NO GRIFFITH and no band of hawks.
Especially NO CASCA!


Guts felt himself disappear as his body and soul caved into the beast. He knew the price of using the armor but he needed it. He needed it to destroy Femto. Now it all seemed like it had gone to waste. All those sacrifices he made... only to be killed before getting to finish what he started. He looks behind him as he sees her face. Why? Why did she do this? Everything had been for her, for their comrades who died in vain. She apologizes as she cries and he can only give her a look of betrayal. Guts had been betrayed before. His adopted father. Griffith... and none of it hurt more than her betrayal.



Yes, I don't have much time to explain but I managed to get hold of a god and in order to save you and your soul from being erased we have to send you over to his realm.


Guts, please be happy...

Suddenly there was a light in the darkness and it became brighter.

Chapter 1: Year of the False spring


Like always he would train every day. Every day his muscles would grow and no matter how hard it was or how painful it was he continued to swing his sword. It felt nothing like the one he used to have but he was getting more and more comfortable with it every day.

"78, 79, 80...", he counted as he swung the sword that was in truth too big for him.

The sun was rising and people were starting to appear in the training yard.

"451, 452, 453...", he lost the strength and decided to rest.

"Good morning little brother", Brandon arrived ready to spar with the wooden doll.

Jon only nodded towards him. Brandon was his eldest brother and heir to Winterfell. He was the only other child being raised in Winterfell as his older brother by a year, Ned was sent down to the Eyrie to be the ward of Lord Arryn. He had not seen him since he departed. Pity. He liked Ned.

What Jon knew of this world was that the continent he lived in currently was called Westeros. There were seven kingdoms in it originally but now they all became part of one giant kingdom after the Targaryens decided to conquer Westeros. Jon's ancestor kneeled to Aegon Targaryen and his people were spared. Then the conqueror melted down swords into one uncomfortable "Iron throne" and after that things have just gone up and down. Jon was aware of the so called "Game of Thrones" but he didn't care. The North was his home. A home that he treasured a lot and he didn't want to lose another home again. The southerners could kill each other all they want as long as The North remained untouched.

Jon loved his new family, a biological family this time and he felt blessed enough to not think about his past or even trying to mention it. His father Rickard Stark coddled him a lot when he was a baby and gave him the warm safe home along with his mother Lyarra. Jon loved Lyarra and grieved when she died after childbirth. It seemed that none of his mothers would live longer than he wanted them to.

"Jon, my boy", his father approached and sat next to him as they watched Brandon practice with such intense concentration.

"He is working too hard", Jon couldn't but say.

"Well, he doesn't want to lose against whatever person he doesn't want to lose to".

"Who do you think he's thinking of?".

Rickard simply glanced at him and ruffled his hair.

There were times when Jon was gonna become another lords warden just like Ned but he always disappeared for weeks if not days until Rickard gave up the idea of him leaving Winterfell.

"I'm taking the Black when I'm older".

"It's an honorable act. Are you sure you don't wish to marry?".

"Yes. Women are not to be trusted. And you would probably have me marry someone from the south. So no".

Rickard did not understand why his son was so against women other than those in his family but "Winter was coming" and the Wall always needed more honorable people than the shits that the King sent to them. Jon would become a good watcher, he knew. However, if his son also chose to be married off there would probably be many offers as his son was quite handsome. Probably the most handsome out of his son. His short black hair, blue cold sharp eyes, body that would only get bigger. Perhaps bigger than the Mountains. His notorious and unforgiving sword skills. Rickard was proud over his son but it seemed like his son also was born depressed and so there was no use of him for alliances.

"Jon, let's spar!", Brandon turned towards them and challenged Jon.

A few days later a letter arrived in Winterfell. It was an invitation to Harrenhal by Old Lord Whent. It seemed that every house would be there so of course House Stark would also make an appearance with a few bannermen. This was also a good time to make Jon once and for all see other places than the North. He was too much of a hermit. Besides, it had been a long time since they had seen Ned last time. Benjen was of course too young and a Stark needed to remain in Winterfell.

