AN: Well folks, we've come to the last chapter. I hope you've enjoyed the ride. Let me know what you think.

AN2: Nonnie88-Guess what? I used Herbert appropriately! LMAO

Chapter 9

January 1987

Henry rapped on Elizabeth's dorm room door. As she opened the door, Henry started in without really looking at her, "I thought we'd hit up that bowling thing toni-Wait, are you feeling okay?" Elizabeth stood in front of him wearing a dingy cropped t-shirt and plaid cotton pajama pants. Her hair was up, but flyaways stuck out haphazardly and dark circles hung deep beneath her eyes.

"I think I'm going to skip tonight, if it's okay with you." Elizabeth spoke softly, pinching the bridge of her nose, her other arm hanging limply by her side.

Henry stepped inside Elizabeth's room, pushing past her, giving the door a shove. He dropped his coat on the chair. "If you're sick, I can run to the store and get some medicine." He held the back of his hand to her head. "You're burning up."

Elizabeth shook her head adamantly. "I don't have a fever Henry. You've been outside and it's twenty degrees out there. I'm not hot, you're freezing." She sighed. "I'm just tired. I haven't been sleeping well."

"Is everything going alright with your classes? They just started. Surely you can't be stressed out yet, and you know you're going to do well." Henry prattled on his concerns for her and it should have been endearing, but instead, it grated on her already frazzled nerves.

"Henry. I'm fine. I'm tired. Just go. We can do something together this weekend." She cringed inwardly at that. Spending more time with Henry wasn't going to help her situation, but the thought of not spending time with him was equally unappealing. She pondered just spilling her guts right then, but she wanted him to take the lead.

"Oh. Okay," Henry's eyes dropped and he looked like a puppy that just took a newspaper to his nose for peeing on the floor. He quickly bent down and grabbed his coat and shuffled around her toward the door.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and exhaled slowly. "Henry, don't be like that. Come on. I didn't mean it like that."

He looked up and she could see the hurt in his eyes. "It's fine. Sleep well Elizabeth. You can call me later this week if you want." He opened the door and stepped out into the hall.

She groaned. She hadn't wanted to make a big deal out of this and now it was about to be a big deal. She followed him out. "Ok, fine. How long is long enough Henry?"

He spun on his heel and faced her. "Long enough for what?" He screwed his face up in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"You said we'd take it slow. We've seen each other almost every day since Halloween. How much slower can we go?" Elizabeth's cheeks flushed red and she crossed her arms.

Henry looked at her like she was speaking some sort of language he didn't understand. His eyes wrinkled at the corners as he studied her, his expression perplexed.

"Damnit Henry. Do I need to draw you a picture?" Elizabeth huffed, then it all came out in a rush. "I haven't been able to sleep well for weeks because every time I close my eyes, you are there, consuming me. I wake up feeling like I haven't slept at all. I'm breathless and sweaty and I feel like I've run a marathon." She made eye contact. "How long is long enough, Henry?"

She watched the recognition roll over his face, and the corners of his mouth turned up into a boyish grin. "Really?" he asked. "You like me like that?" With each second that passed, his smile grew until his whole face was aglow.

"Yeah, I like you like that. A lot. I thought you knew that." She drew her arms closer around her and offered him a smile. "And I hope that you still like me like that."

He trekked the four paces back to her and offered her his hand, which she took. He walked them back through her doorway and she closed it behind her. He slipped his coat back off and hung it over the chair. When he turned around, his expression was sober and a lump grew in the pit of her stomach. "Henry?" Her brows knitted together as she tried to decide if he was suddenly going to tell her that he was satisfied with just being friends.

"I don't just like you like that. I love you Elizabeth Adams, and I have for a long time." Stepping in close, he wrapped his huge hands around her biceps and leaned in pressing his forehead to hers.

Blowing out a ragged breath, she murmured, "I'm not able to say it yet. That's okay, isn't it?"

"Just don't leave," he mumbled in response, edging closer. Her hands moved to his waist, inching around his back, pulling their bodies close. Noses touched, breathing the exhalations of the other. They stayed that way for the briefest of moments until Henry tilted his head ever so slightly and their top lips brushed against each other. When he took her top lip between his and sucked it gently, he felt her relax into him.

