-Chapter 1: Gray Day for Gwen

It was a cold, gray day in a small town in Ontario, Canada. In that small town, a girl walked towards the small town, her name was Gwen. Gwen was a short, pale girl in her late teens: she has medium-length black hair with teal highlights, her eyes were a powerful ebony color, she was wearing a black corset top with blue green sleeves that exposed a bit of her midriff, a black skirt with turquoise on the sides, dark grey leggings, black socks matching boots

As much she doesn't like talking about it, she still remembers her experiences on the reality show series "Total Drama". The show was tough on her psychically and mentally. She did make friends, enemies and even some love interests.

The first one was a guy named Trent: he was a relatively cool and calm guy. He played the acoustic guitar, he would often snag Gwen some food like a muffin, but he wasn't perfect. He did have a few quirks here and there. He was obsessed with the number 9 and he was afraid of mimes. They unfortunately had to break up during season 2, due to blackmail by Justin and him revealing that Trent has been throwing challenges for her, all the while his team suffered greatly. They've decided to break up in order to prevent hurting each other.

The second and most recent was a boy named Duncan, the guy practically screamed "A punk from juvie". He had a green mohawk, metal piercings, loved death metal music, the works. The relationship blossomed in season 3. During the trip to Greece due to the lock on the confessional was altered, the two of them making out by Tyler. Tyler eventually revealed what happened after being forced by Alejandro.

This caused a chain of events: People renamed her as "New Heather" after the mean girl on the series. This relationship damaged her friendship with Courtney, the CIT (Consoler in Training). Courtney wouldn't stop referring Gwen as a "Boyfriend Stealer".

During season 5 of Total Drama, Gwen Duncan eventually did break up due to Duncan also wanted to reconcile with Courtney. In that same season, Courtney and Gwen did eventually mended their friendship. But it didn't last forever, Courtney tried to use Gwen in a plot that resulted in Courtney ended in the finale. When it was uncovered, Gwen was betrayed and upset with Courtney and told her if she wanted to be forgiven; she'd have to vote herself off.

As Gwen crossed the crosswalk when the light was red for traffic and allowed her to cross. She was looked back on her thoughts, she remembered a person she had encountered with.

His name was Cody, he was a scrawny geek. He was a short boy with teal eyes, brown hair and a gap between his teeth. He had a never ending crush on Gwen, and he made fruitless attempts to go out with her, but she has turned him down numerous times. He was a bit creepy but nothing too severe. She remembered when she and Trent had a scuffle and Cody made a deal that if he can get the two back together she would give him her bra. Surprisingly, it worked and Gwen lived up to her promise. She compared Cody as a "annoying little brother".

During season 3, a new contestant by the name Sierra was a mega fan of Cody. She has so obsessed with him, it secretly made Gwen feel bad for him. During season 5, Sierra revealed her phone screen had Cody covering himself with towel. Gwen secretly admitted that Sierra is loony, during Sierra's elimination Gwen shouted out "Tell Cody I said 'hi'!"

As Gwen walked the sidewalk to the grocery store she thought to herself,

"Did Sierra tell Cody what I said?" Gwen thought as she entered the store she heard the ding-ding of the sliding doors opening, smooth mellow jazz played over the intercom. Gwen grabbed the sandy tan shopping basket and began to browse. Just then her phone buzzed and Gwen answered,

"Hello?" Gwen asked,

"Gwen, sweetie. It's mom" said a plain woman's voice,

"Oh hey Mom, what's up?"

"Not much, but me and your brother are gonna be out of country" her mother proclaimed,

"Oh cool" said Gwen

"We know you're not too keen on vacationing with us, you'd prefer to be at the house."

"Mm-hmm" droned Gwen,

"The house is yours for the time being. So, no parties" her voice turned concerned,

"I understand completely" Gwen chuckled,

"Gwen..." her mother sighed, "I trust you have your house keys"

"Yeah, I never leave my house without them" Gwen confirmed,

"Okay sweetie, love you" Gwen's mother said,

"Ok, thanks. Love you too." Gwen sighed and hung up and put the phone in her pocket on her skirt. Gwen grabbed some microwaveable ramen, some tofu and pistachio ice cream. She made her way to the counter. As her groceries got scanned, she saw something. It was a short person, he had messy brown hair, teal eyes and gap in his teeth.

"Cody?" Gwen said in a whisper,

"Miss?" The cashier said breaking Gwen's concentration, Gwen turned around and paid the cashier and got a plastic bag for her stuff. When she turned back around, the person who she thought was Cody was gone. Gwen shrugged it off, as she exited the store she heard something. Someone was yelling something in the distance,

"Greta! Greta!" The voice shouted, Gwen turned around and the voice sounded like it was coming towards her.