A/N: I was watching "H20: Just Add Water", which I hadn't watched since I was seven years old. But then I thought, what if Rose from Titanic was a mermaid? Then I wrote this story. It's not so serious; it's supposed to be more lighthearted, and I hope you enjoy!

Rose saw her whole life as if she'd already lived it... an endless parade of parties and cotillions, yachts and polo matches... always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter. She felt like she was standing at a great precipice, with no one to pull her back, no one who cared.

She couldn't take it anymore. She went back to her stateroom and ripped her necklace, tore her hair out of the complicated updo, and it still wasn't enough. She had to get off the boat.

It's not like she wouldn't be alright if she jumped off the boat. After all, she was a mermaid. She would change into a mermaid as soon as she hit the water. It was an easy way to get away from her mother and Cal.

Rose ran to the stern of Titanic. She climbed over the railing of the boat and was about to jump, when someone stopped her.

"Don't do it," he said. Oh great, someone saw her. She certainly couldn't jump off now, could she? And risk him seeing her? She just had to pretend she was trying to kill herself.

"Stay back! Don't come any closer!" Rose really was trying to sell this performance.

This guy wouldn't budge. He stayed where he was. "Take my hand. I'll pull you back in." He offered his hand, but Rose wouldn't take it.

Rose was getting annoyed now. "No! Stay where you are. I mean it. I'll let go." My god, what would it take for this guy to go away.

"No you won't."

Now he was just like every other guy. Every other guy that told her what to do and who she would be. And she couldn't take it. "What do you mean no I won't? Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don't know me."

"Well you would have done it already. Now come on, take my hand."

"You're distracting me. Go away."

"I can't. I'm involved now. If you let go I have to jump in after you."

"Don't be absurd. You'll be killed. The fall alone will kill you."

"I'm a good swimmer," said Jack as he took off his shoes and coat. "It would hurt. I'm not saying it wouldn't. To be honest I'm a lot more concerned about that water being so cold."

Not as good a swimmer as me, Rose thought to herself. But she was keeping the act alive. "How cold?"

"Freezing. Maybe a couple degrees over," said the man. "Ever been to Wisconsin?"

Rose was perplexed by this guy. "No."

"Well they have some of the coldest winters around, and I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. Once when I was a kid, me and my father went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota. Ice fishing is where you chop a hole in the-"

Rose was seriously annoyed now. "I know what ice fishing is!"

The guy looked like he was taken aback by her reaction. "Sorry. Just, you look like kind of an indoor girl. Anyway, I went through some thin ice and I'm telling' ya, water that cold - like right down there - it hits you like a thousand knives all over your body. You can't breathe, you can't thinkā€¦ at least not about anything but the pain."

Rose looked down. She knew the cold wouldn't hurt her, but she had to pretend. "Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in after you," said the man. "But like I said, I don't see a choice. I guess I'm kinda hoping you'll come back over the rail and get me off the hook here."

Rose was shocked. "You're crazy."

The man gave her a frank look. "That's what everybody says. But with all due respect, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship." He took a cautious step closer. "Come on. You don't want to do this. Give me your hand."

Rose stared at this madman for a moment. She looked into his icy blue eyes and they somehow filled her universe. She smiled. "Alright." She took one hand off of the rail and slipped her hand into his.

The man looked relieved. "I'm Jack Dawson."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Dawson," Rose said, her voice quivering. "I'm Rose Dewitt Bukater."

Jack smiled. "I'm gonna need you to write that one down." Rose giggled.

Rose was now facing the boat, and stepped up the railing. No, she didn't jump. But she was intrigued by this Mr. Dawson, and wanted to figure him out. Suddenly, Rose's foot slipped. Rose knew it didn't matter that she slipped, but she still needed to sell the act. "Help! Help!"

Jack held her tightly. "I've got you. I won't let go." Jack held her hand while Rose tried to get some footing, but she slipped back. She screamed again.

Finally, Jack clutched Rose by whatever he could grab, and got her back over the rail. They fell together on the floor.