
Strength: B

Endurance: B

Agility: C+

Mana: b+

Luck: C

Class Skills A: Item Construction

Class Skills B: Territory Construction

Personal Skills

Combat A: he has been trained in combat from an extremely young age he is highly skilled at combat altho he is highly skilled he is extremely skilled at combat he HATES violence as a rule and will try to find other solutions

Knowledge of runes B: he has extensive knowledge of basic runes he also has more advance knowledge of runes for ice, knowledge, and shielding

Noble Phantasm

Enchanter C+: this is a power given to him by the goddess Selene it allowed him to create and channel mana into magical artifacts. He is given access to transference mana and mental mana through this attunement.

some notable examples that he has been

Mana Watch E :

Ring of regeneration B+ :

Sword of transference C

Arbiter B+: this attunement is meant for those who are the mediator between the gods and the mortals they serve. This attunement allows for the safe transfer of mana between from the wielder and any target the chosen