Authors Note: So yeah, im back. I know i've been gone for really long, but this time, it won't happen. I promise.

I decided to make another amourshipping fanfic again, just to get back in the game.

Hope you all like this one, see you in the next chapter.

No One's P.O.V

It was getting late.

Ash won the snowbelle gym that day, he was going to that league. He was really excited.

There was also Clemont, who was trying to figure out what is exactly going on with Greninja and Ash's Secret bond. Even though Professor said it could be mega evolution, he didn't think so.

Then there was bonnie, she was just playing with dedenne all day long, sometimes chasing Squishy too.

Then... There was the person Ash was thinking of for hours.


"Ash, can you come with me one second?" Clemont said. Although Ash didn't heard it since he was just looking at Serena, while thinking of something.

"Huh?" Was all Ash could say before Clemont sat right next to him, trying to understand what he was looking at.

"Did something happen?" Clemont looked at Ash worriedly.

"You aren't like this Ash, did something happen?" Clemont asked again.

Ash sighed, knowing he can't get himself out of this situation, so he looked at Clemont, and started explaining.

"It's... It's Serena." Ash said finally, it was really embaressing for him.

"What do you mean it's Serena...? I don't understand." Clemont said trying to understand what was going on.

"I swear Clemont, you are even denser than me sometimes." Ash let out a little laugh after saying that, which appearently caught Serena and Bonnie's attention, who was now sitting and talking to Serena.

Then, Clemont coughed to take Ash's mind off of Serena.

"Ash, you need to tell me." Clemont said.

"Oh my god... Do i have to say it aloud...? I like her." Ash finally said, not believing Clemont could be this dense.

Clemont just looked at the raven haired boy with a surprised look.

Then, Clemont got up, looked at Ash.

"You need to confess to her, you know that right?" Clemont said.

"Yeah, i'll confess to her whenever i feel it's the right time." Ash replied, sounding a little bit nervous, actually.

Clemont just gave him a quick wave, and set off to the forest to get some berries that they could eat.

" You like him don't you? " Bonnie asked the older girl, who was now blushing really hard.

" No... I... Don't... I mean he's pretty cool, he's a good friend- " Serena tried to finish, but just couldn't.

The little girl saw Clemont and Ash talking, then she noticed both of them were really serious.

Although, Serena didn't noticed them, except Ash saying something and then letting out a little laugh.

Bonnie was just gonna tell her to confess to Ash, when she heard Clemont say;

"You need to confess to her, you know that right?" She couldn't believe it!

Ash was liking someone!

Then, the little girl thought something. If she could find a excuse to go somewhere and leave these two alone, maybe something would've happen. She still didn't know if it was Serena that Ash liked. But, it was worth a try.

" Serena, I'm bored, im gonna walk around the forest." The little girl said.

"Isn't it dangerous out there...? I mean both Dedenne and Squishy are asleep. You can't protect yourself if a wild pokemon attacks you." Serena said, not understanding why the little girl would just want to walk around the forest at this time of the night.

The little girl sighed, she then gave Serena a quick wink, which Serena realised was because She and Ash would be alone until Clemont came back, she gave a wink back and smiled.

"Hey Serena..." Ash said, a little bit nervousness coming from his voice.

"I'm really sorry for what happened at the forest. I knew you were trying to help me, but i was just so... lost in my own thoughts..." Ash said, while sitting next to her.

"You don't have to apologize." Serena said calmly. Ash was a little bit surprised that Serena didn't got angry or sad.

"You helped me through hard times, you were there every time. And it was my turn to be there for you. I can't be mad at you. I just can't... I..." Serena then realized how much she said without thinking.

"Well, I suppose youre right. We will be there for eachother." Ash said, and after that, raised his fist, appearently waiting for a fistbump.

Serena smiled, then raised her fist, making a fistbump.

"By the way Ash..." Serena said after both of them were silence for a little bit time.

