A/N: Well, here goes the last chapter. Something that took forever to write because fight scenes are a bitch to write and I wanted it to be as long as possible. Nonetheless, I hope the long wait was worth it, so enjoy.

Part V

The four returned home in the late evening. Everyone took turns showering and once everyone was done, they watched TV game shows. Shadow's confession was alarming to the three roommates. Given Knuckles had a drinking problem himself it was no surprise under Amy, Tails and Knuckles' roof. Shadow was eerily quiet as he sat between Tails and Amy on the large couch he slept on. He'd been quiet since they got home, and it made everyone uncomfortable.

It was decided that G.U.N. would be dealt with directly by Shadow himself, backed up with Amy, Tails and Knuckles as support. The pink female was willing to do anything to help her dark hedgehog friend in getting his independence back. It was always Tails breaking the awkward silence among the four of them. He offered to order a pizza, and everyone agreed to that. They ate together watching game shows until it got late. Everyone said goodnight and that was the end of that day.


Fast-forwarding to Monday, everyone was getting ready to leave for G.U.N.'s headquarters. Shadow didn't bother to call Rouge in case her call is traced, and simply decided to go there unannounced.

"You're almost ready Shadow?" Amy asked the male. He nods.

"I'm very ready Rose. I'll teleport us there. Just in case something happens..." Shadow said making Amy feel uncomfortable. Everyone went outside and Shadow teleports then all to G.U.N. after Amy locks the front door. The enormous building was now in front of them, Shadow didn't hesitate to walk up the steps to the entrance.

Amy grew nervous, but Tails but a hand on her shoulder, giving her a warm smile which she returned, before the three of them followed Shadow through the glass doors. A receptionist with blonde hair in a ponytail and glasses greeted them.

"Hello everyone. How may I help you today?"

"We're here to see Armstrong. It's very important." Shadow answers her calmly. The woman smiled.

"What are your names?" The question made Shadow wonder how the woman wouldn't know who he is. He ignored it however.

"I'm Shadow the Hedgehog. This is Amy Rose, Knuckles the Echidna and Miles Prower." Shadow told her. The woman looked at Shadow closely.

"You're former agent Shadow?" She asked like she just realized that. Shadow rolled his eyes, annoyed.

"Yes ma'am." He answers with a sneer. After this the woman presses an intercom and speaks into it.

Another woman at another desk just before Armstrong's office answers the receptionist. She then contacts Armstrong himself.

"Sir, you have some visitors." Armstrong's assistant told him through a speaker on his desk.


"Former agent Shadow and three other Mobians are here to see you." At this, Armstrong smirked wickedly.

"Well then, tell them I'll be waiting for them on the rooftop."

"Yes sir."

"Ok. He will meet you four on the rooftop." The receptionist told them. Everyone gave her confused looks.

"The rooftop? Why there?" Amy questioned. The woman shrugged her shoulders.

"That's what his assistant told her to tell me. I have no idea myself."

Shadow found it very suspicious but hid his uneasiness and led the three to an elevator so they reach the rooftop unprepared for whatever Armstrong May had planned.


As the four exited the elevator and out in the large helipad, they seen Armstrong standing there with his personal bodyguard to his left, gun in hand.

"Shadow, glad to see you, old friend." Armstrong greeted. Shadow scoffed. He cut straight to the chase.

"We were never on good terms Armstrong. I'm here to personally tell you to keep your "pets" off me and let me go home in peace." Shadow said flatly. The man smiled.

"Oh Shadow. Surely you and your friends don't realize the real reason behind why I have troops eyeing everything you do. Even the Commander's paranoid about you. He's involved too."

"I'm not falling for that bullshit Armstrong. You're the reason and I'm not gonna accept it. You and the rest of G.U.N. better back off of you know what's good for ya!" Shadow growled, balling his fist while baring his canines.

"So, you think you can scare me huh?" Armstrong snaps his fingers and G.U.N. Beetles and G.U.N. Hunters surrounded the four. Everyone grew defensive as the got in a combative stance. Amy had her Piko Hammer, Knuckles cracked his namesakes, Shadow stood calm and collected with a scowl and Tails simply was ready to fly upwards.

A Hunter fired and everyone dodged, splitting up into teams of two. Amy and Shadow fought one side while Tails and Knuckles dealt with the other. The robots attacked—something Eggman used to do before his demise. Armstrong watched the four Mobians fight like their lives depended on it, a wicked smile across his features.

