AN: The same points from the previous chapter apply.

I have to say, the world had really got upside-down with the Covid-19 disease this year.

I had never expected this would happen, and now the world is quickly changing.

Honestly I never thought I would take this long to write this chapter.

The whole Covid-19 situation made me get stuck at home, inspiration didn't come to me easily.

But I am still alive, thank God.

I own nothing.

Chapter 03: Academy Life

Another day came for the sibilings, the sun rising and the new clock they bought, which was put in their room ringing and slowly waking them from their sweet sleep.

Kyoko woke up a few minutes earlier, as she was used to.

She looked, rather sleepily at the clock, the time was 7:00 at morning.

Kyoko kept looking dazed for a minute before she shook the sleep from her, remembering what today was.

Her and Naruto's first day in the ninja academy!

Kyoko went to her brother's sleeping figure.

"Naru-nii~ if you don't wake up, the world's ramen supply will end~!" she told him cheerfully.

And lo and behold, the blond awoke as if an earthquake shook him from his sleep.

"WHAT!? WHEN!? HOW!? WHY!?" Naruto asked, more than a little freaked that his favourite food will end.

Naruto then took notice of the hand hiding Kyoko's mouth, her eyes full with mirth and amusement.

He got a tick mark on his forehead.

"Not nice, sis, not nice." he said in irritation.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop looking angry now. Today is after all, our first day at the ninja academy, little brat." she told him nonchalantly.

Naruto's eyes widened a little with recognition, and gave one of his board foxy smiles.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot." he said sheepishly.

Kyoko rolled her eyes.

"Obviously, geez, had I not woken you up, you'll be late at the first day, or even every day in school." she stated to him with humor in her voice.

"Not true." he pouted at her.

"Okay, I'm not right. Now let's quickly bathe and make our breakfast and go learn."

There was some sarcasm and commanding in her tone, but Naruto didn't care.

He knew his sister was as excited, just not expressive as far as he was concerned, and he knew that she was a little assertive and bossy, but not anything he can't handle.

The next 40 minutes were full of talking, more from Naruto showing his excitement wether while bathing or making and eating breakfast with his sister, and her answering and chattering with him.

It was exciting for them.

They will take their first steps in attaining their dreams!

Out of their apartment, and saying hello to Naka their neighbour, they took their schoolbags (yeah, they obviously will have one to put in their books and pens, or will they write on a shredded paper they find using a piece of charcoal?)

They took a map (Hiruzen gave them and every other student one map: and don't worry dear paranoid ninjas, it only has the general area of konoha with none of the more ninja-related places except the library and the academy) and followed the directions while running normally, or as normal as two jinchuurikis with insane stamina could, which was quite fast and bordering low genin-level speed.

Not that the citizens bothered with that.

It wasn't as if that was weird in a ninja village, as it could be said that it was a normal occurence.

Reaching the building, they were amazed with the structure.

The Ninja Academy was quite large; it was a huge building that was directly at the base of the hokage tower.

There were also a lot of students, mostly looking 8 years old or older, and Kyoko was surprised.

Maybe the hokage had them enter the academy earlier than normal?

Well, it wasn't actually surprising, all things considered.

The hokage was after all a veteran in these bussines, and if he saw potential in them, who would argue?

Reaching the mob of students, they joined, waiting for a few minutes until a man who looked plain and unremarkable went to them, started calling each student, separating them and putting them into their classes.

"... Uzumaki Naruto, and Uzumaki Kyoko, you both are at the same class, 1-A, next student..." and he then kept rambling.

Naruto and Kyoko high-five'd when they heard they're on the same class.

It was after few more minutes that all the students were separated and put in their respective classes.

The sibilings were together along with aproxiamtely forty or so children, and it made them stick out like a sore thumb to the rest of their class, as they were younger than the rest.

The children weren't glaring at them, but were looking at them as if assessing them.

It was a little uncomfortable for them.

It was roughly 8:05 when the students entered the classroom.

It was quite wide and expansive.

There was a blackboard attached to the wall facing the chairs, with a podium in front of the blackboard, situated far from the students' desks and put in a position where the teacher can view all students at once.

The two sibilings took a desk where it wasn't very close to the teacher's table yet not very far so that they still can see clearly what was written and hear the teacher's voice with no problem.

The chattering of the students stopped when the door opened and a black haired man entered the room, he wasn't very different from the masses.