"Let me stay and take Benjen with you".

"No, Jon you're coming with me whether you like it or not", his son was such a pain in the ass.





Jon rode his black horse with a frown the who way and if looks could kill Rickard would have been killed fifty times over. It took three weeks to arrive in Harrenhal but the journey was worth it as they arrived in time for the banquets and celebrations.

"Jon", Ned greeted with a neutral face. Though the relation between them looked cold on the outside the truth was that Ned really loved Jon but it was in his nature to be like a stone.

"Big brother, it's been a while since we saw each other last time", Jon hugged Ned and then took a look at Robert Baratheon his friend as he held out a hand. "Jon Stark".

"Robert Baratheon", they shook hands before Robert looked at Lyanna with dreamy eyes and Jon snorted.

Lyanna hugged Ned before the she-wolf was shown.

"Now, where do I sign up for the tournament?".

Jon followed his father to the room he would stay in during their time here. He would of course share the room with his brothers but he didn't care as the only thing he did was polishing his sword until the banquet started.

While wandering around he saw three, what he believed to be, kingsguards. They had ganged up on one of the Northmen that came here with House Stark.

"Is there a problem here?".

"Yes, and if-", the kingsguard turned around and immediately fell down on his knees under Jon's intimidating look. "No, there is nothing wrong here".

"Good", Jon continued to intimidate them until one of them hurriedly ran away as the rest followed.

"Thank you, Lord Stark", the Northman bowed. "My name is Howland Reed".

Jon only nodded as he stared at the guy who was probably as old as him.

"Come", it sounded like he gave an order which was not on purpose but the young fellow Northman was none the less happy when Jon called him out to watch the tournament with him. As he turned around he caught the sight the giant sword Jon had on his back. His cloak hid the whole sword except for the handle which stood out.

While they walked amongst the crowd to watch the first tournament a tiny young boy bumped into him.

Tyrion Lannister hated his family. Everyone just loved his brother more than him and his father always made sure to insult his very existence whenever he got a chance along with Cersei. He too wanted to watch the tournament but his father didn't want him anywhere near where other people could see him. The greatest mistake of Tywin Lannister. Before he knew it he was lost among the crowd and was almost trampled upon. Then he bumped into someone and when Tyrion looked up he got cold sweat and stopped crying. The guy who towered over him went down to his level and picked up Tyrion as he put him on his shoulder and Tyrion could see everything. His face turned from confused to excitement as Jon went to stand among the crowd. Though they were standing behind pretty much everyone who had to stand Tyrion could see the tournament clearly. He clapped as the knight fell to the ground.

Howland Reed couldn't see anything but he could hear though he wished that could also see. Before he knew it, Jon lifted him up as if he was a light feather and held him in his arms. Howland blushed but only thanked him as he respected the young Stark even more now.

The tournament went on for two hours but not once did Jon tremble or felt the need to put Howland down. Tyrion knew then that the man who had enabled him to watch the tournament was truly the strongest person among everyone.

Meanwhile, some ladies looked at Jon with some admiration.

Once the tournament ended Jon put down Howland and walked Tyrion towards his brother and handed him over to Jaime Lannister.

"Did you have fun watching?".

"Yes! Did you see me wave?".

"Yes", then Jaime Lannister turned towards Jon as he didn't recognize him. "And you are?".

"Jon Stark", he stated shortly.

"Lord Rickard Stark's son?", Jon nodded.

"Thank you for taking care of my brother".

"Mm", Jon nodded and Jaime figured that he wasn't much of a talker. Who dared to even say that Ned Stark was the quiet wolf? Obviously, this guy was the type of person that didn't say more than one sentence or less than eight words.

Then things got awkward during the silence and Jon patted Tyrion's head as he bid a short goodbye and left them and Jaime could see a little of Jon's big sword behind the back as the cloak fluttered.

"Brother, he held a guy in his arms for over three hours".


"Yes, he's really strong".

"With that sword he has he must be a strong fighter", Jaime felt the lust to face such a person.

