Chaos rained around Edward. Central headquarters was under attack and there were explosions going off from every corner of the military base.

Mustang ran past Edward, sending the terrorists up in flames as he helped protect headquarters. Edward clapped and placed his hands on the ground. A series of spikes erupted from the ground, causing some of the terrorists to scatter.

Edward ran after the Colonel as he finished off his group of attackers.

"Fullmetal, go find your brother and get any civilians as far away from here as possible!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Mustang! You need me! Don't try sending me of now!"


"Bas-" The rest of Edward's insult was cut off by a nearby explosion. He didn't seem to know that Mustang hadn't actually heard the insult. Edward ran off to make his brother take care of the civilians. He ran, dodging, through the the attacks helping anywhere he was needed till he spotted the towering suit of armour.

"Alphonse!" Edward called. The suit of armour turned to Edward before turning back to his opponent. Alphonse had accidentally taken out quite a few terrorists. The ricochet from his armour was quite troublesome for the attackers. He brought down his opponent in one move and ran to his brother.

"Brother, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, Al, everything's just peachy."

"Brother," Alphonse groaned, "you know what I mean."

"Yeah, by the way, there are civilians all around here. You need to get them to safety and protect them."

"Okay, but what about you?" Alphonse questioned.

"I'm going back to help the Colonel. You know how useless he is."

"Be careful!" Alphonse called towards Edward's retreating back.

"Always," Edward laughed.

Edward tackled the Colonel.

"Watch out, idiot! Do you want to be killed?"

"Thanks, Fullmetal," Roy grumbled, "Now, will you get off of me. You weigh a ton."

"Ungrateful, jerk," Edward hissed.

"I said thanks," Mustang said in defence.


Both the Colonel and Edward jumped up, ready to fight again.

"The Sun Fades!" A booming voice exclaimed. The terrorists all broke off the fighting leaving confused officers chasing after their retreating forms.

"Ha, yeah! And don't come back!"

The fight had been won as the attackers retreated. But there were two simple bullets. One after another. Ones that should never have been fired. Edward gasped and crumpled only to be caught mid fall by Roy Mustang.

"Fullmetal!" Edward was panting and hyperventilating as blood flowed from the holes in his chest. "Fullmetal, calm down. I've got you."

The blood spread around the two officers. An unhealthy amount leaving the kid's body. The wounds were so close to his heart.

"Don't worry, kid. The medical team will be here soon." Edward's head was hanging limply as his body began to shut down. "Help! Someone!" Mustang called before returning his attention to Edward again.

"...Co... colonel... please... tell... Al..." Edward coughed and trailed off.

"I don't care what you were planning to say, Fullmetal, because you will be telling him yourself."

"...No... I... don't think... don't think so..."

"What are you talking about? The Fullmetal I know wouldn't sound like they were giving up." Roy actually started to cry a bit.

"...Please... tell... I... love... hi..." Edward's voice died his body following in a gentle down hill movement. He coughed again. Blood spilled from between his almost useless lips. His breathing slowed, becoming shaky. The uneven, painful looking, rising and falling of Edward's chest was so shallow Mustang was having a hard time making sure it was there.

"Please! Help! I need a medical team!"

Mustang started counting the shallow almost non-existent breaths while he waited for the help to come.

One... Two... Three...

Four... Five... Six...

Seven... Eight... Nine...




Mustang felt numb. He held the unmoving, unbreathing boy in his arms. He looked down at Edward's pale face and into the empty unseeing golden eyes. Mustang's hand moved to Edward's face closing the forever empty glazed eyes.

"I promise, Kid. I'll tell him."

A medical team ran up to Roy, bags ready to help the injured boy in his arms, but Mustang already knew that they were to late.

A nurse put his middle and index fingers under Edward's jaw before turning to the rest of the team and shaking his head somberly.

"Sir, he's gone." Mustang sat there for a moment in silence.

"I know."

The team didn't have time to waste on them so they moved on.

The familiar voice, which could only belong to Hawkeye, called out.

"Colonel Mustang? Colonel!" She must have caught sight of him because she started running in his direction.

She knelt in front of the man and child. "Sir, is he...?"

Roy's hold on Edward tightened slightly, and he nodded dreadfully, tears almost flowing again after finally stopping. Mustang felt like he had been there holding the lifeless body of his young subordinate for days. He would have, if he could.

"No, no." Mustang looked up to meet Hawkeye's eyes. Tears? The unfeeling Hawk's eye was crying quietly. It wasn't really a full on cry just a few tears dripping down her face.

"Hawkeye, find the team and make sure they are all okay." Roy ordered duly so.


"And find Alphonse. He needs to know."

Hawkeye nodded in solemn duty.

"Yes, Sir," Hawkeye answered with a forced salute and air of strength.

Hawkeye hadn't found it hard to find the team. Kain Fuery hadn't been out on the field and Breda and Falman had been fighting together when the terrorists retreated. She hadn't found Havoc yet, but Breda and Falman had already seen him after the retreat so there wasn't really any worry for his life. Hawkeye's eyes stung as she searched for the rest of the team, Havoc and Alphonse.

Alphonse hadn't really joined the military, but he was as much part of the team as Edward was. Was meaning in the past. She didn't want to cry again. She had shed tears for the boy, yes. And she would no doubt shed more, but now was not the time.

"Miss Hawkeye! Thank goodness! I've been looking for Brother. Have you seen him?" Alphonse's high, worried voice rang.

The Lieutenant spun around to find the seven foot tall suit of armour approaching her. Alphonse.

"Alphonse..." Hawkeye couldn't just direct Alphonse, like she had done with the rest of the team, to where the colonel was with his older brother's body. She also couldn't just tell him that his brother was dead. She didn't think she would be physically able.

"Follow me." Alphonse followed, having no reason not to. He had no idea that the destination they were headed for would hold the body of his dead older brother.

AN: How's that for evil? Next update will be out sometime. I won't make any promises about when because the last time I did that I gave myself a whole month and still got it out twenty days late. Also tell me if you get the chapter name!

(Mild spoiler alert)

Okay, I have seen so many stories like this. Edward dies tries to make a deal with the truth and all, Alphonse and everybody are depressed, and then they are just abandoned! I find those stories so interesting but I have never, I don't think, found one that is finished. They are almost all abandoned. Dead on Arrival not abandoned and awesome you should go read that. speaking honestly: way better than mine.

Please review! Tell me what you think!