Chapter 10/Final: The Love that Conquered All

Years have passed. At a restaurant, two teenagers exited: a raven-haired young man with a scruffy Pikachu emerged with a honey blond ponytail woman, her tails looking like two whips. The young man wore a blue jacket and his face looked very similar to Ash's. He also wore blue denim pants. The woman wore a pink blouse blouse under a red jacket, red long skirt and stiletto heels. "Thanks for taking me out, Ash," she greeted.

"Of course, Serena," Ash welcomed. "And it's great to know how Grace is doing." Serena huffed a giggle as new people came in.

"Ash!" sounded another young man.

"Serena!" called another young woman. Ash and Serena looked to see another raven-haired young man with glasses in a green jacket over a yellow t-shirt and shorts with a green gecko with leaves on its arms and a vine protruding out of its head. By them was a pigtail blond young woman wearing a black jacket over a yellow t-shirt with an outline of Pikachu printed and a black skirt. By her was a black dog with a green scarf, jaw, left front paw and hexagonal spots on its chest.

"Max!" called Ash to the raven-haired.

"Bonnie!" called Serena to the other blond. The union congregated to the front door of the restaurant.

"Man, I've heard you're a tough trainer to find, even after becoming a Pokémon Master," Max huffed.

"And I forgot that today's the anniversary of when you two declared yourself boyfriend and girlfriend," Bonnie realized. Serena nodded to the case while Max wondered about the moment Ash and Serena began dating.

"I wondered about what it was like with Mizrabel," he pointed out.

"I've told Miette, Shauna, even my mom about what it was like and I could just say that I wasn't awake for it," Serena admitted.

"It's a surprise you didn't ask me about it," Ash shrugged. "But it's not as important as your timing's perfect."

"Oh, really?" sneered Bonnie. "What could you have for me, my boyfriend and Squishy?" Max itched his embarrassed face to Bonnie's boyfriend claim.

"Don't forget Serena, Bonnie," Ash referred. "The bus is arriving." The bus arrived and all boarded. A little while later, all wandered into the woods to find a peculiar area with some bushes and trees. "Pikachu and I did some sleuthing to find it after we saw the first vision from the Rainbow Gems." Serena began to recall the vision as well.

"From the stories you told us and Clemont," she started. "It's the moment you saw me trip after being spooked by an Oddish."

"And you coming to help her back on her feet," Bonnie finished. Max huffed a chuckle.

"Only Ash…" he muttered through a cackle. "Helping those when they're in trouble, even when they're making friends for the first time."

"Unlike you wanting to challenge me to a Pokémon battle without a Pokémon," Ash countered. Max hiccuped as Bonnie sneered at him.

"Dear, what's that about?" she questioned. Max wasn't sure of how to answer while Serena examined the spot she cried on after injuring her knee.

"To think, this is where Ash and I first met…" she recalled. As she looked upon it, something caught her eye: pink. "Hmm?" Hearing her short gasp, everyone turned to Serena.

"Did you see something?" asked Ash. Looking around, Serena spotted a pink heart-shaped fish and a pink cat with a long tail. She knelt down and petted the pink cat. Waking it up.

"Sorry to wake you, Mew," she whispered. "Were you here long?" A mew from Mew alerted the others.

"Mew!?" guessed Bonnie. Serena came back over to show her findings. Mew's blue eyes were open and the heart-shaped fish woke as well.

"It is Mew!" gasped Max. "And a Luvdisc." Seeing the Luvdisc, Bonnie recalled information to Luvdisc. Ash came over to pet both.

("I remember you!") mewed Mew. Luvdisc flew up to perch itself on Serena's shoulder.

"Hold on…" voiced Bonnie. "I remember a legend about Luvdisc. Legend has it that a couple canoeing one day encountered Luvdisc, and a school formed. Those who are in contact of the Rendezvous Pokémon are granted a lifetime of love! It says so on the PokéDex!" Ash and Serena seemed rather awed to the discussion.

"But that doesn't explain why Mew's here," Max pondered. Before Ash could reply, a caw from the air alerted everyone as Luvdisc circled around the two. More Luvdisc came along with a red avian bird with a gold curling crest on top. All saw it and gasped.

"Ho-oh!" named Ash as the bird landed.

"So majestic!" cheered Bonnie. However, something troubled Max.

"Not meaning to act out of line but Luvdisc are Water-Type Pokémon," he reminded. "We're in the middle of land." Ho-oh cawed to Max angrily. "Okay! I won't question!" Serena sighed to Max's impulse and retreat.

"I'm sure Ho-oh has a reason for bringing in this Luvdisc school," she studied. With her back turned, Ash motioned to Pikachu and Mew who flew to Ash.

"It's time," he whispered. He looked over to another part of the forest which had two women and a young man waiting. The young brunette man had curled hair and wore a vest over a magenta-striped shirt and cargo shorts. By him was a blond woman in a white tank-top and camouflaged slacks leaning along with a brunette woman wearing a magenta shirt that had black shoulders.

("Understood,") Pikachu agreed as he ran to Max and Bonnie and pawed Bonnie's leg. Looking down as Serena's apologizing to Ho-oh, Bonnie saw Pikachu head to the direction of the adults. Squishy heard the quiet squeaking from Pikachu and followed. Max and Bonnie looked to each other before heading out after the Pokémon. Turning around, Max and Bonnie were gone.

