It was a week later, and Jack, Rose, and Josie were back in California. Jack had moved out of his apartment and now lived with Rose and Josie. Evelyn was packing up the rest of her house and was going to join them in a few weeks. Jack had tried to help her, but she refused. She wanted Jack to start his life with his family.

Jack, Rose, and Josie sat in the living room one morning. Rose was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper, Josie was sitting on the window sill reading, and Jack was sketching Josie.

Rose leaned over and looked at what Jack was drawing. "That's beautiful," she whispered.

"So is she," said Jack.

Josie looked up from her book. "By the way, I talked to Ms. Robbins today."

"She's your art teacher, right?" Rose asked, and Josie nodded. "What did she say?"

"She's threatening me with a C," said Josie. "What am I going to do? I'm a straight-A student! I can't have a C on my transcript!"

"You have a C in art?" Jack asked.

Josie felt awful. Her father was such an artist and she wasn't. "Yeah, I do," said Josie, looking down.

"Don't be embarrassed," said Jack. He smiled at Josie warmly. "When I was in high school, I failed art."

Josie looked up and smiled. Rose was right, Jack thought to himself, Josie's smile could light up a room. "Really?"

"Yes. But I can still help you get an A, if you'd like. What do you have to do to get an A?"

"A self portrait. I take a picture of myself and then draw it. Only, I can't draw for shit!" Josie took out the picture and her attempt at the self portrait.

"Do you need help?" Jack asked.

"I need to be able to draw. I need an A in art. I need to not be struggling in that class anymore-" Josie said.

"Do you want my help or not?" Jack interrupted her with a smile.

Josie fake cried. "Yes please."

The three of them moved to the kitchen. "Okay, so the first thing is, you have to draw what you see, not what you know," said Jack. "You don't make any assumptions about the picture. You clear your mind about whatever idea you have in your head about what you look like. So now try it again."

"Okay," said Josie. She picked up the pencil and drew for a few minutes. "Okay, that doesn't look right."

"No, it's better," said Jack. "The way I started was by flipping the picture upside down. That way, your mind forgets what the picture is."

Josie flipped the picture upside down and started to draw. "Still not good," she said.

"You're too hard on yourself. Now try something else." Jack picked up the picture. "Look at the picture, and move the pencil. Don't look down, don't pick up the pencil. Look at the picture and draw what you see."

Josie did what she was told. Finally, she looked down. "I… don't know what I'm looking at here."

"Right, that's the point. You drew a blind version of your portrait, and now you have the muscle memory of drawing the picture and it should be easier to draw it now."

Josie nodded and sighed. She sat and sketched away, until an hour had passed. Finally, she looked up. "I'm done."

Jack looked at the portrait. "You did it. It's perfect."

Josie smiled. "Thanks. Now can you do one of me? I heard you're quite the artist."

Jack chuckled. "If you'd like."

"Now?" Josie asked.

"Well, I actually already did one," Jack said. He passed Josie the paper.

Josie looked at it and gasped. "It's amazing. How come I can't do this?"

"You can, if you keep practicing, you can," said Jack. "You really have a talent here, I can already tell."

"Thanks," said Josie.

Josie was finishing up the portrait when Rose took Jack's hand and led him out of the room. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned against him. She kissed him lovingly. "Let's get married today. I don't want to spend another day not married to you."

Jack smiled and kissed her back. "Okay," he whispered. "But, how?"

"Just you, me, and Josie. There's someone at the inn who officiates all of the weddings. I have a dress already, it's perfect." Rose smiled. "What do you think?"

Jack smiled. "I love you, and I agree. I want to marry you today."


Jack was getting dressed in Josie's room while Rose was getting ready in the master bedroom. Josie was helping Rose get ready. Rose was wearing a beautiful white dress that was off the shoulders and tightened at the waist before widening, giving her an hourglass figure.

Josie was putting some lip gloss on when she turned to Rose. "You nervous?" she asked.

Rose smiled and shook her head. "Never been more sure of anything in my entire life. Well, this and having you."

Josie smiled. "I love you guys. And I love you together. You're perfect."

Rose kissed Josie's cheek. "I love you too, Josie. I can never thank you enough for what you've given me."

"What did I give you?" Josie asked confusedly.

"Love," said Rose. "I never thought that I would be able to love anyone ever again, or receive love. You filled a void in my life. You're my best friend and I love you."

Josie hugged Rose. "I always wanted to make you happy, and i'm glad I did." She pulled out of the hug. "I'm going to go check on Dad."

Josie entered the room and found Jack fastening his tie. "How's your mom?" he asked.

"She's perfect," said Josie, and she helped him tie his tie. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course," said Jack.

"Well, for sixteen years, Mom had to live without you. She had me with her, and I know I definitely helped her, but she was still devastated. You didn't have mom, and you were completely alone."

"True," said Jack. "None of that was a question."

"How bad was it?" Josie asked.

Jack shook his head. "It's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I had done everything in my power to help your mother survive. She saved me, and I thought I just wasn't able to save her in return. But here's the thing: with in five minutes of meeting you and finding Mom again, I would go through sixteen more years of that, if that's what it took to get you back."

Josie smiled and hugged him. "I love you, Dad."

"How's your dad doing?" Rose asked.

Josie frowned. "Well, I don't know how to tell you this, but he left. He bailed."

Rose rolled her eyes. "Ha ha. Very funny."

"What?" Josie asked.

"Jack? Bailed? No."

"How do you know?" Josie asked.

Rose smiled and winked. "He just loves us too much."


Jack and Rose were standing at the altar. It was a beautiful gold archway with purple flowers (Rose's favorite color).

"If you'd like to exchange your vows," said the officiant.

"Oh, well we didn't get a chance to prepare anything," Rose began.

"Actually, I did," said Jack. He took Rose's hands in his. "Rose, I thought this was going to be the hardest thing I ever had to do. I didn't know how to articulate how much you mean to me. But when I saw you walking down the aisle, I realized how simple it was. I love you. You are the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with."

Rose smiled. "I love you too."

"Two weeks ago, I would have never expected to be this lucky. I never thought I wold spend another moment with the love of my life. And not only did I find you once again, but I also found my daughter. And today, I promise to be here for both of you, forever and always."

Jack leaned in to kiss Rose. "Not yet," said the officiant .

"Well then hurry up," said Jack, smiling at Rose.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now you can kiss the bride."

Rose wrapped her arms around Jack, and Jack kissed her. It was a chaste kiss. After all, Josie was watching uncomfortably. But she didn't care. She loved her parents so much, and she just wanted them to be happy. Finally, they were.

The End

A/N: Thank you so much for reading. I had some more planned for this story, but it didn't really seem to be doing well and I didn't feel inspired by it anymore. Maybe I'll post it as a sequel later on, we'll see. But thank you for your support and reviews!