Chapter 1: Bizarre Timing

The life of Shinji Ikari could only be called one thing and one thing only; bizarre. He had (to put it kindly) been ordered by his father, after being absent for most of his life, to pilot a colossus mecha called an Evangelion to defeat giant monsters called Angels (spelled with a capital A) in order to prevent doomsday. As the pilot to Unit-01 and the "Third Child", a purple mecha with a very intimidating appearance, Shinji has to protect Tokyo-3 from the Angels and stop them from reaching the Geo-Front underneath the city thus causing Third Impact; killing two angels all of his own in the process, until the 6th Angel made things complicated, but was defeated in the end with the help of Unit-00. The pilot of Unit-00 and the "First Child", Rei Ayanami, was an odd one to say the least (though calling her odd is a BIG understatement), never showing any emotion/reaction to anyone except for Commander Ikari, but seemed to interact with Shinji just fine somehow; showing signs of emotions for a bit. Later on, the 7th Angel appeared and was quickly defeated by Unit-02 and its pilot Asuka Langley Soryu, the "Second Child", whose notable quirk is her massive ego; she moved in with his guardian/commanding officer and by extension him; much to their displeasure. Together they would be force to be reckon with, if they ever work together.

Today seemed pretty normal, Shinji and Asuka were on their way to school with Rei later tagging along as well as their other friends Toji Suzahara, Kensuke Aida, and their class representative Hikari Horaki talking about random things; it seemed pretty normal….

…until it didn't

The sudden sound of glass shattering shock the group causing them to look around for the source when they notice a hole in the sky, then they noticed something inside the hole…coming in really fast. Kensuke had his camera out recording the anomaly, Toji was trying to act tough, and Hikari was trying to get everyone to safety, Asuka was trying to look cool by standing in front of them ready to fight, Shinji wanted to run away, and Rei was… well, Rei except for the fact she was awestruck even if her face wasn't showing it.

At the same time…

Underneath Tokyo-3 lies the Geo-Front, home to NERV HQ. Nerv is the agency responsible for protecting mankind from the Angels by the use of Evangelions and, by extension, children. For some reason, only children that were born around the year 2000 or after were eligible candidates for Eva pilots. Central Dogma was where the magic happened, at the bottom of the command center the first thing anyone will notice are the three massive boxes with words "MAGI" on the top; these are the MAGI, three massive supercomputers responsible for everything in NERV from detecting incoming Angels, sync tests with the Evas, to handling government affairs. So, when the MAGI detect an unknown energy spike and can't make heads or tails about it, of course everyone's going to freak out. Just above the three supercomputers were three terminals each occupied by an operator. These are the "bridge bunnies" Maya Ibuki, Makoto Hyuga, and Shigeru Aoba and they were frantically typing their keyboards trying to figure out what's going on. Beside Maya was the chairwoman of Project E, Doctor Ritsuko Akagi attempting to help her junior with the current dilemma, but to no avail.

"Any idea what we're dealing with Ritz?" asked someone. This person is Captain Misato Katsuragi, Nerv's Director of Operations and guardian to both Shinji and Asuka. At Nerv, she is your stereotypical military officer, stern and rational, who's responsible for leading most operations and pilot safety alongside Dr. Akagi as her technical advisor. Outside of work, however, she's a drunkard who leaves most of the housework to her wards and literally drinks her days away with her drinking buddy…who's a penguin (again a BIG understatement).

"The MAGI isn't detecting a Type Blue pattern, however, these energy readings are impossible; it's like someone blew a hole in reality or something" Ritsuko said in distress, she didn't think anyone except for Angels could pull off something like this, but the part that sealed the deal was what happened next.

"Type Red pattern confirmed! It's coming from inside the tear!" Makoto shouted

"What…" Ritsuko said

"THE FUCK IS THAT!?" Misato finished

Everyone looked at the monitor to see what was going on and they were awestruck. Something was coming through the tear, the front was blue which kept extending until what looked like artillery guns on the sides came into view, underneath the ship were the engines which vaguely resembled arms, and finally the back end came into view revealing more engines; overall it was a long and massive ship.

'Still why blue though' Misato thought

"Where are the pilots?" Ritsuko asked

Makoto quickly typed on his keyboard to access the city cameras and found them in record time…he immediately gulped

"You're not going to like this" Makoto said nervously

"Where are they?" Misato asked

"They're in the shopping district…underneath the ship" Makoto said

"Shit" Misato muttered

At the highest platform sat Gendo Ikari, the Supreme Commander of NERV and standing by his side is his Deputy Commander, Kozo Fuyutsuki, both deep in thought of this new development.

"This is not part of the scenario" Gendo said clearly not pleased.

Fuyutsuki keep staring at the monitor not really knowing what to say.

Author Notes

First chapter of my first fan fiction is up for the world to see. I always told my friend that i would make one someday and now here it is. I have three other chapters completed that i will upload soon and I am almost done with chapter 5. If you guys have any ideas on how to improve or change it just let me know. Peace.