"Max?" she called. "Bonnie?" Ash brought out a little box as Max and Bonnie reached the adults with cameras and a camcorder.

"I should've known it was you two," whispered Bonnie. "Did Ash hire you, Alexa?"

"No, Viola did," the brunette woman tattled while pointing to the blond. "And Todd had known Ash and that's why we're here to document it."

"And I heard your brother's dating someone right now?" guessed Viola.

"Yeah, he's got Lilia while I have Max," Bonnie claimed. Before Serena could find Max and Bonnie, Ash decided to come forward.

"There's another reason I wanted to bring you over here," he started. Serena turned around to see Ash now in front of her. "In all honesty, Max and Bonnie, Grovyle and Squishy… they were not part of the reason but at least I have plenty to see this moment. I wanted to bring you here to reminisce for the task ahead. See, ever since the day in the Castle of Illusion with Mizrabel, I realized there was more to life than Pokémon. Mizrabel showed me who I should care about. I mean, you were there for all my Pokémon Gym Battles since and I was there for your performances and other business." He pulled out a Pokéball in front of Serena. Seeing it, Serena believed Ash was giving her one of his Pokémon.

"Ash, I can't," she refused. "If I wanted, Pikachu's more than enough as a support Pokémon to have around." Ash laughed to Serena's belief.

"I'd rather give you my life before I give you Pikachu or any of my Pokémon… hopefully, starting now." He knelt to her and took a deep breath. Serena's eyes widened. "The Castle of Illusion made me realize how much of a grateful and cherished woman you are to me. It was also the worst I've been scared to know how close I was to lose you after you loved me so much. In all honesty, I don't want to lose you again. The Pokémon have gathered here because they sensed something big. Serena, you've been the moment I never knew I wanted, but I now know that it was the only thing making me smile so much. You've been my inspiration, my balloon to pull me from my darkness and I would be willing to give you anything needed to give you the same happiness you've given me. I guess I need to be straight." He presented the Pokéball before hitting the button. Instead of a Pokémon, a gold ring emerged. Her mouth agape and her hands shielding it, Serena gasped. Max and Bonnie clutched their hands together while Mew, Ho-oh and the Luvdisc watched on anxiously. "Serena Yvonne… will you marry me?" Tense seconds passed. Ash's proposal gave Serena pause.

"Ash took it all the way like always," Todd muttered. Suddenly, Serena began to cry. Ash blinked, thinking she wasn't ready.

"No, don't hurt him," Viola cringed.

"Serena?" wondered Ash.

"You have…" she blubbered. "No idea how… how you invoked tears of joy from me! I couldn't have asked for someone like you!" She dove and hugged Ash to great concern of the others. Ash believed she was happy with the proposal.

"Does… this mean?" he guessed. She pushed herself gently off Ash to face her, a smile worn on a wet face.

"YES!" she yelled. Everyone got excited as Max and Bonnie pulled out their phones and took pictures of Ash slipping the engagement ring to Serena's finger. He stood up before helping Serena to her feet before they engaged in a kiss with Ho-oh proudly cawing and Mew and the Luvdisc circling in triumph. Finally, Max and Bonnie were the first to emerge while Alexa stopped recording on her camcorder.

"Man, she has a flair for drama!" she squealed.

("I thought it was gonna be bad!") squeaked Pikachu. Ash and Serena hugged before Ash spotted something to his side: the younger versions of Ash and Serena looking up to their elder selves. Ash smiled to the two before they vanished again. Mew wedged itself between Ash and Serena, happily mewing about the engagement. Ash and Serena laughed at Mew's antic.

"I think someone wants to be front and center for our wedding!" joked Serena. Ash laughed while Max and Bonnie joined in the hugging.

"Congratulations!" they cheered. After many hugs, a new question arose.

"So, since we called your mother last time," Serena reminded. "Let's call my mother with the announcement." Ash laughed to the order.

"Sure, and I'll call Clemont and my dad about it," Bonnie added.

"And I'll call May and our parents on the same thing!" joined Max.

"We've got a lot of work ahead of us!" sighed Ash. Ho-oh patted Ash's back with a wing and winked to Ash. To the engaged trainer, Ho-oh would be part of the festivities. Months passed and the big day was upon them. Scores of people and Pokémon came to a gazebo where chairs were strewn and winged out. Tents were forged around and people came to the event.






The people and Pokémon came in droves to the wedding as each who came signed to the guest book. Aside from those involved with the wedding, the list was long:


And the line continued with people forming to sign in, a blond in glasses witnessed the line as two blue-haired teen girls in blue gowns turned to a blue-haired woman. "Lana's gonna be great to watch," one girl cheered. She had a tattoo of a water droplet with an "H" inside.

"Makes me wish we were part of this wedding with Ash and Serena," the other blue-haired muttered. She also had a water droplet tattoo with an "S" inside.

"Now, Harper," the blue-haired woman eased. "Sarah, these girls were selected by the engaged since they were close."

"I know, Mom," Harper sighed.

"Hey, you and Dad still have to sign in," Sarah remarked. By Ash's tent, the young men in blue tuxedos were joking around.

"I've been wondering about how Lilia's doing, Clemont," a green-haired man with green eyes asked a blond man with a piece of hair shaped like a lightning bolt.

"Trust me, Cilan," Clemont opened up. "I don't think either one of us is ready. Heck, I'd argue Bonnie's wanting to marry Max if giving a chance." Max sighed to Clemont's belief.

"She can be a handful," he nagged.

