Commission for Venus. Rated 'M' for a reason.

Mercy, Love & Other Useless Things
By: Rise of the Blossom


Their only hope.

They were the planet's only hope.

It was funny, in an obviously messed up kind of way, how things turned out. Two women (one who couldn't even fight), a child and a cold-hearted murderer. Did she mention that said murderer was also their enemy? That he'd had a hand in the deaths of their loved ones?

It didn't matter. Not anymore.

Regardless of their past, he would not lay an offensive hand on them, for it was their agreement. After she came across him, almost a shell of the man he had once been, he had agreed that in return for his freedom, he would fight for the planet Earth. So, in simpler terms: once Earth was free, he was free. Not a day sooner or later.

Fixing her crimson dress over her curves, she glanced at herself in the mirror, narrowing her eyes a fraction to make sure she nailed the seductive expression she was aiming for. She did.

"This is too risky, Bulma."

It was with a raising, inquisitive eyebrow that Bulma glanced at the other woman via their reflections, asking, "What else do you propose, Chi-Chi? We have no other options."

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about him," she hissed. From day one, she had been vehemently against his part in their plans. "I don't trust him. He's more likely to betray us than help us."

"He wouldn't do that. We have a deal."

"He killed one of the last Saiyans alive – one of his own people. What the hell makes you so certain that he won't do the same to us, huh? We're nothing to him."

Once more admiring herself in the mirror, she put her long, dangling earrings on, making sure to twist the ending of them so that the microphone was switched on. With it on, she would stay in contact with the ship.


It took a lot to hold back her growl. "I know Vegeta won't betray me, Chi-Chi."

"How?" the dark haired woman stressed.

She smirked at her own reflection, feeling rather pleased with herself. "He's a proud man and he owes me, since I saved his life."

She, Bulma Brief, had the ruthless Prince of all Saiyans under her thumb.