Chapter 1: a fading echo

Normal POV

"Echo! Echo!" Fives called, trying to get to his best friend and brother. Unable to believe the brother he had shared so match with... the brother he had known since domino squad... was gone... he was the last domino standing...

"Fives... it's no use... there is no way he survived that blast..." katinka whispered with tears in her eyes as she and femke gently held fives back from storming into the blaster fight to get to his brother...

"He is alright! He has to be... echo would never be so foolish to let himself be directly hit..." fives stammed as he tried to break lose from the iron grib off the two girls holding on to him and to were echo was... not able to believe his brother was death until he saw the death corpse...

"Fives..." femke whispered with a broken voice, before pulling him in a soft embrace. "We have to get going... lets get master piel to safety... for echo..."

"He isn"t death... he just can't be death..." fives whispered with a harsh voice as he looked at the place echo had fallen with a shocked look. Unable to believe what had just happened...

"Fives... there is no way he survived that... " Femke whispered as she held Fives against her chest. She was crying herself as well over the lose of her friend, but she knew they had to move on... for the sake off the mission... "we have to go on..."

"Your right..." fives whispered hoarsly as he looked up at the young fairy with tears in his eyes. "Lets make sure echo's sacrifice wasn't in vain"

With these words everyone turned to leave, leaving the scorched helmet of the former arch behind as they did... yet had they stayed only a little longer they would have seen the arch's body lying within the rubble of the shuttle... and had they looked even closer... they could have seen the body was still slightly moving and this story... had never happened as it did now...

Echo's POV

"Sir the prisoners managed to escape... yet we managed to blow up their shuttle..." a mechanic voice called very close to me, making me repress a groan since my whole body hurt…. What happened? I vagely remember standing before the shuttle and a clanker aiming a turret at me… but beyone that everything was vage… was I death? No... I fell pain in my legs and from what I heard from femke people that died didn't fell pain anymore...

"Send all our troops after them and make sure all airbases are secured" a second elderly voice called, followed by a lot off "roger roger" calling around me, meaning i was most likely surrounded by droids.

"Eeeeh sir, this one seems to be alive..." one droid suddenly called followed by a kick against my head that made me groan in pain.

"Impossssible... that blassster sssshould have killed him off..." a new voice called, followed by another kick against my head, making me unable to repress a groan now since that seriously hurt.

"should we kill him sir?" the mechanical voice of one of the droids asked.

"NO!" The latest voice that sounded like the voice of the citadel warden Osi Sobeck called as I fell another foot hit my head hard… could they stop doing that? Clones have feelings as well you know? "thissss one issss a arc trooper… he might hold on to vuluable information… the ssssserpatists could usssse that information to finally squasssssh the jedi..."

"Only in your dreams i'll betray the jedi you filfy clankers get what you want..." rang throught my head as i forced my eyes open to see were my weapon had gone… smirking when I saw it lie only a few meters away from me… good… that meant I might be able to at least defend myself… those were my thoughts as I slowly reached for my blaster. But right before I could reach it, a tree-toed foot kicked the blaster away, followed by a firm pain in my arm.

"Thought you could essscape huh? Well your little friendsss might be able to essscape my grasssp... but your intel iss gonna make up for that big time..." The warden smirked, followed my more pain in my arm...

"what are we gonna do with him sir?" One of the battle droids asked.

"lock him in the brig until we captured the othersss... " the warder slissed, followed by more "roger roger" as four ice cold hands helped me stand up... making me groan as my knees buckled under me, unable to carry my weight at the moment.

"Sir the prisoner is in no condition to move on his own at the moment" one of the droids remarked while letting me go, making i fell on my hands... hard. If i get the clumsy clanker in my hands that dropped me... he would regrett evet rolling off that workbench...

"FOOLSSS... carry him to a cell and let a med droid keep him at leassst ssstable... for now..." the last statement obviously came with a smirk as four rough arms now carried me to a cell and threw me in... making me groan out loud as i hit the floor hard...

"enjoy your stay clone…you will be here for a long while" one of the droids commanded before the door closed after which i quickly passed out…

-time break-

When I woke up I was on a cold metal bench in which seemed to be a medbay…. At first I thought I had dreamed that the others had left me for death and that I would soon see kix or even Coric walk in to scold me for being reckless during a mission, yet I was sadly mistaken because soon a droid came in with a shot off anastacia's and a report.

"hey you! Droid! What are you going to do to me?" I asked the droid firmly as I tried to sit up, but I was bound to the table and couldn't move.

"do not move… both off your legs have been blown off as well as one arm…. Were going to stabalize you…. After that your fate is up to the warden" the droid replied.

"or my general as soon as he realizes I am still alive! Which he will!" I snapped at the droid with a smirk at my face as a plan started to form in my head. "so unless you wanne end as scap metal you better release me…NOW"

"nice try clone…. But your not going anywere…" the warden slissed as he entered the room with a smirk on his face. "but the only way your gonna leave here isss either if your bought or death"

"your never going to get away with this! Once my friends find me your done for!" I snapped as I again tried to break free from my restrains with the one arm i had remaining, yet due to the lack of a second arm and the aftermath of the blast i had just suffered under I was unable to pull away as a firm sting in my neck made the world around me go black once more...


And with that I end the first chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it!


For more info about the characters Femke and her daughter Katinka read "a trix story" "the new lotus" and "the redemption of the red lotus" as well as "young maul saved" (which will be published soon)

This is only my take on what could have happened right after fives, rex and the others left the citadel, I do under no circumstances claim this is what actually happened.

Okay that was all for now! I hope you liked my work! Thanks for reading and don't forget to