"You should see Mimo when she gets serious," a heavily tanned man argured. His ravenhair had some red in the fiery shape. "Now, she's a handful." Inside, Delia was fixing Ash's white tuxedo. She wore a yellow sundress and red stiletto heels.

"I always dreamed of a day like this would come," she cooed as she adjusted the tie. "I get to see my dear son become married to his childhood friend." Her excitement caused her to over-tighten the tie. A wince came from Ash.

"Mom, come on!" he cringed. Delia realized the error.

"Sorry…" She loosened the tie a little.

"Seriously, as soon as I proposed, you couldn't wait for that day after we sent the RSVPs."

"And why shouldn't I wait!" Pikachu shook his head to Delia's anxiety. "You two fell in love… years of togetherness has tempered your resolve… It just feels like it was just yesterday, all I ever thought of is you and Pikachu on your Pokémon journeys and you becoming what you've always dreamed of: Pokémon Master. All those times with Pikachu steadfast with you, saving everyone around, ceasing evil organizations…"

"You, a few times…"

"Only because you were in trouble, young man!"

"Like what happened in Greenfield?" That made Delia and Pikachu topple.

"Those kind… Well, we Ketchums have that habit, I guess." She took a deep breath to compose herself. "The thing is… It's not gonna be the same without you around. Ever since you were born, you've been my world, and I've never forgotten it. When I said that I dreamed of this day coming… I felt happy… and sad." This made Ash realize how different things will be.

"Mom… there's no reason to be sad. Besides... Soon enough, you'll be a grandmother and you can relive that same passion as if you're taking care of me again." Ash's rebuttal made Delia scoff.

"That's not quite it."

"How so?" This prompted another deep breath from Delia.

"Ash, there comes a time when the Pidgey evolves into a Pidgeotto, then leaves the nest and become a Pidgeot in due time. As a mother, watching their child leave their nest is one of the hardest things a parent realizes. The house will have one less person to eat at the table, sleep under the roof… though it's something I've been trying to get use to since you became a Pokémon Trainer. To you, it's the start of a new life… but with me, it's the end of being a parent." She began to shed a few tears. Ash placed a hand on Delia's shoulder.

"No, Mom. You've been and always will be my parent. I agree that it won't be the same with steps to our new lives… but who we are, not a thing can change that." Overcome by Ash's honest assurance, Delia hugged her son.

"I still remember when you were up to my stomach, not a tall boy."

"I know… but I'm still your little man." Meanwhile, a blond young man in a black vest and dress pants looked to his watch as a slender brunette young woman approached. She wore a brown gown and dress shoes.

"Petey, is something wrong," she asked.

"We've got an hour before showtime and Degs isn't here yet, Gissy," he pointed out. Before long, another raven-haired man wearing a cloak, collar and glasses appeared with a spiky redhead young woman in a white dress and maroon jacket.

"Sorry, we're late!" he announced. "Zoey had to get her glasses." Zoey stuck her tongue out a softly punched her head. "Anyway, everyone accounted for?"

"Aside from Zoey, yep," Petey confirmed with a checklist.

"That's great, Pete," Zoey smiled. "Ash chose the right director for the job. Wouldn't you agree, Giselle?" Pete smirked to Zoey's praise while Giselle laughed. That's when a white-haired woman in a black dress emerged.

"Excuse me," she spoke up. All turned to the white-haired woman. "Do you know if Ash and Serena are available?" Pete, Diego, Zoey and Giselle looked to each other as Diego looked at Pete's watch.

"I'm sure they are, we still have a little under an hour before the wedding starts," Diego informed.

"Did you already sign in the guestbook?" asked Giselle.

"I did," she confirmed. Pete had an idea.

"Solid," he nodded. "Zoey, I know you need to get with the other bridesmaids. You can take her along."

"You bet!" agreed Zoey. "It's this way." The white-haired woman followed Zoey to the tent with a bunch of girls in pink strapless gowns. A blue-haired woman with hair straight down recognized Zoey coming in.

"Zoey, you made it!" she cheered.

"Dawn, why would I miss it?" joked Zoey. Two more blue-haired women came up, one with a tiara and the other with a yellow headband.

"Zoey, who did you bring along?" asked the headband blue-haired.

"She wanted to come and see Ash and Serena so I brought her to see Serena first," Zoey explained. "I also saw your mother and your sisters, Lana." The headband blue-haired gulped.

"No need to worry, Lana," Dawn assured. "Besides... me, Misty, May and Iris lost out on claiming Ash for our own. Miette would testify to it as well."

"Agreed," the blue-haired with the tiara agreed. "Of course, I did stoke Serena to be more frontal with Ash." Viola wove the white-haired over to the tent as two more blonds were brushing Serena's hair with Grace applying foundation onto her cheeks. Both blonds had green eyes with the shorter blond having her hair braided on both sides of her head.

"Serena?" the white-haired asked. Grace and the two blonds stopped before Serena turned to see the woman.

"Mizrabel?" guessed Serena. The white-haired nodded, confirming her identity. "You look gorgeous, Mizrabel!"

"Thank you," Mizrabel giggled.

"Serena, do you know this woman?" questioned Grace. She wore a black gown.

"More or less," Serena shrugged. "Last I saw you was when you took Team Rocket away."

