Author's Note - Happy New Year everyone! I know that it's already February, but I decided that I wanted this re-write to be one of the gifts I give you this year. I know that quite a few of you liked the story and are probably wondering - why re-write? To be honest, I just wasn't really happy with where the story was going - I never expected it to gain so much support. I had a vague idea at the start and just sort of rolled with it and started to write - that's how a lot of my stories start. But it finally came to the point that I wanted to take a hiatus on it and just really take time to sit down and think over it. I finally decided that I wanted to start it all over with it and I really do hope you all enjoy what I have in store with it! Ever since I set it to hiatus - I've been working on the plot, writing ideas for the future, and re-reading reviews - so I'm really excited to finally be posting the first chapter for all of you!

Please note - while some things may be similar to the old write - this story is its own. I've taken hints of ideas I had from the old plot, but a majority of it will be new material. I hope that even with that so, you all will enjoy it as much - if not even better.

For my new readers - and old if you'd like a brief recap - this story is a crossover of the Percy Jackson and Twilight series. It's been a while since I've read either series - but they're both favorites of mine and I've always wanted to write some sort of crossover with them - which led to this story being created. To get an understanding of where the time set is for this story - it's after the events that occurred in Blood of Olympus and Breaking Dawn. So with that in mind, please - before you start reading - remember that there will likely be spoilers for both series!

**Important Note** I'm going to be trying something new this year - just to see how it goes. I'm going to randomly pick three reviews per each chapter and respond to them in my Author Notes. In the past I usually avoided doing that because I felt like it cluttered the chapter, but I wanted to give it a chance to see if you guys like it! I will only be doing three though. I don't want the Author Notes to be too large every chapter. :) If you really, really want something answered - feel free to send me a PM, though!

All characters (apart from any OCs, should they appear) belong to Rick Riordan and Stephanie Myer and not me! Thank you so much for reading and feel free to give me any feedback!

Through The Mist (REWRITE)


It was the look in her eyes that finally made me realize that I'd been completely wrong about her. It'd always been a bad habit of mine I suppose – judging someone beforehand. That determination in her eyes reminded me of a storm brewing on the horizon – that's all it took. I knew, in that moment, that not only had I gained a brother, but a sister as well. We would save him together.

Chapter One

It all started with a phone call.

Percy currently was home. Following the events of the war with Gaea, he had decided to "kick back" for a while and just take time for himself to rest and have a normal life for once. Of course, there was nothing normal in his life, but he could pretend for a bit, right? He felt like he deserved it. Not having to worry about his own impending doom was very refreshing. Both him and Annabeth had decided to dive more into their studies - after discussing it, they both agreed that they felt drawn to the idea of enrolling into New Rome University someday and preparing for that was soaking up most of their time lately. On top of that, his mother was now seven months pregnant. He'd been nervous at first - nervous and excited - of the idea of being an older brother. It wasn't like he was a stranger to having a sibling - he did have Tyson after all - but that was a bit different. His little sister was going to be completely normal and he was hoping she would be safe from his world of chaos. He doubted that he'd be able to completely shield her from it - already Tyson had asked him if he could see her when she was born and he knew that his father wanted to as well - which was okay. He just hoped that she wouldn't get dragged too far into it because of him.

Paul was ecstatic. A couple days ago he'd taken Percy out to breakfast and throughout most of the conversation, they either talked about school or his sister. This week, Paul and his mother were also doing the very last touches to her baby room, so they'd been fairly busy as well.

Percy glanced back to his laptop. An empty Word document was in front of him, its cursor blinking, and he sighed softly. How am I supposed to get a five-page essay done within a week and a half? He muttered to himself. He wasn't at all a writer - he even had Apollo's confirmation for that. While that's a completely different story, he figured it was pretty bad if the god of writing (well, poetry technically) told him outright that his writing was bad. Percy tapped his fingers idly on the keys and as he continued to mull over where he should with essay, a knock interrupted his thoughts.


His mother. "Yeah?"

"Can I come in? I made some cookies."

Man, I have the best Mom ever.

"Yeah, sure." His mother walked in and he instantly noticed that she looked really happy about something as she offered him the plate of cookies – they were one of his favorites – blue chocolate chip cookies. As he took a bite out of one of him, he gazed at her curiously. "Did something happen?" Come to think of it, he remembered that she'd been on the phone for most of the day – he'd been distracted by his school work, but each time he'd left his room, he had seen her in the living room on the phone.

He turned his desk chair toward her as she sat on the edge of his bed, and she smiled at him. "In the past few weeks, I met someone really interesting. Ever since I've been stuck at home more often, I've been putting time into doing research into my own family. I think I've told you before that there are somethings about my side of the family that not even I know – my search led to someone called Charlie Swan."

"Charlie Swan?" He frowned – he knew some names of his mother's relatives, but that one wasn't one he recognized.

She nodded. "Apparently he's my half-brother. I didn't believe it at first, to be honest. I've always had the memory that my father and mother were sweethearts – so dug more into it. It's true, though. Unfortunately, I don't know all the details. I never knew my parents too well, but sometime ago my father must have been involved with someone else before falling in love with my mother. That all aside, though, Charlie seems to be a really nice guy – he has a daughter around your age called Bella," His mother mused thoughtfully, glancing out the window, "I was thinking that maybe since your break is coming up in the next couple of weeks; you, Paul, and I could travel and meet him – as long as you don't have anything planned with Annabeth, of course. I know that you haven't seen her for a while." She turned to smile at him once more, "I don't think I'll be able to travel too much once this little one is born." She patted her stomach gently.