Everyone was quickly getting tired as more and more robots appeared seemingly from nowhere and attacked. When a horde of G.U.N. Beetles appeared, everyone started to struggle. Knuckles and Tails tried to fight off the G.U.N. beetles but there were too many. One got smart enough to zap Knuckles in the ankle bringing him down before a G.U.N. Hunter shot him with a tranquilizer.

"Argh!" Knuckles grunted before falling to his knees and falling asleep.

"Knuckles!" Tails cried out before he too was tranquillized.

"Knuckles! Tails!" Amy cried out as her two boys were now unconscious. They were left there while Shadow continued to attack the other robots inbound.

"Focus Rose! We'll help out Knux and Tails later!" Shadow told her. Amy nodded. The elder hedgehog was right. Armstrong kept having robot after robot flood to the top of the roof in a manner like Eggman. He just wanted to tire everyone out.

"I can keep this up all day you two!" Armstrong taunted from where he stood. "You'll get tired sooner or later and end up like your rodent friends over there."

A Hunter came from behind Amy and knocked her out, making Shadow gape at the unconscious pink female.

"Rose!" Shadow yelled and was about to rush to her but Armstrong's personal security shot a round or two in his way blocking him from reaching the girl. Shadow sneers, baring his fangs at the muscular man ten feet from him. Shadow turned his body to face him, daggers in his eyes.

"You dirty bastard! What do you want from me?!" Shadow roared, straining to resist the urge to skate over and Chaos Spear the glasses off Armstrong's face. The director grinned broadly, adjusting said glasses.

"Shadow, you're just a little shit compared to all the things I've done. How you think I took over the previous director's job? I fucking used my political skills to get myself elected into taking his job!" Armstrong stepped forward; tension started getting heavy in the atmosphere of the rooftop.

"I hate Mobians! Especially you! That blue shit Sonic is something I can kick around all day! I plan on ridding Earth of all of you!" Armstrong shouted that his booming voice echoed all over. He then turned his attention to his bodyguard and nodded. The bodyguard called in something on a device on his watch and all the robots left the rooftop and after a few minutes a woman came through the elevator with a rolling cart with a tarp over it.

Shadow gave a confused look towards the woman and she flat out ignored him, pushing the cart passed him before having it in front of Armstrong. She bows her head and he thank her before she turns on her heel with her head down and promptly leaves; her white heels clicked and clanked until she disappeared in the elevator. Armstrong pulls back the tarp, revealing six of the seven Chaos Emeralds perfectly lined up. Shadow gapes at the sight.

"The Chaos Emeralds!" Shadow Said in shock. Armstrong threw his head back and laughed.

"All I need is yours Shadow and I'll show you what I'm planning." The man snapped his fingers and a robot shot at the hedgehog from behind before he could react, bringing him down to his knees. The bodyguard rushed the hedgehog, frisking him until the green Chaos Emerald was removed. Once he got them all he shoved the cart away and threw the sacred gems into the air, the spun and circled above him, brimming with blinding colorful light.

Shadow got up and witnessed the man as he surrounded himself with the Chaos Emeralds and eventually, after some grunting and painful metamorphosis, the muscular man's business shirt ripped, and a powerful golden glow surrounded him. The corrupt director had gone super! Shadow stared in shock at the blinding sight, shielding his eyes after his mouth went agape.

"But...how can this be?!" Shadow asked.

"Does it even matter, hedgehog? You're done for!" Armstrong suddenly rushed at Shadow with speed matching both his and Sonic's. The hedgehog barely managed to dodge before Armstrong landed and tore off his glasses.

Hunters came in and placed the unconscious Amy, Tails and Knuckles in the corner near the elevator much to Shadow's surprise. He remained stoic as he was given back his green emerald by Armstrong surprisingly. Shadow gripped it and felt the raw power welling up inside him. It felt good to have that coursing through his veins. He cracks his neck, his knuckles and balls his fists couple times before looking at the super-powered man dead in the eye.

"Let's dance." Shadow then says looking at his friends one last time.

Using his foot, the 6'6 man stomped the rooftop causing a large crater to rip straight towards Shadow who used Chaos Control to dodge every attempt. The bodyguard was there shooting at Shadow, so he eliminated his threat by shoving him off the rooftop to his death via homing attack.

