Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon in any way shape or form.

Obligations to Oneself

"Ash! Ash, where are you?!"

Ten year old Ash Ketchum heard Professor Oak yelling his name in the distance. The famous pokemon professor had grown quite close to Ash, likely due to how long he had begged the Professor to allow him to help in his corral. While the corral was safe from wild pokemon in most cases because Oak's own pokemon kept everyone in line, the usual by-watcher of Oak's Arcanine had been absent that day, as he was needed for an examination. Ash had been distracted and wandered off leading him to the situation he was in now. In a tree, with several rattatas snapping their angry little jaws at him.

"I'm over here Professor!" Ash yelled back.

Before Professor Oak's form was even visible within the brush, a large, hulking form dove down from the sky slowing just enough before landing to only flatten the grass in a few feet radius.

Ash looked in awe upon Professor Oak's dragonite as it bellowed out a roar, making the rattatas scuttle away.

"Ash, what on earth were you thinking coming out here?!" Professor Oak demanded.

"I'm sorry Professor, I thought I saw a pokemon I haven't seen before in the forest and went to check it out. I didn't mean for any trouble." Ash responded somberly.

The professor sighed, "Ash, I especially know just how fascinating pokemon can be, but you have to be careful, you know how dangerous even rattata can be without your own pokemon to protect you."

Dragonite, sensing Ash's mood, comfortingly rubbed his antennas on his hat knocking it off in the process.

Ash picked his hat back up and smiled slightly at dragonite, though still managed to give a look of understanding to the professor.

The professor sighed again as he watched Ash, and smiled slightly at the interaction between his pokemon and his student, "It's alright Ash, just be more careful next time okay?"

"I will, I promise professor." Ash responded, nodding his head rapidly.

"Good, now let's get back inside, and maybe if I have time, I can show you a few things I've been working on."

7 Years Later

Ash had woken up about an hour ago and was now wearing a black t-shirt along with blue jeans and a belt. As he slipped on his red jacket and donned his cap, he thought about just how momentous this day was. He thought about all the hard work and effort required to get where he was. Today was his day. Today Ash, joined by three other soon to be trainers, would receive his first pokemon. Ash slipped on his backpack and strolled downstairs and out the door.

He had turned seventeen years old about a month ago, and had finally reached the age requirement to become a pokemon trainer. The age requirement had been raised about ten years ago both due to how dangerous it could be to be a trainer, as well as to give the league time to repair after the numerous attacks from Team Rocket and attempts from other smaller criminal groups. Now that those attacks seemed to be history however, the league had begun allowing new trainers to join the frey as long as they met the age of seventeen.

Ash was lucky however, typically trainers would have to find their first pokemon themselves, or use a family pokemon or something similar. However, due to his high test scores, only being bested by Gary Oak in his class, as well as his exceedingly high scores on his practical examinations, he along with three others would be receiving their first pokemon from non other than Professor Oak himself. Ash knew that he and Gary were two of the four trainers, however he had not yet met the other two.

Following tradition, Professor Oak would be giving them a choice between the three Kanto starters, Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle, whom all of which could turn into rather powerful beasts when trained correctly. Charizard's intense flames and strong aerial attacks, as well as impressive speed were always appealing, Venusaur's overwhelming arsenal of status affecting moves as well as above average attack and defense could leave many opponents gaping, and Blastoise's powerful blasts of water and unyielding defense would be very difficult for many to approach in battle. Ash had no idea which of them he would pick, but figured that he'd simply base it upon instinct when it comes down to it.

Ash walked up the stairs to Professor Oak's lab nodding at a few of the researchers that he passed by. He had become quite a familiar sight to many if not all of them in his time of aiding Professor Oak in the corral, and being taught by the man. Ash opened the door to the lab and was greeted to the slightly arrogant smirk of Professor Oak's son Gary Oak, as well as the Professor himself.

"Ah Ash there you-" The Professor began.

"Ash!" Gary interrupted. "It's about time you know. I thought you'd be as excited as I was to receive our first pokemon."

"Don't worry Gary I'm plenty excited, I just also happen to remember that the others wouldn't be arriving until about now and would rather not have to stand and wait." Ash responded. "Speaking of which where-"

Ash was cut off by the door opening revealing two other teens just over 16 as well. One was a young woman with dark brown hair, wearing a light blue tank top along with red shorts. She was followed in by a young man that had blonde hair and wore a white shirt with a blue jacket over it, along with some cargo pants.

"Ah, and you two must be the other two trainers receiving their first pokemon yes?" Professor Oak questioned.

"Yes, we are. This is Anthony, and I go by Leaf. It is a pleasure to meet you finally professor." The girl named Leaf stated gracefully.

"Indeed sir, we've heard plenty about you." Anthony added.

"I assure you the pleasure is all mine". Professor Oak replied. "I'm sure that everyone is anxiously waiting, so how about we get started?"