"Yes and Jessie's youth and beauty, I did siphon," Mizrabel admitted. "However, there were some… side effects like my hatred and malice had been siphoned in the process. Your groom had more bravery than ten of James and Meowths' combined. I offered them a chance to live in peace. They're calling Ula'Ula Island home, selling Malasadas and forgoing their lives as Team Rocket operatives." The braided blond gasped.

"So, they're living in Alola, now?" she asked.

"That's right," Grace figured. "You, Mallow, Sophocles, Kiawe and Lana are from there, right, Lillie?"

"We are," the braided blond acknowledged.

"So, Lillie," the wild blond opened. "Have you tried going elsewhere like Cynthia's villa in Unova?"

"Oh, the former Sinnoh champion, Bianca?" opened Serena. Bianca nodded. Mizrabel seemed to be taking an interest in Serena's hair.

"Mind if I give your hair a bit of a touch-up?" she asked.

"Sure…" allowed Serena with some hesitancy. Mizrabel wove her hands over Serena's hair.

"Sun of rays, the shimmer of light!" she chanted. "Her hair, glisten to the spell and her love, love imbued on sight!" The chant made Serena's hair shinier and glisten with sparkle. Serena's mother and the blonds gasped to a rainbow look within Serena's hair.

"No amount of hairspray can ever do what you did!" awed Grace. "My daughter's hair is beautiful!" Serena looked through mirrors to see Mizrabel's work. Her eyes widen as well as her smile.

"Oh my goodness!" she cheered. She rose up and hugged Mizrabel. "Thank you, oh thank you, Mizrabel!" Wrapping her arms around Serena's head, Mizrabel hugged the bride.

"My dear, thank you!"she laughed. Reaching a seat near the front was a moderately tanned violet-haired young woman wearing a tan business suit with high-heeled sandals.

"I can't believe Shannon dragged me along to this lousy wedding," she grumbled. "'Oh, Ash is the groom and he's marrying his sweetheart!' Seriously, can there be anything more ridiculous than watching the little kid embarrass himself!?"

"How about watching a littler kid whine that she wasn't Ash's bride?" a pink-haired woman in a green dress sneered down at the violet-haired.

"Georgia!?" The pink-haired snickered.

"Iris, come on… You got wind of Ash's wedding to try to ruin it."

"Your point!? Besides, you also wanted to see Cilan who's one of the groomsmen." Iris had a nervous laugh.

"I-I mean, him, Dawn and Bianca are involved."

"Uh, huh… and I bet you're wanting to claim the bouquet and marry someone older than you." That got under Iris' skin.

"Take that back!" Suddenly, a heavily tanned, violet-haired woman in a white dress and a noticeable bump around her stomach snatched Iris and Georgia's shoulders. They glanced to her.

"We're here for a wedding, not backyard wrestling in our Sunday attire," she halted. Iris and Georgia gasped to her appearance.

"Akala Island Kahuna, Olivia!" awed Iris.

"You're Brock's wife, right?" questioned Georgia. "And, you're how far along?" Olivia seemed content with the girls stopping their anger to each other.

"Remember, this is a special day for Ash and you two may have your chance when the Master gives you a chance," she sighed. "And the other question… I'm due in four months with our first child."

"Oh, just your first?" gawked Georgia. "I'd thought you'd be on your second. Hopefully, your kid will be raised better than Dragon Girl had been." Iris steamed at Georgia's mock.

"You still call me that after all these years!?" she scowled. Georgia's smug further irritated Iris while Olivia shrugged. Mizrabel attended Ash's tent and informed Ash about Team Rocket.

"I've been wondering what you did after you dragged them away all those years ago," he giggled. "To be honest, I prefer James and Meowth in their new lives. They weren't as bad as Jessie was." Delia nodded to the claim.

"After all, since you did take Jessie's youth and beauty, or whatever she had before you swooped in," she smirked with a snarky grin. "If I was a betting mama, I'd say she's passed away." Ash and Pikachu gawked with the Mouse Pokémon slapping her leg.

"Mom, tact!" irked Ash.

"What? She's hideous and doesn't care about anyone but herself," Delia defended her stance. "Her teammates were better off without her and you're hearing the turnout." A spiky brunette young tanned man palmed his face.

"Mrs. Ketchum, you're not exactly wrong," he shuttered. "Yeah, Jessie was a nightmare to anyone who questioned her." Everyone in the tent agreed.

"By the way, Brock," Ash opened. "Your folks made it?"

"Of course," Brock replied. "After all, my father was the first to help you and Pikachu at the start of your Pokémon journey. They wouldn't want to miss this chance."

"I had a feeling since your mom had been asking me to have you or any of your siblings to be the Best Man or Maid of Honor," Ash relayed.

"And I knew right away that you'd choose me with our partnership," Brock believed. Both bumped their fists. That's when Mizrabel had a question pop up in her mind.

"Oh, by the way," she spoke. "That magic broom I gave you after you rescued Serena and her Pokémon… Are you taking care of it?"

"I am," Delia acknowledged. "In fact, it's helped me with my diner." Mizrabel huffed a chuckle when Pete came to the tent and peered inside.

"Okay, 15-minute warning, guys!" he alerted. "Professor Kukui's kids are here and ready for their roles!"

"Okay, Pete!" acknowledged Ash. To Mizrabel, her time backstage ran out.

"I guess that's my cue," she sighed. "Ash, I thank you again for seeing the error of my ways and wish you the best with Serena." Ash nodded, understanding Mizrabel as she left. Pete sighed to the stress of the wedding.