"You'll pay for that!" Armstrong threatens as he rushed Shadow again, attempting to uppercut the hedgehog who fluently dodged.

"Chaos Spear!" Shadow finally attempted to strike Armstrong who seemed unfazed by the hedgehog's Chaos energy. Shadow growls and attempted a spin attack but was socked in his side just before collision causing him to crash into the ground hard and slide some feet from Armstrong.

"Is that all you got Ultimate Life Form? You're the most pathetic piece of shit I've ever seen in my life. Ultimate Life Form, ha! You're just nothing made into life. What a waste of time you were to be created."

"Enough!" Shadow barked as he struggled to get up. "I'm the Ultimate Life, regardless of what your ass thinks. First, I'll kill you, then I'll kill everyone else in this damned organization!"

"So you'll kill you're close friend Rouge too? How dark of you Shadow." Armstrong taunts. Shadow knew the man was trying to get to him.

"Shut up. Friendship isn't a weakness in this case. My friends over there will join me soon and then, your ass will be falling off this building like you're pet Mr. Black Suit." Shadow said. Armstrong threw his head back and laughed, hands on his hips.

"Oh Shadow! You're the worst at speeches and threats you know that? But that's fine 'cuz it won't be long til you're truly dead." Armstrong taunts and Shadow rushes him only to get tossed away like a rag doll. He needed help badly. There was no way that he could fight the man whose gone super without going super himself, but the Emeralds were in his procession minus the green one he'd given back oddly.


Knuckles managed to wake up and when he saw the ongoing fight between Armstrong and Shadow, he tried to get up to assist the hedgehog, but the pain in his ankle rendered him unable to stand. He cried out from the pain and slides back down. The beetle that zapped him must've made him tear a ligament. He shook Tails and Amy and they slowly regained back their conscious.

"W-What happened?" Tails mumbled.

"I'm...alive?" Amy mumbles.

"Guys! Shadow needs our help!" Knux told them.

Amy stumbles to get on her feet but managed and whips out her Hammer.

"We gotta help Shadow! C'mon guys!" Amy called.

"My ankle's busted. I can't help." Knuckles said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry Knuckles, me and Amy can handle it!" Tails said and got up to help Shadow with Amy.

"Errugh!" Amy yelled as she swung her little mallet into Armstrong's side. Just when she thinks she's got him good she realizes he wasn't fazed. Amy's mouth falls agape in silent surprise.

"Heh, that barely tickled Pinky!" Armstrong taunts as he held the mallet part of Amy's hammer and picked it up tossing her aside like a rag doll. Luckily, Amy used the momentum to catch herself. Tails flew above and attempted an air-dive with a wrench put the man simply punched him without even looking up. Tails was caught off guard, resulting in him feeling dazed.

"Tails!" Knuckles shouted from where he helplessly sat. He tried to get up to help, but the pain was too much. He slumped down with a yell.

"Knuckles don't hurt yourself!" Amy called out. At this, Armstrong turned to the injured echidna. Knuckles seen him look at him and before he knew it Armstrong was right at him and punched him to the other side of the rooftop.

"Knuckles!" Amy screeched. Tails got up and attempted to help but the man jumped up, grabbed his tails to the point that they broke from the vice hold on them and was slammed into the metal floor face first.

"Tails!" Amy screamed; tears threatened to come up.

"We got to do something!" Shadow growled. He Chaos Controlled over to Knuckles before Armstrong could and Chaos Speared him, stunning the man.

Shadow used the opportunity to carry the echidna and teleport him safely in the corner.

"T-Thanks man..." Knuckles wheezed before Shadow teleported away.

"You little pieces of shit don't know when to quit, don't cha? I guess I gotta up the game!" Armstrong let loose a burst of Chaos energy and began to float. He gathered all the raw power of Chaos in his massive hand and attempted to fire at Amy knowing she was weak. Shadow knew what was up and Chaos Controlled so he could sweep Amy off her feet and keep her safe.

"Thank you, Shadow." Amy said as Shadow let her down. He nodded at her just as Tails got up and aimed his gun, he almost forgot he had. Shadow and Amy were oblivious to the fox until he fired surprise rounds from his weapon, burning Armstrong with the light blue rays.

The man acknowledges his smoking arm, the holes from where laser rays hit him bled profusely like a shot up boat.