Pulling back, he watched her. Her eyes still closed waiting for him to return. After a few seconds passed, she blinked her eyes open and studied him. "That wasn't quite as life altering as I hoped it would be."

He grinned, "Babe, you're tired and you're going to go to bed. If I'd kissed you like I want to kiss you, I guarantee you wouldn't be wanting to sleep."

"That's bold," she said, releasing him.

He raised his brow and smiled. "I don't think so." He pecked her on the lips. "But seriously, you look exhausted. Let's get you to bed."

Elizabeth went to brush her teeth and use the bathroom and when she returned, Henry was under the covers. "Henry. It's 7 pm. You aren't tired at all."

"It's fine. I'll watch over you until I get tired." Suddenly he looked unsure. "That is, unless you don't want me here."

She offered him a shy smile. "I do. Really. I'm just nervous."

"It's just sleep. Come here." Elizabeth crawled in next to Henry and he scooted closer, pressing his chest to her back and tucked the blanket around her before resting his arm across her stomach.

"This is nice," she mumbled and, not even a minute later, she was asleep. Henry spent the next few hours feeling the steady rhythm of her heart, his hand laying where she had it clutched to her chest. He rested his head against hers and breathed in the faint remnants of her vanilla and peach scented shampoo, and a hint of something else that was uniquely her. It settled him in an unexpected way. He nestled in against Elizabeth and closed his eyes.

Early morning light filtered in around the vertical slats that were being gently blown by the warm air from the radiator. Elizabeth roused to wakefulness, but remained unmoving, wondering why she was so hot, and her cheek sweaty. Henry breathed in deeply and shifted his arm a bit and she remembered the previous evening. She was draped across Henry and she couldn't remember the last time she'd slept so soundly.

Tipping her head back, she looked up to see him watching her. "Good morning beautiful," he murmured, kissing her forehead. "Do you feel better?"

She blushed at the compliment. "So much better. Thank you for staying." She squirmed to pull her arm free and scooted up so she was eye level with Henry. "Thank you," she whispered, pressing her lips to his. Her kiss was soft and loving, and made Henry smile into it. It was nice, but that wasn't what he had in mind.

In one movement, he shifted back against the wall and rolled her onto her back. He leaned over her, propped on one elbow. "Hen-ry," she squeaked, surprised by the sudden movement.

"Since you're well rested-" he stopped and wiggled his eyebrows at Elizabeth, causing her to giggle, but when she looked at him, she quieted instantly. The intensity of his gaze sent her senses on high alert.

Goosebumps erupted across her body. She swallowed thickly, suddenly short of breath and her tongue darted out, wetting her lips in anticipation of what may come next. His fingers trailed lightly against her cheek, brushing the loose hair away from her face and he threaded them into her hair, cradling her head in his hand.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion-everything except Elizabeth's heartbeat. It pounded against her sternum with such ferocity that she thought it may break out.

Henry lowered his head and as his lips touched hers, his fingers, which had been kneading the hem of her t-shirt, slipped beneath, around her back, pulling her from the bed, flush to his body, his hand burning against her back.

Instinctively, she wrapped her arm around him. He pulled away for just an instant, and before she could even question it, his lips were back on hers, firm and commanding. When he traced the seam of her lips with his tongue, they parted without hesitation. He plundered her mouth, stealing her breath, sending waves of anticipation across her body. Every muscle was coiled, ready to snap and when Henry's hand migrated down her back, gripping her ass and pulling her into his groin. When she felt him pressed against her, she released a carnal moan, a sound she was unaware she could make.

Henry released her, gently laying her back on the bed, and leaned forward, pecking her on the cheek. "I've been waiting a long time to do that."

Her eyes opened as she slowly regained control of her body. "Wow," she whispered. "That was-" she stopped, still trying to put coherent thoughts together.

"Life altering?" Henry offered as he settled in next to her.

"Yeah, that," she murmured, cuddling up to him, tracing nonsensical patterns on his shoulder.

