Warnings for nightmares, sleep paralysis & night terrors, blood & gore, hallucinations, and psychological torture.

Gordon was in a dark place.

He didn't know where he was. He couldn't see in the pitch blackness.

He began to walk. He didn't know why, other than the fact that if he moved, he might find out where he was.

After walking for a while, unsure of how much time had passed, he saw a light in the distance. His steps began to quicken with the possibility of finding something in this seemingly endless abyss.

The light grew bigger the further he went, and then suddenly the darkness was gone, and light filled the whole area around him.

He could finally see where he was. It was a wide, flat area, almost like a desert. The ground beneath his feet was cracked and dry, like there hadn't been a drop of rain in years.

He looked around, but there still appeared to be nothing about. Just flat, cracked ground that stretched on until it curved over the horizon.

He kept on moving with the hope that he would finally come across something.

The sun was beaming down on him. He was sweating, but the sun didn't burn his skin. He almost missed the darkness where it was cold and he felt nothing.

However, after what felt like walking for hours, he finally saw something in the distance. It seemed to appear out of nowhere, some ruins of a long-forgotten, destroyed building.

The ruins were made of stone. They were white, which made the burst of colour in the centre of the ruins stand out.

As he got closer, he could see what the source of the colour was, and his stomach dropped.

It was blood, and a lot of it at that.

His breath began to quicken as his mind raced with possibilities of where it could have come from. Although, he didn't need to wonder for long.

His gaze traced the bloodied path through the ruins until he reached the source of it all.

His heart was in his throat and he couldn't breathe.

He dropped to his knees next to the closest figure.

"Scott…" Gordon gasped out between his quick breaths.

His brother was a bloody mess. He was in his IR suit, but Gordon couldn't even see the blue past all the red. His limbs were splayed about, and Gordon couldn't even be sure they were all still attached to his body.

He couldn't look at it anymore, so he crawled away to next bodies on the floor.

They were in no better condition. Gordon wouldn't even have been able to identify who they were if it weren't for the specks of bright, red hair beneath the thick soot and matted blood, or the green sash with charred edges that still threatened to burn.

He wanted to get away from it all, and so he pushed himself back across the ground, but he bumped into something behind him. He was too scared to look, but for some reason he couldn't control his body as it twisted and turned to face the mangled body of his little brother.

"Alan-" He could feel bile rise in his throat, but he couldn't get himself to throw up. Couldn't get himself to turn away from the torn flesh and appendages that had been ripped in half.

It felt like hours had passed where he was forced to stare at his brothers. He sobbed as he uncontrollably faced each one in turn and was made to take in each wound, each burn, each body part that was missing.

He didn't know what had ended it, what had broken the spell and let him finally move away from it all, but eventually the edges of his vision started to fade to black and the scene before him faded away.

He woke up crying. He was sure he was awake, sure he was in his bed because that's where he had last been, right? He had gone to bed and had a nightmare. That's all it was. It wasn't real.

But he couldn't be awake, because he couldn't move. All of his limbs felt extremely heavy, too heavy for him to lift. He couldn't breathe but he didn't know why.

It took every ounce of strength and concentration to open his eyes. It took him a while, but eventually his eyelids slipped open.

Although, as soon as he opened them, he wished he hadn't.

There was a dark figure sitting on his chest. They were staring down at him through icy, blue eyes and were weighing down on his lungs.

He was sure that this was just night terrors, just sleep paralysis or something. He'd heard tales of this, of waking up to a figure perched on your rib cage, slowing pushing the air out of you.

The shadows in the room beyond the figure danced around him. Some crept slowly towards him, and he wanted to edge away from them, but he still couldn't move.

He just had to wait this out. Soon the figure would disappear, and the shadows would stop moving and he'd be left alone in his room. He could go find his brothers and make sure they were alright and cry into their shoulders without a care because he was scared.

Only, the figure never vanished. It only got more detailed the more it sat there and slowly came to life.

He could make out more of its features now. It looked like a woman. She had hair that fell in front of her piercing eyes and a cruel smile soon came into view.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he realised that the woman was wearing purple. It sparked a memory in him, and that memory was filled with panic and pain and confusion.

Suddenly, a name flashed through his mind, and he realised he knew who this was.

"Havoc…" He somehow managed to move his mouth, and he realised that his body was starting to wake up.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead." She smirked from her perch on top of Gordon. "Have a nice sleep?"

Gordon didn't reply. Instead he focused on moving his arms, but he didn't get far before they met resistance. He sluggishly turned his head and found that his wrists were tied down with metal chains.

"Wha-" His mouth felt like it was filled with cotton balls and he ran his tongue around it to try and bring some moisture back.

"Wondering what this is?" She held up a syringe that was filled with some sort of weirdly coloured liquid. "Why don't I show you some more."

She then grabbed hold of one of Gordon's arms. Gordon tried to struggle away, but he still felt weak and devoid of any strength.

A pain pierced his arm as the needle was inserted, and then the liquid was injected.

Things started to grow hazy again, but he managed to catch the next words Havoc uttered.

"You're not going anywhere. So, I suggest you get comfortable."

Her weight finally left his chest and he could breathe properly again. She walked off into the shadows of the room and he began to cry.

His face was wet with tears and his throat hurt. He didn't want to stay here anymore. He wanted to leave, he needed to find his brothers and make sure they were alright.

He called after Havoc, but she didn't reappear. Instead, the shadows began to dance and creep again and exhaustion pulled at him. He resisted it for as long as he could, but it just dragged him further until he was consumed. Back in a dark abyss that sucked away all life and anything he cared about.

His own little hell.