During the dinner feast, Jon sat quietly and ate his food while watching prince Rhaegar Targaryen dance with his wife Elia Martell. Rhaegar reminded Jon of a certain person but that had to be due to his silver hair. Everything else wasn't that much of a reminder. Ned chatted with Robert and Lyanna until the engaged couple decided to dance with each other much to Lyanna's hatred.

"How do you fare here, little brother. Are you having fun?", Ned watched with a concerned look at Jon. Jon looked at Ned's eyes that was so much like his except that Jon's eyes were clear blue and Ned's eyes were grey. "You know you can always talk about anything with me".

"Thank you for your concern big brother. It's fun but I wish to go home. I'm not good with crowds".

"Me too, Jon. Me too".

The next day Ned was exercising with his sword when he saw a small blonde boy-girl carrying a heavy sword. He watched her and she walked up towards him.

"Hello? Are you also practicing?", he nodded.

"May I practice with you? I don't really want to watch the tournament as I myself would rather spar for real than do it for showing off", Jon simply nodded and went back to his counting again.

Meanwhile, in the corner of his eyes, he saw her trying to lift the sword and do the basic moves.

"Wait", the girl stopped and he had to correct her posture. "Now you can begin".

In the end, his exercising time ended up becoming training time for the younger girl.

"I'm Brienne of Tarth by the way", she said as they rested on the grass.

"Jon Stark".

"The shy wolf?".

"I suppose that's what they call me", and she looked at him skeptically.

"I want to be a knight in the future", she said.

"Mm, it would fit you", he nodded.

"You really think a woman can become a knight?".

"I do. A knight is a title that is not biased to any gender. Only the insecure fool would be biased against capable women".

The tournament went on for two more days before it ended.

"Where is Lyanna?", Brandon asked Jon and Ned looked slightly guilty.

"She ran away with Rhaegar...", Jon said in front of his brother's. "I saw her riding away with a smile behind Rhaegar on a horse".

"The prince!", Brandon's eyes were furious. "Why didn't you stop them!".

"Do you think I didn't try? I know the consequences but all she could think about was how free she would be from the engagement with Robert Baratheon. I say 'Her life. Her choice'. We can afford to turn a blind eye to this", for what he said he received a hit.

"We must take Lyanna back from the Targaryen bastard!", Brandon stormed towards Rickard and told him that Lyanna had been kidnapped.

Ned looked at Jon.

"I know it's not your fault. Lyanna has always been reckless. I saw her get behind Rhaegar on his horse early this morning. We know that no one can stop Lyanna once she decides something".

"It's not worth fighting for a woman. They only bring us towards our death anyway", Ned hear Jon saying and there was a look in his eyes that told Ned that he spoke from experience.





Rumors of the kidnapped Northern Lady spread and with Robert Baratheon exaggerating things along with Brandon Stark a rebellion was gonna take place. Brandon impulsively rode down to King's Landing and shouted as he defamed the royal family. A few days later a letter arrived to Winterfell which told everyone that Brandon was dead. His head was hung on a spike in front all of the commoners to see.

Rickard cried and grieved as he too was now filled with hatred.

"Father, you cannot go to the King's landing. You will get yourself killed along with your men. Don't you think this is what Rhaegar wants? A rebellion!", Jon tried to speak sense into the old man but he didn't listen.

Ned and Jon watched as his father left Winterfell. Jon didn't want to lose a father. There was no choice.

He picked up his sword and rode his horse after them as Ned shouted towards to go back.




King's Landing

The Northmen stormed into the city and towards the Red Keep as the guards fought them off. One by one the Northmen surrounded and they were taken towards a cellar until Aerys II Targaryen called them up for a trial. There would be no trial only death and Rickard Stark was too naive to see that.

Jon stood in front of the Red Keep and had seen the grandiose building on top of the hill he stood on not too long ago. He pretended to be just like any other local or mercenary while preparing for the escape and also the end of this madness. He was experienced in assassinations after all. No building was too hard for him to figure out and castle raids were what he used to be famous for.