"I had suggested to have it in a stadium with how many people would turn up," he muttered. Delia rested a hand on Pete's shoulder.

"You've done an exceptional job helping my son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law," she praised.

"Thanks," Pete accepted. They all filed outside where Ash got fives and fist-bumps from his groomsmen. They soon stood behind the rest of the groomsmen as the bridesmaids waited in line. "I got the line ups ready to go." He viewed both groomsmen and bridesmaids and glanced at the list. "Forrest, Tracey, behind Grant…" The headband young man and a tanned teenage brunette with squinted eyes stood behind another tanned brunette man with colored stones in his hair. "Max, you're after Forrest…" Max stood behind the squinted teen. They both bumped fists. "Ritchie and Gary, you're behind Grant and in front of Tracey…" It took Pete five minutes to get everyone in position. Ash, Delia and Brock stood behind a tall scarlet-haired man.

"Ash, are you ready?" he asked.

"I am, Lance," Ash replied as a young redhead woman came to Ash. "Misty, what's wrong?" Misty shook her head and hugged Ash.

"I'm so glad you grew up and found someone," she teared up. "I mean it. After all, my song was meant for you and I wanted to be the one to sing it… but chose to wait. Probably, if I was a lot nicer before I had Togepi…" Ash placed a hand on Misty's exposed shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm happy to be a friend with you and that you were there with me when you needed help." Misty smiled to Ash's words.

"Well, nothing else but to start that new journey."

"Yeah…" Suddenly, the music starts up and Diego stood in front of the gazebo. Zoey broke from the line to see Pete.

"Zoey, is something wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, I'm just glad we got ready in time and with the huge gathering," she expressed. "About five thousand plus." Pete whistled, impressed with the turnout.

"Now, I feel stronger about renting out Indigo Stadium for something like this," he sighed. "Still, the Pokémon will go first. After that, it's you guys, then Ash follows, then Kimberly…" He turned to a moderately tanned, pepper-haired girl in a white dress. By her was a moderately tanned, pepper-haired boy in a black tuxedo. "Kimberly, your parents trust me in making sure you're okay with dropping the petals from your basket. Besides, we have some gorgeous Gracidea flower petals." Kimberly nodded in agreement. "Kahua, you're with me in delivering the rings."

"Okay, Pete!" allowed Kahua. Pete turned to the Pokémon with Pikachu in front. He checked the watch.

"I know we're two minutes early but let me signal Degs and we can get this show on the road," Pete prepared. He travels through the gate with harmonious music playing. Diego sees Pete as he formed a signal with an "O.' That's when Diego got on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will begin the ceremony," he calmly told the people. His voice echoed through the speakers. Everyone came to their seats with many people anxiously watching for anyone to walk down the aisle. "I am Diego, I will be the Master of Ceremonies. I've known Ash and Serena since our time at Professor Oak's summer camp over a decade ago. We recently got back together about a year ago after Ash proposed to Serena and now, here we are. Let us welcome the Pokémon for this event." Pikachu lead as he guided many different Pokémon down the aisle. As they came to the front, Ho-oh cawed, catching the attention of everyone. Ho-oh flew out and above everyone before landing beside the gazebo. Ash peeked out to find Ho-oh perched on the gazebo and gulped.

"This… is getting interesting…" he shuttered.

"I don't know," a green-haired bridesmaid pondered. Ash turned to the green-haired.


"It may be good luck." Ash wondered if Mallow was right. Diego grinned to Ho-oh's appearance.

"You're just in time!" he joked. "The wedding's starting!" Ho-oh cawed softly, still wanting to watch. Pikachu and the Pokémon fanned out to each side as the Viola and Grant led the groomsmen and bridesmaids. Forrest was with a brunette with flap-like hair, Gary was with Dawn, Max was with Zoey, Lance was with Bianca, Tracey was with a tanned brunette girl, Cilan was with Lillie, a brunette version of Ash was with Miette, Kiawe was with Lana, Mallow was with a rotund redhead young man, a slightly tanned young dark brunette man was with Aria and Clemont was with a slender and pale raven-haired young woman. Miette blushed as she walked with the brunette Ash.

'Ritchie's a backup Ash, but I feel like I should be grateful to walk with a lookalike while Serena's got Ash,' Miette thought to herself. As they reached the end of aisle, they acknowledged Diego before they broke to the sides: The bridesmaids filed to the right and the groomsmen to the left. Pete waited by Serena's tent when Clemont reached the end.

"Valerie and Clemont's there," Ash whispered. Pete checked the aisle as the bridesmaids and groomsmen waited. When a new song began to play, Ash, Brock and Delia walked out while the people watched. Delia held Ash's arm while they journeyed down the aisle with Brock close by. When they reached, mother and son shared a hug before Delia sat down adjacent to the aisle in the front, close by Ash. Brock gave Ash a shoulder bump before going to the front of the groomsmen. Pete knelt to Kimberly with the next step as Serena, Grace and Misty all came out. They stood by Pete.

"Okay, Kimberly," Pete whispered. "Are you ready?" Kimberly nodded before she walked out with her basket full of red petals. Playfully, she gently tossed petals left and right down the aisle, not taking too long as the walk was long. Two tanned adults stood up with phones in hand recording Kimberly's stroll: a raven-haired in a white shirt under a vest and a white-haired woman wearing a white dress. She froze at seeing Ho-oh. She wasn't sure if Ho-oh would do something to her. When Ho-oh nodded and gently offered its wing, Kimberly calmed down and walked, her flower basket emptied. Diego knelt to Kimberly who seemed a little unsure about Ho-oh.

