Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

"I can't believe that we're actually going to Hogwarts, Harry!" Ron said excitedly. "Of course, I'd like to be put in Gryffindor, but Ravenclaw wouldn't be so bad, I guess. As long as I'm not put in Slytherin then I'll manage! What about you Harry?"

"Yeah, Gryffindor would be best" Harry muttered as the Potters and the Weasleys made their way onto platform 9 ¾. It wasn't that he wasn't interested in what house he was going to be in, but this was all Ron had been able to talk about for the last few weeks and if Harry was honest, he was getting a bit bored of it.

Harry glanced up at the big clock that hung on the side of the platform and it read 10:53. He turned to his dad and godfather. "Well, goodbye Dad, Uncle Sirius." Harry grinned as his dad pulled him in for a hug and Sirius followed suit. "And please, please, don't blow the manor up." The two men laughed. "Why, Harry! We are two very responsible grownups. Can't you give us a little credit?" Sirius replied, offended. Harry thought about it for a moment. "Nope, sorry!" James ruffled his son's hair affectionately.

"Your mum would have been so proud of you today" he said, his smile faltering for a moment. "She was so excited for you to go to Hogwarts, even when you were a baby."

"I know Dad, but I'm sure that one day she'll be able to see me off herself." Harry replied, a hopeful smile appearing on his face.

"I'm sure she will Harry" James said, his son's optimism contagious. Harry had never once doubted that his mum would one day wake up.


James sat next to Lily, watching the rise and fall of her chest. She had been in St Mungo's for over six months now, but this morning James had received an owl from the healer in charge of Lily's case, saying that they had finally managed to diagnose her condition. He had rushed straight to the hospital, his heart pounding, imagining the worst.

"Mr Potter, I'm glad you could make it" Healer Hallcroft said, walking into the room.

"You said you have news? Is she going to be ok? Will she wake up?" James asked anxiously, gripping Lily's unmoving hand.

"Yes Mr Potter, I have news. As I'm sure you're aware, I've had a team working around the clock trying to figure out the curse that may have struck your wife and caused this coma. Last night we had a breakthrough."

James held his breath.

"Mr Potter, it appears that your wife was hit with a very old curse. A very dark curse. It effectively causes the person struck to fall into a magical coma and causes a… connection… for lack of a better word between the parties involved."

James felt his mouth go dry.

"What...?" he croaked, horrified that his wife could be connected in any way to Voldemort.

Healer Hallcroft looked at him compassionately, knowing the news would not get any better.

"This connection allows the wizard who cast the curse to feed off the magic of the person they have hit, until…" he broke off.

"Until?" James whispered.

"Until they have no magic left."

James looked at his wife, the healer's words echoing inside his head.

"Is there a cure?" he eventually managed to get out. "Will she wake up?"

"The only times recorded in which a person has awoken after being hit with this curse is following the death of the person who cast it."

James looked up at the healer sharply. "But Voldemort is dead. Why isn't she awake?" A grim expression came over the healer's face.

"The only explanation Mr Potter, is that You-Know-Who is not as dead as we'd all hoped."

Panic gripped James. The monster who was after his son was still out there. And while he was out there, Lily would be trapped in this coma. And if she did ever awaken, she may have lost all her magic.

"How long, until her magic.." he trailed off.

"It's hard to say. This is something we have never come across before, but we will be monitoring the situation closely. We have compared her results last night to the registration of her magical core following her seventeenth birthday. It has diminished slightly, but this situation is unprecedented. I'm sorry I don't have better news."

James nodded, too stunned to say anything else.

End of flashback

James remembered the days, weeks and years that had passed since his conversation with Healer Hallcroft. Following Lily's diagnosis, he had returned to the Auror force, determined to track down Voldemort, to kill him once and for all so Lily would awaken and they could be a proper family again. The knowledge that Voldemort was out there still, biding his time, worried James to no end. Over the years, he had tracked down several death eaters, and even a couple of wannabe dark lords had been captured by James' hand, earning him a promotion to Head of the Auror Office. However, he was no closer to finding Voldemort than he was all those years ago.

Now Harry was leaving for Hogwarts and James could not help but feel a sense of foreboding as he watched his son say goodbye to his best friend.

Ginny was still standing next to her mum, her chocolate brown eyes swimming with unshed tears. Harry walked up to her and immediately pulled her into a hug. He felt her arms snake around his waist. "I'm going to miss you the most Gin" Harry whispered in her ear. Ginny sniffed before pulling away and punching Harry on the shoulder. "Damn you Potter! You've made me cry!"

Harry chuckled. "Glad to know you'll miss me. But don't let your mum hear you curse like that, she'll never let you visit me at home again! She already thinks that Dad and Uncle Sirius are a bad influence!"

"Harry, come on! The train's about to leave!" Ron called from the train. "Just coming" Harry yelled back. He smiled at Ginny one last time and then leapt onto the train just as it started pulling away. Ron shut the door behind him. He waved to his family and watched as Ginny ran along next to the train as it started moving out of the platform. The last Harry saw of her was a flash of red as the train rounded the corner.

