This was just a random idea that popped into my head but the story kinda went in a different direction than I was expecting. Hope you enjoy!


"You used to be quick on your feet, but now you've got two left feet! REVERSION!" This statement was followed by a small paper plane being launched towards a nearby cyclist. "Oops," Reverser smirked as the man below began swerving out of control.

"Oh no!" Ladybug cried as the cyclist rode off the side of the bridge. Quick as a flash, she let go of Reverser and swooped down to save the man just before he hit the water. The man's face was slack with relief as he thanked the superheroine, unintentionally distracting her and making her vulnerable to the paper plane that was headed towards her. She gasped in surprise and Reverser grinned. "Gotcha," he sneered triumphantly.

Ladybug glared up at him and threw her yo-yo towards him. Instead of wrapping around him, like she planned, the weapon knocked against the side of the bridge coming back towards Ladybug and knocking her over a bench. Reverser laughed as the yo-yo fell and hit her on the head. "How do you like your roll now, Lady-clutz?"

Ladybug, to Reverser's surprise, smiled. She stood up, brushed herself off and smirked up at him. "Bold of you to assume I wasn't already clumsy."

Reverser blanched as Ladybug took a running jump towards him. Her trajectory was a bit off but she managed to wrangle her yo-yo to tighten onto his ankle. Being unable to control where she was going Ladybug shot up and landed right on top of Reverser. A chuckle could be heard from the bridge where Chat Noir was standing, leaning against his baton. "Awww, reminds me of when we first met," he cooed. Ladybug just rolled her eyes at him.

"Nice to see you too Chat, now get up here and help me with the akuma." At this point the plane they were both on was struggling under the extra weight, wobbling slightly as it strain to stay afloat. "Of course M'Lady," Chat said with a flourish and a bow, extending his baton to reach them. Reverser, meanwhile, was squirming under Ladybug, trying to get his hands free to throw another one of his paper planes. Ladybug just rested more of her weight onto him.

Chat Noir soon joined the two of them, taking a seat next to his lady on top of the akumatized villain. The two heroes were unperturbed by the fact that the plane was now sinking out of the sky and merely looked down at Reverser. "I think the akuma's in the plane." Ladybug told Chat, pointing to the platform that was still barely managing to keep them all in the air. "Yeah I think you're right." Chat nodded calling his cataclysm.

"GET OFF ME! I WILL TAKE YOUR MIRAC-" Reverser's words were cut off as the akumatized object dissolved beneath them, enveloping him in a cloud of black. Ladybug threw her yo-yo at the bridge and swung them all back to solid ground. After catching the akuma and doing the traditional fist bump with Chat, she turned to Marc. "I think there's a few things I need to clear up now."

Alternatively, there was also:

"From puss to wuss! REVERSION!"

"Ha! Jokes on you, I'm constantly terrified."