"Back at the camp, when you helped me, i was pretty sure i would meet you again."

Serena said, blushing a little.

"I knew that you would show up again, and somehow, you did." Serena contuined after Ash nodded his head, signalling her to contunie.

"When you were saving that Garchomp at the lumiouse tower, i was really happy to see you." She said.

"I quickly told my mom that i don't wanna be a Ryhorn racer, and quickly set off to Professor Sycamore's Lab." Serena contuniued, remembering that day as it was yesterday.

"I got fennekin, and i came to Viola's Gym. Since it was the nearest gym,and i thought you would challenge the gym's here." She then smiled, since this part was all about her and Ash.

"When i saw you battling, i couldn't help but smile, that same kid who helped me at the camp, was right infront of me. I went to the sidelines, where i met Clemont and Bonnie. I told them that i was a friend of yours."

She then looked at Ash, who was now looking at Serena, wondering what she was trying to say.

"I mean, what im trying to say is, i only started this journey because of you." Serena said finally, blushing a little more.

"But, then when i lost at my showcase... I was done, if you weren't there, i dont think i would still try to become the Kalos queen." She smiled, while a little tear formed in her eye.

Even though She was liking Ash, she just couldn't believe how nice of a person Ash was.

He gave confidence to everyone around him, when she just looked at him, her entire day would become good.

Ash, now looking really nervous, just looked at Serena. She was doing the same.

They were both smiling.

Then Ash started to lean in, he didn't wanted to do that, but he just couldn't help.

Then, when They were almost at each others face, Clemont came.

"I'm back." Clemont said. Then, the yellow haired boy knew that these two were almost kissing, since both of them pulled back in a minute and blushed.

"Uh... I'll help you set the table." Ash said, getting up and going to help Clemont.

Then, Bonnie came back, and when the little girl saw Serena and Ash were blushing, she knew something happened back here.

"How did it go? Please tell me Please!" Bonnie squeaked while coming and sitting next to the older girl.

"Bonnie, be a little quiet! He's gonna hear us." Serena said, just wishing that Ash didn't hear it.

"Okay, but you need to tell me!" The little girl smiled.

"I... We..." Serena sighed.

"You know how i didn't tell you what happened at the Forest, while Ash and greninja left the Pokemon Centre?"

"Yeah, i still am wondering what happened there, between you and him." The little girl was looking a little bit nervous, wondering if they had a fight.

"He was just... so lost in his own thoughts. And i found him sitting alone in a log, just thinking about something. I told him that he wasn't the Ash i know, and he just stared at me with blank eyes. He really wasn't the Ash i knew." Serena said, a little bit sad now that she remembered.

"We had a little fight. He said i didn't know what was going on, how he needed to be alone

etc. etc. ..." Serena contunied.

"And, you know the rest of the story." Serena finally finished, taking a breath.

"Okay, but what does this have to do with you and Ash blushing a few moments ago...?" Bonnie asked, confused why Serena would tell this out of nowhere.

"When you went to the Forest, he sat next to me, and apologized to me." Serena said.

"For What?" Bonnie was curious.

"For getting mad at me at the forest, he told me he was sorry, which i think he shouldn't be." Serena replied.

"So i just told him there was no need to apologize. He was there for me every time, it was only fair if i helped him that day." Serena finished again, this time smiling.

"Well, what happened after that..?" Bonnie asked again.

"I'll tell you later, it's getting late." Serena said, noticing it was really getting dark.

Bonnie sighed, knowing that Serena won't tell her what happened after that, even if she begged. So she just hugged Serena and got her sleeping bag out.

Serena smiled, even though she didn't have a big sister, or a little sister, It still felt like Bonnie was her little sister.

Authors Note 2: So how do you feel about that huh? It's actually quite long compared to the ones on my wattpad profile. Whatever, Chapter 2 and 3 will be up soon, and, sorry for leaving you guys on the cliffhanger there.