"My King!" Friar Tuck's voice echoed through the hall. The King mounted off his horse, Bandit, and gave it to the stable boy. He just got back from the diplomatic duty for a monthly check of his land, Locksley.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop teasing, Tuck? We've been friends for as long as I know and you don't need to call me that.

"You look so happy yet something is bothering you. What is happening?" He chuckled before elbowing his best pal.

"The baby," Friar Tuck gleamed. "Your wife is in labor. The baby is coming!"

The King couldn't help but feeling excited. He ran through the hall, passed every corner, and ignoring every maid that bowed to him along the corridor. He made his last turn, storming into their chamber. Red was there, wiping the sweat off the Queen's forehead. Granny was also there, instructing the Queen what she needed to do. He rushed forward and sat beside his wife, clutching her hand.

"You're just in time." The queen sighed.

"I know, milady. I wouldn't miss this for the world." He kissed her knuckles.

"Just push whenever you're feeling to." Granny reminded.

Red braided the Queen's hair as fast as she could, as the King kept whispering thousands of 'I love you's and 'you can do this's to his wife's ear. The Queen lifted her head off the pillow, gathering all the strength she had before she pushed. She cried. She never would've imagined it would be this painful. Her husband dried off her tears, kissing her eyebrow.

"I can't do this." She moaned. "Please take care of this baby."

"No, darling. I know you can do this. You're stronger than you think. I love you." The King softly whispered to her ear. He could only wish he could take her pain away and their baby would be born healthy.

Time felt pass so slowly, all the expecting parents could feel was nervousness. He hates to see how much in pain his lover was but he knew nothing could be done. She may be drenched in sweat and looked messy than she usually is, but to him, she looks more beautiful than she will ever be. The Queen was willing to give her life to deliver their beloved baby. This was the sweetest yet most honorable sacrifice he would ever know.

"I promise this won't last long, Your Majesty. Just one last push," Granny reminded. "or two." She mumbled.

"Everything will be fine. It's almost over. You're doing great, darling." He gave her a gentle squeeze on her hand, kissing the side of her head.

"I hope so. I couldn't take more than this." She was as pale as snow, and Red cooling her down with the damp cloth. She squeezed her husband hands tighter than before. She felt like she was torn in half and her every inch of her body was sore. All she could ever think now is to deliver this baby safely.

"Push when you're ready." Granny told. Red has left the chamber as she was assigned to prepare a bath for the baby. The Queen nodded and she gathered all the strength she had left in her. She took a last deep breath before channeling the power left in her into pushing the baby out of her. Her whole body was numb to the pain and the next thing she knew, a sound of a crying baby is echoing within the wall.

"Congratulations, Your Majesties. It's a princess." Granny placed the baby on The Queen's bare chest. She counted on her baby's fingers and toes –both are perfect ten, giving both the joyful parents an ease. The queen ran her fingers on her daughter drenched tufts. Red took the Princess from her mother to clean her up as Granny's will handle the Queen's postnatal care. The King went outside to personally announce the birth of their beloved, most awaited Princess to his council members. Once everyone was done on congratulating him, he went back to check on the Queen and the new born Princess. Red perhaps had freshened her up; changed her clothes and fixed her hair into a proper braid. Granny was still there, doing her job as a midwife–teaching the Queen how to breastfeed the baby. Although she did look tired, there's something that made her look more beautiful.

"She looks so pretty." The King said as he stroked the Princess's cheek gently. "I know you can do this, milady. Thank you for all the hard work you did."

Tears ran down on her cheek. She leaned her head to his chest, relishing his forest smell. "We made this. I can't believe this is real."

The King only responded by chuckling. There's no words left to say how proud and happy he is right at this moment. To see his wife and his baby are both healthy, it was more than he could ever ask for.

"Do you want to hold her, Daddy?"

"If only Mommy allows me."

Granny helped him to properly hold the Princess. She was tiny, warm, and all her father could ever feel was joy. He was over the moon. The moment he held the Princess in his arms, he knew he is willing to give her everything for as long as she is safe.

"Congratulations, Your Majesties. Have you prepared a name for the beautiful princess?"

Both King and Queen smiled. The princess yawned in her father's arms, looking absolutely peaceful. "We have. And I believe it should be announced on the royal christening,"

The whole palace was as busy as they'll ever be. There's a lot on the plate for everyone as the Royal Christening is going to take place today. All wishes, presents, had come from all across the country. The Queen herself had written hundreds of thank you letters for all the love they sent for the Princess. She had spent the whole morning in her daughter's nursery. The Queen was entertaining her daughter with an apple-shaped rattle–especially designed for her.

"It's time, milady." The King called and she nodded. She cradled the Princess into her arms and walked to the ballroom together, as a family. They both exchanged looks before entering the ballroom.

