, and its red lips seem to be in a rounded or puckered position. Its legs appear to be covered with puffy, red pants that have a large yellow spot on the knees and yellow bands next to the hips.

Lucy Loud the goth girl of the loud house being to young yet to have a pokemon , her mother promised that they will give her a pokemon started when she started her journey none other then a Houndoom . A Houndoom is a quadruped, canine Pokémon that is mainly black with a long orange snout and an orange underbelly. It has small, red eyes and a black nose. Around its neck is a white band with a small skull-shaped pendant on its throat. There are two white bands on each of its ankles, as well as three rib-like ridges on its back. Houndoom has a long, skinny tail with a triangular tip and three clawed toes on each paw. On top of its head is a pair of long, curved gray horns. These horns are smaller on the female than the male.

Lola and Lana being also young to have a pokemon there father promised he will give Lana his Umbreon and his Sylveon . A Umbreon has a sleek, black body with four slender legs and crimson eyes. It has two pairs of pointed teeth (one in the upper jaw and one in the lower jaw) which are visible when its mouth is open. It has long, pointed ears and a bushy tail, each with a yellow band around them. Its forehead and legs have yellow rings on them this pokemon will belong to Lana , and Sylveon is a quadruped, mammalian Pokémon covered with pale cream-colored fur with pink feet, ears, and tail. It has light blue eyes, long ears with blue interiors and thicker fur, a tiny nose, and two stray tufts of fur on top of its head. There are two bows on its body: one at the base of its left ear and one on its neck. Each bow is pale cream with a pink center and trails a pair of ribbon-like feelers. The feelers are pale cream with light blue tips. Before the tip of each feeler is a pink and then a dark blue stripe. It has slender legs with small, three-toed paws and a fluffy, slightly curved tail this pokemon will belong to Lola .

Lisa Loud the genius having the same problem with being to young to receive a pokemon decided that when she will be ten her pokemon will be none other then a Alakazam . Alakazam is a Pokémon characterized by its humanoid structure and large mustache. A female Alakazam has a significantly shorter mustache than a male. It has a long, thin snout, narrow eyes, ear-like spikes extending from the top of its head, and an additional spike protruding from each cheek. Covering its yellow, skeletal body are brown armor-like sections over its chest, shoulders, forearms and knees. There are three toes on each foot, each of which has a white claw. Two of the toes face forward, while one faces backwards. It wields a silver spoon in each hand, which act as amplifiers for its psychic abilities. Lily loud the baby of the family wont have any time soon a pokemon but one day she will have one also .

The only boy in this family Lincoln Loud didnt decided yet what pokemon he will start of with , but when the time will come he will know what pokemon to chose . Until then Lincoln becamed the biggest fan of his father being one of the greatest pokemon masters in the whole wide world and swore he will surpass his father one day .