Harry sighed and walked down the train until he saw Ron sitting in one of the compartments.

"Can you believe it Harry? We're actually on the Hogwarts Express! Finally!" Ron beamed. Harry laughed. "Yes Ron, I can believe it!"

Dear Ginny,

So far life at Hogwarts is pretty cool! Me and Ron were both sorted into Gryffindor with this really bossy know-it-all called Hermione, which is fantastic, but guess what? The sorting hat wanted to put me in Slytherin! I know! But I told it I wanted to go in Gryffindor, so that is where it put me! (Is that cheating?). Lessons have been alright, but you remember my Dad and Sirius talking about Snivilus Snape? Well, Snape is my potions professor and he hates my guts. But that's alright I guess as he is a greasy haired git and I hate him back! He asked me all these questions that I couldn't answer and made me look like a complete idiot in front of everyone. Then, he said and I quote "Well, Mr. Potter. It would appear that fame isn't everything." Did I mention that I hate him?

My other lessons seem to have gone ok so far though, even if Ron and I did get lost a few times and turned up late! The other boys in my dorm seem nice and we played exploding snap in the common room last night. I don't think that Ron's written to your mum yet so tell her that he's in Gryffindor for me? (I'd make him write, but you know Ron...)

Anyway, enough about me how are you? Are your parents driving you nuts? Have you seen Uncle Sirius and my Dad yet? (Please tell me that the manor is still standing). Oh yeah, and did I mention that I miss you like crazy?


Dear Harry

I told mum about you and Ron getting into Gryffindor (she was getting so annoyed that Ron hadn't written to tell her yet!) and, of course, she was thrilled! I'm glad that you have such a lovely relationship with your potions professor, he sounds charming and I can't WAIT to meet him next year! (I'm sure he'll stop harassing you when he realises that you've got photo proof of him dancing in his frilly pink underwear in front of Filch! – courtesy of your Dad and Sirius.)

You asked how I was? I'm bored. And you've only been gone less than a week! I can't wait until Christmas. Anyway, with all you boys gone my mum has taken it upon herself to broaden my feminine education. She's been teaching me to dance (I quite enjoy this), knit (my scarf isn't even fit for a gnome!) and to cook (hmmm...) at least it takes my mind off being the only one stuck at home. And yes, I've seen your Dad and Sirius. They've come over for dinner every day so far. They say it's for Mum's cooking, but I reckon the Manor is feeling very empty now you've left.

As far as I know, the manor's still standing, but for how long I cannot say!

And yes Harry, I miss you like crazy too!


P.S Tell my brothers I said hi.

P.P.S. I've sent you the scarf I made, but I'm afraid it won't keep you that warm…

Dear Ginny

You will never guess what happened today! Go on, guess. I'll give you space to think...



Well, if you thought that I, Harry Potter, am now the seeker on the Gryffindor quidditch team then you would be correct! I am officially the youngest player in a century! Whoo! Go me! (I know, I'm excited! But can you blame me?) I didn't try out or anything, but today we had our first flying lesson and there's this boy called Neville Longbottom (do you know him? I think he might have been at one of those garden parties that someone held) and he got a remembrall from his grandmother this morning. Anyway, during flying lessons he had an accident and broke his arm. When Madame Hooch was taking him to the hospital wing this other boy, a git named Malfoy, stole the remembrall and I went to get it back and so we were both flying around for a bit when the git realised that I could out fly him and he didn't have his bodyguards with him, so he chucked the remembrall and I flew after it. You should have seen me Gin! So I caught it and everyone was cheering when Professor McGonagall came out and told me to follow her. Honestly? I thought I would be expelled, but instead she informed me that I was to be seeker for the team!

About your scarf, yes, you're right, it doesn't exactly keep me warm, but I still wear it! A holey scarf is better than no scarf right!?

Thanks for the hint about my favourite professor. I might have slipped it into the conversation somewhere that I like his frilly pink pants and wondered if he wanted a bonnet to match! Sadly, he didn't seem to find it quite as amusing and I'm now in detention for the rest of the week.

Well, I have a duel with Malfoy tonight so, I'm going to go and get ready!

Still miss you like crazy,


P.S. I can't wait till Christmas either!

P.P.S. Ron and the twins say hi back. Percy sends his greetings...

Dear Harry

CONGRATULATIONS! You'll get the cup easy this year with the team you've got! Mum is a bit worried that you're going to be flying with older, bigger people before I reminded her that you fly all the time with my brothers, your dad and Sirius!

This Malfoy git sounds like a right arse! I asked mum about him and he sounds like a pure blood snob! Also, I don't think it's a good idea to duel someone like Malfoy yet, at least, not until you know more magic. Anyway, he might just chicken out and then you'll just end up getting caught. But by the time you get this letter, it will be too late.

Your dad was ecstatic that you made seeker and he's sending your broom to school for you. When's your first match? I've been spending a bit of time with Luna Lovegood, remember, her mum died last year? I think mum thought I needed to spend more time with people my own age rather than, and I quote: "irresponsible wizards who think it's amusing to vanish all the laundry" but don't worry Harry, Remus managed to persuade them that it, if only so they could carry on coming over for dinner, they should return the laundry to mum ASAP!

