Hey people! Nerve here!Imma put a couple warnings here for anyone that's gonna start reading this.

1 - I'm writing this on my free time, on my phone, so expect inconsistent updates.

2 - This is an OC story.

3 - I'm not gonna write a harem, I just can't picture myself doing it, sorry.

4 - ... That's all I can think of for now maybe I'll add more in the future.

For anyone that has read my other fanfic and has been left hanging, I'm sorry, but I'm kinda stuck on it, I have around 2k words but haven't finished the 4th chapter when it's finished I'll post it.

If anyone spots a typo or anything of the sort and is feeling like it, here is the link to the docs. : https/docs . google . com/document/d/18A_li_34A7bizgfzm4jwrK_-75ySTrFu1EFIsZ_cUc0/edit?usp=drivesdk

Have fun reading!

[If you could have a supernatural power what would it be?]

'Umm? A supernatural power… Telekinesis seems nice, it'd sure be a convenient power to have…'

[Telekinesis Confirmed.]

'Huh? Well this is nice, I think this is the first time I managed to have a Lucid Dream.'

I looked around trying to figure out where I was.

'A school?' I sighed 'Can't even get away from school in my dreams, huh?'

I started walking while looking around.

'Still, this place is pretty damn fancy for a school, how'd my brain even cook this place up though?'

The school seemed to have an old style, almost like a church but not quite.

'This place feels familiar though, almost like I've seen it somewhere before, I'm pretty sure there's nothing this… grand, around where I live though…'

It was then that I remembered something.

'Right!' I chuckled to myself. 'I should try those exercises to verify if you're in a dream that read about.'

I crossed my arms, closed my eyes and turned my head up while trying to remember the exercises.

'It was to count my fingers... right?'

I rolled the thought around my head before nodding to myself.

'Yeah, that sounds about right.'

I brought my hand forward, in front of my face and started counting my fingers.

'One, two, three, four, five.'

I frowned.

'Wasn't I supposed to get it wrong?'

I counted my fingers again, ending up with five all the same.


I ran a hand through my hair out of habit.

'Was the exercise wrong?'

I frowned at the thought before shaking my head.

'Maybe it works differently for everyone.' I thought before snorting. 'Or maybe this is one of those cases of don't trust everything you read on the internet.'

That thought brought a wry smile to my face, even if you knew that you can't always trust the information you find on the internet, you can't help but trust it sometimes.

I put my hands in the pockets of my pants and continued walking while looking up slightly at the ceiling trying to remember another exercise.

'There was one about… reading? Right, reading.'

I continued walking down the hall while looking around for something to read in order to test out the exercise.

'I think there was another one though… Ah right!

I stopped walking and took my hands out of my pockets.

'Supposedly, you push your index finger against your palm and your finger goes... through… your palm…'

I frowned as I looked at my finger pushing against my palm, feeling the slightest sting of my nail digging into the palm of my hand.

I took a deep breath.

'Once is chance…'

I started to walk faster down the hall, my eyes darting around in search of anything readable.

'Twice is a coincidence…'

Turning a corner, I saw a bulletin board filled with papers, and I broke into a jog to get there faster.

'And thrice…' I finished my thought as I looked at papers pinned to the bulletin board. 'Is a pattern.'

The writing was Japanese, I recognized it due to my more Otaku hobbies.

What surprised me though was that I could understand it.

Don't get me wrong I always wanted to learn Japanese like the next Otaku, but I never actually got to it.

I felt my hair's stand on edge at the unnaturalness of the situation.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and started reading the several papers on the board.

'Volley club… competition…Student Council applications...keep order in Kuoh Academy...Tennis Club - Wait! Go back! Kuoh Academy!?'

I stared with wide eyes at those words.

'Kuoh Academy… as in, DxD's Kuoh academy…?'

I felt my back fill with cold sweat.

'As in… the world where everything is a mess behind the scenes…?'

I pinched myself in a last ditch effort… It hurt.

'I'm so fucked.'

I turned around and walked to the window, properly looking outside the school for the first time since I found myself here.

'So, apparently I'm not dreaming and I somehow am in the world of DxD, a world of which I know very little about.'

As I got to the window I looked to the sky, trying to figure out what time it was.

The sun was setting but there's still some light so depending on which season it was it could be anywhere from 6 to 8 pm.

I then looked down at what seemed to be the school gates, there was only the odd person walking in or out so school should be over.

'Who am I though… isssss.'

I held my head as I felt pain go through it, like someone shoved a needle through my brain… and I 'remembered' who I was.

Tadaaki Akechi, or Akechi Tadaaki since here the last name comes first.

Mom ran a store near home and Dad was an honest office worker.

Tadaaki, or , I… was a part of the student council, hence why I was here so late.

Making my last round around the school to make sure everything was in order before going home.

And now…

'I gotta go… home…'

I turned around and went towards the stairs intending to go down to the gates and… home, only to stop when I saw a building through the window close to the stairs, in the opposite direction of the school gates.

'The old school building' I narrowed my eyes in thought 'The Occult Research Club…'

I shook my head and started walking down the stairs.

'All In due time, I just got here, it'd be better not to bring suspicion to myself until I get used to life here…'

I went through the school gates, letting my body take the wheel as it followed the way it usually took home.

'I have to find out at which point of the plot I am in though, but I don't know how to before shit hits the fan for Issei.'

I ran a hand distractedly through my hair to fix it as it fell in front my eyes before letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

'I guess I'll take things as they come as I always have.'

"Would you do me a favor?"


I turned towards the voice only to stop dead in my tracks widening my eyes as I saw Issei with a girl next to a fountain.