One could say he was not so different from the normal population if you ignore that he apparently held himself with more grace and aura than your normal run-of-the-mill disciplinarian or teacher.

"Good morning, nice to meet you young lads, I'm your new year's teacher, Yagami Kagari, call me Yagami-sensei." the now known teacher, Yagami Kagari introduced himself, getting nods from the students, some being more reserved than the others.

"The academy material is separated to three categories, which you will be studying and practicing for the next four years; this year, it'll be mostly theoretic knowledge namely mathematics, languages and some of the rules and principles of the ninjas, along with some physical training."

"Next year, you'll have more practical and physical training, and in your third year, you'll be training on some of the ninja abilities, in which all those practical and theoric knowledge and skills will be evaluated in your fourth and last year, to see wether you are qualified for ninja life, understood?" Kagari finished, getting nods and 'yes' from the studdents.

"Good to know that you're paying attention, and while we're on the subject, let me make one thing clear; while we, the academy and possibly your future teachers will like helping you reach your potential..." he then turned a little more serious "we won't give you much leeway if you started making ruckus every minute while you are school or acted in an extremely inappropriate way, wether on academy ground or not, and if you try testing our patience... you might find yourselves expelled, is that clear?"

The students gulped as they nodded, the threat very clear for them to understand.

Of course, the academy teachers can't really expel students like that, as the decision is only the hokage's.

They can make a complaint, but in the end, the hokage is the one who decides.

"Now, open your books..."

"Wow sis, it was booringgg!" Naruto stated after the first day ended, nearly 3 hours after the start of the classes.

Kyoko rolled her eyes at her brother's annoyance and boredom.

"Obviously, you buffon, they won't teach any stupid or advanced lessons from the start." she told him.

Naruto puffed his cheeks. He knew that, but he simply expected they'll train on the cool stuff from the start.

His stomach growled, along with his sister's.

"Ichiraku ramen?" he asked.

"Okay, but remember, three to four bowls for each of us max, and some fruits. You're not going to live on noodles and soup." she answered.

Naruto pouted at her answer but complied.

Even though they have more than enough money from their allowance to buy dozen bowls or so of ramen daily, but she made it clear that eating more varied and nutritious foods and saving up the money is also necessary as well.

The walk to the ramen stand was pretty normal.

Reaching the stand, they were met with a middle-aged man, Ichiraku Teuchi.

"Oh, you lads again?" Teuchi smiled gently, taking care of a customer's order. "Ayame! the lads are here!" he said to his daughter who was apparently washing the dishes at the sink.

"Oh, they came now!" the voice of a young woman with a brown hair was heard, and a few minutes later, she came to view, and the sibilings greeted her with excitement.

Naruto looked at Ayame's sleeves which were folded.

"Ayame-nee, was there a rush of customers today?" he asked in curiosity.

"Yes, how did you guess?" Ayame said.

"Because your apron has some soup on it?" came the rhetorical answer, with Ayame blinking her eyes and Teuchi who tilted his head at the perceptive blond.

"Good to see you know your homework, Naru-nii." Kyoko's happy and slightly sacarstic voice resounded.

"Of course! Ramen is the greatest and I should know everything about it!" Naruto responded.

"I hope this attention ability of yours can be used in class, Naru-nii~ otherwise I might ..." she whispered to him, making him blush a little while nodding vigorously.

Reminding him of what happened at their first 'serious' sibiling quarrel always managed to make his face go red, even if slightly.

"Yeah, yeah, are you here to chat or eat now?" Ayame's question caught their attention, making them feel a little embarrassed.

Ordering a few miso ramen and vegetable ones, they ate in silence.

"Great. Just great." Naruto's voice resounded in the house, the boy looking at his book, which was opened at a specific page along with his sister's.

"Geez, no need to complain Naru-nii~, it's just the first day." Kyoko told him.

"I know~! But do we need to revise what we studied even on the very first day?" his pout was adorable.

"Sadly, well, no, not really, but better read so it sticks faster than having problems later!" her try at acting serious with her taking a 'teacher's pose' looked funny, as Naruto snickered at her.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh at your dear sister. But you better at least make some effort at studying or I swear, I'll tan your small rear red!" she threatened him.

"Hey, you won't do that!" Naruto exclaimed indignantly, and covering his behind with his hands af if it will stop his sister.