He entered the castle while slaughtering hundreds of men. Good men. Evil men. They all died so easily. Jon had forgotten how easy it was to kill humans since demons at least had taken a body part of his. His sword could kill five of them instantly by splitting them in half. That was what he did. Bodies after bodies. He got himself towards the throne room. Aerys had been waiting for him there along with his kingsguards. He recognized Jaime Lannister and Arthur Dayne behind their fellow comrades. He saw little Tyrion before him and the beautiful Ashara Dayne who his brother spilled his seed into. He would try to avoid killing them.

"KILL HIM!", Aerys ordered with a mad face however it was clear that the guards were frightened.

Then one pulled the trigger of crossbow and Jon protected himself with his big sword that covered his whole body. With one swing of his sword the kingsguards with swords. They came at him and he killed them swiftly until there was only two of them. Arthur and Jaime. They nervously stepped back while protecting their king. Fear was all over their face but they had vows. He ran towards them as he cleaved their swords in half before kicking them both away against the walls. Now only Aerys stood alone. It seemed that he was too afraid to say anything. He grabbed his hair and dragged him towards the throne. Jon went to sit as he had his sword against Aerys neck.

Inside the Red Keep things seemed to have finally calmed down and people dared to come out of their rooms. They thought that the raider had finally been taken care of but what a surprise it was to see their king on his knees with a sword against his neck.

"Get my father here", he ordered the crowd that was standing in the hallway. Amongst them was Rhaella Targaryen who had just about survived another night of abuse when Aerys guards came to tell him about the raider. She ordered a servant to have Rickard Stark and his men freed in a hurry. She ordered another to have Rhaegar sent here immediately wherever he was with the whore.

When the guards of their cells freed them Rickard thought that it was finally his time to meet Death. He could only have himself to blame for what was coming and felt guilty as none of his Northmen that still lived would die with him.

"I am sorry", he told them. Words did not matter but his men didn't seem.

"We came to die for your cause, milord", the young Howland Reed said. "And we will die with honor".

They thought what was awaited was death only to see the sun of their life.

"Jon!", his father happily shouted.

"Free them", Jon ordered the guards as they unlocked Rickard's and the rest's shackles.

"Father!", Lyanna ran into her father and hugged him as Rhaegar appeared behind them and looked at the sight.

Rhaegar had indeed expected a rebellion. That was what he needed. Instead, he found a slaughter. He should have expected that the young shy wolf at that time was more than capable of taking care of an entire army by himself.

"Rhaegar my son!", the mad king called out. "Kill him. KILL THEM ALL!".

Jon remained cold and took away his sword from the neck. He kicked Aerys towards the floor and before the mad king had the chance Jon beheaded. The servants screamed at the sight. Then Jon turned around. And then the strangest phenomenon appeared. Jon was able to slash the Iron Throne with his sword without the sword even touching it. Those who saw it that day would remember forever, the strength of The North. Lastly Jon took Aerys head by dragging it by holding his hair and he approached his father.

"Father, I have avenged Brandon", he said as he stood in front of his father.

Everyone was frightened and had backed away.

"Jon!", Lyanna said happily as she was still frightened but had still missed seeing her little brother. Jon simply pushed her away softly.

"The North remembers Lyanna", that was all he needed to say for shame to fill her up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for all of this to happen. I just wanted to be free. I didn't want to marry Robert", she confessed and Rickard Stark was so mad at his daughter.

They had all died in vain and for a false lie. They would not kill Rhaegar for there was no crime here other than Aerys.

"Father, let's take Brandon's remains and return home", the words made Rickard at least become slightly calm.

"Yes", he said as he didn't look more at Lyanna. "Lyanna Stark is disowned from today on. She will never step into The North ever AGAIN!". he declared.

"Father!", she cried and pleaded.

"Your actions have consequences Lyanna. And now the result is that you have lost your family", Rickard Stark pushed her away as she continued to beg.

"Jon! Jon! Take me with you!", she pleaded her brother.

