i f*cked up. i seriously f*cked up

Sans mentally punched himself in the gut, cracked his skull on the wall and blasted himself with his gaster blasters.

Multiple times.

of course, she'll panic. i would, too, if she suddenly snapped at me and left me alone. It was getting hard for Sans to stay quiet and not groan at his stupidity.

He knew that she is as sensitive as he is on these kind of stuff and he didn't even consider what she think of what happened last night.

He knew she'll get upset but he forgot that she also has a tendency to give up, when it was about her.

He knew she was selfless to the core and that what made him love her so much. But she is also lacking on self confidence to a fault.

He kept berating himself for being petty and jealous over something so stupid as her not giving him enough time.

He wanted to kick himself where it hurts the most and was contemplating asking Undyne to do it since he knew he's not capable of kicking his own stupid butt.

Frisk was in his arms for a while now and the sobs and apologies had diminished.

It was only an occassional snivel and Sans just now realized Frisk was avoiding looking at him.

He took a deep breath and lifted her chin.

"i love you, frisk. nothing's going to change that." after he said that, fresh tears was forming in her eyes.

Sans felt his heart beat faster.

"frisk, i'm really sorry last time. i was just" Sans gulped.

is it the right time to say he was jealous?

Sans shook his head.

of her work..?

Looking at her eyes, not wanting to lie, he kissed her forehead mumbling something.

"i was just jealous and i don't want to see you exhausted all the time. nobody works as hard as you do but you gotta lighten up your work" he blurted quickly.

Frisk's eyes widened. She felt tears falling in her eyes and a heavy weight has been lifted in her chest.

Of course, Sans would not leave her because of something like that. Why was she so stupid?

"You.." Frisk said accusingly. Sans nervously chuckled.

"i didn't mean for us to break up. i just want us to sleep on it" he elaborated, still looking directly at her eyes.

"You made me cry, you jerk. Next time, say exactly what you mean." Frisk sniffled. She was extremely embarrassed that she jumped to conclusions and looked like a fool in his eyes.

He cackled like a kid. He started petting her head while she tried to hide her face in her hands in embarrassment.

"now, now. stop hiding your face." Sans condescendingly said. Frusk tried to push him with her hand.

"Don't talk to me" She hissed without any venom. She felt exhausted and weak by this fiasco and she didn't really feel like giving in to his... whatever he's trying to do.

Sans caught her hand and intertwined them to his. He slowly removed her left hand in her face.

"Sans-" Frisk whined but Sans leaned into her and kissed her again.

"i don't want to lose you, frisk." he said after. Frisk blushed furiously.

"not to anyone, not to work." he declared, sadly.

"don't ever go anywhere where i can't follow, please" he sighed softly, trying his best not to crumble at the thought.

He didn't want to fight with her but he needed her to understand why everyone, especially him, was so worried about her.

"promise me" that you'll take care of yourself.

Frisk searched his eyes for something he didn't know.

And then she smiled, eyes glowing with determination.

"Of course"

It's not gonna be easy.

It was years of work. Years of trying to find meaning to anything she do.

She always thought that it was useless to do things at a later date if you could do it now.

Coupled with the fact that she absolutely do not have any hobbies except trying to help.

She didn't think doing things just for the heck of it. Or just for fun.

It wasn't worth it.

Sans understood this and felt regret. All those time, he knew that. He knew the first week that his kid didn't bother taking care of herself.

Always having Papyrus feed her and make her take a bath and do her laundries.

It was irritating at first.

He was looking at himself on a different person but he didn't think it was an issue.

Not in the underground at least.

They were like two peas in a pod.

He would never admit it but he also haven't thought of anything else worth doing except keeping his brother and his friends safe.

Nothing else to do in the underground made him lazy and gave up on the thought that nothing will change as long as they're were out of there.

He was getting prepared for the worst case scenario where they will be crowded so much that anything goes. It was his greatest nightmare. Something that will definitely be a reality if they didn't get out of the underground.

He was so grateful to Frisk for stopping that nightmare.

Now, he just wanted to be with her.

He refused to let her neglect herself. And she refused to let him be a hypocrite.

They were a lot of fights. One saying that it wasn't a big deal working on their free time and one saying that what's wrong with just wanting to be with you all the time.

They didn't want the other to exhaust themselves.

Sans kept visiting Frisk even if he was taking longer shifts in his new work as an assistant scientist to Alphys and Frisk trying to limit her workload has been telling Sans to take his own words and stop overworking himself.

Frisk admit that it wasn't funny, looking at herself in her lover. It made her understood exactly what everyone has been trying to tell her.

She told her not to visit her if he's not going at least six pm. The same time they knew that their work is done.

Sans just chuckled.

"and what? you think i'll sacrifice my time with you for work?" Frisk blushed.

It wasn't a good bargain but it was all she could think of at the moment.

She can't remove his favorite ketchup since he has a lot of it.

She doesn't think the town would even let her try to stop Sans from consuming ninety percent of the town's ketchup demand.

She didn't know anything else that he was so engrossed with. Paps was not an option since she can't demand Sans not to meet his brother especially since they live together.

She just slowly nodded looking at her feet.

She didn't want to do it since she also want to see him outside of work.

Yes, they see each other since Sans became an assistant. But most of the time, they were busy. Sans trying to collect as much data and Frisk trying to create the foundation of the school.

They'll work it out.

They promised.

"do you even know me, babe?"