Percy shook his head. "I don't think I have anything planned," It'd probably be good to check with Annabeth, though, it'd be his luck that he would forget something really important. "I think we talked about it – but during my break she has some family stuff going on. I'll double check to make sure, but I wouldn't mind going. Where does he live?"

"Forks, Washington," She chuckled, "I know that's quite a drive – but don't worry. I spoke to Paul about it and he doesn't mind being the designated driver – flying with you is out of the question, after all."

He grinned sheepishly. "Sorry about that. I could always ride Blackjack?" He suggested helpfully, "I don't think he'd mind. Then you and Paul could get plane tickets – it would probably be more comfortable for you."

She waved a dismissive hand. "No – it's fine. I want us to all travel together this time." He decided to leave it at that. Once his mother had her mind set, it was hard to change it.

"I'll talk to Annabeth, then."

"So, you found out you have a new uncle?" Annabeth wondered, sounding curious as she gazed at him through the screen. Recently, they had decided to try Skype out just for the fun of it. Technology – especially ones of communication – weren't usually ideal for demigods, but so far Skype hadn't given too much trouble.

"Yeah – his name is Charlie Swan. My mom wants to travel over to Washington to meet him – she seemed pretty psyched about it. Did you want to come with? I know you said something about having family stuff around that time – but I thought I'd ask anyway. I don't think Paul or Mom would mind at all."

Annabeth frowned. "I would really love to, but I do have some family stuff going on during that time. You should definitely go, though. It'd be good for you – and maybe if things wrap up early for me, I could meet up with you if you're still there."

"Sounds good. Just don't stress if you can't," He offered her a smile, "I'll check back with you once we get there."

After exchanging goodnights, he closed his laptop, giving it a grimace when he realized that throughout all that time he hadn't even started on his essay. I'll start on it tomorrow. He decided as he slipped into bed, knowing all too well that those were the famous last words of every student out there.

The next couple of weeks consisted of mainly getting last minute homework done and packing for the trip. Since it was going to take roughly two days or so for them to get there, Paul already had each stop mapped out and seemed enthused about sightseeing. Percy did try to bring up the idea of them taking a flight and him taking Blackjack again – it'd probably only take five or six hours by plane – but both seemed against it. "It'd feel strange to take a family trip separately. I think I can survive a car trip just this once." His mother had stated good naturally – so that was that.

He didn't really mind – as long as she was okay with it. In fact, figured it'd be nice to have a vacation that didn't involve anything mythical for once. Just normal. Careful, though. You'll jinx yourself. A voice seemed to whisper in his mind, and he quickly batted it away. Please, please, just for once let this be a normal vacation. He begged – positive that someone up there was listening. Keeping tabs on Percy Jackson was almost a hobby at this point for most of the gods. He just hoped it was someone who was in a good mood.

"You all right there, kiddo?"

Paul's voice drew him out of his silent pleas, making him blink as it brought him back to the present. He was standing in front of the trunk of Paul's vehicle, his bag in hand. "Yeah – just trying to figure out where to put this." He looked down at the full trunk – he was glad that he decided to stuff all his things into one bag instead of two. Paul rubbed his chin thoughtfully and after a few minutes of careful maneuvering, the two of them were able to fit his bag in with everything else.

They were off soon after that and after the first few hours of watching the scenery go by, he found himself wondering about his newly found uncle. "Did Charlie say anything else about his family?"

His mother nodded. "He mainly spoke of his daughter – it sounds like he's close to her," She said with a smile, "I know that him and his daughter's mother are separated, but he didn't go into much detail about that," She paused, seeming to think for a moment, "Bella is married – her husband and her have a daughter."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "Isn't she my age?"

"Close – but I think she's a bit older than you."

"I don't think I've ever heard of Forks before until now," Paul chimed in, his eyes on the road, "I looked up some pictures of it and it's a very small town. It'll probably be a shock to the system for us New York folk." He grinned. "There's also a village not too far away from it too called La Push. The village itself is within a reservation home to the Quileute – an Indian tribe. I didn't research thoroughly, but it still sounded really interesting – might be worth looking into once we're there."

He must have dozed off at some point, because next time he opened his eyes, the sky was beginning to darken, and they were at gas station. A yawn escaped him, and he blinked – trying to get the blurriness out of his vision. His mother was on the phone with someone. "—yes, we're driving so it may take a bit longer to get there. We thought it'd be a good chance to sight-see a bit. Mhm. Yes, my husband has the address saved on his phone – we're looking forward to seeing you. Okay. Sounds good – I hope you have a good night too."

"Was that Charlie?" Percy wondered, sleepily.

She nodded. "Yes – he called to check in."

"That was nice of him – is Paul going to stop at a hotel soon?" It was already almost eight at night according to the clock in the car.

"He wanted to drive another hour or so, but yes – we'll be stopping for the night. He already has a room booked for us in one of the Holiday Inns along the way."

True to his word, Paul did drive for another hour before the three of them reached the hotel. As much as it was fun being on the road with the two of them, Percy was glad to be able stretch his legs a bit. The hotel itself wasn't too crowded, thankfully, and when they entered their room – he all but face-planted into the bed. Almost as if on cue, his phone buzzed in his pocket and he tugged it out, smirking a bit after opening the awaiting message.

Goodnight, Seaweed Brain.

He'd gotten a phone in case of emergencies – the only numbers he had saved in were his mother's, Paul's, and Annabeth's. They all agreed to only use it sparsely. He typed out a quick response.

Night, Wise Girl.

As he turned off the phone, he caught his mother smiling at him again. "What?"

"Nothing," She flashed him a playful grin, "it's just nice watching your face light up when you talk to her."

He tried not to blush as he tossed one of the small pillows over at her.