Author's Note

I do not own Twilight.

"That was unnecessary," Cullen said.

"She tried to kill me," Jane snapped.

"She was a Newborn, she was doing what she was told."

"She didn't know the rules." Jane frowned at him. "I don't remember which one you are."

"Jasper," he replied, glancing around the scrapyard. "Don't you two normally have bodyguards?"

Alec suddenly seemed to find the dismembered remains of the Egyptian, which were twitching back towards each other in an attempt to reassemble, very interesting. Jane scuffed her foot against the ground. "We killed the bodyguards."

Jasper stared at them. "You killed the bodyguards."



"We had a difference of opinion."

Jasper pinched his nose. "What are you here for?"

"Shopping," Alec replied, lifting his shopping bag.

"You two. Shopping?"

"Do you think our clothes just materialise from somewhere?"

"And you came here, instead of just shopping in Volterra?"

Jane growled softly. "We're not going back to Volterra."

"Then where are you going?"




"Why Florida?"

"Why not?"

Jasper looked them over. "Have you two been thrown out of the Volturi?"

"No," Jane replied.

"We left on our own terms," Alec said.

Jasper shook his head. "Explains the Romanians." He looked them over. "Why did you leave the Volturi?"

"The Volturi were using us."

"You only realised this now?"

Jane scowled. "Just because you saved me doesn't mean we're friends."

He growled softly. "I'd never be friends with people like you."

Jane flinched.

Alec reached out to squeeze her wrist.

"How old were you?" she asked.


"How old were you when you were turned?"

"Eighteen," he replied.

"Eighteen. Old enough to look after yourself, buy a house, a car, find a mate." Jane raised her arms. "We were… twelve maybe. Eleven? Thirteen? Ages were harder back then."

"Could have been under ten," Alec said. They had considered that before but decided it seemed unlikely. It had been one of the questions they used in their game.

"That was fine back then, but these days we can't do anything without 'where's your mommy sweetheart?' and we don't have one, never will, can't buy a house, get questioned when we hire cars; we'll never be able to find a mate!"

Jasper winced.

"Do you have any idea what that's like?"

He shuffled awkwardly. "You've been unhappy for a long time, haven't you?"

Jane stared at the ground. "I can't remember the last time I was happy."