When all was said and done, all the drones put into stasis, guns and other weapons collected. Ears and Eyes found Walter and Lance still lying in the meadow.

Lance was busy yelling at the pigeons huddled around him to leave, while Walter was calculating his injuries. Eyes came to a stop and just stared at Lance in shock meanwhile as Ears walked up and asked outright.

"So you are a bird?"

Lance huffed and glared at him as he continued to try to shoo away Lovie who was hell-bent on- helping- him. Walter from his position beside him craked a smile and wheezed out.

"I would turn him into a man again if I could move. The cure is in my backpack."

Lance shivered and warned them, "It's not a backpack be careful."

"Hey! Is too. Just help me walk over to the pillars it should behind one of them."

Eyes finally spoke, still staring at them. "No, you need medical, both of you." She signaled to the team of medics coming over the hill.

Walter froze, then doubled his efforts to stand up not that he was getting anywhere.

"I'm fine! I'm okay! I don't need medical attention." Walter protested pushing himself up only to grimace and collapse. He moved to try again but instead ended up choking and coughing up some blood.

"I'm fine!" He proclaimed as the medical team reached him, shrinking away from them.

Lance looked at him funny, " you never told me you were scared of medics."

"I'm not scared..." Walter protested only to whimper when the medics dropped their bags beside him.

Lance rolled his eyes at Walters's antics. "Kid your hurt, your got hit by rubble in the fight, almost got blown up, fell a few hundred feet, then crashed into a rock platform. Let them help you."

Walter ignored him in favor of continuing to whimper as a medic placed a stretcher beside him. And the minute a neck brace made its way toward Walter he looked like someone was about to stab him with a knife. When they clicked it into place he started to panic his heart rate and breathing sped up, now visible on the monitors they attached to his bare chest after cutting his shirt off.

With his chest exposed Lance could clearly see the harsh shades of blue and purple covering Walters's pale skin a sure sign of internal bleeding. A few lacerations decorated the heaving chest with blood as Walter started to hyperventilate.

But his body could not take the action in its weakened state and his vitals started to crash, sending the medics into a frenzy.

"Get him sedated! We need to intubate! His left lung's collapsing!" The head medic ordered as Walter struggled to breathe, his back arching off the stretcher. Straps were secured across him immobilizing him to the stretcher.

Lance watched frozen, his own pain ignored as the medics pushed a tube down Walters's throat. Never had he thought he would feel such terror for a friend, he realized that he was starting to see Walter as a son.

He watched as they put Walter back together, the sense tearing his few heartstrings. Walter was lost under the sheer amount of tubes, wires, and braces surrounding him. He did not move at all anymore, which was a blessing, but it made him look like a doll...or a corpse and that scared Lance.

Marcy by some miracle had found Walters backpack and inside a container labeled" Lance's Bird Cure" in small neat writing. This was swallowed by Lance who thankfully was wearing clothing this time.

Lance paid no attention to the medics as they strapped him down onto a stretcher and moved him into a jet alongside Walter. He still was not paying attention by the time they reached the hospital and Walter was rushed into emergency surgery.

He was still lost in his mind as he was checked over by doctors and placed in a room, Lance barely heard Marcy come in and apologize. And after hours of waiting in silence, he was overjoyed when Walter was finally wheeled in.

He only paid attention to Walter as he waited for him to wake up after surgery, holding Walters's small hand in his big one.

But he missed the small smile on Walters's face as he woke up to the Lance Sterling sound asleep in a chair beside his bed or how the small hand gently squeezed his back.