Author Note: I dont really like how this chapter turned out but whatever. Im kinda thinking of changing the pacing of the story. And also appriciate the favs and follows for this horrendous story. Thanks for reading. Later.

Naruko stood in front the mirror, looking at her reflection or more precisely what hung around her neck. Today was the day she would finally be enlisted into a squad and officially start her career as a kunoichi. She brought her hand up and placed them on her hitai-ite which hung on her neck, feeling her fingers run over the insignia that was engraved on the metal plate. It was odd. Maybe if she had gotten this forehead protector an year ago she would have found more meaning to what the symbol on the hitai-ite represented. But to her now, it was just a piece of metal that testified to her growth, something to show her worth.

Getting rid of the peculiar thoughts she smiled at her reflection giving herself once an over before stepping out of the house to lock the door only to suddenly stop mid-step.

"Oh woops. Almost forgot..." She unzipped her jacket up to her bust and adjusted her top to make her cleavage more 'presentable'. "Much better." She gave herself a smirk and walked out through the streets, heading to her destination.


Making her way through the halls of the academy she walked at a slow pace trying to find the designated class they were supposed to meet. Eventually finding the right room she slid the door open and entered the room. It was still pretty early and only a few number of people were seated in the class room. The only two people she could identify in the room so far. The last survivors of the Uchiha clan. Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Satsuki, twins in name only as their appearance and personalities were completely different. Uchiha Sasuke, blue spiky hair with long bangs at the side. He sat at one of the seats in the middle row as usual, Naruko found it weird as for such an emo and broody person he always did sit in a rather crowded spot.

Meanwhile Uchiha Satsuki sat next to the corner seat at the very end of the class. She had long straight black hair that was tied up in a ponytail. She wore a sleeveless white dress-shirt buttoned upto the collar, dark pants that was tucked under her dark combat boots that came up to her shins. (Appearence is basically a mix of Yukino from Oregairu and Shizuku from Arifurete)

Although to most people she came off as someone very cold and stoic, to Naruko she just seemed to have a very straight-up personality. She seemed to be a real stickler for the rules but Naruko still liked her even though they had not spoken much at all. Naruko walked past her casually and took the chair to the very corner right next to her. On habit they both looked at each other nodded as a greeting just like they had done for the past year. At the same time Naruko could feel Sasuke's eyes following her form before she looked over to himself only to receive an 'Hn' before he went back to his brooding ways.



Naruko was woken up from her short nap by a nudge from Satsuki. Lifting her head up drowsily she noticed that the whole class was already filled in.

"Sensei has arrived." came the soft monotone voice of Satsuki. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes Naruko gave her a grateful smile as she thanked her.

"Oh, thanks for waking me up Satsuki." Satsuki gave her a small nod before bringing her attention back to Iruka-sensei who had just walked into the room while holding a folder. Most of the class had already quieted down except for the two high pitch screeches that seemed to be fighting each other for whatever reason. It did not take long for Iruka's patience to run out before he ordered everyone to shut up while probably enhancing his voice with chakra.

Satisfied with the silence he took a deep breath before continuing with a smile. "Before I do announce your squads, let me congratulate you all for graduating and becoming ninja's of the hidden leaves. Although my time teaching with you all may have been short and I may not have been able to assist you all as much as I could have..." His eyes roamed towards the back of the class before continuing. "I am still proud to call you all my students. I am sure that you will all become fine ninjas and kunoichis in the future. Since some of your new teachers who will be in charge of you all are already waiting for you, I will start announcing the teams you have been assigned to. And do not object or complain about whoever else is assigned in your team. The teams are already made final so there is no way to make any more changes." "Teams 1 through 6 including team 9 are already active so we will start from team 7. Team 7: Uzumaki Naruko, Hyuga Hinata and Uchiha Satsuki."

Naruko couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. She had been worried that she might get put on a team with bunch of annoying people and thankfully she got Satsuki a girl she liked and the cute little Hyuga heiress, who she had no problems with. Smiling brightly she looked over to Satsuki and met her raven eyes. Naruko scratched her cheek sheepishly. "Looks like we'll teammates from now on huh..." Satsuki nodded briefly. "It seems so Uzumaki-san. Please treat me well."