I'm still really bored without you here. I'd even do with Ron for company right now!

Counting the days till Christmas…

Missing you like crazy,


P.S. your dad says you need to write to him more!

Dear Ginny,

You were right about the duel. It was a complete nightmare but we did discovered something exciting! So Ron and I were about to go to meet Malfoy when Hermione (The bossy know-it-all I mentioned before) starts having a go at us. Well, we ignore her and leave the common room and she follows us and then she gets locked out. Imagine our excitement when she tags along with us… And THEN, we bump into Neville who was also locked out and he tags along too! So anyway, we get to the trophy room and Malfoy wasn't there but Filch was. Malfoy must have tipped Filch off to get us into trouble. We all legged it and ended up on the third floor and there was this locked door which Hermione opened for us. We slammed the door behind us and then we turned around and saw this massive three-headed dog. I am not joking, it took up the whole corridor and it was growling and I thought it was going to eat us! Luckily, we got out and Filch had gone so we made our way back to the common room. However, according to Hermione, the dog was standing on a trapdoor, which must mean it's guarding something, and I plan to find out what!

Oh, and before Hermione goes up to bed, she said "I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed – or worse, expelled." Seriously, that girl needs to get her priorities straight!

So enough about me, how are you? How's the cooking coming along? And, dare I mention, the knitting? I still wear my scarf by the way. Ron teased me about it loads at first, said how could I even think of wearing something that looked like the wrong end of a hippogriff, but don't worry, I just told him that he was jealous that I was getting presents from pretty girls where the only gifts he gets are from his mum. I don't think he realised that it was from you or he might've punched me! And, just for the record, it does not look like the wrong end of a hippogriff. At all.

Tell my dad that I got my broom this morning; you should have seen Malfoy's face! I don't know when my first match is, November I think.

Anyway, I have class in 15 minutes so I better finish up!

Tell my dad I'll write soon,

I miss you so much still,


Dear Harry,

I don't want to say it, but, I told you so! (Not to sound smug or anything, and I'm glad you didn't get into trouble for it). I'm glad you didn't get eaten either, you're so much more fun alive! About Hermione though, she sounds like she needs some friends, maybe you should give her a chance. You never know, she might surprise you. Be careful when exploring that trapdoor, as I mentioned before, I like you alive.

You asked about the cooking. I think I'm improving. Slightly. The other day I managed to bake an edible cake. If you're lucky I might make one for when you and Ron come home at Christmas!

It's best not to mention the knitting. Let's just say there was an unfortunate incident involving a knitting needle and Sirius and leave it at that... I'm glad you're still wearing your scarf though and defending it!

I told your Dad you got broom and he says to expect a surprise soon… watch this space!

I think you should watch out for Malfoy, you managed to avoid detention this time, but I'd just keep on my guard if I were you.

Anyway, I have to finish up now; Mum's calling me for dinner.

Still miss you too,


Dear Ginny,

Yeah, I quite like being alive too! Don't worry, I'll watch out for Malfoy. What you said about Hermione surprising us? Are you a bloody psychic or something? You were absolutely right. On Halloween your oh so sensitive brother made Hermione cry and she ran off. Later at the feast Quirrell (the defence professor) said that there was a troll in the dungeons. Everyone had to go to their common room's but I remembered that Hermione was in the toilets, so we went down to make sure she was ok and everything. Well, long story short, we found her and the troll in the toilets so eventually we knocked it out and then all the professors came down. I swear I thought we were going to be in for it. However, Hermione completely covered for us and even lied to McGonagall to keep us out of trouble. I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

You can't just leave me hanging like this… What is the surprise?! Please please tell me my amazing wonderful best friend! You know I love you!

Miss you loads,

Your equally as amazing and wonderful best friend,


Dear Harry,

I know, I am amazing and wonderful, but you should know by now that flattery will get you nowhere! Your Dad has sworn me to secrecy.

Of course I was right about Hermione, and not because I'm psychic… I'm a girl. I know how a girl's mind works. Anyway, I'm glad you're friends, you need intelligent company. I can't imagine what months of Ron have done to you! Maybe this Hermione can teach him something? I know, wishful thinking.

Sorry this letter is so short. Life is boring at home and there isn't much to say! Hope Hogwarts is more exciting. Mind you, with trolls and three headed dogs around every corner, it sounds like it is!

Missing you,


Dear Ginny,

That was the best surprise ever! I honestly had no idea. It was the best feeling flying into the stadium and then seeing you Dad and Uncle Sirius in the stands. It's a shame we didn't get a chance to talk, but I'm still glad you were there to see my first match. Tell Dad I said thanks!

Life at Hogwarts is exciting but we seem to have reached a dead end with that trapdoor. We still can't work out what is being hidden under it. If you have any ideas, let me know!

The good news is that the Christmas holidays start in two weeks! So I will be able to see you and Dad and Sirius and Remus very soon!

I can't wait!

Miss you millions,


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