Chapter 4: A Winter Wedding and The Crypts of Old Kings (Part 2)


Lyanna looked from her tower cell at the hard-working servants carrying decorations across the courtyard. She was beginning to regret her decision. Forgiveness, she realized could only hold true to her family. The rest of The North had yet to forgive her. The small council of northerners punished her to live her entire life inside the room of her tower. The room was big and consisted of her own toilet and bathroom. She would be given three meals every day for the rest of her life and she was never to step a foot outside her room or do the things she loved. Her punishment was a life-time of boredom. In other words. She had walked right into the trap. She sighed as the day passed by.

Around lunchtime, it was finally time for the wedding.

The groom and his best men gathered in the weirwood forest along with the relatives and the invited guests.

Alright, I know I'm getting a lot of critic on the accuracy on the ASOIAF universe. I don't give a shit. Hit me with your best shot.

Anyway, I'm done with chapter 5 now let's answer some of your comments.


Akakiru: "Bryndhildr Like the Valkyrie and daughter of Odin from the Legend of Sigurd?".

AN: No, Bryndhilde as something else... her identity will be explained later.


Slaggedfire: "'What is dead may never die' That's a Greyjoy motto. As the story enters into more fantasy aspects I find myself feeling less enthused, and electricity feels a little too far... All the progress has been a little too drastic unless the SI is some kind of genius polymath.

For a story you're writing on a whim it's pretty good, but it doesn't seem sustainable."

AN: I know it is a Greyjoy motto. I picked it because... the Starks family line will be explained later and how it is connected to Greyjoy's family line. Remember I'm not writing the story for my viewers so yes you might not feel so enthusiastic to read it but I write the story for myself and that is enough. The progress is indeed very drastic but there is a reason for it and that has to do with Bryndhilde's identity.

Don't continue to read if the story doesn't already vibe with you.


trollzor69: "This chapter gave me an interesting idea. What a Stark King married the Night's Queen"

AN: If you feel like doing it then write a story about your idea.


winterwolf23543: "Hmm.. I like this is~ fast pace story, but it's still good read

I have a suggestion of idea why not theirs a second rematch between Essos and westeros

Battle of Ninepenny Kings 2.0 but much bigger, Yi Ti invasion to westeros, Destroying the Asshai because they want to conquer the whole world or Expedition of Sothoryos!

I really want the scene Renly and Loras trying to flirt Guts to bed with them, but fails utterly and Oberyn laughing at their misery"

AN: Well, thank you. I was gonna include Yi Ti, Sothoryos, Saath, Morosh, New Ibbish, Port Ibbish, Vaes Dothraki, Mereen, Yunkai Astaphor, Verias, Valyria, Lotus Port, Naeeth, Gogossos, Zannetter, Geogh, Port Moraq, Asshai, Turrani etc. After all what I loved most about Guts in Berserk was that he was a traveler.

There are gonna be wars outside of Westeros, relax.

Yes, Loras I can see flirting with Guts at this moment given how ambitious his house is but then again he is more or less gonna be threatened by Jaime or Rhaegar while Oberyn will take Guts as those three fight each other.


Dumat: "This isn't going to be yaoi right? Please not."

AN: Yes it is gonna be. Sorry. If you cannot handle it I suggest that you read something else. I'm a huge GutsxGriffith shipper so no girls for Guts.


mudo: "por favor continua y me encantaria saber si Gut ba a tener una amante o un hijo que de repente tuvo con una mujer Cualquiera le Daria mucha mas drama"

AN: Google translate (because my Spanish sucks): "please continue and I would love to know if Gut was going to have a lover or a son that he suddenly had with a woman. Anybody would give him much more drama".

I can tell you this that I've been thinking a lot about making his past repeat. You know Casca getting pregnant then the fetal getting corrupted and so on. However, I stay true to my words. This world was meant for Guts to heal his past wounds. So yes, starting to trust women again will be a step to it. Can I see a woman as his lover? No. The reason is that I never liked Casca. She was a bitch. I admired her for her strategic mind and skill in sword-fighting but no. I don't think any woman can measure up to become the equal partner of Guts. I thought Brienne of Tarth as one but then again I'm huge BriennexJaime shipper as well as TormundxBrienne so no. She is out of the question. Daenaerys? I'm sorry this story is gonna be a lot of Daenerys bashing.


Cradx4: "The bromance is strong in this chapter! Lol
Has guts mellowed out more,will he be still attracted to women, or is the chance of great betray still an issue. I'm surprise he was friend with a prince considering his anger towards Griffin."

AN: Yes, I love bromance. I love any kind of sisterhood or brotherhood etc. And NO. Guts can never feel attracted to women again because of Casca, his first and last love in that life. I guess that time spent living a new life gave Guts a huge amount of time to reflect his relationship with Griffith and this will be all explained in later chapter because I'm still building up the story towards a certain turning point. When it has gotten there I will begin with flashbacks and everything like that etc.


DD : ":D what a load of ****"

AN: Don't read then ;)


Guest: "I love how things have changed
butterfly effects are the best
i like your story"

AN: Thank you for liking my story. It feels like everyone expect me to follow the same fucking story-line in ASOIAF just so that they can relive those special moments again in the storybooks but no... I'm doing the story-line my way.


ibzane: "This story is full of inaccuracies and doesn't make any sense. You need to read the source materials or at the very least do a little research on events of ASOIAF."

AN: Sigh... I feel like I have explained this a thousand times already... Why would I do all that work you're suggesting? To please you? FUCK NO! Go read something else.

This will be the last chapter. I will not continue on the story. I lost all my inspiration after ya all complained too much. PEACE BE WITH YOU, MOTHERF***ERS!