Hiya, Meeka here. I would like to apologize in advance for not updating so soon after I got 17k into the story. I actually liked this idea the most out of everything I had written so far, and was excited for it. Then work hit. And other life stuff like my big move across the country.

Good news? Before I moved I had written a couple chapters ahead of what I posted in case I couldn't write! More good news? I had lost the files until I remembered I kept them in a separate account that I just recently regained. Which means I have them again!

I'm the kind of person that finds it hard to rewrite after I had already written something. This is due to the lack of excitement from putting something into words for a second time. It just doesn't stimulate in the same way. And since I have the chapters back, I can continue where I left off.

The reason I'm saying all of this is so you're all aware that I didn't just drop the story so soon. I am going to reread what I have written, so as to not create plot holes, and probably edit and rewrite what I already have saved up. I wrote pretty redundantly for the saved chapters since they were mostly there as ground work, not the full chapters. So I'm going to rewrite them for a few days and post them as I go. I like to have at least 2 chapters saved in case I can't write for a period of time, so I will try not to post everything at once.

In short, I'm continuing this. It will be a few days before the next chapter so I can edit and rehash it. And the next few chapters after that will be the same story, me taking some time to make sure they aren't redundant, over explaining, or just poorly written and cringey.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Pairings! I like the idea of romance in stories, especially with such a weirdly blank person such as the one I created. Akemi feels emotions but obviously isn't the best at expressing them, especially facially. If she was a video game character in Fallout, she'd have damn near zero charisma...

Anyway, I need pairing ideas. The chapter I'm currently in the midst of writing, that isn't a rewrite of one's I've already written, is around the Chunin Exam arc and I had an interesting idea for a pairing there (It's Akemi x A Male Character). I may disregard your ideas and continue with that one, but if I find an idea I like then I may roll with yours instead. So comment or PM your ideas. I will accept both genders in terms of pairings. Straight or lesbian.

That's all for now, so hopefully my schedule all goes according to plan and you guys can see another chapter within a few days! Thanks for reading up to this point, and sorry for the false alarm with this "chapter." I will take it down once I get two more chapters up, so no on is confused by the random message hidden in the middle of the fic.