(My first take on a My Hero Academia fanfiction. This story focuses on a Quirkless OC (wow, surprise from me of all people… that's sarcasm) and how they deal with the Quirk world after getting in an accident that caused him to get superpowers. So he kind of does have a Quirk but at the same time doesn't since Quirks are given through genetics and since this character didn't receive a Quirk in his childhood, his superpowers are not a Quirk but at the same time have Quirk like abilities.

I'm aiming for this story to be similar to Joaquin Phoenix's Joker where the story focuses on the titular character: a protagonist villain. Yes. That means that the main character of this story is a villain but at the same time said story focuses on him and his interactions dealing with his newfound meta-abilities as well as his development from going from a Quirkless, shy character to a traumatized, rage driven, hate filled supervillain.

I'm hoping that this character would both be relatable and at the same time as well liked. Not for his ideals but how his character was formed going through a major development.

Anyway. Without further ado, here's the story.

No jokes this time. Sorry :c)

Around some time ago, a couple centuries ago, an unusual outbreak spread across the world where people were born or given superpowers, or meta abilities, throughout the world. At first it was an epidemic and immediately became widespread news. The first case to ever be reported was when a baby was born in Qingqing where it glowed bright light from its body. Ever since then, these meta abilities have been spreading across the world to the point where it became the norm of the world. These meta abilities… were called Quirks.

Centuries later, Quirks are still here to this day. About 80% of the human population have Quirks while 20% are left without Quirks. Quirks built the modern world. Jobs became easier with certain Quirks. It even became a profession. All those superhero comics came to life when Pro Heroes started showing up. People used their Quirks to become heroes to help save people. However, with heroes comes villains, people who use their Quirks for their own selfish, dastardly reasons.

But what makes a person a hero? What defines a hero? Is it someone that saves people? Someone who helps other people? The definition of a hero is so complex that it would take half of the day just to successfully define it. When people think of heroes these days, they automatically ask, "What's their Quirk?" What is it that makes them a hero? Is it their Quirks? People think too much about Quirks, they forget about the other 20% of the population.

The Quirkless were once the "normal" people while the Quirks were the freaks. However, ever since Quirks continued to spread, it soon became the next best thing. Soon, the roles were reversed. Quirks became the norm while the Quirkless became the freaks. Ever since then, the Quirkless became the gum on the bottom of their shoes. The Quirkless has endured years of torment and constant prejudice. A play for power by leaders who cared more about their legacy… than their people.

We were mocked in the streets. Tossed aside like rats. We wanted to revolt but were outnumbered by the Quirks. We grew hungrier, not for food or for power… but for justice… Even the heroes didn't treat us right. For too long they have mocked and tormented us. Let them try to ignore us now. These "heroes" were created to help and protect the Quirkless and yet they take part one the mockery and harassment. Which brings up the important question…

What is a hero?


A young boy with black hair and a single blue stripe down the side that looked to be the age of 4 was in a doctor's office along with his mother and father, while a doctor holding a clipboard sat in front of them. This young boy was named Koru Yuki, only child to his mother and father. His mother was a real estate agent while his father worked for the government. His mother had the quirk called Claws, which granted her freakishly long claws from her fingers while his father had the quirk called Pounce, which allowed him to pounce far distances, able to leap over two buildings at once.

"Mr. and Mrs. Yuki, I have the results back from your son's lab work. Unfortunately for your son, he will never develop a Quirk." the doctor announced to the married couple along with their only son.

Young Koru Yuki's eyes widened in surprise, his once excited expression quickly vanishing, as his mother comforted him.

"Oh, honey, don't be sad." his mother said in a soft tone. "Having a Quirk isn't everything. There are plenty of people in the world who don't have Quirks and are still successful and famous."

"Like your grandmother." his father added. "She used to work for the government like me and she's Quirkless."

"But…" young Yuki says as a single tear fell from his cheek. "I wanted to be a hero."

