Ping! You have entered the ultimate game!

You have been selected out of billions of candidates to receive the ultimate power of the gamer. You will be sent to a fictional universe with this power. Every experience will let you grow stronger, and when you complete the challenge you can return to your world with all that power.

Do you accept? Y/N

I blinked confused. I had been driving and then a white van… oh fuck. It was always a white van. Dying hurt. I had been crushed when they sideswiped me off the road. The speed limit was 70, asshole, not 100. And now I was here.

Well, I wouldn't give up. I had a life to get back to. With ultimate power, no less. My life had been pretty shitty before. Dead end job, crappy apartment, lots of frustrating people around. Friends and family made it worthwhile. But it could be better.

I looked up at the floating notification and then around me. I was in a black void and above me were a pair of letters and a slash symbol. The N was in grey, and the Y was in black. I poked at the Y. Of course, I was going to accept.

Ping! The first step to ultimate power! Please create your character profile!

Please select name: Adam Stanheight Accept/ Refuse/ Delete

And floating in the name box was a name. Adam Stanheight. I didn't recognize it. I tried to change it, but the name was greyed out, as was the delete key and the refuse key. I poked and poked but got no result.

I guess I was going in with a pregen? I could make it work. I'd prefer to set my own name but I could work with this. I pressed accept.


Please select job: Photographer. Accept/Refuse ← /→

Again, the refuse option was greyed out.

"This is a mean game, system." I said, to no one in particular. Why couldn't I be a wizard? Or a technomage? Or something with almighty godlike powers. I sighed and I pressed the accept button.

Perks! These augment your skills, letting you do unique actions that otherwise would have an extremely low chance of success. Perk points let you purchase new perks, and can be earned by completing quests. Perk points available. 102. Spent. 100.


Advanced photography. 50 points. Selected

Advanced stealth. 50 points. Selected

Air mastery. 50 perk points

Earth mastery. 50 perk points

Final death. 2 perk points.

Fire mastery. 50 perk points

Gamer's body. 100 perk points.

Gamer's mind. 100 perk points

Inventory. 100 perk points.

Lockpicking. 3 points.

Magic user. 100 perk points.

Ninja body. 100 perk points.

Super strength. 50 points.

Water mastery. 50 perk points

Respec/ accept

Those were extremely non optimal choices, and of course respec and the other useful perks were greyed out. I could be a wizard but my pregen was stuck with photography? I grumbled, and looked at the perks.

Photography. Rank, advanced apprentice. Level, 6. You are an experienced photographer, with excellent skill at taking photographs, useful contacts, and a guaranteed earning potential of 36000 a year.

Stealth. Rank, advanced apprentice. Level, 8. You are experienced at avoiding notice, and will not be noticed by anyone equal or lower level than you, unless you do something obvious. Only applies when away from the attention of anyone. Reduces detection chance by 8% against people of your level.

Truly, Lord Voldemort and Kaguya will fear my earning potential of 36000 a year. Stealth could be useful. Ambushes were powerful, he knew from most games. If you had the jump on someone you'd normally win. Photography sounded useless though.

Final death was also not greyed out. I glanced at that.

Final death. Go to the void, do not pass hell, do not collect 200 life points. Your existence ends permanently. You will feel nothing ever again, are beyond resurrection, and will not go to any afterlife. Accept/ refuse.

And refuse was greyed out.

I felt a moment of panic creep into me, and steeled myself.

"That's creepy, random omnipotent being. Very creepy. Let me out."

Nothing happened. I shouted out at the void.

"I am not dying in character creation. Bring back accept."

Nothing happened.

I sat there for what felt like hours, thinking. I tried poking at a few things, but the options remained up. I managed to make myself spin till I felt dizzy. I tried willing myself to move in various directions, but if I did move nothing happened. This wasn't a good start to my rise to ultimate power, but I could wait it out. This was a test, I hoped.

I felt cold, and a little hungry and thirsty.

I had been teleported here after I died by something and now...

This gamer story wasn't going quite how I'd hoped. I was being rail roaded into something and teased and it didn't look like I'd just be going to see Naruto or Harry Potter and becoming a wizard. I tried to remember.

Adam Stanheight.

I had heard that name before somewhere. A long time ago. I wracked my memory.

Ping. You made your choice! The final death option reduced in size again.

I quickly pressed accept, wanting to move on away from that quickly. Where had I heard that name before?

Name: Adam Stanheight


Level: 1

Level: 1 (0/100)

Title. None

HP: 10

Stamina: 10

Strength: 10

Constitution: 9

Dexterity: 18

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 6

Luck: 1

Rearrange stats? Y/N These represent your general abilities, without any skills, and add onto any skill rolls. 10 is average for a human.

I sighed again, and pressed N. Looked like I had a rogue build. No critical hits though, since my luck was apparently terrible. That just seemed like my day.

I felt the void and blackness twist. An impossibly vast face appeared before me, covered in countless eyes. Every direction I looked I could see the face. Black gore dripped off it. It rushed towards me and chomped.

And I was somewhere else. A room. Chilly air. I was sweating? I was scared? I think. It didn't feel like my emotions. I felt distant. I was in front of a closet. I could smell death, smell rotting flesh all around me. I looked down at my hands.

Baseball bat. Durability 10/10. A simple device used to knock balls far away. Useful. +1 damage.

Ping! For holding an object of great sports potential, you have gained a skill! Baseball. Level 1.

And I looked up, as the closet opened. In front of me was a pig face, rotting and dead. One of the eyes was popped, and the other was staring at me. I felt a waft of death coming at me and could barely resist the urge to vomit. Hands, calloused and rough, reached out towards me.

It stepped forward, and I stepped back, gripping my baseball bat like a teddy bear.

Something came together in my mind. Crap.

Amanda Young, apprentice of Jigsaw, lunged forward faster than I could react, grabbed my neck and expertly choked me out.

My last thoughts, as stars filled my vision and blackness flooded me, was that I really should have rewatched Saw at least once in the last decade.

So, a new Saw Gamer SI fanfiction awaits. He is trapped within the Saw universe, in the unlucky Adam Stanheight's body, doomed to relieve his most unpleasant times. Later he will go to other saw movies, and have brief times in other horror movies.

ibb dot co slash QpkkF5g to see the map I used when doing this adventure. Enjoy.