"You ready, Mommy?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Their Majesties; Queen Regina and King Robin. The fair ruler of the Enchanted Forest." Everyone bows and curtsies as the royal announcer declared their entrance. The King gave a short speech, thanking everyone who had come to celebrate the birth of the Princess. Everyone brought their gift to present them to the royal family and gave their blessings to the Princess.

Then the most awaited moment arrived. The Queen was given the honor to announce the Princess's name. She held the baby, showing her to all the attendant. Taking a deep breath and smiled,

"Her name is Evie; for one day, she will bring life to others."

Bows and curtsies were given to the Princess, but sudden chill filled the air. Everyone gathered together, including the royal family. All the royal guards were surrounding them, protecting the Princess. Wind blows right into the room and everything seemed gloomy. Regina held her baby closer. The magic inside her was tingling. She knew something unpleasant was going to happen. The wind gushed and flew the door open. She crouched, covering Evie with all her might as Robin did the same. Their hearts were beating fast, especially Regina for her guts keep telling that something bad is coming. Everyone was terrified.

The plumes of green smoke appeared in the center of the room, revealing a woman in a tight black dress and pointy hat. She looked normal, unless her skin was green.

"It's The Wicked Witch!" One of the guards shouted and attacked her but it was no use. Her magic threw him to the other side of the room. Like nothing has happened, the witch walked towards to the Queen.

"Well, well what a glittering party." The witch walked around, playing with her ginger locks. Her eyes were fixed to Regina.

"What do you want?" Still covering his wife and daughter, Robin said through gritted teeth.

"Oh there has nothing to do with you, thief. All my problems start with her!" She pointed to Regina.

"Cut the nonsense, witch. I've never even met you, let alone know you."

The Wicked witch only laughed in response. "Well how rude of me. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Zelena, your half-sister."

Everyone gasped, including the Queen herself.

"You see, Cora lied all this time and bring this lie to her grave. My life is miserable because of you!" A fireball was formed in her palm. "I'm her first born. To cut the long story short, she abandoned me deep in the forest and decided to marry a prince and you, come along the way.

"Look at you now. You made yourself soft. A queen loved by all her subjects. Or should I say a former Evil Queen?" She inched forward, trying to touch Evie but Robin blocked them. "Ooh, quite protective aren't you, Robin Hood?"

"Do not touch my daughter."

"Or what? You'd kill me?" Zelena snorted. "I come here to congratulate you, little sis. My, my, Princess Evie. What a pretty name."

"I want nothing from you." Regina was clear with her mind. Nothing could never even take her happiness away anymore.

"Oh but you shall have it, whether you like it or not." She laughed. Zelena strike them both with her magic, knowing Regina would be somehow defenseless. She won't use her magic around the Princess.

"What did you do?" A strike of relieve somehow flow over her. She and Robin were fine. Evie was fine. Nothing happened.

"You see, Regina; all I ever asked for was to see you suffer. Because of you, Mother abandoned me!" She screamed in distress. "I just gave you a little gift. I always adore how the power of a true love's kiss could conquer anything."

Robin hugged his loved ones closer. He might feel no harm happened but his heart said differently. Something has happened within him and Regina.

"But here's a little twist," She backed up, standing back in the center of the room. "My dearest Regina and Robin, your true love's kiss will never save the day. It would only bring torment; for if you both share a kiss from now on, either one of you will meet their end!

"And this curse will last till the end of time. No power will ever break it."

Regina couldn't help but to strike her sister with her magic. It feels like centuries since she last used it. A purple light glowed from her palm but Zelena easily dodged away. What Zelena did next was less unexpected. With one magical poof, Evie was in her wicked aunt arms.

"Give me back my daughter!" Regina ran towards the witch. She tried not to poof her daughter back, who knows what magic could do to her innocent princess?

"Please, Zelena. Let her out of this. She's just a baby." Her voice softened, almost like giving herself to the witch.

"Are you begging, dear sis?" She laughed, more like mocking. "Because if you are, I like it."

Regina sighed. She always hated to be seen as a vulnerable person. But for the sake of Evie, she would do anything to keep her safe. "Please, Zelena."

"That's more like it." Zelena stroked the baby's cheek. Her smile was unreadable. "But it's too late, dear. Ta!"

She flicked her fingers, sending her sister flew to the back of the ballroom. She hit the wall hard before going limp. Robin grabbed his bow and quickly flew it over the witch. It was too late. A green smoke was circling around and the next thing he knew, The Wicked Witch was gone. All that left were fear, panic, his unconscious wife, and most importantly, a royal christening without the royal baby. Zelena has taken their precious beloved princess, Evie.