Both of his parents turned to each other, giving each other sympathetic and concerned expressions.

That night, young Yuki hid in his room with the lights off, covering himself with his dinosaur blankets. Outside his room were his parents, sitting on their couch discussing about their only son.

"I'm concerned about him." his mother says.

"I am too." his father replies.

"You know how much he wanted to become a Pro Hero. He wanted one of our Quirks so badly. He even had a name picked out and everything. Claw Man and Leaper. Such cute names." his mother continues.

"He even has those drawings of his hero costume." his father added.

Young Yuki from his bedroom continued to lie under his covers, wrapping his body with his blankets as tears fell down his cheeks.

"I just wish there was something we could do." his mother continued.

"Me too, honey… Me too." his father replies.


Yuki, now age 6, sat criss cross on the floor as his grandmother sat in her rocking chair, a pillow on her lap as she smiled down at her grandson.

"Your parents left me in charge of you while they went out for some late night work. So, what do you want to do in the meantime?" his grandmother asked him.

"I want to hear a story!" 6 year old Yuki exclaimed in excitement.

His grandmother chuckled as she sighed heavily. "Alright, a story it is then." she says. "What do you want to hear about?"

"I want to hear about how the world was before Quirks became a thing!"

"Oh, that is an interesting topic indeed." his grandmother says. "Alright, where to begin. For starters, the world didn't always have Quirks. Believe it or not, the world used to be Quirkless like you and me. Back then, we were the normal people while Quirks were an unusual trait but eventually, the Quirks spread and evolved to which is now an everyday thing. As you know, about 80% of the population has Quirks while the other 20%, that's us, are Quirkless. Back when Quirks weren't a thing, the world had numerous activities, such as the Olympics, national football and various other sports. Back then, everything was fair and square but when Quirks popped in, they had to get rid of these sports and activities. The government ran differently as well and many laws that we have today weren't written back then since Quirks didn't exist. You would think that the former world was boring but I've heard stories of our ancestors becoming one of the most famous people in history."

"Cooooool." 6 year old Yuki says in awe. His grandmother laughed a little. "I want to be friends with a person with a Quirk! Even though I don't have a Quirk, I would still want to be friends with someone with a Quirk! That way they can protect me from all the bullies and meanies who use their Quirks for bad stuff."

"Yuki." his grandmother suddenly says in a serious tone. "I want to tell you something."

"What is it Grandmama?" 6 year old Yuki asks, confused.

"People with Quirks… they don't care for the Quirkless like us." his grandmother says.

"How come?" he asks as he tilted his head.

"Sit on my lap. I'm gonna tell you a story." With that, 6 year old Yuki sat on his grandmother's lap as she proceeded to tell him a story. "When I was young, I was bullied a lot for being Quirkless. I was often told that I wouldn't ever be anything special in the world because of it. I soon learned a valuable lesson I would never forget."

"And what's that?" 6 year old Yuki asks.

His grandmother gave him a serious expression. "That people don't care for Quirkless people like you and I." she says. "Those so called 'heroes' that are out there, they don't care about us. We are weak and worthless compared to them along with the rest of the 80% of the world. You don't want to be friends with anyone with a Quirk. They'll end up being your greatest enemy. Sometimes the people that you think you know are often people that you never knew who they were in the first place. It's best that we don't have a Quirk."

6 year old Yuki gave his grandmother a confused, yet sad, expression.

Elsewhere in the world, both of his parents were driving across a bridge late at night, returning home to see their young boy.

"The boss had us work for so long. I'm pooped." his mother says as she drove down the bridge.

"Yeah, tell me about it." his father replies. "But at least we're heading home to see our son. I wonder how he's doing."

"I'm sure my mom is taking care of him." his mother responds.

"Tomorrow, I want to take him to that amusement park he's been wanting to go for so long."

"Aww. He'll love that."

