Hey everyone! My inspiration for their jersey numbers in the last chapter was from Slam Dunk. I think they so fit the profile, don't ya? Hope you enjoy this chapter and leave a review.

Chapter 5: Bridge

"Ichi-nii~, Ishida-kun is here," a young blonde girl called out.

"Ah, thanks Yuzu," Ichigo hurried down the stairs past his sisters.

"Where are you two heading?" She asked.

"We're catching up with senpai, just us guys," Ichigo slipped on his beach sandals. "Don't worry about my dinner yeah?"

"I'm not surprised it's just guys," a black haired girl commented dryly. "Will he ever bring a girl as hot as Orihime home?"

Ichigo froze in his tracks.

"Mind your own business!" He yelled as he got out of the house.

"Geez, Karin!" the blonde girl turned to her darker haired twin sister.

It was a warm beautiful Sunday afternoon by the beach.

Ichigo and Ishida were the first to arrive. They settled for a nice spot at the front of the beach bar with a big bench and cushions along the seats.

"Have I mentioned? I saw Orihime and the Kuchiki kid at K-mall the other night,"

Hazel eyes widened but recovered quickly. If he felt anything by that revelation, he didn't show it.

"Hn, when?"

"... After leaving the library last Friday,"

Ichigo shrugged an acknowledgement and said nothing else.

"Well? Think the newbie is competition?" The four-eyed probed.

"That midget? Nah. He can't shoot that well. I had to give him extra lessons to-" the orange haired said in a bored manner.

"Obviously, I'm not referring to basketball." Ishida snapped. "Besides, you only stayed back to help him so that Orihime wouldn't have to,"

Ugh. Damn his four-eyed observation.

"Ooo, are we talking about our cute manager-chan?" A light haired man in a loose white shirt appeared behind them, smiling deviously.

Ichigo and Uryu were caught up in their conversation they didn't notice their friends approaching.

"Good to see you senpai," Ishida did a salute with a finger.

"Apparently the new recruit and Orihime are spending alot of time together." Chad revealed to their senpai as he chucked his duffle bag on the ground.

"Owwh," the light haired senpai gave a mock hurt look to Ichigo.

"Whatever, glad you guys finally showed up!" Ichigo scowled. "Let's order,"

The beach wasn't too crowded, which was a bonus.

The four guys filled their bellies with pizza and beer from the bar, and have moved on to the main event.

"Oi, where's Renji?"

"At his part-time job today,"

"Worked out well since we only need 4 for Bridge,"

"So, are you enjoying post-uni working life?"

"Can't complain ya know, it's good to earn money. Tiring though. Glad ya bunch organised this catch uh-..,"

He trailed off when slit-eyes fell on a strawberry blonde who just emerged from the water. She flipped her wet luscious locks all to one side of her shoulder.

Dressed in a white one piece swimsuit, it did nothing to hide her curves. It was backless, just a halter front with a deep V on plunged to her torso. She wore layers of silver necklaces which lay between her ample bosoms. She was the most voluptous girl he had ever seen.

"That rack..."

He swallowed hard as she ran towards the nearby deck chairs to join her friend. Her friend handed her a towel to dry herself.

"Holy mamma..."

Chad and Uryuu followed their senpai's line of sight when he did a wolf-whistle. It was far enough so he wasn't heard.

Ichigo laid his card down, feeling smug. He was winning, his hand was too good.

Then he noticed all 3 of his mates stopped playing and were bug-eyed. So he turned backwards to check out what's gotten their attention.

There were two girls in sight.


"Hm? The one in white?" Seeing he received inaudible replies, he knew she was the one they were ogling.

She was gorgeous, like someone in a magazine. She sat down next to her friend who was wearing a big straw hat**.

"Meh, I think her friend's better," Ichigo said dismissively. Turning his focus back to the cards on hand, "Now let's get back to the game,"

"Um Ichigo," Chad said, "Is that..?"

"What? Hurry! It's your turn!" Trust Ichigo to be as competitive at bridge as he is at basketball.

"KU-RO-SA-KI. LOOK. CAREFULLY." Ishida's amused yet authoritative tone made the orange head glared at him.

"Geez," He snapped his gaze back to where they were (still) staring at - only this time, they were not staring at the one in white.

His jaw dropped as realization sank in.

It was a warm beautiful Sunday afternoon by the beach.

The sea water was refreshing, but chilly.

She could feel many eyes on her as she made her way in the sand. Some days she liked the attention, some days she just could not be bothered.

"Don't turn now but-" her voice was sultry, "...there's a group of guys totally checking you out, your 4 o'clock."

Her company laughed in response.

"No way! Everyone on this beach is staring at you, Rangiku, as always," the girl wore her hair in pig tails, a hat and a big pair of sunnies provided shade. Dressed in black bikini with gold linings, she wore gold seashells earrings and matching bangles.

"True, everyone is always staring at me," the strawberry blonde pouted playfully, "...but seriously, they are looking at you... see for yourself,"

The girl in black bikini did a lazy stretch and tilted towards her right for a sweeping glance at whoever they were.

Why did their silhouette seem so familiar, did someone just wave at her?

"The white shirt is a hottie," Rangiku chimed.

Wait, did she see silver and orange... ?

Don't tell me...?


Oh Lord.



"Min'na~~ hehheh," she waved back.




** I had to throw Luffy's straw hat in there. But Orihime's is a feminine design wide beach hat.

Awww, no Renji or Rukia today. I had to throw these 2 new characters in cos I love them. One's revealed. You can guess who the other is right?

Please leave reviews in English, and if you're a guest reviewer, do sign off so I know who to thank:)

Stay tuned.

Blitch out xx

P.S. I love bridge.