Chapter One

"I am not drunk!" Loki snarled, pushing Tony away. "I am older than your planet, do not think that you have the right to tell me what to do. You vile, dull little ant."

"Uh huh, sure reindeer games. I believe you." Tony answered rolling his eyes, "Perhaps you might just want a little nap to rest up after the battle. Not because you are drunk at all."

Six hours earlier.

"Would you like a drink?" Tony asked the God of Lies as they stood together in Stark Tower, the battle for Earth raging in the background. As the God stalked up and down the window watching what was going on below. Holding the sceptre like it was some life saver. He hadn't noticed on the Quinn jet earlier after they had captured Loki. Just how pale the man looked, how drawn. The armour was almost hanging off the man's skeletal frame. Sunken eyes ringed with shadows and tiredness beyond what mere sleep could fix. Loki looked haunted by more than he could possibly ever understand. For the first time, he actually felt sorry for their enemy. "I make a great martini." He prompted when he was ignored.

"You will not distract me; the war is going with or without me now. There is nothing you can do to change that. Not even if you kill me." Loki said quietly.

That shook Tony Stark to his core, there was more to this story then they had been led to believe. "Look, I came here to threaten you, but you look like you could do with a damn drink, and I know I could. Now, are you going to be rude and spurn my hospitality after breaking into my house or are you going to sit and have a drink with me before we go back to trying to kill each other? I am calling a timeout." He poured himself an extra-large scotch as he talked, offering the bottle to the God.

Loki rolled his eyes at the human, "Your Midgardian drinks are like water to a God."

"Then take the bottle, I have plenty." Tony indicated the row of bottles behind him, "Hell, take three or four I won't even notice. You are probably doing my liver a favour."

"It would be against hospitality rules if I refused you, yes?" Loki asked.

"It would be a huge no no, I might have to shoot you."

Loki sighed, and snatched the bottle. "Fine, to your health for a little time as you have left to live." He downed the entire bottle of scotch before placing the empty decanter on the bar. "My thanks mortal."

Tony polished off his own glass, refilling it. "Need another?" he asked.

"Attempting to get me drunk also does not stop the army." Loki commented, glancing back at the army below.

"I thought Midgardian booze was too weak to get a God drunk. Scared of a little pre battle drinking game?" Tony taunted.

Loki snatched the next offered bottle, downing it in one again. "You should hang out with my brother more often; he would love someone who is as foolish as him when it comes to partaking in such foolish exploits."

Tony only half filled his own glass this time, wanting to keep his wits about him as he put a third bottle out for the God to drink." "Thought this whole temper tantrum was about being adopted and yet you called him brother still?"

"I am adopted! An ancient relict stolen for Odin to use me as he wished." Loki grabbed the bottle and turned away in annoyance to watch the battle once more at the window. Gulping at the brew.

"Thor loves you."

"Thor has no understanding of love, just like his father! I am a monster; I do monstrous things. That is who I am."

Tony came around to stand with the God, after slipping his bracelets that could summon a fresh suit at need. There was something oh so fishy about how the God was acting. "And yet the monster, as you call yourself is sat here having a nice drink with an enemy. Without causing any harm, chaos or death."

"There is enough death below us." Loki said sadly, "Not even warriors' deaths for them. Just a slaughter with no honour."

Tony looked at him when he finally realised something, "You do not want this war, all this posturing, fighting, what were you after? Really after?"

Before Loki could answer, a blast tore through the window knocking them flying. The tower starting to tilt slightly towards the ground. Tony slipped by the God, in his human clothes towards the window as a second blast hit. Without even thinking, Loki jumped, shielding the human form the blast before dragging him back to safer ground behind the bar. Leaving the staff forgotten behind him.

"No monster would have just saved my life." Tony commented quietly as Loki picked over the bottles to find one of his choosing.

"I have use of your mind, your creative nature. Nothing more." He seemed satisfied by a bottle he chose to continue his drinking.

As he turned, Tony saw a glimpse of green eyes sparkling at him.




Wait, weren't they blue a moment ago?

He touched the communicator in his ear, while Loki was distracted with magicking the window back together from the blasts. "Thor, what colour should your brother's eyes be?"

"Man of Iron, that is a strange question in the middle of a battle, but Loki's eyes are green. Like a forest."

"Interesting." Tony muttered to himself, eyeing the sceptre laying on the floor. Trying to decide if it was worth trying to grab for it.

Loki was stalking up and down the now repaired window, taking odd swigs from the bottle hanging loosely from his fingers. He seemed calmer, better in some ways. "Oh, come on, at least make it a challenge for them. This is a battle not a walk over." Talking more to himself.

"You can certainly hold your drink big guy." Tony commented, "Any chance of calling this whole thing off and I will treat you to dinner and as much booze as you like?"

"I told you, this is nothing to do with me anymore. I just had to open the door. Now your avengers or the one I do not name will win, and I will get what I want."

"And what do you want? It certainly isn't a warm light for all mankind."

"A home." Loki muttered.

"Come again?"

Loki realised he had said the words out loud; a look of pain crossed his face and he grabbed the sceptre again. "So, Stark. How will your friends have time to save the world if they are too busy fighting you?" He brought the staff up touching the tip to Tony's chest clinking on metal.

Nothing happened.

Confused Loki touched the tip there again. "This usually works."

"Performance issues, not uncommon. 1/5" Tony snarked, noticing the blue tone of the God's eyes once more.

Loki growled, grabbing Stark and throwing him through the newly repaired window.

"Deploy, deploy!" Stark screamed.