Two Months Later, D.C.

Scully stepped into the elevator with a stack full of mail. Up in her apartment, Mulder was stirring soup in her mother's old stock pot. She smiled at the thought of him standing over her stove in her pink apron. Gotta look the part, Scully.

A postcard slid out from between two envelops. She picked it up. A laminated, glossy photo of the Aegean Sea caught the elevator's light. She turned the postcard over. The elevator dinged.

"Anything good?" Mulder asked when she closed the door to her apartment.

"We got a postcard from Motsouka. She went to Greece with her girlfriend." She held up the card.

Mulder squinted at it. "Greece, huh? I think we got the short end of the stick, Scully, if that's where Greek is normally spoken."

"Mmm." She laid down the rest of her mail on the counter and tacked it on her refrigerator with a magnet. Then, she went over to Mulder and wrapped her arms around his waist. "How's it coming?"

Mulder took a spoon and blew on the hot soup. He turned and held it out to her. She sipped. "Tastes homey."

Mulder leaned down and kissed her, sucking gently on her top lip. She groaned a little when he pulled away. "Yep. Definitely homey." He looked a little flushed from standing over the stove. He smiled at her. Scully cuddled next to him. She felt soft and at peace. There was so much language here, in how they held each other. So much language and no words.

The end ?