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Tara Girl 23: Here's more! xD

Denki POV:

Consciousness filtered back into me slowly. It was as if I was underwater, slowly rising to the surface. More awareness flooded into my senses as I rose closer to the air. The first thing I noticed was I was hot. The sun was beating down on me. The second thing I noticed was that I was laying on gravel of some kind, the tiny rocks biting into my exposed skin. Thirdly, sound registered in my ears. It was mostly quiet, a buzz of a mosquito sounded in my ear. I let out a soft groan, sitting up and forcing my eyes open. I took in my surrounds. I was in a parking lot. A couple of cars sat outside the convenience store I was staring at. A road extended to my left into an interstate into a rural area. To my right, the road ran into the city. No one had seemed to notice me; I must not have been here very long. Where was here anyways? The last thing I remember was the mall, and Kirishima… I paused. I quickly did a full circle scan. No villain. Did she teleport me? I remember not being able to move, and then, this. I ran a had through my hair, small sparks of electricity sparking off of my locks. I walked up to the store. Maybe they could help me get back to school. Who knows how far I was teleported?

I checked my pockets as I pushed open the doors. I had no yen on me. Not that it would matter. Everything here is English, from the candy wrappers to the sale signs inside this store. Was I in America? That is a long way from UA. I walked over to the pop isle of the store and pretended to look at drinks. My mind raced. Calm down Denki, this is very simple. All you need to do is find a police officer and explain what happened. This was because of a villain; I won't get in trouble. Good thing English was one of my strong subjects at school.

A girl stopped next to me, tapping me lightly on my shoulder. I turned. "Sorry to bother you, I was just wondering if you had a phone charger? Mine died on the way here, and this store unfortunately doesn't sell any." She had light short brown hair, and hazel eyes.

I smiled at her, "Well, yes I can charge your phone! That's easy." Normally I would complain that someone would use me as a charger, but this girl didn't know about my electric quirk. Maybe if I can impress a cutie like her…

"Okay, thank you!" She pulled out her phone, it had a blue case on it. She waited for me to pull out a charger. "There's an outlet over here, I think." She started to turn away.

"Oh no need." I grinned, lighting up my left hand and concentrating the small current on one fingertip. I tapped it to her phone. It let out a small full charge beep. I grinned at her, "See? No trouble at all." My smile faltered as a look of absolute horror crossed her face. She seemed as white as a sheet, glancing between me and her now fully charged phone. I stepped forward, "Hey, are you-"

"Stay away!" She suddenly cried, stumbling back several steps.

"I'm sorry…" What did she panic for? It wasn't illegal to display one's quirk. I may have frightened her with the sudden use of it. I instantly felt guilty, "I should have warned you. My quirk looks scary sometimes."

Her wide eyes hints that it wasn't just the sudden use of my quirk that was the problem. "You're a Mutant!"

"Sorry, a what?" I stopped in my tracks. A Mutant? What's wrong with quirk? It didn't make any sense.

"You have powers." She whispered, wide eyed.

I laughed lightly, trying to defuse the tension, "Doesn't everybody?"

"No? That's why it's a Mutation, only twenty percent or less of the population possesses some kind of supernatural ability. Where have you been?" She was borderline panicking at this point, "Look, thanks for charging my phone I guess, but don't use your powers! Stay hidden." She turned on her heel and marched off, leaving standing alone in the soda pop isle.

My head spun. Only twenty percent have powers? That's not right. It can't be. Unless I was thrown somewhere further than the literal other side of the world? How can I figure this out? I turned on my heel, striding out the store's door. I glanced up at the midday sun. What did I know for sure? I know that I was hit by a villain's quirk that sent me all the way over here. Wherever here was. I used to be at the mall this evening. Wait. Evening? I glared at the sun again. It was definitely noon. I wasn't that stupid to totally forget what time of day it was. Did she send me through time? I shook my head, what would be the point of that? I took a deep breath. A good place to start would be a library.

Several hours later, and a few miles out; I finally arrived at a library. It was open until eight pm, and according my watch, I had two hours to figure out where I was. I had two current theories running through my head as I walked up to the New York Public Library. Either I was sent back in time to America, or I was just sent to America, and I didn't know time-zones as well as I thought I did.

I walked up to the librarian at the front desk. She looked up as I arrived asking, "Can I help you with something?"

