"And he just blew up after that?" Kate asks through the phone for what feels like the tenth time. I've just told her about Christian's outburst and the contract and honestly, she sounds as shocked as I feel. God, what have I gotten myself into?

"Yeah, it was weird and I don't think it was Veronica", I reply, still reeling my head over the interaction.

"Why was she there at all?"

"I guess she was supposed to meet Christian the night before but because of me, he couldn't go and see her."

"So, she showed up to see him?"

"It would seem that way, yes."

"God, Ana. I can only imagine what you're going through with this."

"You and me both, Kate."

"When are you moving in?"

"We're meeting with the lawyers tomorrow and then I'm moving in after that."

"Do you need my help with anything?"

"No, thanks. I'm just looking forward to when I can get a divorce", I joke and Kate laughs in response.

"I don't blame you. Hey, I gotta go because I'm meeting up with Elliot but if you want, I'll order some take-out or something and we can talk more when I get back."

"Sounds great. Thanks, Kate."

"No problem. Later!"

"Later," I reply before hanging up.

"Taylor?" I call and he turns briefly to look at me. "Has Christian ever had someone blow up on him like that?"

"Honestly, Miss, um, Ana, he has it happen quite a lot."

"Has anyone ever slapped him before?"

"Not for a while, though."

"Why did he react like that then? Was it something about me?"

"Let's just say that Veronica is not the first woman to hurt him."

"Who else has done it?"

"Just his adoptive mother," he says simply and my mouth drops open in response.

"He's adopted?" I ask incredulously.

"Yes, since he was four. His mother, Grace, adores him."

"Does he adore her?"

"Only when he has to."

"What happened to his real mother?"

"She passed away when he was four."

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

"It's alright, Ana," he smiles warmly and I smile back in return. God, this is just so much to take in.

The next morning, I'm walking into GEH and heading for the top floor, just before my phone starts ringing and I check the caller ID. It's my mom. Oh shit. I haven't told her about my marriage.

"Hi, Mama," I answer sweetly, hoping she doesn't notice.

"Ana, why didn't you tell me you were engaged?" she nearly shouts. Crap.

"I'm sorry, I meant to call you."

"Ray called me this morning and told me all about it. Ana, what are you thinking?" Whoa, what? Since when has she not wanted me to find a man?

"What are you talking about? It wasn't my decision."

"But Ray had no right to pressure you into this. You're still so young." Ugh, not this again.

"Mom, I'm twenty-two. I think I'm old enough to get married."

"That's not what I meant, Ana. I never wanted this for you."

"Mom, it's fine, really. I'll only be with him for a short time and after that, I never have to see him again."

"And what about your writing?" What?

"What about it?"

"Sweetheart, you haven't written in months and I'm starting to worry if you ever will again after what happened", she says quietly, catching me off-guard.

"Mom, I told you, I'm fine. They promised me I could start my career as soon as I get a divorce."

"But will it be worth it, Ana?"
"It will once I'm gone."
"Oh, Ana. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I would stop it if I could." You and me both...

"Mom, I gotta go but I promise as soon as I can, I'll tell you everything about it, okay?" She sighs before giving me a response.

"Okay, Ana. But if that young man ever hurts you, he'll have to answer to me." I roll my eyes but can't help my smile.

"Deal. I love you."

"I love you, too, sweetheart," she responds warmly and I hang up the phone. Finally, the elevator arrives at the twenty-fourth floor and just as I'm about to step out, I see Christian exit a room and stop in his tracks. Crap, not him.

"Hello, honey," I respond sarcastically, emphasizing the word honey.

"Hello, sweetheart," he sneers. "Are you coming or what?" he replies rudely and stalks to the end of the hallway before entering another room. Jeez, what an asshole and I have to call him my husband. Rolling my eyes at the always inviting interaction, I take a deep breath and quickly exit the elevator, cursing myself as I do.

"And with that, you're officially husband and wife," one of the executives—Simon, I think—announces and I suddenly feel very queasy in response. Shit, I'm Mrs. Christian Grey.

"Can we get this over with, so I can get back to work?" Christian grumbles like a sullen teenager. Asshole.

"All in good time, Mr. Grey, but right now we have to worry ourselves with moving your wife into her new home." God...

"Does he have to come along?" I groan, feeling like I'm a sullen teenager.

"And why do we have to do that?" Christian asks, exasperated as usual.

"No time like the present. If people see you helping her move, it'll leave a good impression."

"I thought the press wasn't supposed to know about this?"

"That's why we told them that you're a new employee moving in temporarily." What? That's actually kind of clever.

"Like a maid or something?"

"Something like that, but that doesn't mean you have to be one."

"Judging her wardrobe, I don't find that hard to believe," Christian murmurs and I turn to glower at him as I do.

"Son, please. Just give the girl a chance," Carrick pleads in that fatherly way he does. Why can't Christian be more like him?

"Whatever, Dad. Let's go. I have work to do," he says before standing from his seat and exiting out of the room.

"Is he always like this?" I ask Carrick who gazes at me with sympathy.

"Unfortunately, yes, but he's not as bad as you think", he says kindly. I find that very hard to believe.

I finish packing up my toiletries and essentials, and Kate's there staring hard at Christian as I do.

