Sonic continues his adventure, chasing Robotnik, and searching for the Chaos Emeralds.

Sonic: The Chaos Emeralds... Just what the heck are they? What's even Eggman's goal, anyway? Well, I only have 3 of them now. There's only another 3 to get. So I better grab them before he does.

The hedgehog appears in the Labyrinth Zone. Walls and spinning spikes on chains.

Sonic: This place doesn't seem too good. But there could be an emerald here somewhere. Just gotta keep lookaa... Ahhhhh! AHHHHHHHHHH!

The path ahead of him is under water.

Sonic: OH COME ON NOW! WHY THE HECK AM I HERE?! WATER EVERYWHERE! I CAN'T SWIM! Please, air bubbles. Keep me safe!

He hesitates as he jumps into the deep water. Luckily for him, the air bubbles are keeping him safe. He travels around the under water Labyrinth, in search of the remaining Chaos Emeralds.

Sonic: (They must be here, somewhere.)

Suddenly, he gets surrounded by burrobots and jaws.

Sonic: (Oh fudge.)

Just as they charge at him, Sonic jumps up and the robots all hit each other and explode. The animals that get set free swim away.

He continues on ahead. Very soon, he reaches the surface.

Sonic: Finally! I'm back on the surface! Man... Good thing I held my breath long enough. If only I had a bubble shield or oxygen tank... Huh?

He catches the sight of a red glowing object nearby.

Sonic: What's that?

Sonic approaches the glowing object. Once he does, he spots the red emerald.

Sonic: All right! That's 4 down!

Just as he was about to grab it, a claw suddenly steals it away.

Sonic: Huh?!

The claw raises back up to the eggmobile.

Dr. Robotnik: I don't think you'll be needing this! Hohohohoho!

Sonic: I have a question for you, Eggman! What exactly are these emeralds capable of?! Why are you going so far as to use these to take over the world?! More importantly, what are you planning to do with these?!

Dr. Robotnik: These Chaos Emeralds contain unlimited power! With all of them together, I can use them to power up my forces, and conquer the world! There will be nothing to stop me! Not even you.

Sonic: So you're going so far as good old world domination. Just like in the movies.

Dr. Robotnik: Well, in the movies, the hero always wins. But this is the real world. And this Labyrinth will be your grave.

The water level starts rising.

Sonic: Oh no.

Dr. Robotnik: Try and catch me.

Robotnik starts flying up the tunnel, and Sonic starts climbing.

Dr. Robotnik: Think you can survive this?!

While they move up, moving spikes appear

Sonic: Oh no! Oh no! No way!

Dr. Robotnik: What's the matter, hedgehog?! Can't swim?! Too afraid of the spikes?!

Sonic: Shut up! Give me the two emeralds you have!

Dr. Robotnik: Nope! They're mine! And it's only a matter of time until those other 3 emeralds you have are mine as well!

Sonic: And I'm not letting you have them!

Sonic uses his twin spin attack on Robotnik's eggmobile.

Dr. Robotnik: Wahh! No!

The mad scientist drops the two emeralds he has, and Sonic catches them.

Sonic: 5 down.


They finally make it to the top, near the exit.

Dr. Robotnik: Mark my words, Sonic! Those emeralds will be mine! The last emerald will be mine too! Just you wait!

Eggman flies away.

Sonic: Sure they will, Eggman. Sure they will.

Sonic grabs a pebble and tosses it up in the air. The pebble lands on the button of a container, pushing it, and releasing the animals trapped inside.

Sonic: If those emeralds are what he says they are, then I can't let him have them, no matter what. Hmm... Wonder how I got involved with Eggman, anyway. Well, he's a bully and I don't like bullies. I'm going to stop that bully.