Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with Star Trek, I do own my Original Characters please don't steal them.

AN: If anyone has read this story on Triaxian Silk and worry it might have been stolen, fear not. I am the author who started this story 10 years ago and finally decided to go at it again. I have given it quite a trim to de-bloat it and correct some terrible techincal mistakes. Hopefully, the changes make the theme clearer and better to read.

Anyone observing Enterprise as it glided gracefully in orbit over the majestic red planet of Vulcan, would see nothing unusual. During the last four years, the men and women who served aboard her became more than a crew of colleagues, but a close-knit family triumphing under adversity humanity never dreamed of. Their bonds of fidelity ran deep, and now the ship resonated with the grief all felt for two of their own. Commander Charles Tucker, and Commander T'Pol of Vulcan, lost their child. A daughter created without their knowledge or consent, by humans who sought to undo everything that Enterprise stood for. The entire crew mourned the brief innocent life baby Elizabeth, and raged at the violation endured by her parents, who sacrificed so much for the ship and crew, and the peace of their worlds. In them, the crew of Enterprise saw the reasons why they continued with their mission of exploration. They foreshadowed the best of the future as humanity began to take its place among the stars.

Lieutenant Malcolm Reed looked down from a large window in the mess, over Vulcan, in awe of its harsh beauty and juxtaposition of the planet and its people. Out of violent sands and harsh heat, a people once warlike and as dangerous as their surroundings changed into a people of peace, tranquility, and logic. Malcolm found something poetic in the contrast, but its beauty seemed out-of-reach. Sighing, he rested his head against the window organizing his thoughts. 'How could I not have seen this coming?' he thought to himself. 'Masaro' That name even in his mind left a bitter taste in Malcolm's mouth. Not only because he'd never suspected the Ensign's betrayal, but because of his suicide. 'Another failure,' his mind taunted. Justice could never be served now; he couldn't even give his friends that. 'What kind of Tactical Officer am I?' Malcolm suppressed the urge to beat his fists against the window. It simply wouldn't do to have the few crewmen also in the mess to see a senior officer give in to his rage and breakdown in such a matter.

Charles "Trip" Tucker the Third, became the best friend he'd ever had in his life. He hardly believed they had formed their friendship in that bloody shuttle-pod and nearly froze to death. Through most of the ordeal, he restrained himself from physically assaulting his superior officer. Somehow, beyond every law of probability, the obnoxious southern man blasted away years of walls and defenses, Malcolm built around himself, as if armed with Klingon photon torpedoes. When he opened himself up, Malcolm saw the real Trip Tucker, instead of the obnoxious Yank who teased and provoked him. He saw a man of superlative loyalty, honor, and self-sacrificing to a fault. Thanks to Trip's tenacity, he gained a friend as dear to him as his flesh and blood.

He also felt a certain kinship as well as an attraction to T'Pol in the beginning. He understood her need to hold herself back from others, her dedication to rules and protocols; also, intimately familiar with the feeling of being an outsider. Over the years, he developed a superior working relationship with her and valued her loyalty and respect. While his attraction to her thankfully dissipated, warm feelings remained. His heart broke for her loss. Seeing her hold the tiny baby in her arms left no doubts about her maternal attachment to her child.

'It isn't bloody fair!' Malcolm's mind raged. Out of the whole crew, nobody had endured more tragedies, and hardships, than Trip and T'Pol. Trip lost his sister to the Xindi, and T'Pol lost her mother to a Vulcan revolution. They each had been injured, captured, tortured. They had fought deadly illnesses, they had been violated mentally, physically, emotionally, until seemingly nothing more could be taken from them. Throughout it all no two people sacrificed more for their ship and the people on it. Now to be violated by one of their own, and to lose their daughter due to blind hatred; was there no end to their suffering? 'I couldn't keep them safe. What if I can't keep this from happening again?' Malcolm wished he could shut his mind up. These thoughts were getting him nowhere.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A soft feminine voice said, as if coming out of nowhere.

Years of training kept Malcolm from reacting to be startled out of his thoughts. "Yes, Hoshi, it's very beautiful."