"Brandon died", he reminded her and she was in such a big shock. That was the truth. She had killed her brother and could have killed her father and his men. She was too much in shock and wasn't able to move.

Anyone who had entered the scene right then would pity her but those who knew the truth of what had transpired only looked coldly down at her.

"Clean the bodies up", he told the servants who only did as he said.

Rhaegar went inside the throne room as he approached his friend Arthur Dayne. It seemed that he was dead at first but given the state the other's were in they must still be alive.

"He's gone?", he heard Arthur Dayne speak as he opened his eyes and got up. On the opposite side, he saw Jaime starting to get up with his hand against his shoulder. Arthur felt the pain were Jon had kicked him as he held his hand to his hip.

"He was too much of a monster", Jaime Lannister said as he looked at the mess and at the body of the king. "I'm surprised he didn't kill you too".

"The North came here for justice. And justice is what they got", Rhaegar simply explained while looking at his father's headless corpse. He wondered what the shy wolf would be doing.

"That doesn't still take away the fact that they killed the King of the Seven Kingdoms. What should we do right now?", Arthur looked at the destroyed throne.

"We would need to discuss the punishment of The North but before that, a new king is needed", Rhaegar looked at his mother. Things were finally happening according to his plan even though he did not expect this to happen at all.

Lyanna rose up with the help of a servant and taken back to her room.

Rhaella finally felt free.

Elia and Oberyn looked at the mess while they both came to the conclusion.

THE NORTH was not to be MESSED WITH.

They could have killed all the ones that carried the Targaryen blood but it was clear what their purpose here was.

THE NORTH demanded justice. JUSTICE is what they got.




The Eyrie

Jon Arryn had heard what had happened at King's Landing and was relieved that his good friend had come back alive and that the king finally got what he deserved. However, now he wondered what would happen next?

When the Starks arrived at the capital of the Vale they were greeted with such openness. The realm was free from the Mad King now.

Meanwhile, Jon Arryn was surprised to see the hero and the kingslayer was hugging his father like a lost puppy. Clinging onto him with such fierce protectiveness. It was now that Jon Arryn remembered that the child was still only fourteen years old. ONLY FOURTEEN YEARS OLD! Yet the child had now become a legend. The North's power was shown through the child.

At his office, Jon and Rickard spoke with each other as the others were celebrating.

"So, what happened to the Aery's head?", Jon Arryn had to ask since all he got from the information as they left the King's landing with Brandon's corpse and Aery's head.

"He threw it towards a pack of ravens and didn't spare more than a look afterwards as the ravens began to tear the face apart and eat it".

"Gods, what son have you raised?", Jon's shock and disgust was shown.

"The loyal type... He was going to take the Black".

"With his sword skills? That is a waste. Why don't you make him marry and breed just as strong warriors as himself".

"No, Jon would hate the woman. He hates all women except his mother and sister. Since that is not an option I asked of him to become his brother's sword when the South attacks the North".

"What? Surely Rhaegar would make the punishment more lenient... after all he was the one who wanted a rebellion in the first place. Kind of ironic. Didn't get a rebellion and instead of the slaughter of all the guards and kingsguards except two of them".

"So that was the aim when he took Lyanna... no Lyanna went of her free will", the anger was shown.

"I heard you disowned her".

"Yes, I only three sons now and the North will become independent so three princes the North will have now".

"Rickard I would love to fight with you but...".

"I understand you wouldn't want to take the risk. That's alright. To a brighter future", they raised their cups.





"Father! Jon!", Benjen shouted as Ned looked at them with a smile. Rickard kissed his two boys on their forehead as it felt good to be home.

The preparation for Brandon's funeral was made the same day and Rickard was finally glad that all of his sons were here in Winterfell as it should be.

"The Iron Throne has taken so much from us. THE NORTH NEVER FORGET. That is why I declare us from today on Independent!", he declared in front of all the Northern lords.

282 AC the North became Independent.

So tell me what you think of the story so far and what you would like to see happen next.