Disclaimer : oregairu doesn't belong to me but the following story does

What is youth ? If I was to express my opinion on it, I would say it is a stage of an individual life where people doesn't feel concerned by their future but more of their present. There's nothing wrong with it, as young people are governed by their foolishness.

This foolishness creates a tunnel vision, which effect makes them live by the thrill of "youth" as they say : failed endeavor, unrequited love, interesting rumors, anything goes to add spice to this thing they call youth.

The only thing that everyone doesn't realise is that deep in their heart, they are wretched. Unfortunate actors they are in this tragedy called youth as they don't realise that youth deceives everyone.

Every mistakes you made would eventually catch up to you, even if you wanted to run from it you would realise that the scar that are left by youth ran too deep.

Every fear that you accumulated from your mistakes and pain determine the path that you will take, unprepared as you are from the illusions of youth.

Every action that you will take are shaped not by your own will but the masks that you desperately crafted to shield yourself from the so familiar pain.

As I stand here, watching the tumbling young people that have yet to realise their fates, I realise that youth is not really a tragedy, but a comedy at its finest.

Hikigaya Hachiman