Henry chuckled lightly and pressed a chaste kiss to her temple. "Come on. I'm starving. Let's get some breakfast.

March 1987

Elizabeth watched as Henry paddled out past the smallest waves and waited to catch a bigger one. Their spring break mini vacation had been impromptu, but much needed. They could only afford to spend two nights at the beach, but their room was nice and she spent a fair amount of time with a book and Henry had learned to surf. She had mentioned scuba diving, but he put a quick stop to that idea, so she was glad he was having fun surfing. Now, they were packed up, staying on the beach as long as possible before making the four hour journey back to Charlottesville.

He rode the wave in and she smiled at him. Henry waved and headed back out. Her thoughts immediately went to all of the things he could teach their kids and what a great father he would be.

The uneasiness coursed through her veins. Thoughts of the two of them in the future came all of the time now. At first she'd dismissed the thought of them taking a trip together, thinking it would never happen. Then she discounted her plans for what they might look like while he was on active duty for the Marines, which had been discussed ad nauseum during the drive out.

Now she was having his children. Elizabeth clenched her jaw. She didn't think she was ready for this. But, at the same time, wasn't it this that she had been seeking the whole time? She closed her eyes, fighting the emotion of the memories.

Those first few weeks after she arrived at Virginia Prep, hadn't she cried every night begging for someone to connect with? Wasn't she devastated when she lost the fledgling connection she had to Henry?

Didn't she seek out a dozen or more guys trying to make that happen before finally giving up altogether?

Now, she had what she'd wanted for so long and she was scared to tell him, to make the commitment real. She knew he loved her. He told her frequently, but even if he didn't, she could see it in every action he took.

"I need to tell him," she said murmured, her eyes closed.

"Tell me what, babe?" Elizabeth jumped and she looked up to see Henry standing next to her, towel drying his hair.

She shook her head, trying to make the thoughts recede. "Nothing. It's nothing." But the knots in her stomach were not listening to her words.

Henry surveyed her. Elizabeth's brow was pinched, her lips pursed and her eyes clouded. Whatever it was clearly wasn't "nothing," but he decided not to pursue the line of questioning. He crouched down beside her. "Want to take one last walk before we go?" he asked.

Elizabeth didn't answer, but pushed herself up, brushed the sand from the back of her legs and held out her hand. He took it and they walked together in silence. They walked to the water's edge, staring at their feet, watching the waves roll over them. The grains of sand whooshed around their toes, pulled into the ocean only to be rushed back in seconds later.

Henry nudged Elizabeth and pointed at the horizon where the ocean met the line of night. It was beautiful, but it seemed to be sad as well. That line represented the place that her hopes and dreams tipped into despair. She seemed to ride the cusp of that so often. She was hopeful, but knew how easily it could all fall apart. She had regrets about not taking advantage of the opportunity she had with her parents to really love in the moment. It struck her that she was walking that same path with Henry. By being afraid of sharing her true feelings, she was denying them both that opportunity to fully love each other.

Elizabeth stopped and continued to stare out over the ocean. She felt Henry slide in behind her. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "You okay?" he murmured.

She shook her head. "I'm not. I'm not living like I need to live." Worry clouded Henry's features, but he said nothing. She pushed on. "I didn't recognize how fragile life could be and my parents were ripped away before I understood , before I could tell them how important they were. And now I'm doing it again."

Henry tried to figure out where Elizabeth was going with her line of thinking. There was a part of him that was afraid that one day she would withdraw and he'd lose her. He swallowed and fought every instinct he had to argue in an attempt to convince her whatever she was planning to say wasn't necessary. He held her against him and waited.

Bringing the hand that she was holding to her lips, she kissed it and Henry felt her tears. He wanted to ask, but she spun around in his arms, grabbed his head and pulled him down so their lips connected and she kissed him fiercely.

Releasing her grip on him, she let her hands brush down his arms grasping his hands. Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth spoke before she lost her nerve. "I love you Henry McCord. I love you so much it hurts sometimes and I want to live my life with you and have kids with you and grow old with you, and everything in between. And I will do my best to always make sure you know that because I never want to live with that regret again."