"Do you want to bet on that?" she asked him.

Puffed cheeks were her answer.

"Okay, but joking aside, I will really make my threat real if you slack too much at the school." Kyoko said.

"But what if the material was difficult? Will you help me? Please~!" he pleaded.

Kyoko rolled her eyes at her brother's attitude.

"Of course, I'll help you, I am your sister!" Naruto's smiled at that.

"But if you act too stupid or be too bratty, then I'll smack that rear first THEN help you. Won't have the future hokage become a slacker." he nearly facefaulted at that.

"SIISSSS~!" he piteously yelled.

"Now, stop playing, and get to study, hmm, what about this; if you act good at class and spend at least an hour at the house revising what we study I'll help you with your pranks once or twice a week, okay?"

THAT caught Naruto's attention.

"REALLY?!" he said with stars in his eyes.

Let it be known that while Kyoko DOES scold her brother for his pranks, she does so only when said pranks are either too destructive or humiliating for the victims.

She gives him some leeway when he isn't making too complicated or embarrassing pranks.

But she had never actually helped him in doing them, some preparation or planning with him, yes, but never really pranking with him.

"Yes..." Kyoko was thinking what she had unleashed on the village.

"Yay!" had this been an anime, his smile would have nearly blinded her.

"But nothing crazy, okay? Meaning, no destroying things of others or breaking ninja things! Just funny and silly things like making someone slip or some good-natured swapping, get it?"

"Okay! Now let's finish the boring work then play~!"

Kyoko sighed.

Having her brother take his studies seriously might be a challenge.

'I really have my work cut for me, aren't I?' she wondered.

It had been a week after the start of the academy, and the school life for the sibilings... didn't really change.

I mean, yeah, I CAN give them a weird school life, but honestly, this author doesn't see WHY they should do so this early, if at all.

Anyway! Back to the story!

"Kyo-nee, this is boring." Naruto whispered to his sister in the classroom.

"Yeah, it's boring because Yagami-sensei isn't using ramen to explain the lesson, had he been doing that you won't shut up about how cool and exciting the lessons were." came her humorous answer.

"Not true~." came the annoyed argument.

"Yeah, yeah, now pay attention to this leson about division, or I'll divide the amount of ramen you'll eat today till nothing remains for you to eat."

Kagari managed to listen to the sibilings' chatting, being a chunin, and stopped himself from rolling his eyes.

It was quite funny to him that the blond jinchuuriki was apparently more careful and attentive when ramen was being used as an analogy, from the few times he had the students do some mathematic questions.

The redhead was quite attentive in class, so bonus points for her.

That aside, he really has no problems with the jinchuuriki brats, he knew that no one will actually try attacking them, let alone sabotaging them at school.

The boy is loud and 'evil' enough that if any teacher tried to do that, he'll complain and rail about that, and the teachers will find themselves in the hokage's office being questioned on why they were trying to destroy a potential asset of the village, with a quick firing to make the point clear.

It happened before, and it can easily happen again.

Nope. He'll just teach and help when they ask him to, and if the students didn't take the ninja life seriously, then it's the child's fault, not his.

Back to the lessons, Kagari then made his students stop talking and pay more attention to the class.

The break wasn't strange by any means.

Just some chatting and eating.

"So, what did you learn, Naru-nii~?" Kyoko asked her brother while eating her bento, along with two apples.

She had forced him to put at least one apple in his food.

"That mathematic division is compliated?" Naruto rhetorically said, inspecting his apple as if expecting it to change colors and be erased from existence.

"... You know what? Sometimes it feels is if you want me to make my threat a reality." she deadpanned at him.

Naruto looked a little annoyed at her.

"You're not going to stop this, will you?"

Seriously, his sister must have made the whole spanking thing a running gag between them.

"Well, maybe?"

He rolled his eyes.

"You know sis; maybe I should do that to you." he stated.

"Oh, you can do that, but better catch me acting bratty first~!" came her mocking answer.

"Oh, you better make sure I don't."

They looked at each other as if lightning would shoot between their eyes.

"They're weirdoes." a child stated to his friends/acquaintances who nodded.

"Yea, also, what do you think these two are talking about?" a second said.

"Who knows, but it doesn't really matter, does it?" a third thought loudly.


"I wonder what they're talking about?" Naruto asked about the very same children who were talking about them earlier, after the glaring contest between him and his sister.