"Will Ho-oh hurt me?" she quivered.

"Nah, Ho-oh's here for the same thing we all are," Diego reassured. "You did great." Kimberly smiled as Lillie waived her over. Diego turned to Ash. "This is it. Are you ready?"

"When have I not?" sneered Ash.

"Double-checking, man," Diego assured. "Double-checking…" Diego fluffed a nod to Pete with Kahua. Pete stepped to the side as Ash and Diego faced the entrance. Finally, the music changed and made everyone stand up. They turned to see Serena, Grace and Misty come down with the bride's face behind a veil and carrying a bouquet of flowers. Ash's eyes lit at what he saw coming down to meet him. The women made their walk to the end of aisle. Ash and Misty gave each other a hug before Grace and Serena copied. Grace sat down like Delia, just on the other side of the aisle. Misty also gave Serena a hug before joining the rest of the bridesmaids. The song ended, Diego had Ho-oh above and Ash and Serena in front. "Ladies and gentlemen… and Pokémon, please be seated." Complying, those who had seats sat back down.

"Okay, Kahua," Pete whispered. Kahua had a pillow with two rings on it. "Ready to head down?" Kahua nodded before they proceeded down the aisle. Diego had the floor.

"Good afternoon," he welcomed. "We are here to see and share the memories of two young people who've proceeded through hardships and many people guiding them to… today. I, of course, and referring to Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne. In fact, Ash and Serena met myself; my wife, Zoey and Pete at that same summer camp ran by Gary Oak's grandfather, Professor Samuel Oak. One day at camp, these two met for the first time… all thanks to a wild Oddish. Serena tripped and injured her knee and in came Ash to help her back on her feet. At that moment, the gears of love began for the two. It may have been mere days but the memories last oh… so… much… longer. They wouldn't be together until Ash, a veteran Pokémon Trainer, challenged the Kalos League. There, the two would reunite in which Ash took a chance to become a knight and Serena, a princess. It's as if the heavens began to illustrate what scenario to make of the two… when calamity struck: a witch kidnaps Miss Yvonne and Sir Ketchum dashes to her rescue. A warrior, a knight who never sought to care for himself but for others, rescued his damsel-in-distress and the love between the two truly blossomed." Hearing the story, almost no one had a dry eye. Tissues were out and drying themselves of emotionally made waterfalls. "Things they couldn't do alone, they did as a unit like dancing for Aria and Pierre at a gala, the same day Serena's Eevee evolved to Sylveon. Then last year after eating at my friend's restaurant, who somehow makes anything with peanut butter edible…" The crowd laughed to the humor of Pete's talent. "Pete's a Pokémon of a different sort, let me tell you." Pete shook his head dismissively.

"Degs, wedding now, comedy later!" he snapped. Giselle's face became red.

"Anyway," Diego groaned. "After eating at Pete's place, Ash and Serena returned to the place where they first met. With all his heart, his unlimited courage and his knack of finding the words to say, he proposed to his childhood sweetheart. Ash's friends: Brock, his best man; his groomsmen: Grant, Gary, Max, Lance, Tracey, Cilan, Ritchie, Kiawe, Sophocles, Go and Clemont… They helped pick Ash up if he felt down on anything and even guide him along the right path. Serena's friends: Misty, her Maid of Honor; her bridesmaids: Viola, May, Dawn, Zoey, Bianca, Shauna, Lillie, Miette, Lana, Mallow, Aria and Valerie… they helped Serena to offer her love to Ash and be the woman she vied for. Of course, all the Pokémon and all the other friends and family became the glue to help mend the relationship that we've come to see made official." The Pokémon cheered and waived to the crowd of onlookers. "Ash, you are now given permission to unveil Miss Yvonne's veil." Ash lifted the veil where he saw Serena's glistening hair and face and became awestruck.

"Whoa, did Mizrabel do that to you?" she whispered.

"I know," she giggled. "I'm actually surprised by her magic." Ash cracked a little and grinned from ear to ear.

"Mallow was right about Ho-oh being good luck…" He took a deep breath to calm down. "I would've told you that you're beautiful already but I can't take my eyes off."

"Neither would I." Kahua offered the rings on a pillow. Ash grabbed the one with a faint "S" imprint under.

"Ash, repeat after me," Diego instructed. "As I put this ring on her finger…" Ash held on as Serena offered her hand.

"As I put this ring on her finger…" he repeated.

"I, your name, hear by take, her name, to by my wedded wife…"

"I, Ash Ketchum, hear by take Serena Yvonne to by my wedded wife…"

"To have and to hold from this day forward…"

"…To have and to hold from this day forward…"

"For rich or for poorer…"

"…For rich or for poorer…"

"In sickness and in health…"

"…In sickness and in health…

"To love and to cherish…"

"…To love and to cherish…"

"Until death do us part…"

"…Until death do us part…"

"By the heavens and Earth and the power and faith of every Pokémon…"

"…By the heavens and Earth and the power and faith of every Pokémon…" Then, Ash shot a look at Ho-oh. "That also means you, Ho-oh!" The crowd had a laugh for the sudden break. Diego needed a minute to calm down.

"And thereto pledge thee myself and my love to you…"

"…And thereto pledge thee myself and my love to you…" Now, it was Serena's turn as she grabbed the other ring from Kahua's pillow. Pete ushered Kahua to the side as Diego prepared to give Serena the same instructions.