"Listen Mr. Moneybags, if you do anything to hurt my friend, it'll be the last thing you do." Wow, you go, Kate.

"Trust me, I don't plan on staying in the same room with her if I can fucking help it," he returns coolly, as if he does this every day.

"I find that as a relief," I retort, raising my brow to emphasize my point.

"Hey, I didn't ask for a fucking marriage," he growls and I slam the box lid hard.

"Look, I don't know what your fucking problem is or why you're blaming this on me, but I suggest you shut your mouth and keep it shut from now on. After three months, I'll be out of your hair but until then, start treating me with respect." Christian glares at me as if I've gone insane and I discreetly notice his jaw clenching as if he's about to lose it. Fortunately, he keeps his mouth shut and goes outside with Taylor leaving us on our own.

"Wow, Ana. I've never seen you act like that until now," Kate says in astonishment.

"After our time at Clayton's, I wouldn't see it as very high praise," I sigh before grabbing a few more things and going out myself.

Kate pulls me in for a hug and squeezes me tightly, all while Christian stands impatiently waiting for us to finish. Jesus, get a grip.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, okay?" she ask kindly, completely sober when she does.

"I will, I promise. Can you handle things all by yourself?"

"Oh please, Ana. I made it this far before I met you," she winks and I giggle in response.

"Can we go now?" Christian barks before opening his door and climbing in the car. I roll my eyes at his reaction and after one final wave and hug with Kate, Taylor opens my car door and I slide in beside Christian.

"Don't fucking think you own me or this is never gonna work out," I seethe as Taylor pulls away from the curb.

"Don't fucking hold your breath."

"Why didn't you tell me you were adopted?" I inquire out of the blue.

"Why the fuck does it matter?"

"I'm just asking a simple question, and I accept you to answer it."

"It was a long time ago, so accept it and move on."

"Are you always gonna be like this?"

"Trust me, I'm just getting started."

We arrive back at Escala and Christian wastes no time in leaving the car and heading inside as we park.

"Is he usually so rushed like that?" I ask Taylor as he takes my things out of the car.

"Only when he's busy."

"How often is that?"

"Pretty much every day," he jokes and I giggle in response.

"Right this way, Mrs. Grey," he says and I follow him to the elevator before riding up to the top floor. I step nervously into the foyer with Taylor before noticing Christian in the great room talking on the phone.

"I don't fucking care if Darfur is the better option. The area doesn't appeal to me and I wanna move the company somewhere else." Who is he talking to?

"Do I ever have to be at his company during this marriage?"

"Not especially. You would spend most of your time here."

"What would I do then?"

"We have a library and game room and you can visit them whenever you want." A library! Maybe this'll be worth it after all.

Taylor sets my things down in my room and reaches in his pocket before handing me a key.

"Are there any other rooms that I'm not supposed to visit? Apart from Christian's I mean?"

"For the most part, no, but you would have to ask him just to be sure."

"What other rooms are there?"

"A few spare rooms, each with a walk-in closet and personal bathroom, a gym, the great room, and a spacious kitchen and dining room."

"Are the other rooms for guests?"

"Mostly, but Mr. Grey rarely has visitors while he's here." Wow, go figure.

"Where do you sleep?"

"Right past the kitchen so if you ever need me, I would most likely be accompanying it."

"And what about Mrs. Jones?"

"We both share the same room," he grins and I feel myself blushing.

"How long have you two been together?"

"About four years or so, since we started working for Mr. Grey. It was when we first met."

"It sounds so sweet, if you don't mind me saying."

"It is, Mrs. Grey and trust me, I don't," he smiles and the look in his eyes tells me that he means it.

"How often are you working here?"

"Whenever Mr. Grey needs me, which is usually 24/7."

"Do you ever get time to yourself?"

"Honestly, I prefer to keep myself busy."

"Because of Mr. Grey?"

"Because it's my own choice."

"Are you sure you don't mind me asking you so many questions?"

"Like I said, Ana, I don't mind it at all." Just then, his phone pings in his pocket and after taking it out he glances at the screen.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Grey. I'll only be a moment", he excuses himself before leaving me on my own. I sigh deeply and stare down at my knotted fingers, secretly hoping I'm not making a big mistake. I decide to check out my walk-in closet to see how much space I have and after switching on the light, my mouth immediately pops open. Wall to wall are dozens of clothes, all for various times of the day and various occasions as well. Holy shit, I didn't know I was gonna have these. I run my fingers over the material on one dress, marveling at how soft it is, and look down at the price tag which shows the cost over $15,000. Holy fuck, how could it possibly cost this much?

As I'm looking through the various dresses, skirts, blouses etc., I have the feeling that somebody's watching me and turn around to see Christian standing in the doorway.

"Was this your idea?" I reply sarcastically.

"Trust me, I wouldn't waste my money on you."

"Why the hell are you even doing this?"

"Because I owe your father a favor."

"Do you do this with every woman you meet?"

"Not if I can help it, no," he shrugs, looking like he doesn't care.

"Then what am I supposed to do about all this?"

"Burn them for all I care. I couldn't give a shit what you do."

"You're a real asshole, you know that?"

"Then it's a good thing I'm not you," he responds before leaving the room. God, I'm so ready to get a divorce.