"Who cares, oh, the break is over, let's return now." Kyoko said as she heard the academy bell ring, declaring the end of the break.

The next two weeks were quite uneventful, as other than some eyes looking at them, something they slowly got used to, nothing out of ordinary happened.

Naruto was reading the math book along with Kyoko, trying to finish their homework of this week.

"Finally!" Naruto exclaimed, as he popped his arms.

"That was fast." Kyoko was a little impressed, as she thought he wouldn't have done it so fast.

"Obviously! Some meager math equations are nothing for the next hokage, someone as smart as me!" he boasted puffing his chest.

"Really?" came Kyoko's amused response "Then you better be correct in your answers."

"Or else?" he asked her.

"... I will smack that cute rear of yours..."

"... You have a spanking 'fetish' or what sis?" he deadpanned.

Never ask when or where he learned said word but if you want to know, let's say that their walks to the brothels to visit Madam Kuroka and staying with her few hours a week had made them learn a good amount of 'adult' words and leave it to that.

"... Okay, I might have one, but aren't you curious about spanking me?" she asked him.

He thought about it for a minute.

"Okay, I guess I'm a little interested, but wouldn't it hurt you?" he asked worriedly.

He never wanted to hurt his sister.

Kyoko shrugged at his worries.

"Nonsense! Sure it must have stung you but you were fine after few hours, weren't you?" she stated.

"Yeah but-"

Kyoko cut him.

"Then it's alright! Right?" she told him with her cheeky smile where she looked as he appeared when he thought of a very mean prank.

He opened his mouth, then closed it.

"You really want one of us to be spanked don't you?" he asked, irritated.

"Well, I said that I might have one, but who knows, you might have one too~!" she giggled at that.

"Fine! If I am wrong then you spank me but if I am correct I spank you!" he declared looking annoyed.

"I agree~! Now show me your homework!" she took his paper, reading it and looking for any mistakes he might have, and as hilarity states, she found a good amount of them.

Then again, that was expected.

Even if she helped Naruto at his studies, he wouldn't have somehow become as smart as Einstein in few days, not to mention, he was a child from the start, while she, even if she doesn't remember a lot, if at all, was a teenager in her previous life and learned more than him.

"Sorry, Naru-nii~, but you made a good amount of mistakes~!" she told him.

"EEHHH!?" he asked looking sad.

"Hm, hm! Look, you should have used parentheses in this equation, and here, you are mistaken in the result, and in that one..." she kept listing his mistakes, at least the ones that any child will casually make.

Naruto looked a little more downcast as Kyoko kept telling him his mistakes in his homework.

"Geez, Naru-nii, no need to look that crestfallen, everyone, even a future hokage, makes mistakes, and no one is smart from the start." Kyoko defended Naruto's mistakes.

"But I thought I won't have anything wrong~!" he pouted at his sister's attempt to make him feel better.

She laughed.

"Geez, I'm pretty sure I'll make mistakes at some point, no one is perfect, my cute brother!" she hugged him, making him feel a little happier.

"I- I guess." he said sheepishly.

Kyoko kept hugging him happily, and then smiled devilishly, still hugging him.

"Now, will you now put yourself on my lap? A spanking is waiting for you~!"

"Siisss!" Naruto said loudly, with a tick mark on his forehead.

"He-he, sorry, didn't mean to destroy the emotional atmosphere but you were too much of a tease to not do that." Kyoko patted him on the head, since it felt natural for them to do so.

Naruto then attached himself to his sister's body, enjoying her hand patting his head.

Kyoko then couldn't help herself, and started touching Naruto's whiskers, causing him to feel very relaxed and made him snuggle to his sister's chest.

"More, Kyo-nee~!" he pleaded.

"If I don't want to?" she asked him, a smirk on her cute face.

He looked at her with his sad eyes, pouting at her.

It was too much for a girl who adored her sweet(?) brother.

She tightened her hug.

"So cute! How can someone say no to you!?" she squealed happily.

Naruto's cheeks reddened at the praise, as even though NOT everyone in the village hates him, but he was still a social outcast along with his sister, and Naka wasn't one to compliment them everytime, and Kuroka was seemingly more interested in embarrassing them, the hokage wasn't someone they saw even weekly, but maybe once or twice a month, so Naruto always felt a little uncomfortable when being honestly praised, even by his sister.

He accepted his sister's touch, enjoying it.