Hoshi knew she startled him she saw the tightening of his jaw even only for an instant. She debated on whether to seek him out, but decided she had no choice. She counted herself fortunate to be one of the few people he allowed into his inner circle. She knew him well, he blamed himself for not suspecting Masaro's treachery, and hated not being able to protect Trip and T'Pol from it. She also knew that someone had to make Malcolm see reason, help him to stop allowing guilt to consume him. He would also listen to her, her job made people listen. Malcolm respected that. "I'm sorry I startled you, Malcolm. You were so deep in your thoughts, and I know you've been torturing yourself. You know you can't help Trip and T'Pol by hurting yourself," her words were firm, but her tone contained both determination and deep compassion.

"Hoshi, I failed them! I failed in my duty to protect this ship and its crew from every danger thrown at it. I can't just take it lightly or "get over it" I'm not made that way!" Malcolm struggled to keep his voice down, his accent more pronounced as the words rushed out.

"Malcolm, you could not have seen this coming. Even if we had known about Terra Prime, we had no reason to suspect anyone on this ship would work for them, let alone Masaro. You couldn't have known he would steal genetic material or kill himself. This is not your fault," Hoshi reached for Malcolm's hand, putting as much force into her words as she could.

"Hoshi, I was trained to notice these things. I know about these terrorist groups, I even infiltrated them in my old life. After we got back from the Expanse, I should have seen this coming. I should have done a more thorough job of screening the new crew, Masaro should have never set foot on this ship. That is on my head Hoshi," Malcolm sighed.

"No, it's not. Starfleet Command was aware of Terra Prime, it should have been screening for sympathizers. If anyone has been negligent in protecting us, it's them. Malcolm, both Trip and T'Pol would be telling you the same thing. You know this, please stop doing this to yourself," Hoshi voice began to tremble slightly. She felt despair at the pain he was in.

"Listen to the lady, Malcolm, you know she's a heck of a lot smarter than you are," this time Malcolm and Hoshi both were surprised by a warm southern accent.

"Trip! We haven't seen you in days," Malcolm stood and clapped a hand on his friend's uninjured shoulder.

"T'Pol and I have been meditating, it helps a lot. Now that we're in orbit, I had to come and find you both. You know it's not every day I can sneak up on you two. Hoshi you've got the second-best pair of ears on the ship, and you're usually much more paranoid Mal," he tried to comfort them with levity.

"How can we help, Trip?" Hoshi asked. She knew that after the ceremony on Earth, T'Pol would need time in private to grieve, and she knew that Trip would stay by her side. Curious as to why Trip needed her and Malcolm. Vulcan death rituals were extremely intimate.

"Well, you both know we're here to bury Elizabeth," Trip choked on the word bury and his baby girl's name. "A full Vulcan ceremony is being held at mount Seleya and T'Pol and I want you to be there," he said quietly.

"Of course!" Malcolm and Hoshi said in unison.

"Thanks, I know it's a lot to ask. The first time was bad enough, but you both mean so much to T'Pol and I. It wouldn't be right for you not to be there. Especially since we were going to ask you both to be Elizabeth's en'ahr'at," Trip's words continued to get softer. He knew he was getting close to breaking down, and he turned to stare out the window.

"Trip, what does en'ahr'at mean?" Malcolm asked, stumbling over the unfamiliar term.

"It's similar to being godparents, Malcolm," Hoshi answered, for Trip. She didn't know what shocked her more, the fact that both he and T'Pol prepared to bestow that honor on them, or his flawless pronunciation of the Vulcan word. He admitted his poor ability at languages.

Malcolm stood there in a state of shock. He loved Trip like a brother, but he would have never expected him to entrust his child to him. He certainly never thought T'Pol would agree to it. He was completely unqualified for such an honor, not to mention Trip was close to his family, and T'Pol must have some extended family as well. His pain at Elizabeth's loss intensified, but he welcomed it. He would endure for the memory of that beautiful baby girl. He looked at Hoshi and saw the same shock and awe mirrored in her luminous dark eyes.