"Serena, repeat after me," Diego instructed. "As I put this ring on his finger…" Ash held his hand out as Serena held the ring.

"As I put this ring on his finger…" she repeated.

"I, your name, hear by take, his name, to by my wedded husband…"

"I, Serena Yvonne, hear by take Ash Ketchum to by my wedded husband…"

"To have and to hold from this day forward…"

"…To have and to hold from this day forward…"

"For rich or for poorer…"

"…For rich or for poorer…"

"In sickness and in health…"

"…In sickness and in health…

"To love and to cherish…"

"…To love and to cherish…"

"Until death do us part…"

"…Until death do us part…"

"By the heavens and Earth and the power and faith of every Pokémon…"

"…By the heavens and Earth and the power and faith of every Pokémon…"

"And thereto pledge thee myself and my love to you…"

"…And thereto pledge thee myself and my love to you…" Both rings were on the fingers. Ho-oh hummed to the vows honored as a sweet tone echoed through the land.

"The gods and deities of man and Pokémon have acknowledged Ash and Serena of their vows," Diego continued. "Anyone who has objections, doubts as to why these two cannot be together… will keep their mouths shut! This is not your special day!" Ash and Serena gawked and held their mouths with their ring-less hands from bursting out with laughter. Pete collapsed to the ground, clasping his stomach as he cackled hard. Everyone blasted laughs from Diego's sleight of wording… all but Iris who lost her jaw in dismay.

"He pulled a fast one!" chortled Georgia. Kiawe and Clemont helped Pete back to his feet.

"I know it's funny but I'm being serious!" giggled Diego. "Whew, I've wanted to do that… Anyway, with all the friends, family, people and Pokémon all together… I hear by recognize the union is made. Ash, Serena… your families are now one as you are now husband and wife. Ash, she's yours. You may kiss the bride." Ash didn't waste a second as he and Serena lips touched and embraced each other. Ho-oh proudly cawed for the wedding to be completed. The crowd erupted in cheers to the kiss. Grace hugged Ash, welcoming him to the family.

"I finally have a son!" she cheered. "I feel complete!"

"Thanks, Grace-" stopped Ash before correcting himself. "I mean, Mom." Delia also shared a hug with Serena.

"I'm so glad to finally have a daughter-in-law!" cried Delia.

"And I'm happy to become a Ketchum," Serena cheered. Iris cried in defeat. Unable to rebuke Ash and Serena's marriage, she sulked away from the site. The groomsmen and bridesmaids descended among Ash and Serena to congratulate them for the marriage. Bonnie, wearing a black dress, hugged Ash and Serena while Clemont smiled to the scene.

"I was gonna say that Serena's not ready to go through but there's always something about you, Ash," he joked. "Do you always invoke everyone's courage when you're around?" Ash and Serena laughed while Pikachu perched himself on Serena's shoulder.

"Hey, what's the deal, Pikachu!?" he laughed.

("Serena's part of the family!") squeaked Pikachu. Bonnie laughed as well as Max came by.

"Pikachu's right!" she agreed. "Serena is a Ketchum now!"

"And maybe in a few years, you can be a Maple," Max pointed out.

"I can't wait for-" Remembering what happened, Bonnie began to believe Max was asking for her hand in marriage. "Wait! You're already proposing to me!?" Max gawked before waiving his arms.

"N-NO, NO-NOT YET!" he shouted. Even more laughs burst out of there as Georgia came by.

"Ash, you lucky Arcanine," she greeted.

"Oh, Georgia!" gawked Ash.

"Yeah, and Iris was here. She couldn't take the fact that you two are officially off the market. In fact, she was screaming inside and outside when Diego shut out the doubters." Laughs and shook heads got to everyone.

"When Hala wedded Brock and Olivia, he never said it, or Professor Kukui and Burnet's wedding."

"And we were there for that," Max added. "So, Iris split?"

"Yep. She never grew up." The large crowd came to a giant ballroom where food and drinks were being shared. People laid gifts on a massive table, two of them being eggs. One was white with red and blue spots while the other was a pink egg with a white stripe across the middle. Everyone ate, everyone conversed and everyone was having a great time.

"Iris did come!?" asked Cilan.

"That's what Georgia said," Bonnie relayed. "Though, she said Iris wanted to oppose the wedding." Cilan and Clemont palmed their faces.

"Diego must have been thinking she'd show up to ruin our wedding and quickly shut her down," Brock assumed.

"Same may have gone with Jessie if she came," Mizrabel added. "If she was nasty when she ran interference, it's gotta be even worse after I withdrew her beauty and whatever youth she had." After a while, Pete came forward with a giant knife.

"Alright, you've seen the tradition," he started. Seeing the knife, Serena realized what it was.

"Time to cut the cake, huh?" Everyone turned to a stacked cake of four layers, all coated with white frosting and two figurines on top: a knight arm-to-arm with a young woman wearing a tiara and dress. Ash and Serena were handed the knife as people brought out phones and cameras. Ash and Serena sliced through the cake and the layers with their hands over each other. Music played and people and Pokémon danced. Ash and Serena joined in the dance of a soft, slow, romantic tune while Pikachu watched from Delia's arms. After the dance, Ash and Serena kissed with cameras and phones clicking to admire the moment.

"The scrapbook those two will have will be massive!" squealed Viola.