It was after few minutes had passed that they stopped, Naruto touching his whiskers as if his sister will keep doing so.

Sadly, she didn't look intent to do so.

"Now, now, stop moping geez." she playfully scolded him.

"Come now, if you accept your spanking, I'll play with your whiskers for a while, and allow you to play with my whiskers for... 10 minutes, okay?"



"Fiineee!" came the blond's answer.

Naruto went to the bedroom and put himself on his sister's lap after she sat comfortably on the bed, feeling a little embarrassed about what would happen.

"Now, Naru-nii, don't be nervous, you know I won't really hurt you right?" Kyoko told him gently, feeling the worry he felt by her 'sibiling-sense'.

"I know~, but it's still embarrassing." he retorted, his face a little red from the embarrassment.

"Hehe, you look so adorable~, now I want you to do something for me while I paint your behind pink and red."

"Which is?"

"I want you to say 'I will concentrate more in class' every time I smack this rear of your."

"Fine~! I'l humor you in this~!"

Kyoko smiled, and just then, a poof appeared on her right shoulder, showing an angel(?) version of her with angelic white wings, a golden halo and a harp.

'Huh?' she thought bewildered as an other poof was heard to her ears, seeing a devil looking like her, with a red pitchfork and horns and a tail with a triangular end.

'what the...?!' she was unable to comprehend what was happening.

Naruto looked at his dear sister, and saw her turning her head left and right every few seconds.

That looked oddly familiar...

"Uh, sis?" he asked her in confusion, which distracted Kyoko from her 'inner consciences' and hed her look at him.

"You're talking to your angel and devil, right?" he was still confused.

"How did you know?" she was still baffled.

"It's what happened to me the first time you spanked me." he stated bluntly.

"Oh." she sweatdropped.

"So... what did they want you to do?" he asked in curiosity.

Kyoko shook herhead to clear her head from the crazy show she was seeing.

"Uh... well, the angel wanted me to simply be 'forgiving' and the devil wanted me to be harsher... this is seriously weird."

"You think?" it was a rhetorical question and she knew it.

"Anyway, let's just ignore them." she shooed at the two manifestations of her good and bad wants, making them disappear, one sighing and the other huffing.

Kyoko returned her attention to her brother, smiled, and gave him a light smack on his rear.

"ow." he fakely said.

"say it." she warned him.

He blinked for a few seconds and then remembered the details of their bet.

"oh, sorry, I will concentrate more in class!"

He got a hand ruffling his hair for that.

Another slap followed.

"I will concentrate more in class."

And another.

"I will concentrate more in class."

It kept going like that for a while, as he repeated the saying everytime Kyoko's hand slapped his rear.

"And, it's over!" Kyoko said, delivering a final loud and a little hard smack, in which Naruto's voice went a little louder from the sudden hard slap, repeating the phrase as well.

"Stand up from my knee, and sit on my lap now." she commanded him.

Naruto obeyed her, rubbing his now rosy-pink rear, looking a little pained, sitting on her lap, enjoying her hug and letting her play with his whiskers, softly moaning, loving her gentle care.

"You're like a baby, you know? Always wanting attention~" she told him humorously, still touching his adorable whiskers, which caused him to moan in irritation.

She giggled at him, and hugged him tighter, loving his slightly red face from the indignation and embarrassment he was feeling.

Naruto grumbled good-naturedly at his sister's actions, knowing she was just joking and teasing him.

It was a few minutes later that she stopped herself from playing with his whiskers, much to his disappointment.

"Now, now, it's my turn to get my whiskers touched, be respectful~!" Kyoko told him with a huff.

Naruto stuck his tongue at her, but he did nothing else at her.

He then reluctantly stood up from her lap, and had her sit on his lap, as she leaned on his body, and Naruto started slowly touching her whiskers, getting a happy little squeak as her brother gently rubbed the area of her whiskers.

"Feels so nice~!" she told him, getting a board smile in return.

They kept staying like that for a few minutes, and then separated themselves from each other.

"Now, we had our fun and games, let me help you fix your homework mistakes." she told him smiling gently.

He nodded his head.

The first year at the academy quickly ended, and the second year had just started.

And if there was one difference in the classes of the sibilings, it would be the kunoichi classes that Kyoko had to take and stay in for two hours on thursday and friday.