"You two look so shocked. I don't know why, it made perfect sense to us. First, my family knows so little about Vulcan culture. I didn't think it would be fair to Elizabeth, or them, to make them entirely responsible for raising her if something happened to T'Pol and I. The same goes for T'Pol's family, because she is... Was half human. Not that there are many left. We both thought you two would be perfect to help. You both understand T'Pol and I. Hoshi knows Vulcan culture and traditions. Malcolm you'd be the only one I'd trust to keep her safe, and besides you've got a lot of empathy for Vulcan behavior. I probably should have let T'Pol tell you, her explanation is much more eloquent and logical," Trip almost smiled at the blank stares on his friend's faces.

Hoshi could help herself, she lunged at Trip enfolding him in a fierce hug, devastated not only for his and T'Pol's pain, and an innocent sweet baby girl. Finding out that she would have had such an important role in her life, made the pain twice as sharp. Yet she knew that she would gladly endure it. The memory of little Elizabeth Tucker would always have a place in her heart. As he held her Trip knew he'd dropped an emotional bombshell. He could see the shock on Malcom's face from the news. He cursed himself for not telling them sooner. All his attention kept focused on keeping T'Pol and himself sane. T'Pol and Elizabeth's telepathic bond began and ended so abruptly that the broken bond wreaked havoc on them both. With their mating bond incomplete, the stress of losing Elizabeth, and two very different sets of emotional responses, the past two weeks took a toll on both. Still, Trip felt he'd hurt his friends and made things worse.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you both long before this. But things have been so crazy, I guess I got overwhelmed. The last thing I wanted to do is make things worse, I know this has been hard on everyone," Trip whispered.

Malcolm rested his hand on Trip's good shoulder, "Listen to me you didn't make anything worse. You and T'Pol are taking care of each other, you're doing your duty. As for your news, I'm honored by your trust and friendship. I'm here for whatever you need. Now quit worrying about it and take care of yourself and T'Pol," he ordered.

"Malcolm's right, Trip. In fact, I can't tell you how happy you've made me. Not even my own siblings wanted me to be a godmother for their kids. Listen anything you and T'Pol need just ask. Anytime day or night I'm here for you both," Hoshi said, even allowing a small smile to grace her lips.

Trip sighed, he needed to get back to T'Pol. The ceremony wouldn't be for another forty-eight standard hours, Jon had a diplomatic meeting with T'Pau, and since T'Pau would oversee the ceremony the delay had been unavoidable. Trip decided they needed time to be truly alone, knowing that T'Pol couldn't find complete peace on a ship full of humans and one Denobulan. They agreed to depart the ship early and spend time at T'Pol's home.

"Listen you two, you're more than friends to us. You're a part of our family. We'll see you in two days, but I really have to get back to T'Pol now," Trip said giving a one-armed hug to both Hoshi and Malcolm.

"Get on then with you, Trip. We'll be there when you need us," Malcolm answered.

Trip walked out of the mess hall, and Hoshi turned to Malcolm, "You know something Malcolm, they're reaching out to us. They'll need us for more than just mourning Elizabeth. I don't think the Captain is going to understand about them. I think they know it too. Terra Prime is just the beginning," her voice was soft and full of foreboding.

In spite of himself, Malcolm found himself wrapping his arm around Hoshi's shoulders, "I know, Hoshi. But we'll be there for them, us and their rather large, and complex family."

"Have you met the Tuckers? I did once when I first met Trip and Jon," Hoshi asked brimming with curiosity.

"I have met them. When I went to Florida with Trip, he introduced me, I felt like I was being adopted." he admitted blushing.

"Yes, that's how they are. Do you think Starfleet will ever let them know about Elizabeth?" Hoshi asked, unable to keep a tear from escaping down her cheek.

Tenderly Malcolm wiped the tear from her face with the calloused pad of his thumb. "I don't know Hoshi, but I hope so. I truly do," he whispered.

Hoshi let out a long sigh and turned again to stare out the window. Both absolutely convinced that little Elizabeth had changed everything in her short life. Each questioned where those changes would take them and allowed themselves to be comforted by the fact that throughout every challenge they faced since boarding Enterprise, they faced them together. They each knew they would face these new ones as they always had, together.