
Gender bending someone who barely has screen time and is hardly involved in any fics.

Also someone challenged me to make this...so let's go!!

I don't own anything so enjoy!!!

He was shocked when he had entered a kitchen full of baked cakes, cupcakes and other sweet goods when he entered the kitchen.

The person making said baked goods stood at a height of 6'1. She wore a classic white apron donned over her simple Jeans and long yellow sweater. Her brown hair held back by a yellow bandana as she whisked a battering a big mixing bowl.

This was there residential baker/hero in training, Sato Rikido.

The muscular girl was extremely domestic outside of her academic life in school. Even being labeled the "Soccer mom" , by some of the girls due to her motherly nature.

Charcoal black eyes met emerald green as soon as he had stepped into.the kitchen. Sato gave him a big smile as she greeted him.

"Midoriya-kun! Good evening!" She chirped pouring the batter into a deep pan. Izuku smiled back as he smelled the sweet aroma of the baked goods around him.

"Evening Sato-San! Why are you making so many cakes?" He questioned snatching a small chocolate chip cookie from the platter. Taking a bite he savoured the sweet chocolatey texture as Sato placed her newest cake into the oven.

"Well Present Mic and Midnight are planning a party for 1-A and 1-B so they put me in charge of cooking all these sweets. Would you like to help me sample them to see if there good?" She questioned as Izuku gained stars in his eyes.

"Yes please!" He said as they began tasting samples of every cake.

"Ughhh..so good." Said a stuffed Izuku. His belly expanded slightly with all the sweets in it and layed there on the ground surrounded by his mess.

"Had enough?" Sato questioned in a soft tone as she began to remove her apron and her bandana. Her long brown her swaying down past her shoulders.

"Yes...I could definetly go for a nap right now..." Izuku grunted uncomfortably as he tried to get up from the ground.

He had felt a pair of strong hands lift him and set his head down on something soft and comfortable. Looking up he barely could make out the face of a smiling Sato passed her well endowed breast.

"S-Sato-san?" He questioned as he realized the something soft was her thighs making him blush slightly.

"You tired just rest a bit Midoriya-kun." She said soothingly running her hands through his green locks. The comfort from her thighs, the petting of his hair and the fact that he was full with food completely the trifecta effect of him being lulled to sleep.

"Thigh.Pillows. Are. Life."Was the last thing he thought as he drifted off to a comfortable realm of sleep.

A/nShort, sweet and strawberry...just kidding lolThank you and please Review!