"That's for sure, dear," Grant smiled. Pete took control of the microphone.

"Okay, you know what time it is!" he announced. "It's the bouquet toss! Let's get the single ladies on the dance floor!" A lot of young woman came to the floor. Bonnie, Misty, Georgia, Harper, Sarah and more came to the floor while May and Dawn didn't join.

"He said 'single ladies', right?" sneered May.

"I know, and we're not single," Dawn shrugged.

"Yeah, how's Kenny doing since you two hitched up?"

"He's been great. Could the same be said for Drew?"

"I mean, he was a bit snarky when we first met, but we competed until we argued who loved who more and… It's funny how a silly contest could make such a loving couple."

"Then again, no one's as daring as Ash is." After the young women came to the floor, Ash stood behind his newlywed wife, held their hands together and rocked the bouquet up and down.

"Okay, everyone!" Pete announced. "This is it: on three!" One pump. "One…" Another pump. "Two…" Ash and Serena's hands held the bouquet tight. "Three!" Both flung the bouquet over their heads and it flew into the mass of bodies. Bonnie saw the flowers and reached but Georgia accidentally barreled into her and the bouquet bounced off both fingertips. Finally, Misty was the catcher, hauling the bouquet in sky.

"I got it!" she declared. Pete rose her other arm into the air.

"We have a winner: Misty Waterflower!" he announced. May and Dawn congratulated Misty's successful retrieval. A chair was brought to the edge of the dance floor. "Okay, let's get the single men up here!" Max, Tracey, Gary, Sophocles, Kiawe, Ritchie, Forrest and several others got to the dance floor while Clemont waited at the sideline.

"Hey, Clemont, what's wrong?" asked Brock.

"I'd rather not be in that pile for a leg strap," Clemont sighed. Serena sat down and Ash approached with a few quick struts, making his wife giggle. Kneeling, Ash reached under Serena's gown, exposing white stiletto high heels with a ribbon tied like a shoes for each foot. Serena's face became red in embarrassment. Finally, Ash pulled out Serena's garter and slipped it off her leg. Ash was ready to sling the garter when Serena began to pull on the center. Ash caught on and held the garter by the tips of his fingers as Serena pulled it back.

"On three! One… Two… Three!" Serena released the pull on the garter and it flew over the men on the dance floor. The men reached for it and one-by-one, the garter was slung out of their fingers. Finally, it flew to the sideline where it landed in Clemont's hair. Clemont gawked as he spotted the garter. "And we have our second winner!" Clemont gasped, not wanting to be a part of the garter toss but won out in the end.

"Looks like Clemont won by a… hair!" his sister joked. Everyone laughed to Clemont's unfortunate victory.

"I thought you have Lilia," Misty sympathized.

"Yeah, but we're dating right now," Clemont's muttered. "I'm just not ready to pop it on her yet." Aria patted Clemont on the back. Night fell and everyone started to tire. Waiting outside was a carriage with two unicorn horses with cotton candy manes.

"Well, Ash?" the tanned dark brunette young man offered. "A pair of Galarian Rapidash to send you two on your honeymoon." Serena circled around the carriage to see the pair of Rapidash.

"Professor Sakuragi sent them for us, Go?" wondered Ash.

"Indeed…" confirmed Go. "After all, he recommended them to Koharu and I when we hitched." Serena returned to her husband's side.

"They're incredible, Go," Serena approved. "Thank you!" Delia and Grace emerged for the last time. They held the eggs.

"Ash, Serena?" spoke Grace. "All the gifts from the wedding's in the carriage… except these two." Grace handed Ash the pink egg while Delia handed Serena the white egg. Seeing both eggs, Ash began to suspect something.

"These eggs look awfully familiar…" he sneered.

"Still, these may be great stepping stones for when we decide to have children," Serena remarked. "Not Pokémon children!" Delia chuckled at the thought before shedding more tears.

"Well, I'm gonna miss you," she sniffled. "Ash, you've got a huge responsibility as a married man. Serena's incredibly precious, but I know you won't do what your father did." Ash nodded to Delia's warning.

"It's funny since he's the reason I'm selfless," he admitted.

"And I'm proud to have risen a son as caring as you," she cooed as she hugged Ash. Pikachu watched from inside the carriage.

("I love my family,") he smiled. Turning to Serena, Deila had one more piece of advice.

"And Serena," she spoke. "Please look out for my son."

"I will, Mom," Serena acknowledged.

"And make sure he's got a fresh pair of underwear everyday," Delia teased. Ash balked and nearly fell on his face.

"Mom!" he whined. Serena had a question about the underwear.

"Mom, I'm sure Ash is old enough to clean himself," Serena urged.

"Oh, it's not that…" irked Delia. "It's…" When she whispered to Serena's ear, her face began to glow red in embarrassment."

"Oh boy…" she shuttered. Ready to take off, Ash helped Serena to the carriage seats. With thousands watching Ash and Serena leave, all they could look forward to is a new future. Ash and Serena Ketchum rode into the night and to their honeymoon while sharing a kiss under the moon. Ash and Serena began their love as kids, but with Mizrabel's mischief, their love solidified to a strength beyond any magic casted on them. For Ash, his courage defeated Mizrabel and became the Master of the fallen Castle of Illusion. For Serena, her love strengthened Ash to be the man she loved. Love for Ash and Serena was no illusion. It was the power to overcome any delusion.

(Thank you all, and prepare for a new tale coming real soon.)