The classes also started taking physically conditioning the students for the graduation, meaning; laps, sit-ups, push-ups, running, and more physical excercices were taken by the students and were obligatory.

How to throw a punch, kick, how to dodge, counter-attack, and more were put in the program of the second year, with unlocking their chakra and a quick resume about the handsigns in the last month of the year so they can prepare for the third year easier and quicker.

Ninjas were NOT freaking morons after all, and they will not wait till the last possible time to make a decision THAT important about the future of the village.

And especially, as the hokage was directly backing and observing the work in the academy, making sure that no teacher was playing favourites in any EXTREME way, as to make sure that no student gets treated unfairly or sabotaged, or gets an unnecessary 'boost in marks', meaning no student getting orders to lose on purpose or not holding back and hurting the students more than necessary.

The sandaime, after all, is one of the very few shinobis who, for all one can say, managed to live to the so-called "retiring age" of the shinobi; something that was very rare indeed.

And he is, as his ANBU, his rival Danzo, and even those in the upper ranks from other villages will easily admit; That he is one of the MOST DANGEROUS AND TERRIFYING ninjas who existed, and he has no problem in using said authority, as some morons who thought they can escape his eyes or power can verify, if they didn't die that is, sadly.

Wait, what were we talking about?

Oh yeah!

Back to the second year of the ninja academy;

"Work faster, brats! Hey, you, I saw grannies running faster than this , move those legs of yours!" Okino Yui, the teacher of physical training for this year yelled, making the students run faster and with more vigour.

Okino Yui is a female chunin with a brown hair, a nice athletic body and a good bust, not big but not too small, wearing the chunin jacket.

She looked quite strict, in all-bussines mode, making the children feel more afraid NOT to take her seriously.

"Wow she is serious, desune." Kyoko muttered to her brother while easily running, getting a nod from him and the students around them.

"Yui-sensei is scary, dattebayo." Naruto stated, closely following his sister.

"You think?" a boy with brown hair rhetorically asked.

"But, Daisuke, it's true." Naruto pouted.

Yuuto Daisuke is a child who the sibilings befriended at some point after they somehow got stuck making few group homeworks, causing them to know each other better and become friends.

There are other children the sibilings knew and befriended, not a lot but a good amount of their previous class, at least seven or eight more students became their friends in the first year.

"I know, but can you now stop talking, we don't want to be scolded by her." a girl with black hair told the three children just as she caught up to them.

Tendo Akane ( NOT A CROSSOVER! ), a kunoichi in training that became a friend with Kyoko and naruto to a lesser extent.

"I agree, it won't do to get scolded or be put in detention in the first week, that would be a very bad impression." Kyoko seconded Akane's viewpoint, with the rest of the four going along.

It was a quite tiring day for any child who didn't have a ninja/clan training already or didn't have high stamina, so Daisuke and Akane were breathing harshly after the physical training was done.

Naruto and Kyoko though, were hardly sweating even after a little more than an hour running.

"That was tiring!" Akane stated between her breaths, puffing and huffing every second.

"Really? It wasn't really tiring though?" Naruto said in confusion.

Daisuke sighed in exhasperation.

"You two are stamina monsters, aren't you?"

The sibilings sheepishly looked at them.

"Anyways! So, Kyoko, what about crushes? any cute boys in the class, hmmm?" Akane quickly tried dragging a flailing and panicking Kyoko away from the two boys, with no hope at succeeding.

After all, being a chakra monster means that unless said chakra monster ALLOWS a civilian to catch them, there is NO WAY IN HELL said civilian will ever catch them easily without help from either a LOT of other civilians who were SOMEHOW capable of cutting all escape routes, or from a ninja who is much beter than the capture target.

Kyoko easily managed to escape Akane's hands and quickly GTFO'ed of the academy as the classes had ended this day, leaving Naruto along with the rest of the class.

Naruto blinked.

"Well... I have to catch sis, don't want her to get in problems!" he stated and went running following her.

Daisuke's eyes twitched.

Those morons left him alone, again.

He sighed, and went home.

It was the second week of the second year, and Naruto along with his sister were in the library (the librarian is not an evil stupid moron) doing some homework about the history of the elemental naions and the five main villages.

It wasn't really difficult to find the needed knowledge as it was put for all to see.

General knowledge is open to everyone curious anyway.

"So, Naru-nii, did you enjoy playing with Sakura?" Kyoko asked him quitely with a cheeky smile.

