Kakashi's thought before it happens.

Kakashi had to wonder if this whole thing happening to him was Minato-sensei's doing as a way of trying to make him stop being a - quote unquote -'stupid idiot with less self-preservation than an empty scroll'.

Who in their right minds would give Kakashi children?

If his track records with teammates isn't enough to convince how much of a bad idea it is, Kakashi would also like to point out that he had just officially 'retired' from Anbu and is in no way shape and form should he in charge of the lives of three little impressionable genins.

And yet, here he is, failing yet another genin team as easily as killing his targets.

Kakashi had adamantly and respectfully refused to be a Jounin instructor yet Sandaime (that senile old man) had ignored him and sent these children just fresh out of the Academy to him.

It's like leading lambs to slaughter in Kakashi's opinion.

Just because he has nothing better to do doesn't mean he has nothing to do. There's a collection of Icha Icha Paradise he had yet to read sitting on his bookshelf after all.

Still, Kakashi is a loyal shinobi to the Leaf and what the Hokage says, goes.

So when children comes his way, Kakashi simply yeets them back as gently as he could (which isn't much) back to the Academy and be done with it.

That plan worked for awhile, until he got them.

Kakashi swore on his Icha Icha Paradise that he had heard Kushina-san's famous cackling of doom a day before he met them.

He really should've made an offering to the gods, or at least to Kushina-san before he went to get his genin.