He hugged her tightly and held her for a long time, thanking God for bringing them back together He finally let her go, murmuring, "Let's go home."

April 2033 (note the time jump)

"McCord family. Let's go!" Elizabeth yelled up the stairs, as she made her way out the back door. Standing on the back deck, she watched Jason and Piper pushing the two youngest grandchildren, their four year old son, Benjamin, and Alison's son, Graham, who was 3. Stevie and Alison had two of the other kids, walking them up from the horse barn. "Hey guys?" she called out. "It's time to go." Piper nodded and Jason moved to help Graham off the swing.

Ten minutes later, the McCord clan was climbing into the SUVs, under Secret Service's watchful eye. Elizabeth stood on the porch watching her babies tend to their own babies, not that any of them were babies anymore, at least not currently. Stevie called out, "Ali, do you have Michael? I've got Landon, Graham and Lilliana.

"I've got him, Peter, Benny, and Becca. Wait! Jason! How come we have all of the kids?"

Jason shot them both a wide grin and shrugged. Piper called out, "I've got babies on board." She rubbed her stomach. "Does that count?"

"Not really. Jase, if you aren't taking the kids, you get the parentals." She pointed at Elizabeth and Henry standing on the porch. "And I bet Mom will practice her speech the whole way there." Stevie winked at Jason. "Good luck with that." She stepped into the SUV and let the SS agent close the door.

Ali called back, "Thanks for taking one for Team McCord."

"They love each other. I know they do," Henry said.

"Deeply. And I love you." Elizabeth faced Henry. "I'm so glad I get to walk with you on this journey."

He stepped closer and kissed her lightly. "We've got to go dedicate some stuff, Madam President."

Elizabeth held up her notes. "And I have a speech to practice."

Jason slumped in the seat as Elizabeth started her speech for the third time. "Really Mom? You've been over that thing no less than two hundred times since we got to town."

She looked over her shoulder at the men in the back seat and grinned. "Oh I know it. I'm just tormenting you." Jason groaned, and Elizabeth laughed. "You doing alright, Piper?"

"I'm fine . Thank you."

Elizabeth eyed her daughter-in-law. "I've known you for fifteen years, Piper. You can call me Elizabeth."

Piper gave her a shy smile. "Force of habit." Elizabeth reached out and patted her leg. "Habits are hard to break."

Jason sat up and tapped his mother on the shoulder. "How's the library coming?" He pointed out the window at the construction site. The main structure looked complete, but the chain link fence and warning placards indicated it was not ready to open..

"I haven't checked in for a couple weeks. The last I knew, Blake was working with the National Archives and construction was on schedule. It will probably sometime next summer." She replied, somewhat disinterested. "You know, Mike pushed for this. I would've been fine without one, but apparently every President since Herbert Hoover has had a library." She shrugged. "I'm much more excited about what we're doing today." Henry reached over the seat and squeezed her shoulder. Elizabeth, in turn, reached up and patted his hand.

The SUV caravan slowed and turned into the destination. When they had stopped, the SS agent opened the door and Elizabeth got out. She was met by a tall, slender man. "Madam President. Welcome to Virginia Preparatory Academy. We're so glad to have you today."

"Dr. Frandsen. It's a pleasure." She looked around and took the campus in. Instinctively, she reached behind her and Henry laced their fingers together. "Let's go check out the space, shall we?"

The school head master led them around the corner to the large space between two recently renovated buildings. "Madam President, I hope you're pleased with how the garden turned out. We're very proud of it. I think we got the placement of the seating correct."

"It's perfect. Thank you. Dr. Frandsen, would you mind giving us a moment? Thank you."

The man retreated and Elizabeth leaned into Henry. "What do you think?"

He smirked, "I think when you pay a couple million to renovate two dorms, you should request more than a memorial bench."

"It's not just the bench, it's the whole garden. It's not about the recognition anyway, and you know it," she scoffed. "Besides, we got a scholarship foundation as well."

"That we're also funding," Henry commented.

She rolled her eyes when he smirked. "So not the point." She tugged him forward. "Come sit with me."

They moved to the bench and as they sat, Elizabeth turned and ran her fingers over the plaque attached to the marble. In memory of Benjamin and Suzanne Adams.

