Max's point of view I was in the temple with the crystal skull I saw the move card dinosaur the Alpha gang was using as a card I also saw zoe with her leg stuck Rex had already left.

the Crystal skull was to far away, I could risk getting the move card to try and save everything but then it might fail and me and zoe would be…. No I know what I have to do!"

I ran over to zoe and removed the branch form her leg and helped her up I tried getting her to the exit but it was falling to fast and she was limping clearly she pulled something while struggling I growled we can't make it out of here like this at least not both of us.

I saw her crying and I bite my lip and in a moment I pushed her forward sending her rolling and sliding through the exit to safety as the sealing continued to lower it was to late for me so as she looked at me I called out, "I LOVE YOU ZOE!"

I saw her eyes widen in shock and she gasped and tried to let out a scream but I heard was the skull braking with a smash then everything went black.

then it became white as I heard a sigh and rolled over and jumped there was a dinosaur sized King snake with red feathered wings, red feather tipped tail and what looked like a red mohawk of feathers.

I jumped as the snake spoke, "Well now isssn't this trouble! And just plain ssssadd!" it said as it moved around to stop be form running I gulped did I die and go to hell? That shouldn't be right.

the snake then spoke up "Oh poor child you are sssscared and confusssed. I am Kulkulkan! You may know my legnedssss but trussst me they mistake fun loving prankssster for evil. Any how I was inside the crystal ssskull witch ssshattered my mother didn't take my lasssst prank to well.. any how you sssset me freee, but died that issn't right! My hero sssshould live."

I gulped and said, "so are you going to return me to life sir?"

the snake hissed before changing shape.

it became a humanoid shake arms legs snake scales and a snake like but cute face between the hour glass hips white sideless skirt with gold band white tank top with golden neck band golden bands around the ankles wrist and bicepts and the shape of her chest made me gulp as she spread her wings in her new human like body she was a girl and I just called her sir.

she wiggled her still feather tipped tail sticking out of the middle of her lower back as she stretched and spoke her voice now sounding like a human lady's thanks to being smaller " I ssswear you mortalsss I get misstaking us for male while we are at large sssize thanks to how deep our voicesss are but a lady just gets ssick of it!"

I gulped and held out my hands and said, "I am so sorry Goddesss!" I gulped scared of insulting.

Kulkulkan was stretching her three fingered and a thumbed hand as she rolled her eyes, "Don't worry about it I'll let it go asss you sssaved me and ssset me free. Now as for your wissssh if your old body wasn't currently a tortilla I would just sssnap my fingerssss and you would wake up no harm no foul but your flatter then flat! Witch makes this all the more complicated!"

I gulped and nervously asked, "how complicated?"

the snake goddess used her tail as a make shift chair as she crossed her arms, "I can't make new human bodiesss. Only feathered Sssserpent onesssss. In ssshort you won't be human! And asss I would have made your new life you would be my resssssponsibility." I looked confused and she face palmed.

She then sighed, "Why are the noble heroesss alwaysss the ssstupid onessss. In ssshorter you would be reborn as my sssson! You have literally forever to think of a responssssse"

Point of view change to third.

In the D-lab Aki was screaming tears in her eyes yelling at her husbands for the secrets that just killed her son as she yelled out, "YOU BASTARD YOU ASSHOLE YOU KILLED OUR BABY BOY!"

Rex panting his head against a wall crying blaming himself for running.

Zoe was in the corner holding her legs to her chest crying as she said, "I was a jerk to him and he loved me? Why would that idiot love me!?" she cried.

Reese was frozen her emotionless nature had her at a loss how to make her sister feel better.

in a moment aki picked up the thunderstone it glow making her glow showing she was the stones new owner as she growled and said, "IF I NEW HOW TO USE THIS THING YOU WOULD BE DEAD MR TAYLOR TO SAY I WANT A DIVORCE IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT!"

that is when they heard a wing beat was heard as everyone gasped as Kulkulkan landed everyone was stunned as she shape shifted to her humanoid form and opened the door, "Hi I'm Kulkulkan I was in the crystal sssssskull hear to talk about the kid who died!"

In a moment Zoe jumped up and to everyone's shock grabbed the goddess by the shirt and shock her despite being way shorter as she said, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR HEAR TO TALK ABOUT MAX!"

In a moment Kulkulkan stopped her and said, "I'll let that go this time but I am goddessssss you respect rank or you wake up with a snake tail instead of legs!"

Zoe jumped back gulping, as the snake goddess said, "Anyway to my point. I had a chat with the kidssss ssssoul after all his not putting the ssssskull back allowed it to be broken setting me free, One prank and everyone turns on you! Anyway I want to bring him back to life!"

Aki smiled as she kicked her husband in the stomach and said, "Did you?"

The goddess then said, "bessst I could!"

Reese was fainting when she noticed the other figure in the back yard as the goddess said, "hisssss old body was sssssmashed flatter then flat so I could but his sssssoul in there so I had to make a new one and I can only make new feather ssserpent god onessss so hisss kind of my sssson too now!"

Zoe then looked past her ot the yard at a sad looking anthro snake with black hoodie black pantd and black boats Kulkulkan said, "any way magic makesss it ssss no one will know he'sss changed unless he wantsss them too."

Zoe then walked out there and lowered the snake boys hood to reveal a cute snake like scaled male face with garter snake scales a mohawk of feathers that while mostly brown but had shining silver ones the same thing applied to the wings and tail tip.

she cried as she put a hand on his face and looked into his purple snake like eyes and asked, "Max?"

he nodded in a moment a portal opened and the two fell through as Kulkulkan said, "Let'ssss let them catch up and walk thingssss out while we adultssss talk this out and possssible sssstop angry ex wife form going to jail for murder."


Max and Zoe were in part of a jungle was he sat down sadly and a stunned zoe got down and happily hugged him with tears in his eyes as he asked, "…. Why are you hugging me? Do you ssssee What I am?" he said pointing to his face.

Zoe crossed her arms and sat down beside him as she said, "the noble idiot who died to save me!" she said flatly.

Max blinked he had heard some people fall for what's on the inside not caring about the outside but he sighed and said, "And how do you know what you feel isssn't just what I did not me!"

the pink haired lady rolled her eyes and took his hand, "Max if you can fall in love with me while I was a total tsundare level lady I can fall for you not because you're a hero but because you put up with me!"

Max held his hands up as he said, "…. You realisssse this relationsssship can't be normal!?" She nod and kissed his check, "I know and I don't care We'll make it work!"

the night in the Taylor house.

Aki was currently lighting her just through out the house soon to be ex-husband cloths on fire in the back yard and in a moment she saw Max sit around it happily.

she looked confused till a tail wrapped around her and She gulped as it was Kulkulkan's and the snake goddess hugged aki making her go red as she said, "We are cold blooded and we need warmth and I found my living hot water bottle!"

aki blushed and blinked as she said, "… but I haven't dated a little sense my highschool girlfriend rose!"

Kulkulkan smirked as she said, "…. Better!" She then cuddled the red aki, "Now while we cuddle to keep me warm letsss talk about our sssson!"

Aki was red and muttering stunned and lost.

meanwhile in her house zoe rolled on to her side in her bed looking at a d-team picture, "…. Will I wake up and his being back be all a dream….. I mean he said he loved me then he died and now he's back as some form of Demi-god it's like a dream or a crazy romance story, but then again we have been teleporting around the planet to chicken fight super dinosaurs that's pretty crazy too."

to be continued

Kulkulkan then landed in view in humanoid form as she said, "And this is the start of the story hope you all enjoy it and also this story will have harems in it for me and my new son so leave comments on who you want in them!"