"I know he would." his father rested his head on the seat as he closed his eyes for a split second, before opening them up again. "You know, he said he wanted-"


The two turned their heads to the front to see a giant semi truck driving towards them, having crossed into their lane by accident. His mother immediately swerved as she tried to get away from the oncoming death; unfortunately, the truck clipped the car, causing her to hit her head HARD on the steering wheel as blood splattered on the window. She was instantly killed as the airbag got released on his father's side. His father was knocked unconscious as the car continued to swerve. Eventually, the car drove off the bridge and into the deep river below, but because his father was knocked out, he never got a chance to escape. The semi truck that crashed into them however, laid haphazardly across the bridge, blocking traffic on both ends.

The next day, Yuki's grandmother was watching the news, horrified at the breaking events. "Late last night, a horrific car accident happened on Okamura Bridge where an 8 wheeler semi truck collided with a car causing both cars to spin out of control. The driver of the semi truck was left with major injuries and is in the hospital recovering. The driver and the passenger in the car he collided with unfortunately don't have a happen ending. Both the drivers and passengers were both confirmed dead after the retrieval of their car early this morning."

The news suddenly showed the two pictures of Yuki's parents on the television, announcing that they were dead. Yuki's grandmother had a horrified expression as a few tears escaped from her eyes.

"Grandmama?" she suddenly heard a soft voice, prompting her to turn her head. "When is mommy and daddy coming home?"

His grandmother didn't have it in her heart to give him the news, but she knew, as his only living relative, that she had to one way or another.

"Sit down, Yuki." she tells him. "I have something important to tell you… and… it's not going to be easy."

With that, Yuki sat on her lap as she proceeded to tell him the bad news.


12 year old Yuki sat in the middle of his homeroom class surrounded by his classmates, all of whom had Quirks of their own, with a shy expression on his face. As everyone around him were chatting with their friends or neighbors, Yuki just stared at the floor, not having anyone to talk to at all during the class. Ever since his parents died that night, he moved in with his grandmother which meant switching cities as well as schools and school districts.

"All right, class. I have an announcement to make." the teacher says, quieting down the class. "As you know the end of the year is coming, meaning you all will be moving up a grade. Next grade will be your final grade before moving up into high school. Now it's your choice if you want to attend a normal high school or a hero school where you will learn to control your Quirks and study to become a Hero. I'm sure all of you will become great Heroes if you choose to attend a hero school."

"Mostly all of us." snickered a student as he turned to Yuki. "You forget, Yuki doesn't have a Quirk, meaning he can't become a hero."

"Please leave me alone, Agashi." Yuki replies in a meek tone.

"What's the matter, Yuki? You can't handle the twuth? Hahahaha!" Agashi laughed. "Face it, Yuki. You will never be a hero since you're Quirkless. Quirkless people like you are meant to do the dirty work for people with Quirks like us."

"Yeah. Learn your place, loser." said another student.

Yuki suddenly stood up from his seat and grabbed the student by the collar and pinned him to his desk.


This however happened in Yuki's imagination, as he was still sitting in his seat with a meek expression. He slid down in his seat as he placed his head on his desk, hiding his face from the class. The other kids continued to make fun of him and laugh at him.

"To think, he's the only one in our class without a Quirk. Pathetic!" exclaimed Agashi.

"Now class, settle down." the teacher says, trying to calm down the class. "Let's start our lesson for today." The class groaned in response. "Let's open our textbooks to page 287, where the text states…"

As Yuki brought out his textbook, a crumpled up piece of paper was thrown on his book from somewhere in the class. Yuki turned around and saw no one looking at him, most likely to avoid suspicion. The middle schooler opened up the crumpled up ball of paper to see that it was a note.

"Yuki." exclaimed a voice, startling him. "Are you passing notes in class?"

"Uh… N-No, ma'am. I'm-" Yuki stammered.