"Do you think they would like it?" She looked at the space around them. "It is beautiful."

"They would love it, because you had a part in it." Henry leaned in and pressed his forehead to hers. "I made the best decision of my life right here in this spot." Elizabeth leaned back, looking at him blankly. "That first day I talked to you-you were leaving and I asked you what your mom's favorite flower was. It became my connection to you in those early days. If I'd kept quiet and not asked, you wouldn't have given me the time of day."

"Maybe it was fate." She smiled and leaned back in, sharing a long moment. Then she slapped his knee. "Alright I've got a speech to give."

Henry stood and took her hand and they walked around the corner to where a small crowd had gathered. Dr. Frandsen was introducing her. Elizabeth was only vaguely aware of what he was saying, but there was applause and all eyes were on her. Making her way up the stairs, she smiled.

"Thank you Dr. Frandsen for your kind words. Today has special significance for me. It was fifty years ago on this day that I arrived on Virginia Preparatory Academy's campus for the first time. The spring term was nearly complete and my brother and I had just been handed a traumatic blow. The death of our parents threw us into a tailspin, and while we dealt with our grief differently, Virginia Prep became our family, our support system, and our leg up to help us be successful in life. But, arguably the best thing in my life happened here, because, then Headmaster Jefferson Norton, took a chance on another student who had lost a parent much too soon. If he hadn't, I never would've met my husband on a garden bench just around the corner. So today, we are here to dedicate the newly redesigned Benjamin and Suzanne Adams Memorial Garden, named after my parents. I hope that the garden can serve as a place for students to get away and spend quiet, reflective time, maybe even thinking of their loved ones." The crowd applauded and Elizabeth patiently waited for them to stop.

"That brings me to my second announcement. As of a week ago, a new scholarship fund was established at Virginia Prep. The Pamela McCord Memorial Scholarship will provide full tuition to any current student that loses a parent and still desires to attend, but no longer has the financial means. Just because a child has been dealt the crushing blow of losing a parent does not mean that they should have to give up the education they desire. Henry and I hope that these small contributions will help give back to an institution that gave so much to us. Thank you."

Robust applause rang out and Elizabeth caught Headmaster Frandsen approaching. "Now, I hear there are going to be tours of the garden and newly renovated dorms, so please partake of all of that. I'll be in the cake line."

Frandsen approached Elizabeth, who had joined Henry, thanking them both profusely, before scuttling off to mingle with other people.

Minutes later, Elizabeth and Henry were seated with their cake and both of them had a grandchild on their lap and another lingering close by. Their children and spouses were chatting with others and Elizabeth sighed. Henry turned to face her, the question in his expression. "It's weird. I couldn't possibly imagine where life would take me when I arrived here fifty years ago. I was so distraught. I just couldn't see past that, and now, there is so much good in my life." Henry reached over and squeezed her leg. "And I have to say the best thing about this post Presidential gig is that I'm first in every reception line. That's an unexpected bonus." She grinned and Henry chuckled.

Later, the crowds had broken up and the kids were starting to gather things to leave. Henry took Elizabeth by the hand and leaned in close. "I want to show you something," he whispered.

As he started walking her across the grassy yard toward the hedges, Elizabeth turned to look at him. "Henry, what did you do?"

"Just a little something," he said, giving her a devilish grin. Leading her to the small opening in the hedges, she stepped through like she had nearly fifty years prior. The space was covered in violets and at the far end was a stone bench . As they approached, she saw the envelope held down by a rock.

"You are a sentimental fool Henry McCord," she laughed. "But it's beautiful." Elizabeth stopped and took in the scene around her. "I don't know that you could ever really comprehend how much this meant to me back then. It gave me hope when I had none, a moment's peace when there was turmoil all around, and a glimpse of the love you would one day pour into me, even though I didn't understand what that was." Taking a deep breath, she pushed the tears back that threatened to fall. She took the envelope and ran her thumb over the carefully written block letters ELIZABETH. Running her finger under the flap, she opened it and removed the letter.

Four words were written across the paper and she smiled.

It was definitely fate.