'You've gotta be kidding me…'

I let out a helpless chuckle at this situation.

Issei blushed at the girls words as she got closer to him and replied, filled with enthusiasm and expectation.

"Of course! W-What kind of favor?"

I started walking towards the two of them.

'Of course you were thrown in here when the plot starts, cause why the fuck wouldn't you be!'

I was mad.

"Would you die for me, please?"

'You should have expected it even! How many fucking fanfictions have you read!

But, don't get me wrong.

"Eh? H-Heh, sorry Yuuma-chan, I think there's something wrong with my ears, c-could you repeat that?"

'But no~, you were so excited at the prospect of being in an anime world, of fucking starting over, that it didn't even cross your mind, did it!?'

I was mad at myself.

The girl, Yuuma, or Rainare if I remember her name correctly leaned closer and whispered something in Issei's ear before her clothes burst and she started what seemed like magical girl transformation as Issei stood stunned looking at her.

Taking a glance at the sky I could see that she had put a barrier in place, it wasn't as obvious as in the show with the sky change colors, this was more... subtle, there was a sort of haze almost like heat and the clouds stopped moving entirely.

As Rainare finished her transformation, Issei tried to take a step back before falling on the floor, he looked… scared.

'I guess that's the normal reaction if you weren't expecting it.'

Raynare looked down at Issei, before speaking.

"Although it was short, playing lovey-dovey with you was fun. I'll take good care of this gift from you, so…"

I clenched my teeth at the utter disregard her words carried, it filled me completely with disgust.

'This bitch…'

Throwing caution to the wind I started sprinting full speed towards Issei.

Issei reached towards Rainare in confusion while calling out her fake name, while she prepared to strike with the spear she created.

"...please die."

And she strikes towards Issei's stomach as I ran past her and grabbed him by the arm while using my momentum to drag him back.

Good news Issei didn't get speared through the stomach, bad news…

"Arrgh!! Fuck!!"

She managed to spear me through my heel.

"Are you okay!?"

Issei yelled out as he tried to support me now that he got his wits back.

"Yup, of course, stellar, couldn't be better… ssss."

'Huh, I sound younger, guess I got de-aged, huh? Wait now's not the time for that.'

"Wait, Akechi-san!?"

Issei yelled at me in surprise.

I took a deep breath while trying to deal with the pain of having a fucking spear through my leg.

"Issei, I've told so many times! Don't yell in my ears!"

The pervert at least had the decency of looking sheepish at that.

"I didn't realize there was another human in barrier range, how strange."

I looked back at the murmurs of the fallen behind us.

I made to walk in the opposite direction while leaning on Issei for support, only to wince in pain as I moved my leg.

I took another deep breath before speaking to Issei.

"Issei I'm gonna give you some valuable advice from man to man in case we survive."

I turned to him with the most serious look I could muster, I'm fairly sure my face was still contorted in pain though.

"You, don't, fuck, crazy!" I said emphasizing every word and jabbing my finger in the fallen's direction.

I took a glance at said fallen who appeared to be scowling slightly at my words before turning to face Issei again.

"Are we clear?" I finished with a threatening grin and a growl.

"Bu-but, oppai!" He responded, almost sounding offended.

"I said," I grabbed his shoulder and clenched as hard as I could which considering the pain I'm in and the wince he just showed, should be a lot. "Are, we, clear?"

He gulped. "C-Cristal!"

I released his shoulder before patting it.

"Good, now, I'd advise you to run."

Issei looked at me with wide eyes. "B-But-"

"You're not going anywhere." Raynare said from behind us.

'Guess she tired of waiting.' I thought as I took a glance back and saw her approaching.

I looked back at Issei. "My leg's fucked, go!"

Issei took a glance at my leg before but still shook his head, even though his body was trembling. "N-No, I-I can't let you die because of me!"

I looked back as I heard the sound of Raynare forming another spear which she threw at Issei.

I pushed Issei away. "We'll both die if you don't! Aarrgh!!" And got a spear through the arm. "Fucking, bitch!"

I held my arm, supported my weight on my good leg and looked back at the fallen who was now scowling at me for ruining two of her attempts at killing Issei, meanwhile Issei was looking at me wide eyes before looking back at Raynare, frozen in fear.

I glanced back at Issei and yelled. "Run!"

That seemed to snap him out of it, unfortunately Raynare attacked again, and this time I couldn't stop it.

She threw 2 at me and another at Issei nailing him through the stomach and me through the arm I raised in front of my face and through the chest.

I fell down on my back and coughed blood as it started blocking my throat.

'I knew my luck was bad, but I think this beats everything so far… I hope Rias decides to reincarnate me…'

"If you want to blame anyone, blame God for planting a Sacred Gear inside you."

I turned my head slightly to look at her and saw her turn to look at me with a disdainful sneer as she started rising to the air.

"And blame yourself for being meddlesome."

She disappeared with those words.

I chuckled to myself, really can't say she's wrong.

'I was being meddlesome, Issei survives this in cannon, why did I butt in.'

Couldn't just watch it happen and not do anything, now, could I?

'Ah, I guess not, it's not a bad way to go though, maybe I'll reincarnate again?'

My vision started to fade and my body grow cold like I was inside a refrigerator.

As my vision turned black though, I saw a flash of red and let out a sigh of relief at the strands of crimson hair that drifted in the wind.

Finally her words entered my ears as I lost consciousness.

"I did not expect for there to be two..." there was a slight pause and I felt her gaze hover over me. "But seeing as you are dying anyway, I'll take you. You will devote your lives to me."

With that I finally fell to the sweet embrace of unconsciousness as a final thought ran through my head.

'I think this is the first time I ever passed out.'