"Naruko?!" Before Iruka could continue he was interrupted by Kiba who was now standing up and looking at her with wide eyes. "Didn't you fail the exam? What are you doing here?"

Feeling like it was too troublesome to answer his question she just tapped her hitai-ite that was around her neck without giving him a direct answer. Miffed by Naruko's disregard he snorted and looked at her new appearance. "Heh. I wonder what you had to do to actually graduate from an exam you had already failed." He leered at her suggestively. Not to be agitated by his smug look Naruko rebutted. "Hn, wouldn't you like to know?" Kiba scowled getting annoyed by her smirk. "Tch, whatever... You are still the dead last of the class." Before Naruko could retort Iruka chimed in. "That's enough. Quiet down and let me finish assigning your teams. Interrupt me again and you are leaving here without a team, got that?"

"Moving on. Team 8: Aburame Shino, Kiba Inuzuka and Sasuke Uchiha. Team 10: Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Chouji. Team 11: Sakura Haru-..."

After announcing all the teams Iruka closed the folder in his hand. "Alright, you may leave once your assigned team's sensei arrives to get you so stay in the room and try not to do anything that would make a bad first impression to them. I bid you all good luck."

Shortly after Iruka walked out of the room a raven haired woman with red eyes entered. "Team 8 follow me." She left the room as fast as she arrived after calling out to her team. Soon after many others followed suit as their senseis arrived to get them. Until only Naruko, Satsuki and Hinata were the only ones left. Feeling bored Naruko had tried to start up conversation with Satsuki who had her face buried inside a book she was reading only to see it go nowhere as whatever question Naruko would ask her, she would only reply in short sentences.

Feeling miffed Naruko turned to her other teammate who had been staring at her desk with twiddling her fingers from her hands the whole time. Standing up from her chair, Naruko stretched herself before walking down towards Hinata and sat on the table across from Hinata. "Hey. Hinata was it? What'chu up to?" Startled by the new presence she jolted from her seat as she looked at Naruko who was sitting in front of her with her legs crossed. Bewildered, her eyes couldn't help but rove up to her legs where her skirt had been hiked up. Coming out of her daze, her face flushed as she hoped Naruko did not notice what she had been doing. Stammering, Hinata tried to meet Naruko's eyes. "N-n-nothing...n-nothing much..."

Naruko quirked her brow at Hinata. She had seen where hey eyes had been roaming at. Naruko had been used to getting the same kind of looks from men but this would be the first time she had seen someone of the same gender look at her that way. Maybe she had had been imagining things. There was no way a shy and timid girl like Hinata would ogle at her. Just to make sure she wasn't jumping in to any conclusions she tried to test Hinata. Naruko slowly uncrossed her legs and spread them apart making her skirt hike up even further, revealing her panties to Hinata who was sitting across from her. "Haaah. It's so boring... How much longer do you think we got to wait until our damn sensei shows up?"

Widening her pale eyes, Hinata's earlier red face became even more flushed as she looked down towards her table but still couldn't help but steal glances towards Naruko. "I...i...i don't know!" As she finished answering Naruko, her head dropped onto the table as she fainted. Naruko couldn't help but snicker and find her reaction to be amusing. Hopping off the table she strolled towards the seat next to Hinata smiling slyly. Maybe this team wouldn't be so dull after all. Satsuki from her place looked over towards the both of them once before going back to the book she had been reading the whole time.


It was about two hours after Hinata had fainted did the door to the class room finally open. Hinata had already woken up a while ago only to find Naruko sitting next to her. She had been stammering on with a red face as Naruko kept teasing her, when a spiky silver-haired man wearing the jonin attire entered the room. As soon as he entered the three genin stopped what they had been doing and stared back at the man who had an unreadable expression on his masked face.

"My first impression of you all is... you are all girls?" The man spoke in a tone as he was genuinely confused. Shaking his head he stepped back towards the door. "Meet me at the roof." With his piece said he walked away without looking to see if any of them were following. The three genin looked at each other and shrugged as they walked after their probably new sensei to the roof of the academy.

