Ice Skating in February

Hello. The disclaimer will always be we have no rights to Clamp's work Kobato. We don't make profits just for writing a story either. It's free for everyone to read and enjoy themselves reading. Enjoy! Constructive criticism is welcomed!

Just a few days ago someone had asked Kobato to join her for a nice afternoon at the skating rink. The one called Fujimoto Kiyozaki. The young man wasn't sure why he asked her. The young reborn again girl was happy to join him.

Now the afternoon of the hanging out together. Or date, as she wasn't sure which of the two was it. As usual she was afraid to ask him. Weren't they a couple though? Or just friends that had true feelings for one another.

Kobato, dressed in pink twirled around. She looked herself in the mirror, figuring he wouldn't mind her outfit.

"I guess she should do." She nods her head. "It is cold out there these days.."

Just across town Fujimoto was finishing work for a client. As his shift ended he looked over the time. Knowing he'd be seeing her in an hour or two. His face heating up when thinking of her sweet smile, and clumsy self. He laughed at a memory soon as he closed up his briefcase.

Few people looked his way. He didn't care as he was having a good day. Wishing nothing or no one to ruin the afternoon.

"I must get home in time to change clothes too…" He tells himself, while shouting goodbyes to his co workers.

They all do the same. But had their noses in their works as all lawyers would.

Fujimoto takes the train going on home. During the ride he texts her letting her know what was happening at that moment. Kobato rests on her small futon when looking up at the ceiling.

Her phone dings startling her. Getting off the bed she looks around for it. A plush annoying bear shows himself.

"Dobato, you're looking for this?"

"Oh yes..thank you!"

Just as she's about to reach it, he flings it onto her bed. Letting out an exaggerated sigh she goes to the bed picking up her phone.

A beep tells her she had received a text from Fujimoto. Her face warming up soon as she read it. She tries to remember how to use it, since Fujimoto got her the phone. As well as taught her few simple steps on how to use the mobile device.

"I can't wait to see him.."

Ioryogi just lets out a sigh as usual. The girl was in la la land whenever it came to that human she was deeply in love with. Shrugging his shoulders he leaves her alone. Going out the window knowing it was cold as he had planned to go elsewhere.

She watches him leave, waving her small arms at him. He looks back rolling his eyes.

"Dobato…as usual…"

Fujimoto arrives home setting his briefcase down. He jumps into the shower making sure to take a quick one, before going out again. During his shower he thought of what to do with his friend or maybe girlfriend.

"What is she to me?"

Even though she had returned they both didn't make it official. He knew how he felt for the beautiful young girl. Smiling remembering the time she realized who he was, got his heart pounding.

"I love her so much. I know that for sure!"

He tells himself over and over. Turning off the faucet he gets out of the tub. Continuing to think of her while drying off too. Deep in thought not realizing his phone was ringing.

"Is it her?"

As for sure it was Kobato. The young teen women decides on calling him up. Hearing each other's voices melted their hearts.

"I should able to meet up with you in the park."

"Okay..I just didn't want you to forget about me…how silly am I." she laughs at her own stupidity.

He found it cute nonetheless.

"We're going to have a good time. Especially as it's your first time ice skating. Right?"

"Oh yes it is.. thank you for inviting me too."

"No problem. I'll text you soon as I've left the house."

With those words he hung up. He throws his phone onto the couch. Wondering what to wear was in his mind.

Of course it was cold as it's the winter season. Still it was hard to decide on something. Especially when going out on a date.

That's right! It's a date. She'll know about it soon as I mention it to her.