"You'll pay for that you little shit!" Armstrong roared but Amy and Shadow used that moment of distraction to their advantage, the elder hedgehog tossed the younger in a spinning throw before her hammer collided with the man's jaw knocking him few feet.

"Yeah! Way to go Amy!" Knuckles cheered from his position. He felt stupid doing so and desperately wanted to join in on the fight. He's practically an easy target given he cannot move on his feet.

Tails rolled away with the weapon and aimed it at the large man as he struggled to get up. The fox ignored the pain of his broken namesakes and assisted the two hedgehogs in a running start to beat up the man. Armstrong has no time to react as a hit with Amy's hammer sent his face turning one way, Shadow's fist collided with the other and Tails shot him in the gut.

He was knocked out by the force of the attack that the Chaos powers ceased and Armstrong became a normal human. Shadow took this time to grab the man by the neck and slowly twisted it until it snapped, killing the man and ending his tyranny. Rouge and Topaz came up to the roof just in time to witness the aftermath of a brutal battle that ended so abruptly.

"What in God's name happened here?!" Rouge said with surprise.

"You missed the best show ever!" Knuckles shouted from where he sat. Rouge went over to him.

"What happened to you Knuckie?" Rouge asked. Knuckles growled at her.

"Don't Calle that! A robot busted my ankle when it shot me."

"Topaz! Darling we need medical assistance now!" The woman ran over to where the bat and echidna was. She opened the kit and carefully took off Knuckles' shoe, revealing a swollen, black and blue ankle.

"Poor thing, it's busted really bad. Probably broken." Topaz said as she inspected the injury. She wrapped his ankle in white bandages and carried him in her arms. Knuckles held his shoe in his hands as he was carried off by Topaz.

Tails couldn't fly so he limped behind Amy and Shadow. After reaching the bottom floor an ambulance was there to take everyone to the hospital. It was no surprise that a corner was also there to deal with the bodies of Armstrong and his bodyguard. Shadow thanked Rouge and Topaz for their help before climbing into the ambulance and the paramedic closed the doors, driving off to Station Square Hospital.


Once at the hospital, Shadow sat in the waiting room with his arm wrapped up. He bled from a nasty scratch he didn't even knew he got. He looked down at the red crimson staining through white bandages and humphed. He was lucky it was all he stuffed despite all the roughness just hours ago. Amy, Tails and Knux we're getting treated for their injuries. Tails' tails were casted together, Knuckles' ankle was casted and was given crutches and Amy had some bandages wrapped around her body.

Shadow was the only one unscathed by severe injuries. Given his ability to heal quickly, it didn't even matter. He thanked the nurse who bandaged him up and asked to see the others. After being led into the room with the three of them he sat in the corner in silence. The only sounds ringing in Shadow's ears were the EKG monitors reading out everyone's vitals.

"I'm sorry guys..." Shadow began quietly, head down and eyes closed. "I let this happen to you three. I made the promise to protect you guys and I didn't." Shadow looked up at the three roommates. He frowned sincerely, sighing before he closes his eyes, a tear dropping. He wipes it and remains silent for the rest of the time.


Shadow woke up with a snort from being startled from a dream he had. The room was dark, save for the monitors. Early morning sun was glaring behind the light blue curtains. Everyone was still asleep peacefully in their respective beds. Shadow tiredly gazed at them before shifting to get comfortable again. It wouldn't be long until they're free to go home where he'd care for them all.


Three months passed and Shadow was taking care of the three at their house. Vanilla and Cream came to help out much to Shadow's appreciation. The young rabbit and her mother hit Shadow in the heart with their kindness.

Shadow was in Amy's room sitting at the edge of her bed chatting with her a bit. He found himself growing fond of the pink female and her roommates.

"...I'm just glad we did it Shadow." Amy answers Shadow as they spoke. She weakly smiles at him. Shadow smiles back just a bit. He scoots closer to Amy, leaning over to kiss her on her forehead. Amy blushes stunned by the black hedgehog's actions. He looks down at her, a frown on his muzzle.

"I appreciate you, Rose." Was all Shadow said before slowly walked out the room, closing the door behind him. Amy was left stunned, before she smiles softly.

"You're welcome, Shadow." She says before closing her eyes to get some rest.

A/N: Ah, finally I finished this story. Took me forever because I was working on other stuff all while doing this one. Nonetheless, I hope the fic in general was alright as my first multi-chap and until the next one, stay frosty my friends lol.