I smiled lightly at her, "Yes, I'm doing a school project, and I was wondering if you had any history material for information about people with powers." I seriously hope this will work. This will definitely destroy my theory about time travel. If that was the case, I could just go to the nearest police station and get in touch with some heroes. What that girl said at the store undeniably still bothered me. Only twenty percent with quirks? That's impossible.

"Of course." The librarian said, "We have plenty of articles on Mutants. Were you looking for when they first appeared? Or more the political side of the issue? If you need a more scientific approach, there are science articles on the subject."

I bit my bottom lip as I thought, "Just recent news articles on it would be nice, thank you."

"Okay, then that would be over at this section." She led me to a bookshelf full of news articles, "Tell me if you need anything."

"Okay, thanks!" I sent her my sunniest smile before picking up a couple of random news files. If I did travel through time, I would be able to easily tell by what the American heroes have been up to lately. I learned a lot about keeping up with world news and heroes from Midoriya. I smiled as I thought of my green haired classmate. He helped me study history just last week, so it should be relatively fresh. Still, even the librarian called quirk users 'Mutants'. I wonder what that was all about.

I sat at a single study table, placing the three articles on the smooth wood. I sat down, glancing down at the news articles. The top one read, 'How Strong are Mutants?' and referenced the coast guard as a source. Interesting. I began to read.

'A Mutant, commonly known as Magneto, was thrown in the Pentagon this week for the assassination of John F. Kennedy. His mutation is the manipulation of any metal properties, and the bullet curved in midair, killing the president. If this…'

Dang, so a metal manipulating villain killed the United States president. Curving a bullet midair probably isn't easy. Wait, when was this? I looked for the date, and unfortunately the newspaper date was too faded to read. I don't remember an American villain named Magneto. I tossed the article to the side and picked up the next one, 'Criminal Mutants and How They Affect our Prisons.' Most of the article was not informative, but one section did catch my eye.

'Dr. Bolivar Trask recently came forward to help with the situation. He developed a collar that once a criminal Mutant is restrained, they cannot access their power. Many prisons are switching over to this as a version of restraint, while police all over the country are making sure the Mutant Inhibitor Collar are in their toolbelts. These wristbands are preferred to electric cages, which is the other way to restrain Mutants. Luckily, there has never been a Mutation that can manipulate electricity so the cages are still a viable option.'

I shivered. Being a villain doesn't pay off, but at least they found a way to keep them in prison. America is vastly different than I thought it would be. I paused after tossing that article into the read pile. It stated that electric types don't exist. Well, that was a known fact back in Japan that they do. Myself as a prime example.

I picked up the last news article. 'Mutants. Humanoid, NOT Human!' My blood ran cold. I quickly scanned the rest of the article. It was mostly about how they have different DNA and such, so it made them another species altogether, agreed by most doctors and other official people. My breath hitched. This was something that no one ever even thought about quirk users! Quirks were normal. No one thought it was a terrible thing. I didn't just jump time-zones. I didn't even just jump through time. I think I jumped realities. I started hyperventilating. If I was sent into a different reality, how was I going to get back?

I dropped the article on the table standing up fast and leaning against the nearest wall. I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing. Aizawa probably knows I'm missing by now; they will figure out how to get me back. Unless they can't, and the villain got away. I felt hot all over. It's not like I can jump back at will. Quirk users aren't even considered human here! If I was caught, who knows what would happen? Static filled my ears, and the quiet sounds of the library were downed out. I shouldn't panic. I was definitely panicking. I needed to calm down, make a plan. Just calm down. It's simple. Just breath. I couldn't hear my breaths. My arms were shaking.

"Hey, are you-"

I jumped, my eyes flying open. I forgot to hold back. Electricity exploded out of my tense body, knocking down the random stranger who was seeing if I was alright. He was now laying on the ground, passed out. Smoke curled softly from his silver leather jacket. Then the lights went out.

The electricity that I released, also had to have gone straight into the wall. It must have overloaded the circuits and killed the generator. I glanced down at the guy I accidently electrocuted. He was already stirring, so he'll be fine. I glanced around not seeing anyone in the sudden darkness. I usually never lost control of my quirk so easily. I needed to get out of here. I heard sirens in the distance. Did someone call the cops? It was an accident, but would these cops believe that? They had quirk suppressing collars, I remember reading that in the article. Shit. Run. I needed to run.