Stepping onto the roof they met their sensei who was now leaning on the railing. He lazily pointed towards the steps in front of him signaling them to sit down.

"Alright then... let's start with introductions shall we. Just the standard introduction will do, name, likes, dislikes, dreams and what not. Blondie why don't you go first."

Naruko blanked out being put on the spot. She took a deep breath to compose herself before she started. "My name is Uzumaki Naruko, I like ramen, training and any activity that I deem fun." Naruko emphasized the last part as she stared at her sensei making the man himself a bit uncomfortable. She paused and continued in a bit more serious tone. "I dislike not being in control of my life...oh yea and the 3 minutes it takes to cook ramen as well. As for my dream... I want to be the strongest shinobi in the elemental nations." Kakashi stared at his sensei's daughter for a second before glancing over to Satsuki signaling for her to continue.

Seeing that it was now her turn she straightened up and cleared her throat before speaking. "Ehem... My name is Uchiha Satsuki. I like reading literature of any kind, training and my little brother. What I dislike is... My dream is to see my clan be rebuilt one day..." Satsuki's already soft voice went dimmer as she continued her introduction. Seeing her sullen mood Kakashi tried to quickly get the introductions over with. "Alright. Hyuuga, you're next."

Hinata looked down towards her lap as she fiddle with her fingers nervously. "M-my name is Hyuuga Hinata. I l-like... gardening... and m-my clan. I...i don't think I dislike anything...My dream. My dream is to become the head of my clan."

Kakashi sighed seeing the timid girl. He was about to continue before Naruko spoke up. "Sensei. Isn't it proper etiquette to introduce yourself before you ask others of their name. We still dont know anything about you."

"Mah... I guess I never told you my name huh. My name's Kakashi. That's all you need to know. Now that we are done with the introductions I guess I should inform you about the test you will be having tomorrow."

The three genin perked up as Kakashi continued. "Don't be mistaken, neither of you all are officially genin yet. The academy test was just to weed out the ones who have no potential. You have to pass the survival exam I will be holding for you all tomorrow before any of you can be officially enlisted as a genin. With that said, be sure to come to the training ground seven at 6 am. Don't be late or you will automatically fail. With that, you are all dismissed." With his piece said Kakashi disappeared with a puff of smoke leaving the three very confused and wary genin behind.

Naruko stood up from her spot and dusted her skirt of with her hands. "Damn, that sucks. I thought we were all done with tests." Satsuki and Hinata followed suit as the three slowly made their way down to head home. "Yeah, but we should not have any troubles with it since it should be a practical test given how he had mentioned that it was a survival exercise." Satsuki looked at Naruko as she knew how strong she was during the few spars they had when they were in the academy.

"I-i agree... We...c-can pass as long as we do" Hinata chimed in while still stammering. Hearing Hinata chime in Naruko smiled and hugged the girl from behind, pressing her chest against her back while rubbing her cheek with Hinata's. "Hoh. If Hina-chan says so i guess we should do our best huh."

"N-N-Naruko-san!" Hinata peeped at Naruko. Satsuki smiled softly and shook her head as they all made way out of the academy. "Well, i shall take my leave then. Goodbye."

"I'll be g-going home too. Bye...N-Naruko-san. Satsuki-san." Naruko waved her hand as she said farewell to her new teammates as they all went their separate ways before Naruko herself started walking towards her home. Maybe she should drop by Higurashi's to 'resupply'.

[Name: Uzumaki Naruko]

[Class: Seal Master]

[Level: 2]


Str: 30

Spd: 31

Int: 38

Wis: 38

End: 46

Chr: 35

[Unique Skill]

Seal Comprehension Lv1 (Passive)

Mental Fortitude Lv1 (Passive)

Higher Regen Lv1 (Passive)

[Acquired Skill]

Ph Release Lv1

[Other Skill]

Kage Bunshin Lv1

Henge Lv4

Kawarimi Lv3


Pain resistance Lv1