"Oh, it was fun." Naruto answered with a light blush.

"Riighttt..." Kyoko said with deadpan.

"Really. We had fun." Naruto told her with a pout.

Haruno Sakura, one of the still-civilian friends of the sibilings who will enter the ninja academy in the next year, and one that Naruto's crush on her was the main reason the three became friends when Naruto and Kyoko were still at the first year.

Kyoko realised that Naruto was attracted to the pink-haired girl when Naruto, after weeks from seeing her, started telling his sister that he felt 'strange' when thinking about Sakura, or that he feels nervous when he sees her.

Kyoko had no problems with his crush on her.

How they became friends though, was not as simple, namely because Naruto's attitude toward Sakura that from Kyoko's viewpoint, was completely stalker-ish and plain disturbing.

He started nice and good enough, although asking your crush to date you right off the bat wasn't what normal people do, but Naruto was and still is a child, so Kyoko didn't care that much about that.

What she did care about though, was the fact that Naruto was unknowingly nearly harrassing her, confessing every time he can, and it became more annoying when Sakura started hitting him in the head for his unwanted advances.

It was annoying enough that Kyoko had dragged him to Kuroka where the two females gently explained that it was NOT nice or sweet or cute AT ALL. That it was creepy, and that it was very normal for Sakura to be annoyed and want to bash his head.

Naruto was quite sad that he was hurting his crush and he apologized to Sakura for his actions toward her.

She accepted (children switch moods easily), but she couldn't accept him as a friend until after a week or so, in which her annoyance at Naruto started to fade.

It was a few weeks later that Sakura started talking with each other and becoming more friendly and casual with the two sibilings.

So by now, the sibilings are more or less friends.

Luckily Kuroka managed to stop Naruto from thinking of dating until much later with the help of his sister, then again, she had threatened to turn him into her dressing doll, so he agreed.

Now, enough explanation!

"Alright, alright, now, where is that book?" Kyoko returned Naruto's attention to the homework.

"Here it is." Naruto gave her the needed book.

She took the book, finding the necessary page and started talking and deciding with him on which parts from the texts have to be changed and the parts that don't need any change.

An hour or so later, the sibilings had finished their work, exiting the library.

'Well, well, a little more than two years later and we graduate, if we didn't fail in the final year that is.' Kyoko mused in her mind.

Her life in the village, was quite good.

A.N: And, done!

I was lately reading deconstruction fics like Tribun's No Chance For Fate, The Gentry by The Infamous Man to get some ideas for my deconstruction fic, and I then thought, 'why not put some deconstruction and realistic results in this fic as well?' and I went with the idea.

Not that I will make the entire Narutoverse realistic but some cliches are really boring and irritating.

Sorry if you didn't like it.

Cliches that were deconstructed in this fic:

Weak sandaime: no he's not, and if you didn't have a 'nice' relation with him and you crossed his way, without having a very good reason or power under your command, you die.

Abused Naruto(ko): no civilian or ninja from the village will actually try that unless they were drunk, not emotionally stable or plain insane, and if they did, well, the ninjas can give you a painless death, at least.

Sakura bashing: Naruto's stalker-ish attitude toward her is not sweet, and just because he or his sister are protagonists, it doesn't mean that she is a 'bitch' for not accepting Naruto's unwanted advances, as she, like anyone, has every right to reject someone who she doesn't like.

Sabotage in school: no NINJA teacher is dumb enough to think that the hokage won't hang their intestines if they tried to wreck one of the village's assets.

Naruto(ko) being completely lonely: no child is able to live alone in a village that ignores them with only one or two 'nice' persons checking on them one every two months, so in here the sibilings have some sort of bonds with other people that they know, if only so they won't simply go insane because of loneliness and dislike.

Instant love: Naruto, like any oblivious child, doesn't quickly understand what love is, and had to experience it for weeks for him to at least get a gist of what it was.

Reincarnated person enjoying their new reality + keeping their memories: I made it clear that when Kimiko got reincarnated, she was terrified, anxious and afraid for her life, and her memories about the show keep degrading as time passes, with just a small feeling that something is wrong at some point that gets practically ignored.

Next chapter, the sibilings will finish the academy years and graduate, gaining a teammate and a 'reasonable' adult figure... as much as ninja can be, anyways.

Please give reviews.

Farewell for now, hope you stay healthy and fine!