Before he could finish his sentence, the teacher grabbed the note out of his hand and opened it up, before suddenly growing a confused expression. "It's blank." she says in surprise.

"Kind of like Yuki's powers." snickered Agashi.

At that moment, the entire class laughed and pointed at Yuki, who placed his head on his desk to at least avoid eye contact with everybody.

At that the end of the day, the school bell rang as everyone left to go home. Yuki was busy placing some books in his bag when a classmate of his bumped into him behind him, causing him to drop his coat to the ground. Yuki turned to the student who didn't even turn around to see who he bumped into. The meek pre teen bent down and quickly grabbed his coat before glaring angrily at his classmate who bumped into him. He was about to head out the classroom door when the teacher stepped in front of him and placed a hand on his chest, stopping him.

"Woah. Yuki. You stay here." she kindly orders.

"What?" Yuki asks in disbelief.

"The chalkboard needs to be cleaned and some papers need to be delivered to the club activities. Why don't you stay here and do those things." the teacher says.

"But it's my birthday. Everybody else is leaving. I'm supposed to head home to see my grandmother so we could go eat at a restaurant tonight. Why do I have to stay?" Yuki asks.

The teacher smiled at him. "Because you're Quirkless." she aggorgantly replies.

"Kiminaki- I mean, Mrs. Kiminaki-" Yuki stammered.

"Happy birthday." Mrs. Kiminaki sarcastically states as she closes the door in between them.

With that, Yuki was left alone in the classroom as he whipped his coat in the air in slight anger.

Yuki did what he was told and stayed behind to deliver the papers to the club activities room, holding a pile of papers in his arms. As he opened a door, a staff member walked out at the same time, accidentally bumping into Yuki, causing him to knock down all the papers onto the ground. Yuki looked at the man in utter disbelief who didn't even turn around to help him, prompting Yuki to pick up the papers by himself.

As he did, several other people started walking all over the papers, getting footprints all over the papers which made the task more difficult for Yuki. He sighed sadly as he eventually cleaned up his mess; he walked over to one of the staff members and placed the papers on the desk. As soon as the staff member turned to the papers, she noticed that papers were slightly crumpled and dirty.

"Why are the papers so dirty?" she asks, anger in her voice.

"Well, uh, y-you see-" Yuki meekly replied only to be stopped by the staff member.

"What's your name?" she asks.

"K-Koru Yuki, ma'am." he slightly stammered.

"Who's your homeroom teacher?"

"Mrs. Kiminaki. But you don't understand, I-"

"Mrs. Kiminaki will be hearing about your dirty work tomorrow morning. Maybe this will teach you a lesson to do your work more properly next time." the staff member angrily replied as she started dialing up a phone number. "Hi, is this Kimiko Kiminaki… Hi, I have a student here named Koru Yuki who did not…"

As the staff member continued to talk to his homeroom teacher, Yuki walked out of the club activities room, heading back to his homeroom to clean up the chalkboard.

And clean up the chalkboard he did. He was spraying cleaning liquids on it while rubbing a washcloth over the chalkboard to clean it. At that moment, he got a text from his grandmother, prompting him to pause his work momentarily. He opened up his phone and read the message:

We can't go out to eat tonight. I've come down with something.

She didn't even say happy birthday to him; Yuki sighed sadly as he lazily placed his phone back in his pocket before going back to his work.

"Happy birthday to me." he started quietly singing to himself in a sad tone. "Happy birthday… to me. Happy birthday… dear Yukiiiiiii… Happy birthday… to me…"

With that final verse, Yuki leaned his head against the chalkboard, feeling no motivation to even continue his work at all.

Quirks changed the world and the people around them… but are they really a good thing to be happy about?

(I felt like I had to put Yuki's backstory as the prologue to this whole entire thing. That's the only change for today folks...

Watch I probably fucked up the entire chapter order of this story. :feelsbadman:. Oh wait, this isn't Discord! haha lol!