The Professor gathered them up around a small counter, on top of which were 3 pokeballs.

"Before I have each of you choose a starter, I would like to apologize ahead of time by saying I only have one of each of the starters..." Professor Oak paused to let that sink in. "Due to this, I would like for one of you to allow the others to take their starter, and I will get find a replacement for you." Oak concluded, smiling slightly nervously.

Everyone glanced at each other nervously until someone broke the uneasy silence.

"I will wait Professor." Ash declared trustingly.

"Thank you Ash, that is extremely mature of you." Professor Oak replied, seemingly happy with how the event played out.

"Now, before you choose your pokemon, I will first hand you each of your pokedexes, as well as your first five pokeballs." Professor Oak began. "The pokedexes are for your sake as well as mine. My only request to you all, besides being safe and responsible, is that you record as many pokemon on your pokedexes as possible, as the data recorded will help in many future projects." Professor Oak said smiling.

The Professor handed each of the young trainers a pokedex, and each of them briefly checked them out before again focusing on Professor Oak.

"Now I will ask each of you to come forward and take your chosen starter. Let's start with ladies first shall we, Leaf?"

Leaf's eyes widened slightly in surprise, then she slowly approached each of the labeled pokeballs, and chose the one with a leaf symbol in front of it.

Leaf then turned to the Professor and asked, "Is it okay if I go outside to meet it?"

The Professor nodded eagerly, and replied, "Of course! It is always wonderful to be a part of what I hope will be a wonderful relationship between a person and their pokemon!"

Professor Oak then called both his grandson Gary, as well as Anthony up at the same time. Each of them, after glancing at each other, took a pokeball each. Anthony took the pokeball with a symbol of fire in front of it, while Gary picked up the pokeball with the symbol of a droplet of water in front of it.

Anthony left the room as well after thanking the Professor for the opportunity. Gary however, approached Ash, "I'm going to meet my starter, but I'll wait for you outside... Maybe we can even have a quick battle to boost my confidence when I win." Gary left with a smirk on his face.

The Professor waited quietly until Gary had left and then turned to Ash smiling politely, "You know Ash, I had hoped you would be the one willing to stay behind, after all, my second gift could only go to you."

"Second gift?" Ash asked curiously.

"Well lets begin with your starter first." The famous Professor replied handing Ash a pokeball.

Ash stared at the pokeball for a moment, before taking it from the professor. He then looked towards the Professor curiously, and released the pokemon. The pokeball opened and once the flash of light disappeared, a small brown pokemon was left behind, that cocked its head curiously at Ash.

"Wow, an Eevee!" Ash exclaimed surprisedly.

The small, fox-like pokemon stared back at him for a moment, before yipping excitedly and rubbing its head on his leg.

Ash smiled back at the eevee and rubbed its head, to which the small pokemon responded happily to.

"Thank you Professor." Ash said honestly. An Eevee may not have been what Ash had gone in expecting, however it was still a great pokemon to receive in his opinion. While none of its evolutions necessarily had the size or outright strength of the final evolutions of the traditional Kanto starters, they were very versatile and could fit into just about any team.

"Of course Ash." Professor Oak smiled. "However there is still the second gift. You have been helping me for a number of years now after all."

Professor Oak left the room briefly, only to return with a pokemon egg in an incubator.

"This happens is a pokemon egg that should be hatching relatively soon. It also happens to be the product of my own dragonite, along with another pokemon in the corral." He explained. "You and dragonite have become especially close with one another in your time here, and I thought maybe you would like to take care of it, and become the pokemon's trainer once it hatches. Dragonite too seemed pleased by the idea. Of course, it won't hatch into a dratini, for that would require a female of its evolution, of which we have had none in the corral for quite some time. Still, if you are interested both me and dragonite would be honored for you to take, and train whatever should hatch."

Ash, eyes wide with astonishment and amazement replied, "Of course Professor! I am honored for you to have thought first of me!" Ash then asked, "Do you know what will hatch from it?"

The Professor's eyes gleamed, "I am not certain, however I have an idea. There are many pokemon in the dragon and water egg groups, which you already know."

"What do you think it is then professor?" Ash asked eagerly.

"Ah, but that would ruin the fun of it wouldn't it Ash?" Oak joked. "Don't worry, it should hatch quite soon, and you will have your answer."

Ash's shoulders dropped as he pouted slightly, however he then smiled. "Thank you very much Professor, I will take great care of it for both you and Dragonite!"

"I never had any doubts Ash." The kind Professor smiled. "Now, as much as I enjoy having you around, I doubt that you'd like for everyone to leave without you, hurry on Ash, but keep me updated on your progress!"

"I will Professor, thank you again!" Ash replied.

Ash then walked to the door, and after taking a deep breath, opened it and took his first steps out of the building, as a pokemon trainer.

A/N: Updated some information about Ash's age, and made the chapter cleaner.